Comprehensive Business Report On Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel
Strategic Goals of the Organization
Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel is located in the international city of Sydney. Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel is a chic hotel which is next to the Sydney International Airport. It takes 20 minutes journey by foot to the Airport Hotel. Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel is amongst the biggest restaurants in Sydney since it has well decorated 315 rooms for guests, many shades outside the main Plaza including beige and olive (Briody, Berger & Morrison, 2018). Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel offers a 24-hour service to their customers including hot beverages of tea or coffee maker. Many more facilitates are found within the hotel comprising iPod docking location, flat screen digital television, fitness Centre and free internet access. The organization is operated by multilinguals workers who are influential in speaking Arabic, French, Thai, and Czech. Add on, there are interesting sites within the Hotel which are very attractive to the clients, it includes Taronga Zoo and Bondi Beach (Yanow & Adams, 2018).
This report defines and analyzes the organization culture of the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel. The following areas have been analyzed like structure and strategic goals of the business, the culture of the organization, communication and leadership style practiced in the hotel, teamwork, and motivation carried out within the employees of Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel.
Strategic goals are the plans of Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel which are aiming to achieve in future. These strategies may include short term and long term strategies which the organization is planning to achieve (Spyropoulou, Katsikeas and Morgan, 2018). To achieve these goals successfully the organization is required to design those using different styles. It is also required to use various phases of the goal development and implement them in the right way by allocating required resources for them. Setting measures to monitor the implemented strategies is important since, this will focus on the perfect achievement of the organizational goals (Kotlar, De Massis, Wright & Frattini, 2018). The following are the strategic goals of the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel to be achieved in the future:
- To be a stylish and luxury Restaurant in the city and around the world. This is going to be achieved by offering comfortable and unique services to their customers compared to the other restaurants.
- To make available the best rates in offering customers services. First, the restaurant has no reservation costs and customers save 10% of the cash in this Restaurant compared to others.
- To provide more comfortable and hospitalist guest rooms. This will attract more clients in the hotel, therefore, improving the organization revenue. The hotel must be well decorated and have an attendant in each room who will assist the client.
- To provide the best menu and delicious food and drinks to the customers 24/7. It is aiming to increase the competitive edges of the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel within the market.
- Since the organization is located within the international terminal, is aiming to employ more workers from different background and culture. This will help the organization to attract more customers without any discrimination or culture difference. It will increase the sales of the organization in the future since more customers will be flowing.
- Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel is aiming to provide more services outside the Restaurant services like finesses Centre and others which will attract the customers apart from their main services.
This is the structure which defines the systematic flow of activities in the organization like, allocation of tasks, supervision, and coordination of the allocated jobs. This structure helps the organization to achieve the aiming strategic in a flexible and easy way. Also, organization structure is used to show the hierarchy within the organization. This shows the flow of power and authority from the top management to the lowest level of management in the organization (Smith & Sochor, 2018). This structure shows the flow of mandate form the restaurant ownership and executive committee of chief executive officers on the way to general manager, Executive chef, the front of the House manager and to the general workers of the organization.
Organizational Structure
This is the way an organization is represented using values, beliefs, and assumptions in which business interacts with its employees and customers (Bhalla, Qazi & Miralam, 2018). This describes the behavior of the organization in the market and differentiates it. It is because culture defines organizational uniqueness using values. Organization culture is also used to define the environment in which the business operates to achieve its strategies (Stensaker, 2018). The culture of Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel shares health values between both employees and customers. The following are a core value of the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel:
- The organization respects all peoples in the organization and those who will come at the highest priority.
- Excellence hospitality. Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel is used to offer hospitality services to the customer at a courtesy of high level and honor all guest irrespective of their culture.
- Cultural connection and authenticity. Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel tries best to respect the countries culture in providing food of different traditions in the country and in the world. The organization allows the exchange of different cultures and ideas within the employees and clients.
- Family and teamwork. The whole community is part of the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel family. The organization respects the culture of teamwork and supports the effort of learning and growing talents within the teamwork.
- Ecological and social responsibility. The organization plays other responsibilities outside the organization. It offers social responsibilities to the community like offering support to the social functions and respecting their values.
- Economic sustainability. The operation of Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel aims to plowing back the profit to maintain its operations. The expansion of organization activities creates more opportunities for employment. This improves the economy stability by offering more employment opportunities to individuals of a different culture.
The organization using the above values represents good image in the environment and to its employees. It is recommended since will make Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel achieve its goal easily and maintain a healthy relationship between all parties involved in the success of the business.
Is very important to have effective communication within the organization. Creating an effective decision making in the organization requires an effective communication between all stakeholders of the organization. Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel has exercised effective communication in the organization by creating different channels of communication between the employees, management and the customers (Barbour, Gill & Barge, 2018).
Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel has created several communication channels by using all direction communication within the organization. The potential customers can book accommodation through the organization website and can also pay for the same online using a credit card. This means of communication is effective in Stamford Plaza Sydney since the management is able to implement the customer’s request. It can be made possible through online platform. The organization has created a landline communication system which can be used between the departments of the organization (Kuhn, 2018). For any quarries from customers and employees, the business has a suggestion box which is located at a strategic place within the organization. Use of customer desk services in the organization has improved the communication means between the outsider, new customers and the organization. This desk provides details and information in plenty. Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel also used to hold meeting and conferences which meets the organization’s management and employees for more discussion in decision making. Also, these conferences help the management to interact with the potential customer outside the restaurant.
The analyzes show that the use of effective communication in Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel has been improved in decision making since several ideas are discussed and being implemented using different techniques. This is facilitated by effective consultation among all parties involved only through the use of good communication channel in the organization.
The Organization’s Culture
Leadership is the process of directing people in the organization to achieve the organizational goals. The leaders are supposed to express their leadership in the business by influencing the employee’s behavior and customer perception towards the organization (Mishra, 2018). Leaders are required to motivate employees and give them a clear guide on how to work in the organization. Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel has an effective leadership style which is used in the organization. Democratic and strategic leadership is practiced in Stamford Plaza Sydney restaurant. Democratic leadership promotes communication in all directions meaning up and down communication is practice in decision making. All workers regardless of their categories are also involved in the decision making of the organization (Webb, 2018). Use of strategic leadership in the Stamford Plaza Sydney Restaurant has promoted a means of achieving the future goals using this leadership style. This style uses strategic leaders from all departments regardless their levels in the organization only the aim is to have strategic thinking of the business ideas. These are main leadership style used in Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel among others.
Use of effective leadership style among employees and customers has improved a lot the communication means of the organization ideas and this resulted in the improved decision making of the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel.
Good leadership style in the organization promotes teamwork in the organization always (Ogbonnaya, Tillman & Gonzalez, 2018). This encourages unity and harmony amongst the employees in the workplace despite their differences in background. In the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel, teamwork helps a lot in serving customer well and meeting their needs at greater heights. Also, the use of teamwork in the organization increases trust between employees and produce quality services at the end since, each member in the group motivates each other (Salas, Reyes & McDaniel, 2018). Each department in the Stamford Plaza hotel operates as a team which makes the work simpler. For example, serving team works together with the kitchen team in the restaurant. This helps to improve the services better when serving customers since they are a strong teamwork between the serving and kitchen department.
Employees, customers and the management itself needs to be motivated by the organization due to the good performance of the business. Motivation improves the morale of employees to work hard towards achieving organizational goals (Balven, Fenters, Siegel & Waldman, 2018). To get more loyal and honest customers in the organization, the management is required to motivate regular customers. Rewards are the most effective way can be used by Stamford Plaza Sydney Restaurant to motivate the employees. These can be made available by issuing the gifts and increasing salaries and wages to the most performed employees. The offer of training programs also motivates the workers to performer better than before.
Communication in the Organization
Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel also used to motivate customers through the use of several means like offering a discount to the services, rewarding them using promotional products like T-shirts well-branded organization’s product and offering quality sales after services (Kjeldsen & Hansen, 2018).
Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel is recommended to practice more and more practice in motivating customers and employees since this will create a well and conducive environment among all parties in the organization since they are happy. This culture of motivation is well practiced in the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel as a whole.
The organization, Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel have a good cultural practice towards all parties and stakeholders of the organization. A health and recommended organization culture is used amongst the employees, customers and the management as a whole. This is clearly described using statistics carried out in the following areas: evaluating organizational goals and the structure, organization culture, leadership and teamwork practiced in the organization and finally the motivation of the organization to the stakeholders. The Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel is recommended to use the same strategies and also improve them for the future benefit and enhancement of the organization.
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