Components Of Marketing Orientation And Their Importance For Business Success
Companies has to focus on marketing orientation to have good image in the market and enhance market shares. These aspects of business for enhancing the company image and market share by working on marketing orientation is discussed in this paper and also how these aspects can be worked on so as to enhance market shares ang have good image in market is shared (Dibb and Stern, 2000).
There are various components to which marketing orientation can be related and first of them is customer orientation. Customer orientation is nothing but to have a proper understanding of the customers and value their need and requirements (Peng, Peng and Chang, 2018). It is important for the company to work on this component of marketing orientation because they are the ultimate source who are going to decide the image of the company and value of their products. Customer orientation serves as the root of all other marketing orientations and this is why it is important for the company have proper focus on this component of marketing orientation (Joensuu-Salo et al., 2018).
Sales orientation is another component of marketing orientation and it has to be taken in consideration simultaneously with customer orientation. Out sourcing of products, selling products, maintaining the cash flow are some of the main aspects included in sales orientation. A good sale of company can result in good profit and good sale can be achieved by promoting the products in the market (Grinstein, 2008). Proper promotion can increase the sale and also result in maintaining the good of company in the market. The sales orientation has a relation with the customers as it has been seen that if customers are satisfied then it can be easy to boost the sales and also profits can be attained (Kajalo and Lindblom, 2015). So, it can be noticed that market orientation, customer orientation and sales orientation are interrelated to each other.
For example: It has been seen that FLIPKART focuses on business orientation in which the company started out as the place to purchase the books on the online platform. This strategy is also popular and helps to attain the large market share. The sales of the company can be enhanced if there is a proper sale in the market.
Competition orientation is another component of marketing orientation which is concerned about the marketing strategies and awareness, so as to maintain good image and value of the product in the competitive market. Competition orientation market involves having proper awareness about the products of the other competitors in the market, so as to respond to their strategies and planning (Schulz, Martin and Meyer, 2017). It is very important for the company to have a proper understanding about the market, so that they can modify their products according to the market demand if needed.
Having proper observation on the results of the products sold in the market is important for the company so that if there is any defect or failure in the product, then it can be repaired or cured as early as possible so that it does not have any bad effect on the image of the company in the market (Hooley, Piercy and Nicoulaud, 2012).
For example, a company who has a production of shoes, can improve the quality without increasing the price. If they manage to do so, it can be very advantageous for them to stand out in the competitive market and develop a good image.
Production orientation is also an important an important aspect which has to be kept in mind in order to have good marketing orientation. It is important for the company that a proper coordination should be maintained in the operational works carried out in the company. There has to be a proper coordination between the teams, departments and the employees of the company so as to increase the production rate and maintaining the proper standards of the quality of the product (Goldring, 2015).
Example: It is important for the human resource team to manage the activities so that targets can be attained. Coordination between the different departments whether it may pe machining department or designing or assembly or quality department. If there will be lack in coordination then it may affect the quality of the product and also decrease the rate of production which can cause in the creation of bad image in the market (Wymer, Boenigk and Möhlmann, 2015).
A person form designing department should have proper coordination with the person with machining department. Because it is important to understand the design standards and dimensions of the products in order to machine it in the necessary way, and this can be destroyed if there will be no proper coordination between the people of two department. In maintaining a proper production orientation, it is important for the managers to emphasize and have a proper observation on the manufacturing processes that are being carried during the production process (Liao et al., 2011).
For attaining profits, it can be seen that marketing orientation, is important for the company to focus on the culture of the organization. It is always notice that positive culture brings out positive results and high profits. So, it is important for the company to take this organization culture in concern so that the production processes work smoothly which will results in high productivity and ultimately high profits (Wales, 2016).
An employee with high motivation and interest will always perform best in his or her work. So, companies should always work on strategies and techniques which can create a motivational environment in the organization. Each employee should made to understand his or her value to the company so that he or she feel valued and work with full interest and capability (Arunachalam et al., 2018). Company managers and management team should work on the schemes so as to encourage the employees, for example, company should work on to determine the area of interest of the employee and he or she should be assigned a work according to their field of interest so that they can work with full concentration, interest and capabilities (Tam, 2017). Also providing bonus and increments in the salary can motivate the employees to work hard and effectively. With having a positive, motivational and encouraging culture, a company despite of spending too much on the production cannot have profitable results. So, it is important for the company to maintain a good organizational culture in order to enhance marketing orientation and boost the overall productivity of the company and create high profits (Frösén et al., 2016).
A proper value has to be given to the long-term shareholders of the company so as to enhance the marketing orientation of the company. Valuing the long-term shareholders of the company is very important in terms of business orientation. Market shareholders are sort of a source of capital which is required for the production and manufacturing process. It can be argued that long term creation of the stakeholder can be done or not. But it can be said that it can be done if focus is given on maintaining the overall production level of the company in the competitive market (Piispanen, Paloniemi and Simonen, 2017). To have good image in the competitive market, it is important for the companies to bring out the updated version of the product or produce something that has never been launched in the market before. People or customers use to get attracted to the new things that can fulfill their needs and requirements and also the product that they have never seen before in the market (Laukkanen et al., 2016). So, for attracting the customers, company has to bring out something new in the market and for doing this they would need some capital or other sources, and these capital and sources will be arranged by the long-term shareholders of the company (Le Meunier-FitzHugh and Le Meunier-FitzHugh, 2017).
Marketing orientation, customer orientation and sales orientation are some of the aspects which can help company achieve success. Collecting proper knowledge about the market, understanding the requirements and needs of the customer, executing proper sales techniques can help companies enhance their sale of the product in the market and maintain a good image and value in the competitive market (Raju, Lonial and Crum, 2011). Proper focus on market orientation is important for the company to achieve the goals and standards which they have planned. Having proper culture in the workplace with positive environment, motivation and encouragement also helps in enhancing the production rate and the quality of the product which ultimately enhance the value of the product in the market (Hussain, Shah and Khan, 2017).
It can be concluded from the paper that marketing orientation, sales orientation, customer orientation, organizational culture, competition orientation and valuing the shareholders are the most important components to be worked on to enhance business orientation. A company has to emphasize on the factors like customer relationship, organizational culture, coordination in the workplace, sales strategies in order to enhance the value of their product and maintain a good image in the competitive market. And these components can help in achieving the goals and targets that company desired to achieve.
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