Complexity And Ambiguity In Organizational Behavior

Concept of Leadership

Discuss about the Complexity and Ambiguity in Organizational Behavior.

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The main aim of this reflective report is to demonstrate the role of leadership in an organization. It discusses the journey of leadership as well as leadership concept. It also deliberates the theories and models of leadership. It represents the self-awareness techniques like SWOT and MBIT, which can be imperative to analyze the individual personality. It also shows the recommendation that will be required for future development. This reflective report also discusses the action plan from improving the weakness in estimated time.              

When I started college, I was always timid and afraid to let my opinions be heard. I did not understand the exact path to follow in life, because I had not fully discovered myself. With this research, I can assess how a successful person handles leadership and also I will be able to analyze the leadership journey of a fellow student thus mentor them into being the best leader they can be. The focus will not be only for me and my fellow student, but I will also look into skills of conveying information, effective communication, and building of relationships. I also make sure I have analyzed the cultures advocated by organizations and nations and how they influence the ideas I have for effective leadership. Lastly, it will be now possible in my opinion to apply the information acquired from the philosophies of effective leadership actually to find meaning and comprehend my reflections and feedback. Ultimately, I would have taken a step higher in understanding myself better which is the most important aspect of leading people since without self-awareness one cannot be productive in leadership.

The worst feeling is when one has the greatest urge of making a revolution of people or a place through mobilization (Braun, 2017, p. 35). But at the end of the day, they keep it low and just bite their tongue without realizing they have failed because of fear of intimidation, competition, irrationality, inferiority, and lack of confidence in themselves. Last year, if someone told me that I would speak of my opinions freely in public and mobilize people, I would not have believed them. However, as of today, I firmly believe that experiences change people.  As a person, I can discover the areas that I am strong in and the areas that I am weak in, as a process of self-awareness. 

Leadership Models and Theories

During my freshman year, we were tasked with developing a website for our college, as a class where the teacher assigned us groups. Each group was given a specific section to handle. The website had to be attractive enough to capture the attention of the target audience. Since the assignment was to be carried out by groups, it seemed exciting at first but the group where I was in, was a bit confusing and chaotic. This is because no one understood himself or herself well enough to lead and even worse, we did not know each other well. So one day when researching on the assigned topic, one member made a comment that really offended another member. As a result, an argument arose, and because of their ego, the two ended up in a fight. That day I had foregone a two-hour well-paying job to attend the group work. I felt offended as anger burned inside me and headed to where my two group members were. I made efforts to unite them and told them that they had to understand each other’s personalities. Additionally, I elaborated that even though conflicting a part of the successful meeting, the meeting loses a grip when it gets personal and physical.

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Despite my efforts to remain calm and one point I lost my temper and gave them an ultimatum that if they hated each other, they should walk away and go on hating on each other and fail the test or stay and resolve their differences. From then on I became the team leader as it happened automatically because of the incident, something that I didn’t expect. Through this event, I discovered one of my strengths which is a skill in the confrontation. This is the required skill when everyone is tensed or under pressure (Karamustafa, 2016, p. 6). Throughout the days of discussion, there was no other chaotic event. From then on, we chose someone confident enough to stand before everyone and present our work during the day of submission. However, on that day the chosen member did not turn up, so the group chose me to present. From the past experiences, I knew I was the worst presenter there could ever be. When I took the stage all the tensions, I had ever felt in all the years of my life arose as I looked at all those faces I always feared to address. In spite of that, I forgot about everything else except what I was taught on the subject of charming a crowd, demanding attention and of course everything about the website we created.

After the presentation, everyone cheered me, and the teacher gave me fantastic comments about my performance. After that day, I started to feel good about myself more and more because the feedback I got from my job was encouraging. My four group members were people that I would always remember on my leadership journey, as they contributed a lot to my growth as the leader as team members. My computer teacher is also a participator in my journey as a leader because she encouraged me to do more with the leadership skills that I had acquired. On this account, I discovered my style of leadership style, my level of cultural intelligence, my level of emotional intelligence, my strengths, traits, and values (Lussier., 2016, p. 12).

The main thing I found about myself through the research is my leadership style which is being a charismatic or democratic leader.  A democratic leader is one who allows democracy in decision making. He involves others in decision making. He has emotional intelligence and emphasizes with others. He is reasonable and slow in action. It is an inborn trait enforced by education. They are the best leaders in the world whether they are leaders in organizations, institutions or countries (Alapo, 2016, p. 18).

I crated my awareness about the self-awareness techniques, which will be needed to analyze our personality. I learned that MBIT (Myers-Brigs Type Indicator) can be imperative to our personality appropriately.  

To increase self-awareness, I studied the personality of Pope Francis as a democratic leader. He is highly reasonable, has got emotional intelligence, empathizes with others, does not regard himself higher than others, and allows other people’s opinions to be heard even though he is their head (Pendleton & Furnham, 2016). To prove that he is a real democratic leader, he gathers a group of eight cardinals to ask for advice on how he would deal with same-sex marriages, as religious leader. That step was regarded as the most significant step in church history for over ten centuries, making him legend in the role that he has been designated to. He also visits a prison and washes the feet of a prisoner who is Muslim. That act showed humility in his service to humanity. Thereupon, Pope has charmed not only the Christian community but the whole world since he has attracted millions of non-Catholic admirers by dynamically acting in a new direction. On this account am a great admirer of Pope and his doings as a charismatic leader, and he is the one that I look up to.

My fellow students Claire and Alex were my partners, and they provided a critical analysis of my journey as a leader, and I am determined to do the same for them. For Claire, she is an authoritative leader whereby she is highly skilled and has an inborn leadership spirit that helps her influence others to work hard even when it is against their will. She tends to make all the decisions by herself in a team. She does not give room for criticism because she is against the idea of someone assessing her leadership journey. She dictates the work done by her team members because on the first day with her fast speaking style of a speech she directed us to submit our assessments and details at her own specific timings and methods.

SWOT evaluation can use by an individual to analyze the internal personality of themselves for improving their personality and eliminate the weakness.

The Claire’s type of leadership is very influential on low key people, although it makes things go fast during task execution (Heilmann et al., 2016, p. 29). However, it makes other group members feel discouraged to voice their opinions unlike for the charismatic style of leadership. To improve on this, Claire has to humble a bit and consider that there are people around her with wonderful solutions and bright ideas. Also, she should make sure that she develops a good relationship with her teammates to understand them fully and know their values and opinions. She should ensure that at the end of every meeting, she allows her team members to voice their opinions and comments on the proceedings of the meeting.  With ambition, wit, intelligence, strategy, influence and effective decision making without support by teammates, one cannot make it (EBSCO Publishing Firm, 2017).

For Alex, his style of leadership is Leissez Faire or a free reign leader. He makes his group members feel at liberty to say or do anything at their timing and method. He is the type of leader who has the best relationship with his team members because they do not feel controlled. He does not give instructions or make decisions for them and most of the time; he delegates her work to them, which raises the motivation of her team members to a whole new level. However, she makes his group fail, because she does not monitor the task execution, although he is initiative, she does not give his team members any feedback. Also, one cannot leave her subordinates to do all the work without supervision because it causes laxity and absenteeism (Firm EBSCO Publishing, 2017, p. 13). Such a leader in any organization causes poor performance because of the do not care attitude (Mosley & Schmidt, 2017, p. 48). Such kind of a leader leads to failure because there are no deadlines or plans for the team’s management (Films Media Group & Teletime Video, 2016).

Alex’s type of leadership is poor leadership. To develop better results with his work, Alex should make sure that she organizes himself before team meetings in order to ensure that he has planned out a work plan in which his group members will follow. With planning, he will be able to strategize and thus win at the end regarding effective production and tangible outcomes. He should make sure that he creates a route plan in which is supposed to follow during supervision to ensure that his team members are up to speed with the requirements of the task at hand.

National and organizational culture is the way of life of a group of employees belonging to a specific organization, and several factors influence the same. The main factor affecting organizational culture is how the management handles its operations. If the organizations operate its functions in a free reign manner, then the employees will act in the same way.  Also, the type of business that the organization handles deeply affects organizational culture because of various aspects such as types of markets, types of customers, the kind of government regulations and the kind of environment. The different types of businesses are; advertising agencies, distribution organizations, public relations agencies and the list is endless because of emerging inventions and technologies (Wilson, 2017). Last but not least, the working environment affects the culture of an organization because of aspects such as; trust, advocacy of the client, communication integrity, learning and growth attitudes and positive team environment.

Some of the communication skills that are effective in building relationships and mentoring of people along different cultures are: first, understand people.  No matter where they are from and also being open to them about your own background and story and not only the issues you can relate with but also the issues that they can relate to (Editors of Salem Press, 2017). Also when communicating, one should ensure that the message is short, straight to the point and understandable by the target audience. The media through which the message is conveyed should also be considered because one may send a message using social media, but the audience is not conversant with the same.

The theories of effective leadership are six in number. One is the trait theory that characterizes an effective leader by the use of five different traits. I have four of them and my weak spot comes in on the self-confidence part as one of the trait. The others are, ambition, intelligence, motivation and integrity (Breeding, 2017). Two is behavioral theory which categorizes a leader into three styles of leadership which are, authoritative, charismatic and leissez faire in which I fall in the send category as stated. The other one is situational theory where I experienced it during my first encounter with situations needing leadership where I took the chance when no one was there to fill the gap as given in my story above. Four, there is the fielder’s contingency theory where a leader’s behavior is determined in the way he deals with his employees for instance (Firm EBSCO Publishing, 2017, p. 17). I discovered that I am able to deal with my teammates effectively because of my social skills. Five, is the path-goal theory that determines the influence of a leader on his subordinates (Seijts & MacMillan, 2017, p. 22). Lastly, we get to the transformational theory where the leader is seen as revolutionary person who influences his teammates to change even when they do not want to (Nandram & Bindlish, 2017, p. 42)


As per the above interpretation, it can be summarized that knowledge about leadership style could be effective for leader due to inspiring team member in the specified time and cost. It can also be concluded that values could be significant to meet the specified task of team in an ethical manner. Finally, it can be interpreted that SWOT and MBIT can also be imperative for a leader to evaluate the behavior of person.


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