Complete Business Management Plans And Microsoft Project For Software Development Project

Quality Management Plan

The report is used for the description of a project that is associated with a development of a Library management system for the New York Central Library. The Library is situated at the central area of the states and also the current procedures in the library is done manually and there rises a need for the development of an information system that would help the management of the books and the readers that are associated with the system. The organization is a small one consisting of around 25 staffs within the library who shares the workload with themselves and also do the paper works within themselves.

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The report provides the full project management plan for the library management system for the organization. The quality management plan, the communication plan, the human resource plan and the risk management plan for the system is provided below.

All the necessary information which are required for the management of the quality of the Library Management system which is to be implemented for the New York Central Library has been documented in this part of the report. The Quality management plan development is done in the Planning Phase of the project. The audience for whom the report is intended are mainly the project manager, project team, project team and the project sponsors who would be able to carry out the project.



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Quality Responsibility

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Project Manager

Monitoring and maintaining project quality

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Front end developer

Maintaining the quality of the user interface

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Back end developer

Maintaining the quality of the source code

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Project Team Member

Developing the data for the audits

[Please Fill]

Team Lead

Quality Audits




[Industry recognized benchmarks]

Visual Studio

The tool is used for the development of the front end of the system.

Microsoft SQL Server

The Microsoft SQL Server is used for the development of the database of the library


 Language is selected for the integration of the front end and the back end.

For the maintenance of the quality of the project quality planning is to be done and some milestones for the quality check of the project is set at the start of the project for the development of the project intended by the organization. It is important the delivered system to the organization should be able to provide an efficient user interface and provide the required functionalities to the users.

The project team should be able to develop the documentation for the project and all the methods and the processes that were applied for the project has to be well documented. In addition to this the acceptance criteria set by the librarians and the other users.

Some milestones are to be developed for the deployment of the project that would be used for the measurement of the project quality and some acceptance criteria are to be developed for the project.

After the milestones for the Library management system has been set up, the measurement of the progress of the project is done on the basis of the milestones set for the project.

The quality Assurance process uses some metrics that are established and the progress of the project is checked against this metrics to make sure that the quality of the project is met and the required checklist of the project is achieved.

The quality of the project is analysed and tested so that they can take information of the milestones in the project that have been met already.

After the analysis of the project is performed the drawbacks of the system are identified and the project quality is determined. The areas where the drawbacks are occurring in the project are to be improved so that the implemented functionalities are implemented effecently.

Human Resources Management Plan

For the quality control process of the project the quality checklist id to be maintained which would be helpful for the project team for the maintenance of the prime quality for the project.

The roles and responsibilities for the people involved in the project are provided below:



Project Manager

The project manager is mainly responsible for the success of the project of Library management system. They also approve the major steps which are to be taken in the project. Posting the status of the project in front of all the other team members is also a very important part of responsibility for the project manager.

Front End Designer

The front end designer would be gathering all the designs of the project and creating the designs for the system.  

The implementing engineer

The engineer who would be implementing the system would be distributing the jobs among the project team and also would be upgrading, coding and testing the system. They would also provide some assistance to the designer as to what are the designs in which they would like to implement their system.

Functional Manager

The functional Manager would be providing the resources for the project staff planning and determining the set of skill sets that would be required for the development of the project.

The organizational chart for the project has been described below:

 The staffs’ management process involves a number of procedures:

Staffs Acquisition: The project of the development of the Library management system would be done with the resources that are available within the organization. The in-house staffs would be able to develop the system. The main librarian would act as the project manager and the other staffs in the library would be involved in the other roles, such as the interface designer, the backend developer and the other aspects of system development.

Resource Calendars: The resource calendars would be lasting for around 5 weeks and the resources which are required for the dev elopement of the system. The resources would be in-house and hence there won’t be additional requirement for formation of a team and neither would there be any requirement of signing off the team. Hence, they would be performing their task within this 5-week time as there would not be any additional time required for the initiation phase of the project. The project schedule is a part of the Resource calendar as described below:

Task Name




Library management project

47 days

Mon 19-11-18

Tue 22-01-19

   Project Design Phase

11 days

Mon 19-11-18

Mon 03-12-18

      Project Initiation Phase

7 days

Mon 19-11-18

Tue 27-11-18

         Meeting among the in-house staffs

4 days

Mon 19-11-18

Thu 22-11-18

         Identification of system requirements

3 days

Fri 23-11-18

Tue 27-11-18

         Identification of the Hardware and Software Requirements

2 days

Fri 23-11-18

Mon 26-11-18

      Human Resource Management Phase

5 days

Tue 27-11-18

Mon 03-12-18

         Identification of the required personnel

4 days

Tue 27-11-18

Fri 30-11-18

         Assembling the project team

5 days

Tue 27-11-18

Mon 03-12-18

   Project implementation phase

17 days

Tue 04-12-18

Wed 26-12-18

      Interface Designing Phase

5 days

Tue 04-12-18

Mon 10-12-18

      Database Designing phase

6 days

Tue 11-12-18

Tue 18-12-18

         Data Collection

6 days

Tue 11-12-18

Tue 18-12-18

         DDL Designing

5 days

Tue 11-12-18

Mon 17-12-18

      Backend Process Integration

6 days

Wed 19-12-18

Wed 26-12-18

   Project Maintenance Phase

12 days

Thu 27-12-18

Fri 11-01-19

      Risk Management

7 days

Thu 27-12-18

Fri 04-01-19

         Risk Identification and analysis

7 days

Thu 27-12-18

Fri 04-01-19

         Risk Mitigation

6 days

Thu 27-12-18

Thu 03-01-19

      Implementing Maintenance

6 days

Fri 04-01-19

Fri 11-01-19

         Design Maintenance

6 days

Fri 04-01-19

Fri 11-01-19

         Allocate Personnel

4 days

Fri 04-01-19

Wed 09-01-19

   Project Delivery Phase

9 days

Thu 10-01-19

Tue 22-01-19

      Uploading Project

4 days

Thu 10-01-19

Tue 15-01-19

      Project Documentation

5 days

Thu 10-01-19

Wed 16-01-19

      Project Sign-off

5 days

Wed 16-01-19

Tue 22-01-19

Performance Review: The performance of each of the project team member would be reviewed by the project manager and the activities of each of the project team member would have to be evaluated by the project manager and the evaluation would result in the project manager taking possible actions for the remedy for the underperforming team members. In addition to this, the functional manager would also be able to perform a performance review formal in nature for each of the team member of the project team.

Purpose of Communication Plan

The main purpose for the development of an efficient communication plan is to develop a method by which they would be able to communicate and the exchange their views efficiently within the organization. The development of an efficient communication plan is very necessary for any type of project. The main motive for the development of the communication plan is to provide the communication plan to the project managers, project sponsors and the seniors.

The main stakeholders identified for the Library management system are listed below:







[Please Fill]

Project Manager


Reports and Monitoring

Face to Face Meeting

The project manager is the most important personnel of the project

[Please Fill]

Functional Manager


Reports and Analysis

Emails and Phone

The functional is an important part of the project

[Please Fill]

Front end developer




The front end developer is responsible for delivering the required interface for the project

[Please Fill]



Monitoring and Feedback

Face to Face Meeting

The librarian would be providing the feedback for the project and would provide prior instruction wherever helpful.

[Please Fill]

Database Administrator



Face to Face Meeting

The database administrator would be collecting the data for the project and also creating the database.

[Please Fill]

Back end Developer



Face to Face Meeting

The back end developer of the project would be integrating the project together.

The project communication matrix is used for the development of the communication plan that would be helpful for directing the project:









Status Report

All the stakeholders of the project

The project status would be helpful for the other stakeholders of the project


[Please Fill]



The status update is very important part for any type of project.

Project sign up

The owner of the project

Signing up of the project would involve the owners handing over the rights to complete the project to the project manager

At the start of the project

[Please Fill]

Face to face interaction


The project manager would take up the instruction of conducting the project from the librarian.

Project Sign Off

All the stakeholders of the project

The project sign off plan would consist of the project team delivering the project to the owners

At the end of the project

[Please Fill]

Face to face interaction


The project manager would be delivering the project to the New York Central Library.

Progress Report

The owner of the project

The project manager would inform the project owner about the progress of the project


[Please Fill]



The library owner would be delivered with the progress report for the project.

The meetings which would be taking place for the project are described in the table provided below:







Status Meeting

The status meeting would send the status of the project to all the others involved in the project.


[Please Fill]


All the stakeholders

Project Initiation

The initial meeting would take place in between the project manager and the Librarian


[Please Fill]


Project Manager, owners, Librarians

Project Delivery

The project is to be delivered to the library owners


[Please Fill]


Project Manager, Owners

The Risk Management Plan is used for the identification of the risks which arises from the development of the project after assessing the project and also identification of the risk that can arise from the project during the implementation of the project. The outline for the project would be analysed reviewed and the risk management plan would be implemented.

The project manager would be working along with his team to ensure that all the risks in the project are identified, analysed and some mitigation process are developed within the organization that would be minimizing the impact of the risk on the project.

The identification of the risks for the library management would include all owners, all the stakeholders associated with the project and the project team would be analysing the project in the design and implementation phase. A large number of factors are to be kept in mind during the development of the risk mitigation plan. Considering all the risks in the project a risk management log is to be created.  The major risks identified in the project are:

  • Inexperienced Staff
  • Unsecured Data Transfer
  • Staff Authentication
  • Invalid Content

The analysis of the risks for the library management system would be identified in two sectors, the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis.

Qualitative analysis: The qualitative analysis of the risks which are involved in the project generally involves the process of defining the probability of the risk and the impact of the risk:


  • High – Greater than <70%> probability of occurrence
  • Medium – Between <30%> and <70%> probability of occurrence
  • Low – Below <30%> probability of occurrence


  • High – The risks which would be directly impacting the project cost and schedule.
  • Medium – The risks that would have a minor effect on the cost and schedule of the project.
  • Low – The risks that would have no effect on the cost and schedule of the project.

Library Management System

3 – High

 Unsecured Data Transfer

Staff Authen tication

2 – Medium

Inexperienced Staffs 

1 – Low

 Invalid Content









Quantitative analysis: The quantitative analysis involves the analysis of the risks that are prioritized during the qualitative risk analysis process. The response for the risks would be applied based on the analysis performed on the risks.

The major risks for the project that are highly probable would be assigned to the project team and the team would be planning the mitigation process of the risks. Each of the major risks which has been identified in the project would mitigated by adopting the following approaches.

  • Avoiding the risk- This involves the mitigation of the risk by avoid the cause of it.
  • Mitigation of the risk- This involves identification of the risk to reduce the probability of the risk.

The project team for the Library Management system would be listing the top 10 risks of the identified risks and the status of risk would be reported and sent for mitigation. In addition to this, all the changes that are to be done in the project should not be done with prior approval from the higher authorities who are involved in the project.


For conclusion it can be said that the Library Management System that is to be implemented for the New York Central Library which would help them in making the procedures of the organization automated. The report has been used for the description of the project for the development of the Library Management system. The full project management plan for the library management system for the organization has been described in the report. The quality management plan, the communication plan, the human resource plan and the risk management plan for the system is provided has been provided in the report. The Library Management System would be very important development for the organization and hence the report would act as an efficient document for the project that is to be developed.

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Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute.

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