Complementary Business Innovations For Project Advancement
Purpose of report
Discuss about the Complementary Business Innovations for Project Advancement.
The main purpose of this report or rather project is to appreciate that solar energy is not being used in many households currently. The renewable energy has been selected in this project because the advancement of the words power requires the solar energy in addition to the available modes of electricity. The study was undertaken to determine the uses of solar energy more specifically in households. The use of solar energy in most households is determined by the viability of the amount of solar insolation I addition to the climatic conditions. For instance, during winter it is very hard to use solar energy. Most people want to use the most reliable source of electricity.
The projects also seek to analyse the advantages of solar energy, the environmental impact it has, the long run term as well as try too suave most of the population into using solar energy. A comparison will be made between the costs of the normal power source as to that of solar energy.
Most management researchers have put their attention into looking on how new practices and use of new innovations by an economy. The studies are aimed at looking the imperative nature of new innovations and their effectiveness in either improving or stagnating the economic status of a certain country. The use of solar in households can be very imperative steps that will create more job opportunities as well reduce the cost of power. The adoption of such process is not only suitable for organizational and national economic growth but very instrumental in the creation of wealth.
Interviews conducted different areas are also presented for the project to establish the real cause of not using solar energy despite the advantages it presents to economy as well as the environment. Recommendations from the research are made in and conclusively, the paper seeks to encourage more and more households to embrace solar energy as opposed to electricity.
There are very few firms or even organizations providing solar panels currently. This is attributed to climatic conditions. The duration that lasts for some time will render the employees jobless and the eventual closer of their services. Making some people has temporary jobs yet they need to pay bills and send their children to school. The unreliable nature of the solar energy makes it less attractive to potential investors which in turn the availability of a readily available market in most cases is very low.
Context of perceived problem
The individuals involved may not fully grasp the concept of adapting to a new way of getting power and this includes the kind of rationales involved. The study therefore would only be possible if the right method of research is used that is survey through the conduction of interviews to various homes. Survey as a method of research is inconsequential because it mainly involves predetermined items which actually may be very different because of different responses from totally diverse experiences.
Alternatively, if the items used are open and subjective to discussion, then the interpretations well as the reliability becomes another monumental problem. Contrary, if another method is used, let’s say qualitative case, the individuals involved in the research will be given an opportunity to share their own epilogues Damanpour et al.,(2009) subsequently, giving the researchers a chance to also probe what the respondents say to establish if it’s something to go with. The method also allows the researcher to only on the area of interest and do away with what may seem irrelevant Eisenhardt,(1989); Hoskisson,et al,. (1999)
The other methodology used while conducting the research was the critical analysis of previous academic research papers as well as physical interviews from individuals. Subsequently the limitations encountered during the study as well as the research make the report quite variable because most of the data gathered is from different perceptive which may differ or may tally depending on what they prefer on their own context.
The study adopted the methodology of survey so as to establish key reasons as to why most people are not yet using solar panels despite the fact they are easily available and technology can be manipulated to fit their desires however complex they might be. This study therefore primarily focuses on the strengths of using solar energy as opposed to the normal electricity found in our households.
The study comprises of student or primarily the researchers, investors, electricians and technologists.
The determinant of the use renewable energy in households is highly placed in the effectiveness as well as the advancement of the new technologies. Studies show that, the incorporated light emitting diodes (LEDS) and the lamps that use HPS are advanced in details and therefore suitable for use in households serving different purposes such as lighting, cooking, watching television and even for washing. There are large amounts of power that is required in order to serve all the mentioned purposes as such, very large solar arrays in addition to a battery bank is required in order to sustain the high pressure needed and subsequently a battery bank that will be able to last the whole winter session. Secondly, since the power demand will change drastically; therein there will be needed to reduce the demand of the power without necessarily requiring a new bulb that is special in any way. The bulbs should be able to incorporate and adapt easily to the high efficient balance. The cost of bulbs will increase but also the number of days it will last increases proportionately. The only best way to control the cost is to ensure that at the designing level, cost should be decreased in order to select the best equipment.
Methodology (ies) and Limitations
Within the case study for each household, the research personnel steered their interviews within a wide range of households, electricians and technologists. This is because they play a major role in ensuring that the solar energy is used in their homes and they control the regulations. In total our research team interviewed a total of ten individuals. The interviews lasted for two to three hours each.
Nevertheless, Mol and Birkinshaw (2009. p.1269) notice that the reports done on the topic are scanty more especially when looking it at the level of analysing a firm or organization. Additionally, the perception of comprehending the implementation of the laws that regards the use of solar energy and the consequences that will be faced when they are effectively instigated into practice. On the other hand, Battisti and Iona (2009) argue that the traditional use of power from turbines, the ownership of power plants and the existing market competition are the main factors that can be looked into for answers why most households are not using solar energy as their main source power. They therefore suggest that it is very essential to deliberate on the substitute enlightenments that seek to give comprehensive analysis on the reasons..
The solar lamp is usually determined by the number of watts required by the solar panel in addition to the batteries. The panel rating will be used to establish the number of batteries as well as the kind of controller that essential to put up with the pressure of handling voltage and the current outputs. In the research, 100-watt sodium bulb was chosen because it provides the needed 9500 by a household in order to use a solar panel. The amount of energy used is also determined by the number of amp the batter will use in days without the need to recharge. There is deep-cycle type of batteries that use lead acid gel. They are also designed in a way they can comfortably handle the strain that comes with recharging, they also have a longer life span that can range up to seven years. The might therefore, cannot match that of the regular solar panel that lasts up to three years. Conclusively, the prototype design is the most suitable design for solar panel. The fact that it can last longer, it will encourage more and more households to switch to renewable energy as opposed to hydroelectric power that we are used to.
Team composition
After careful evaluation, the report brings out the realization that the main problem is to convince the general population on the advantages of solar energy. It will take the power of technologists and electricians to come on board and talk about in language they can understand and adapt to the suggestion more easily. Another problem is how to convince investors and business person to take up on the prototype designs of solar panels. Entrepreneurs are great risk takers, however, some of these risks seem not be worthwhile.
Constant with other researches, the researchers adopted interview questions that are normally used in such sessions which was guided by a prior literature guide .The agenda of the questions were structured n a way that sought to know the main reasons as why most households were not using the solar energy. How they reached to a conclusion that electricity from turbines was the best. How they were planning to adopt the new change and that includes the dates when they will start using the solar energy and if relevant when the house holds would stop using electricity.
All interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data was coded using the tabular layouts using the word processing system that allows coding while accessing it (Strauss and
Corbin, (1990). The data was well categorized so as to make it easy to read and the word processing package allowed the addition of more information.
The use of solar panel is greatly affected by the geographical location of an area. For instance, households that experience strong winds and frequent torrential rains can only be advised to adopt to the use of hydroelectric power and wind turbines. Areas that have coals will use geothermal power. Where sun experienced in longer periods, the solar energy can be encouraged vehemently.
Phase 2: What if? Developing solution concept
Investors and interested parties have to go into the market and look at the available data on solar panels. This will help them in formulating a hypothesis so that they can invest on it wisely. Wiping away the current solar panels may render closure to some manufactures Benders (2006). Therefore, it was also suggested that the manufacturers to be given a chance to voice out their opinions. They can also be given time to be able to come up with the suggested type of design. This means that their employees will have to undergo some training to sharpen their skills and improve on what they know. Sales executives will also be required to go for training to learn the new features of the suggested design.
Phase 1: What is? Understanding the problem
A period of test will be allowed and a hundred households will participate in the trial process. The trial period will take two months more especially during summer when the sun is always up on the sky. After the period elapses, interviews will be conducted to ascertain the kind of experience these households had. For the feedback to be viable, the households were carefully selected according to the number of electrical appliances they have in addition to the amount of time they spend in their homes. The family number was also put into consideration.
The feedback was as follows.
Households with more electrical appliances: the voltage used was slightly higher but the watts of the prototype design solar panel were able to sustain the pressure quite well.
On the other hand, there are households that used a very small amount of voltage therein saving more energy and ruling out the chanced of recharging their batteries in less than four days. This is a very positive feedback thus encouraging more and more households to cut on the electricity costs and use the money on other projects that are meant to make life more comfortable.
Conclusively, the renewable energy seems to be a untapped gold in most countries because of the lack of technology know how in addition to few investors in the area. More importantly, there are very few households who use solar power. This is because of many assumptions that mostly misconceptions. Solar energy if well harnessed can create employment opportunities to a very large number of people.
The report offers no recommendations until when the solar power has been used.
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