Competency Demonstration: Communicating Mission, Team Building, & Personal Competence
Elements for Competency Demonstration
In this document, you will find the criteria that are required to become competent in this unit. For further information on each element, you can refer to the Assessment Matrix. Included in this document are the elements for the unit, critical aspects of assessment and required skills and knowledge, as well as an assessment tool definition list and the crucial observation and third-party check lists. As well as all the areas covered here, each student must also complete all workbook activities, case studies and major activities, where stated, to become competent within this unit.
NOTE – Re-assessment:
Students will have maximum two (2) reassessments attempts if competency is not achieved on the first instance.
The final grade of ‘C’ for Competent or ‘NC’ for Not Competent is only given at the completion of the unit of competency when all components or parts of the assessment are graded as ‘S’ for Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory results are marked as NS.
Elements for Competency Demonstration
Elements for Competency Assessment:
1.Communicate organisational mission and goals
2.Influence groups and individuals
3.Build and support teams
4.Demonstrate personal and professional competence
Performance Evidence:
Evidence of the ability to use interpersonal and risk management skills to:
ØClearly communicate the organisation’s objectives, values and standards to a range of stakeholders using appropriate media and language
ØInfluence, support and provide resources for individuals and groups to: participate in consultations and decision-making processes contribute to innovation and improvements achieve their responsibilities and objectives
ØFacilitate consultative decision-making processes with relevant internal and external stakeholders
ØDemonstrate ethical conduct and professional competence and continuing professional development
ØEncourage others to adopt business ethics and build their commitment to the organisation
ØActively looks for and accepts ways to maintain and improve own skills and knowledge
ØEvaluates and integrates facts and ideas to construct meaning from a range of text types
ØRecords and reports key information related to the outcomes of the job to interact effectively and appropriately with the team
ØResearches, plans and prepares documentation using format and language appropriate to the audience
Oral communication
ØParticipates in a variety of spoken exchanges with clients, co-workers and stakeholders using structure and language appropriate to context and audience
Navigate the world of work
ØWorks autonomously making high level decisions related to the achievement of organisational goals
ØReflects on designation of roles and responsibilities and how everyone’s role contributes to broader organisational goals
ØAppreciates the implications of ethical and other organisational responsibilities in carrying out own role
Interact with others
ØDemonstrates sophisticated control over oral, visual and/or written formats, drawing on a range of communication practices to achieve goals
ØIdentifies strengths and limitations of own interpersonal skills and addresses areas that would benefit from further development
ØRecognises the importance of building rapport to establish effective working relationships and inspire trust and confidence
ØCollaborates and cooperates with others, playing an active role in leading and facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction
ØFacilitates a climate in which others feel comfortable to identify, explore and build on a variety of perspectives to achieve shared outcomes
Performance Evidence
Get the work done
ØAccepts responsibility for planning and sequencing complex tasks and workload of self and others, negotiating key aspects with others considering capabilities, efficiencies and effectiveness
ØApplies problem solving processes to identify risks, evaluate options and determine solutions
ØFacilitates a climate in which creativity and innovation are accepted as an integral part of achieving outcomes
ØActively identifies systems, devices and applications with potential to meet current and/or future needs
Knowledge Evidence:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
ØExplain business ethics and their application to leadership
ØOutline leadership styles and their application in supporting the organisation’s mission, objectives and values
ØExplain the impact of legislation in providing leadership in the organisation
ØExplain the organisation’s mission, purpose and values
ØDescribe organisation objectives, plans and strategies
ØExplain organisational change processes
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:
ØRelevant legislation, regulation, standards and codes
ØRelevant workplace documentation and resources
ØCase studies and, where possible, real situations
ØInteraction with others
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
Any observations and practical assessments must be recorded in the observation checklist. All practical tasks should be demonstrated during the length of the course. As the instructor you must maintain a record demonstrating the date of the practical activities and any comments relevant to the performance of each student. Where a student is not able to demonstrate competence in a practical observation activity, further questioning should be put in its place.
As the instructor, you could be assessing the student’s literacy, numeracy and language skills, as well as the content and context of his/her answers.
In some cases, you will have to adjust and amend the assessment tools, using different and varied methods (such as oral assessment), to allow students to be assessed according to their needs and abilities.
Assessment Tool Definitions
Assessment Tool How is it used? What is it?
Learner Workbook Activities
(Entire completion is required) Each student should be given a Learner Workbook which will hold several activities, both formative and summative, that all need to be completed in conjunction with the appropriate sessions. The PowerPoint, Learner Guide and instructor should provide further information to help with the activities.
(To be completed for each numbered point as stated on the checklist) An observation should be completed for each of the students by the instructor. If the tasks aren’t everyday actions, a simulated environment is acceptable, or a demonstration can be set up. An observation checklist can be found at the end of this document.
Major Activity
(Entire completion is required) A Major Activity is a summative assessment and can be found in the Learner Workbook, after all the activities are completed. This is an extended piece of summative assessment which should take anywhere between 1-2 hours and every student should complete this work. It is a requirement for each unit to check knowledge and understanding.
Skills and Knowledge Activity
(Entire completion is required) A Skills and Knowledge Activity is a summative assessment and is found before the Major Activity in the Learner Workbook. This should take between 1-2 hours and every student should complete this work. It is a requirement for each unit to check knowledge and understanding of the foundation skills and knowledge evidence.
Third Party
(To be completed for each numbered point as stated on the checklist) A Third-Party checklist is very similar to an Observation Checklist in its format, but it can be completed by someone who works with the learner and has witnessed them completing tasks which coincide with the elements of the unit. The checklist can be found at the end of this document.
Case Study
(Entire completion is required) Not all units will have Case Studies but those that do will be clearly stated within the PowerPoint and the Learner Workbook. It will appear as any other activity, but it will be named ‘Case Study’ and will provide an example of a possible real-life situation for the learner to read, interpret and then answer questions on.
Learner Guide
(To be used as an informational guide) The Learner Guide links with the Learner Workbook as it provides the information given during sessions and more. It can help students to further their knowledge and to also complete the activities.
Evidence Document
(Not a necessity for completion of unit but can be used as an aid or to collect further evidence) The Evidence Document lists all the Elements and Performance Criteria with an area for written reports etc, to add evidence to the student’s portfolio. It can be used for any of the performance criteria, especially those which may not have been covered by any other assessment tool. The student can circle several the criteria that they may feel they need further evidence of or it can be used as a guide for completing further Observations and Third-Party reports.
Throughout this unit, the learner will be expected to show their competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the formative and summative assessments found in the Learner Workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:
Demonstration is off-the-job
A demonstration will require:
ØPerforming a skill or task that is asked of you
ØUndertaking a simulation exercise
Observation is on-the-job
The observation will usually require:
ØPerforming a work-based skill or task
ØInteraction with colleagues and/or customers
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Each task must be observed. You will need to ensure you provide the learner with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the task. You will also need to inform the learner of the time they have to complete the task; this will once again vary, depending on the task.