Competency And Trait Reflection
It is not a very uncommon phenomenon to orient a person into believing that they know not about themselves better than someone else does, or at least that someone else has the potential to make one realize of what one could be in reality. That is not something which I consider as always carrying the weight of a negative value judgement, like it is an attempt on part of the other person to gas-light someone. It does not necessarily has to be like that always, it could also be a genuine response emanating out of heart felt good intentions. In the long run however, it is extremely crucial that we realize what our true potentials are, how competent are we to deal with the challenges of the world. When we shall be approaching some organization for the purpose of seeking our future prospects of securitizing our livelihood, or for the sake of having the feeling of being important to oneself, it is very important, rather inevitable to be able to reflect upon oneself and get a knowledge of what are the competencies that one possesses. In the broader spectrum of life it is the confidence of the individual which is taken into account by the others, and the opinion about oneself which is an offshoot of that confidence is not just respected, but also considered as valid and authentic. After all, none other than the individual can be the best provider of the account of what one is capable of, the capacities one is equipped with, and an overall account of oneself. Having had that realization, which consider as one of the greatest blessings of my life, I shall now be talking about two of the competencies which I consider to be the most important and can help me reach the pinnacles of success, if I can utilize them properly. They comprise of; the faculty of creative thinking which enables me to discover the potential opportunities that might as well be of some benefit to me; and the necessary flexibility to collaborate well with people and contribute my energies to the building of a community for some specific purpose. This is in a nutshell a mention of the competencies I possess. In the following sections I shall be elaborately discussing about these two competencies in great detail, by providing accounts of the traits of each of them to describe them in a better way.
The first competency of mine, which I shall be taking up for discussion is that of my collaborative and community building capacities. This particular competency is in my opinion is not something which many people possess given the selfish nature of human beings and their propensity to just think about themselves alone without being bothered at all about anyone else apart from themselves. That is so generic a phenomenon because human beings are by and large guided by the competitive faculty more than the cooperative faculty, since the fear that someone out there is waiting to jeopardize the prospects and opportunities tends to overpower the consciousness. That is not a very healthy attitude and has the potential to inhibit the proper functioning of any project which calls for a collective effort to be given. Since I am endowed with the competency to be cooperative and be comfortable in being able to work for building up a community, I can be more of an asset to an organization, than being a liability. In order be able to describe this competency in a detailed manner, I shall talk about two traits which I identify with, and has a connection to this particular competency.
Creative Thinking
The first trait exemplifying my inherent inclination towards working with a team and channelize my energies to the success of an initiative, I would like to mention of my problem solving skills in a creative way. What exactly does problem solving skills demand for! During my school days, I had learnt from one of my favourite teachers that problems are an inevitable part of human life. The more we try to avoid the problems of our lives, the more they try to hold us on to their clutches. She is one of best human beings that I have ever come across in my life, and her profound words have changed the way in which I used to view life during my salad days, thereby aiding my initiation into maturity. Thus to me problems are no big deal, as I view them as the prime motivators of the zeal to live life, without which life is dull and without any adventurous element to it.
Since I have already mentioned that I have that ability to think creatively, I shall also like to explain that in a more detailed way which shall answer the question of the way in which the trait can be analyzed. The faculty to think creatively is not just limited to being able to imagine and channelize that for creating something useful. It is also necessary that the person who is a creative thinker, or who at least claims to be one, must also be an effective problem solver. The person shall by applying creative means and methods be able to overcome the inevitable obstacles. It is enough to just be able to create, and not be equipped with the faculty to be able to preserve that creation against the ravishes of the time. This is what accounts for the trait of being a creative problem solver, and I possess this trait, which can be of great benefit to any organization or initiative which I am likely to be a part of.
Now what shall be the actions that a creative solver of problems should resort to, is now the question which needs to be viewed at. In response to the question I would like to provide a list of qualities that I possess which can be channelized into action for deriving the benefits. It demands the qualities of being open to the opportunities and ideas, being able to testify the possible prospects and maintain the spirit of this innovation throughout.
Moving over to the second trait exemplifying the competency, it is the trait of being focused about future prospects. It is very much related to the previous trait elaborated, as this also calls for innovation and the spirit of being open to newer ideas and the zeal to explore newer opportunities. This is in a very brief way that I can explain what the trait is all about.
Having defined the trait briefly, the discussion shall now be focusing upon the question of what the trait entails, which shall draw us to the analysis of it. No organization or initiative which has the target to maintain the continuity of its existence in the long run can be successful if it does not have a futuristic vision. As it has already been discussed in the previous section that life is full of challenges and obstacles, and they cannot be evaded at all. The same logic applies for the other, and mores specific spheres of life which has to do with securing the means of livelihood of an individual. Having a futuristic vision thereby preparing oneself to the needs that are likely to crop up in future is also a method of facing the challenges of life since they are constant and one must make up the mindset to be proactive forever to meet them and overcome them.
Now the aspect of the course of action that is required to be taken to answer the so what question requires attention. For shaping the vision that is future oriented, one must be analytical of situations and must possess a very strong sense to predict the imminent dangers that are likely to unleash their destructive effect. Predicting that is possible unless one delves deep into the depths by means of extensive research and try to find the strengths and weaknesses of a system. Another quality that is very much important for being futuristic in one’s approach, is the faculty of veing curious apart from being imaginative. Unless an individual is curious, deriving the informational nuances of a system is not possible. This goes as far as the course of action one is supposed to undertake in order to be able to have a futuristic vision and also for the capability to be abke to channelize that for the betterment of the initiative or organization one is like to be a part of.
Now the discussion shall be devoted to the second competency, which as it has already been mentioned is that of and the necessary flexibility to collaborate well with people and contribute my energies to the building of a community for some specific purpose. Modern organizations are governed by the principle of team spirit and unity. The benefit of the organization is viewed as the benefit of the individuals who form a part of the organization, and the benefit of the individual components is viewed as not only the benefit of the organization but also the fulfillment of the purpose of the organization, that is to distribute the gains amongst the members forming it as per their requirements and as per the worth of their contributions. This is precisely the way in which the competency can be defined in a brief but in a very expressive way. Having defined it now the discussion shall be devoted to the aspect of the traits that exemplify it.
The first trait of the abovementioned competency is about effective collaboration skills, which answers the question of what the trait is all about. Collaboration and community building skills call for the capability to be a part of team and work not only for securing the personal benefits but also at the same time being mindlful of the benefits of the organization. It calls for the capacity to work in a collectivity and promote the greater goal over the selfish, personal and parochial goals. It is not being meant that one is not supposed to think one’s own interests but then during the process, the broader picture must not be missed out.
I shall also like to explain that in a more detailed way which shall answer the question of the way in which the trait can be analyzed. Working in a team signifies that the collaborator must be acting a facilitator and not the one who would be acting authoritatively. Hence it is necessary that the individual maintains his or her standpoint but at the same time is also open to the flow of innovative ideas and divergent viewpoints.
Problem Solving Skills
In this section, the question of what are the necessary course of action that a collaborator is supposed to take up shall be discussed. For building a team, and ensure that its continuity and existence is consolidated, the team collaborator must first of all be a good listener, since a team is supposed to function in a very democratic way without being autocratic. Analytical skills are also required as the collaborator is also supposed to chalk out the best out of the options presented and develop a master plan. Being a collaborator is a difficult and challenging task as the responsibility of being the cementing agent falls on the person occupying the post.
The second trait that exemplifies this concerned competency is the trait of being the promoter of diversity. This diversity is however concerns itself with the diversity within the team or the community. The task of the individual is thus to ensure that difference is allowed to persist and not inhibited as that would be against the spirit of democracy in the community or the group. This particular role is not very different from the trait that has been discussed and previously, as being a promoter of diversity is equivalent to being a facilitator of the team unity.
Now the question of what is the significance of being a promoter of diversity shall be taken up following an analytical approach. This shall also be answering the question of so what is the importance of the trait. As it has already been discussed that for the success of a team it is essential that the collaborator behaves not in an autocratic way, or else the role of being a facilitator shall be jeopardized, and that shall in turn defeat the purpose for which the group has been formed. To be a facilitator it is thus necessary that the individual holding a post entailing a lot if responsibility encourages diversity in the group. That shall be beneficial in the long run as the higher the degree of diversity, the higher shall be the flow of innovative ideas, and the better and more innovative shall be the results.
Thus it is necessary that the promoter of diversity gives due recognition to the diversity and does not try to homogenize the difference that exists within the team. The promoter of diversity must keep in mind that the output of the member shall be better if they are allowed to freely express themselves, which the individual occupying the role of being the promoter of diversity must allow and encourage at all cost.
At the concluding section it thus becomes important to say the competencies and their respective traits are quite inter-related and complementary to each other. The factors which are quite common in the entire discussion have been that of flexibility and the relentless drive for innovation. This is the central idea which can be deduced as the most important quality which must be possessed by an individual to ensure success and development in the long run. Not just for the long run, it is also necessary for short term goals as these are the basic pillars on which rests the capacity to achieve success.