Comparison Of Tourism Industry In France And The United States

Economic Contributions of Tourism Industry in France and the United States

All sectors of the economy perform a major role in making a long running and stable development. Tourism is one of the sectors that performs a significant role in development as well as generates foreign income. Because of this reason, attempts are being made by different countries to develop the tourism industry, being that Tourism is a major sector that spurs economic development in the country. This paper discusses the comparison of the Tourism industry between France and United States. It analyses how the Tourism industry do business in both the two Nations. The analysis of this paper is important because tourism is one of the essential factors that enable the two countries to make money as well as to create their development (Lereboullet, Beltrando & Bardsley, 2013). For the two nation, Tourism has been recognized as the most exciting and ancient activities for the people that are living in those countries. The paper also discusses how the two the nations can benefit from each other in terms of service delivery. France is one of the best performing countries in the sector of Tourism since Paris which is the Capital city is one of the most visited places in the world.

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The tourism industry in both France and the United States is one of the major contributors of economic growth for the two nations with France being ranked as the leading destination of Tourism in Europe. Tourism industry also contributes to the GDP growth rate of a country. In United States, the total contribution of travel and Tourism to GDP is 1.5 trillion United State dollars while to France the overall contribution of both Tourism and travel is approximately 198.3billion euros to Growth Domestic Product. The Tourism industry in the US was estimated to contribute to 2.6 trillion United State dollars or more by 2027.  Another similarity is that the Tourism industry creates jobs for most of the Citizens that are residing in the two nations. To US tourism is a substantial and reliable source of employment to most of the residents, directly creating jobs to 5.5 people annually while in France, tourism industry generated 2.8 billion employments, both indirectly and directly (Cogan, Lecat, Caseau & Chapuis, 2017).

The government of the United States and France are all engaging in the tourism business of the two countries. In France, the central government implements and defines NTP (National Tourism Policy). It also classifies, approves and regulates bodies, activities and infrastructure, ensures the promotion of the sector on foreign markets as well as implements policies such as international co-operation policy. It also helps in promoting initiatives taken by regional and local authorities (Sun, Zhang, Zhang, Ma, & Zhang, 2015). The government also supports trade through publicity campaign on which it informs both the Citizens and foreign people about the situation of the Tourism industry in France. The Campaign is useful to US and France because it restores the confidence of tourists as well as reassures them about security condition and hospitality.

Government Participation in the Tourism Industry

In United State, NAICS (North America Industry Classification System) was created by both the US, Mexican and Canadian governments to ensure there is similar analysis across the three countries (Brida, Cortes-Jimenez & Pulina, 2016). The groups created by the NAICS are Transportation, Travel service, Entertainment and recreation, and Accommodation. These groups are made according to the similarity of the inputs and processes used for each.  For example, the type of resources and employees needed to run the business of accommodation such as a motel, a campground, or even a hotel are similar. Both the businesses require staff to provide housekeeping, check in a guest, and offer a place for an individual to rest. As such, are being grouped by use of the heading accommodation (Li, Cheng, Kim & Li, 2015). The same can be done to other remaining groups. The France government is not having such kind of agency and classification. In France, the government directly enacts policies that regulate the tourism industry.

France and the United States employ the use of new technology during their day to day operation of the business (Isik, Dogru & Turk, 2018). The impacts of the new technology can be seen in service delivery and the rise of GDP of the two countries. The new technology such as the use of credit card, Computers and travel cheques are some of the factors that cause mass improvement and development of the Tourism industry thereby improving the economy of the two nations. Both the two countries were able to adopt modern technology in their operation because the tourism industry is friendly to information flow and this feature is one of the factors that facilitate the tourism industry as it enables the flow of information, improve customer experiences and services, reduces costs, and enhances operational efficiency (Lamonica & Mattioli, 2015). The use of technology also enables them to change from expensive human labor to technological labor. The United States and France also employ the use of the internet and computer programs to promote the delivery of their services to their customers. This enables them to facilitate the feature of the tourism industry. They both advertise their services over the internet. This internet thing enables them to improve their service delivery both locally and internationally as they are able to advertise their services by use of online platforms.

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United State developed digital techniques that are capable of promoting tourist portal; they are also of high speed and cover a large area as compared to the technologies which France are using (Dash & Tiwari, 2017). Therefore the France government should learn from the United States by developing the digital technologies which the are capable of improving the service delivery to the customers.

France operates its business in the Tourism industry by use of the Shengen which is a treaty created in 1995. This treaty made the region to be more attractive as compared to other regions in the world. Most of the people especially the tourists can apply the use of Shengen visa to travel to France without any restriction (Mansour & Mohanna, 2018). This treaty enables France to have many direct visitors that prefer staying in the country than staying in other countries that are in Europe. This treats adopted by France is one of the essential factors that improve the tourism industry in the country. United State does not use such kind of treats in their tourism industry. These treats are crucial treats that the United States should adopt for the improvement of their operation.

The Use of Technology in Tourism Industry

The tourism industry in both France and the United States employ the use of different techniques in facilitating the business process. Such tools include delivering of training programs and motivation of employees. The training programs enable the employees to handle their customers with care, and this effort produced positive results as it enables them to welcome many visitors (customers) in the industry there leading to increase in profitability of the organization (Thach & Cogan 2018).


After the comparison of the Tourism industry of France and the United States counterpart, it is true that both U.S and France have been performing well in the tourism industry. This is because of the amazing infrastructure and government support. It is also true that the European nations tend to be receiving the highest number of Visitors as compare with the other regions in the world. This is due to Shengen treaty created in the area; it allows free movement of visitors in and out of France. It is also true that the government supports the tourism industry between the two countries by enacting favorable rule and regulation. The paper also discusses the importance of applying new digital technologies as it helps in improving the Tourism industry (Eid, 2015). The new technology increases efficiency and also lowers the costs that are associated with the use of human labor in the industry. The management can only improve the tourism industry in the two countries by improving reception facilities; and they should also adopt appropriate promotion strategy to help sell the name of the sector to foreign countries (Gómez, Pratt & Molina, 2018). The government should also provide training programs relating to tourism to the employees and the entire staff. These training programs will help the employees to handle their customers with dignity. The government should organize campaign with the aim of promoting the tourism industry. The campaign should be done locally and internationally. Lastly, it is true that the tourism industry is one of the contributors to the economy of the United States and France. This is because it creates jobs for many people that are living in the two countries.


Brida, J. G., Cortes-Jimenez, I., & Pulina, M. (2016). Has the tourism-led growth hypothesis been validated? A literature review. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(5), 394-430.

Cogan-Marie, L., Lecat, B., Caseau, C., & Chapuis, C. (2017). How important is “spiritourism” in France? An exploratory study/Welche Bedeutung hat „Spiritourismus “für Frankreich? Eine explorative Studie. In Kulinarischer Tourismus und Weintourismus (pp. 29-41). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

Dash, A. K., & Tiwari, A. K. (2017). Are tourist arrivals stationary? Evidence from BRIC countries. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(3), 221-224.

Eid, R. (2015). Integrating Muslim customer perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty and retention in the tourism industry: An empirical study. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(3), 249-260.

Gómez, M., Pratt, M. A., & Molina, A. (2018). Wine tourism research: a systematic review of 20 vintages from 1995 to 2014. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-39.

Isik, C., Dogru, T., & Turk, E. S. (2018). A nexus of linear and non?linear relationships between tourism demand, renewable energy consumption, and economic growth: Theory and evidence. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(1), 38-49.

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