Comparison Of Software Development Models: Spiral, Agile, And RAD
Spiral Model
Discuss about the Genetic Algorithm : Prioritization of Dcenarios.
Spiral Model: This particular model is mainly considered to be perfect combination of both iterative and waterfall model. It is inclusive of both controlled processing and systematic progress of waterfall model in the iterative model (Sharma, Sabharwal and Sibal, 2014). This particular process comes up with four kinds of phases. The four phases consist of stages like identification, design, construction, evaluation and lastly proper analysis of risk. Identification stage mainly initiate by proper collection of various requirements of business. The design mainly deals with designing the various phase of the system. The design of software is mainly inclusive of following things like logical, architectural and physical design. The actual software is mainly developed in construct phase. Developed software is mainly created by taking into consideration the requirements and design (Kazim, 2017). Analysis of risk is all about identification, monitoring, analysis and estimation of various kinds of risk in the given project.
Benefits: There are large number of benefits of this model like:
- Changing of requirement is mainly supported by this particular model.
- Making use of prototypes is considered to be very positive thing about this model. This particular model is considered to be useful in development of huge quantity of prototypes.
- Process or method of requirement analysis is mainly done accurately and very finely.
- Application of user can be easily seen in the earlier stage.
Drawbacks: There are several kinds of drawbacks of this Model like:
- Managing of the given task is considered to be very complex in nature.
- In some of the cases it can be easily encountered that project manager may fail to understand the fact that the whole project has ended.
- Number of spirals which are used in the project may fail to easily handle by the project manager as the given quantity have increased over the period of time.
- This particular model is not considering to be suitable for low risk kind of projects.
Agile Model: It is considered to be as one of the popular model of SDLC as it allows various project manager to handle projects in different ways. In agile Model, various kinds of modification can be done about the current phase so this model can easily work with the given requirement. Various kinds of activities in agile model are mainly put within the given time frame so that this particular model can easily work at each and every stage of the given project (Fuggetta and Di Nitto, 2014). Agile model comes up iterative approach which is used for delivering application unit at each and every unit after the completion of given project at the end of each and every iteration. Each unit of software is considered to be modified version of previous model. The feedback of the various users comes up with great impact on the given model. This model is considered to be adaptive in nature of SDLC in comparing to waterfall model which is considered to be predictive in nature.
Benefits: Agile model comes up with large number of benefits like:
- This model is considered to be very realistic kind of approach
- This method mainly provides support for cross training along with team work.
- Providing partial solution at beginning is considered to be crucial benefit
- This particular kind of model does not require any kind of extensive planning
- This model generally requires or needs minimum amount of sources.
- Development of functionality is mainly done on quickly basis.
- It is very easy to manage the projects
- This particular model is generally considered to be flexible for large number of developers
Disadvantages: There are many drawbacks of this model like:
- This particular model does not provide support for complex query management.
- The potentiality of taking of risk which is associated with sustainability, maintenance and extensibility is mainly considered to be of much higher value.
RAD Model: RAD stands for rapid action development which is totally based on various kinds of ideas or logic related to iteration and prototyping. This model does not require any kind of specific planning (Alshamrani and Bahattab, 2015). This particular model focus on the fact that existing kind of prototypes allow better kind of gathering of requirements of various customers. By the help of testing of various kinds of prototypes, the project manager can easily have some better idea regarding the progress of given projects. A prototype can be easily stated as a working model which is considered to be practically to any part of any given item. In RAD model, various kinds of utilitarian modules are made as prototypes are mainly incorporated for making the whole thing conveyance. As there no kind of gritty preplanning so it makes the whole much simpler for fusing the given progressions which mainly works under the advancement procedure. RAD venture is mainly considered to be iterative and kinds of iterative model. It can be having little groups which involves designers, space specialist, agents for client and other kind of IT assets working in the logical on the part or even prototype. The most important part is this particular model is to mainly ensure the fact that this model is fruitful so ensuring the fact that the prototypes are created for reusability.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Spiral Model
Advantages: There are large number of advantages of making use of this RAD model like
- Progress of the given report can be easily measureable in nature
- Time for development is considered to be much lesser in comparison to other kinds of models.
- This particular model is mainly concentrated on the feedback of large number of users.
- The dependency on this particular kind of modelling can easily make the whole project more vulnerable.
- Management of project is considered to be very complex in nature.
According to the given case study, it is much suitable for stating the model which is considered to be less complex for management and benefit of scope for creep handling which is the best kind of option available. For the development of software for AFD, the best kind of software provided is Agile. This particular model will allow project for development of team which can be used for developing system as per the requirement of users.
The ultimate goal of the memorandum is to easily provide a basic kind of idea regarding the implementation of User Centred Design and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) which can be easily used for the purpose proposed application of CRM application in an organization. User centred Design is mainly concentrated on the various users of the system. The design is not for usability of any kind of application. The designer can easily understand the basic idea regarding the usage of system. They have come up with specific kind of user requirement and design solution which is mainly analyzing against the requirements for various kinds of identification.
HCI that is Human computer interaction is all about studying the various identity of interaction of users with any kind of system. HCI mainly allows various kinds of designers to specify how various kinds of users can access the function of the system. They come up with various kinds of principles based on Human computer design.
UCD principles are mainly applied for proposing of CRM which is taken to be some kind of basic thought for being powerful. AFD CRM is designed in such a way that various kinds of users of the given system and kinds of task they will perform. Consistency in the given task process and behavior of system will make a great kind of advantage.
Plan for UCD based HCI for various application of CRM is manly done during the presence of project manager. In the beginning phase the project manager and various kinds of analyst will have to identify various kinds of requirements related to business and system.
Event |
Event Type |
Trigger |
Source |
Activity/Use Case |
System Response/ Output |
Destination |
Women cloth selling |
External |
Speed up sales |
Representative at sales department |
Selling of various cloths |
Quantity for placing order |
Shops |
Dress for selling |
External |
Speed up sales |
Various representative at wedding |
Selling of various wedding dress |
Quantity for placing order |
Individual Customer |
Bill Payment |
External |
Payment |
Client or customer |
Making Payment |
Bill |
Representative |
Creation of invoice |
Creation of large number of invoice |
Details for sales |
Representative |
Generation of Invoice |
Bill |
Client or customer |
Providing discount |
Minimizing the number of orders |
Reduction of cost |
Representative in sales |
Giving Discount |
Reducing the order cost |
Client or customer |
Order receive from client |
Potential sales of product |
Increase in sales |
Client |
Takes Order |
Increasing sales |
Representative |
Name |
Takes Order |
Version |
Representative-03 |
Goal |
The ultimate goal of this use case diagram is to easily receive orders from various clients. The orders are mainly taken from individual clients or retail clients. |
Summary |
Representative may easily contact various kinds of clients like retail and individual customers which helps in having a proper understanding regarding the AFD products. |
Actors |
Representatives |
Pre-Conditions |
The order giver must be under a sales zone |
Triggers |
Increase in sales |
Basic Course of Events |
Various kinds of sales representative can easily contact various customers Customers can easily have idea regarding the products catalogue Customer can easily give order to the various kinds of representative. Representative can easily give order for request to head office. |
Alternative Paths |
Big customers can send a letter of quote to the head office directly for purchasing the products |
Post Conditions |
The client must pay all the dues |
Business Rules |
The representative must sanction the order before commenting to the client The representative must provide the invoice to the client |
Notes |
The representative must be available during product delivery |
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