Comparison Of Professionalism And Dual Professionalism In Education And Training

Understanding Professionalism and its Influence on Professional Values

The concept of Professionalism and Dual Professionalism in Other Areas of Education and Training

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I have learned that professional education and training practitioners are committed to the consolidated basis of the ethical value which is highlighted in an individual representation of their profession at work and public areas. Educators and trainers have the responsibility for their professionalism. They form and impact their improvement regularly by collaborating with the peers and with the support of their company’s owners and their professional organization. The company’s owners do not own the professionalism of distinct practitioners, as this would harm and reduce their commitment to being updated and reflective professional (Armitage & Bryant, 2008). Members of professional organization support educators and trainers to look curiously at the best practice at the national and international level, and also enable exchange and sharing of good practice between the members.

Professionalism has been recognized as a combination of specialist knowledge, self-determination, service, and commitment to education all through the career and responsibility of an individual, especially in professional behavior. The concepts of professionalism are assumed to be shifting, and thus I might not be constant but changed into a fluid. In education, management concepts have shifted which governs the professional practice. The professionalism of education consists of professional beliefs, collegiality, social responsibility and good practice with performance, effectiveness, consequences, global competition and market discipline (Avis, Fisher and Thompson, 2009). It has been noticed that high position and value according to the professional works are essential if they have to be carried on efficiently. The risks to professionalism have extended to several professions through the influence of marketization, which is going through unwanted issues to their independence and validity of any ethical opinions for their calling. The specialist knowledge is legitimized by their privileged and financial status and claims.

I have also gained knowledge that dual professionalism is that concept where individual expertise in more than two areas other than teaching, and these areas could be from education, business, commercial or industries.  The teachers and trainers are dual professionals who are subject expertise or vocational expertise and also expert in education and training. With the help of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), the teachers and the trainers maintain their specialist subject, capabilities, and knowledge needed to teach efficiently, which strengthen both the expertise areas of their professionalism (Brookfield, 2005).  Teachers have to be committed to maintain and improve their expertise in both areas of their role to make sure that they provide their best to their learners.

The satisfaction of teaching and training in the areas of education and training comes when the teachers and trainers can help the individuals in progression and development, to overcome the barriers of education and observe the learners to be well equipped so that they could make their path in the world (Corder, 2007).  The dual professionals’ remains updated with the changes in their special subject and maintains their subject knowledge combined with constant improvement in the teaching areas. CPD also enables the dual professionals to handle two professions at the same time. In the area of teaching, the subject specialists are expert in two areas that are they are experts in both teaching and business.

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The Concept of Professionalism and Dual Professionalism in Other Areas of Education and Training

I have gained information that hospitality management programs usually commit their students an education with the aim of matching with the current trends and needs in the hospitality industry. The students who are typically conservative and business-oriented men and women, not only likes to feel professional but also tries to connect with the term industry (Crawley et al., 2014). Several co-workers through education and training not only tend to consider themselves as professional but also consider the hospitality services as less professional.

The developments have influenced the hospitality management and the needs of the professionals. The needs required to work in hospitality are sometimes timeless and relatively persistent over the years. A professional grows and shows personal development over the years, by experiences and education. No professional are same with each other in the long run, and so, the professional profile is a common description along with the features most of the professionals have gained after many years working in the area of hospitality management (Curzon, L. B., 2004). The educational profile generally defines the profile of a new professional, with a new position to develop as an experienced professional by the professional profile.

The professionals in the area of hospitality management build a friendly atmosphere which the guests and other stakeholders see as valuable, harmless and sustainable by showing their honest and hospitable behavior which is seen as satisfying and helping. They could implement updated global visions, information, tools, and systems which are appropriate for the hospitality management all over the world in the local background (Dunleavy and Dede, 2014). The connections are built by the professionals, and they also form a network which helps to realize their organizational objectives, by recognizing the stakeholders of the hotels and themselves. They invest related with distinct encouragement, and it has a positive effect on others experiences.

They analyze the quality of knowledge collected or accessed by understanding scientific perceptions such as validity, consistency and research procedure.  They evaluate the culture, status, diversity, skill, desires, securities, affinities, expectations and ethics of the guests and other stakeholders, whether they are in groups or individuals (Hillier, 2005). They also explore some complicated information, makes assumptions, makes efficient selections and takes decisions which they can discuss with the stakeholders. They are creative and utilizes opportunities and find solutions, to build and develop some economic hospitality concepts.

The professionals behave as a transformational leader who could apply the changes and leads the peoples in that direction which has been specified in the new concepts and the planning and decisions taken by the organization. They give importance and realizes the sustainable growth in their broadest sense by implementing stewardship, and also contribute socially to the local areas as a global citizen (Keeley-Browne, 2007). They highlight their values and morals and can take decisions by their values. Moreover, they are lifelong interested in learning and utilizing their personal experiences for taking accurate measures, so that they could improve as an individual and as a professional.  

Roles of Stakeholders and External Bodies

Influence of Own Professional Values on Own Practice

A stakeholder in the education and training sector is that person who is interested in institutions, schools, colleges, and universities which are the centers of the societies. Internal stakeholders include students, teachers, parents, administrators, faculties and estate groups. External stakeholders consist of alumni, legal authorities, local and national government organizations, local and regional societies, local businesses, groups, and elected professionals. Those stakeholders are least interested might be promoting prospectively, but they might not have the active role in the project’s decision-making process. Parents might be interested in the education of their children but might have less effect on the institution (Kirkwood and Price, 2014). In comparison, the children or the student might be highly interested in an impact on the project. This not only directly impact their opportunities related to academics and career in future, but also helps them to take decisions of studying or not studying in a specific institution.

The role of the teachers includes explaining various elements of courses which are considered to be appropriate by the modern technological developments in the sector of education and training. The role of the administrators could not be underestimated as they are the people who control the education sector. They also appoint the teachers and in charge of buying the required study materials for education and training (Lye and Koh, 2014).   The parents support and impact the execution of education through financial help that is, paying the school fees. The government organizations help in providing the license to various colleges and schools. The professionals and society members could obtain information on progress in the education sector from the reports of the government on the performance of the schools or the teachers, students, and administrators of the schools.

Impacts of Stakeholders and External Bodies on Hospitality Management


The most vital stakeholders of the in the industry of hospitality management is a government. They make rules and regulations of the industry of hospitality management. The government impacts the overall industry of hospitality management. They formulate strategies of the industry of hospitality management after consulting with the private sectors and other organizations. The government also influences financially to the organizations in the industry of hospitality management.  


The industrialists are also vital stakeholders of the industry of hospitality management. The industrialists consist of travel and transport agencies.  The industrialists as a whole influence the industry of hospitality management.  The Industrialists impacts the hospitality organizations for the promotion of their products and services (Roffey-Barentsen & Malthouse, 2009). They also invest in the industry of hospitality management.

Tourists or Customers

Tourists are also vital stakeholders in the industry of hospitality management. These stakeholders demand Value, quality, and high customer service. They are an indispensable source of money for the industry of hospitality management.


The staffs are internal stakeholders of the industry of hospitality management. They profoundly influence the internal strategies of the sector of hospitality management. They demand excellent quality of the workplace environment, job safety, compensation and communication in the companies.

Local Societies

Local societies are vital stakeholders in the industry of hospitality management. They influence and attract the tourists in their planning to visit specific locations (Rogers & Horrocks, 2010). They could stake job safety, protection of the environment, local goods and services advertisement and local culture and values promotion.

The schools working in partnerships with employers helps to develop their curriculum to improve the motivation and also raise the education levels in schools. It also helps in the professional growth of the teachers as well as the development of the institution. Moreover, it also helps in mutual advantages by collaborating among the schools, business and broader society (Moon, 2000). The main aim of the teachers those who are working with the employers have to support the targets of education that every youth of the society become successful learners who would enjoy education, develop and achieve confidence, and can lead a safe and healthy life.

It is also their aim to make the youths of the society responsible citizens who would contribute positively towards the society. The actual targets of partnership in education and training with the employers are to raise the levels of achievement among the students. It also targets to improve the employability capabilities of the youths of the society and give them opportunities to get the education from the specialists to maximize their commitments towards education and training.  It also wants to bring improvement in the retention of youths in education after the age of compulsory education. It also enables the youths to increase their awareness towards their career and capability to take advantage from impartial and partial knowledge.

The parents are organized in parents committee, and they provide their opinions on the development of education and training to the district education team. The teachers are organized in education drafting and evaluation teams. These teams have the responsibility of drafting, analyzing and changing education policies by the modern technological growth in the sector of education and training. Most of the students spend their maximum time with their teachers, so it is considered that teacher know the academic and social requirements of the students.

The stakeholders make the impact on the decision making methods of an industry of hospitality management. The communication among the industry of hospitality management and their stakeholders is important for the industry. The stakeholders’ engagement is needed to decrease conflicts. The staffs are internal stakeholders of the industry of hospitality management (Papen, 2005). They highly influence the internal strategies of the industry of hospitality management.  Good quality of the workplace environment, job safety, compensation and communication in the companies are demanded by them.

Some of the organizations of hospitality management have official connections with some of the stakeholders whereas some other stakeholders are approached unofficially by directly contracting with them, press meeting or advertisements. The government makes rules and regulations of the industry of hospitality management. The government impacts the overall industry of hospitality management. They formulate strategies of the industry of hospitality management after consulting with the private sectors and other organizations. The government also have a financial impact on the organizations in the industry of hospitality management.    

 The stakeholders have the impartial impact on balancing risks and rewards for the need of distribution advantages to all organizations. Tourists are the important source of money for the industry of hospitality management (Petty, 2009). These stakeholders demand Value, quality and high customer service. They. The management of stakeholders has an impact on building harmony and strong connections among the industry of hospitality and their stakeholders.  


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