Comparison Of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Between Bluemix And Amazon Web Service (AWS)

Introduction to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

The cloud can be one of the most innovating sector when related to the modern technology. There are different architectures, which exist in the concept of the cloud such as the platform as a service, cloud as service and infrastructure as a service. This infrastructure can be used according to the requirement of the user. On the other hand, the user or the customer would have to pay according to the usage of the service they have some. The concept of application development is made much faster with the implementation of the process rather than the traditional processes.

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The main consideration, which is taken into the report, is the concept of platform as a service. The main differentiator factor between the bluemix and the cloud provider are justified using the concept.

Cloud provider offering PaaS

The platform as a service is used in the concept of developing, maintaining and testing operating system, servers, networks, virtual machine and many more based on rental. Some of the cloud providers who offered the service related to PaaS are stated below:

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Amazon web service
  • IBM cloud
  • SAP
  • Oracle cloud
  • Adobe
  • Red hat

Reason of selection of comparison

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The cloud provider, which is chosen for the purpose of comparison, is the Amazon web service.

Justification 1: This is due to the factor that the AWS is a provider of Platform as service approach and can be differenced with the Bluemix with the aspect of the operation, which is involved into the concept.

Justification: The model can be directly be implemented and working of the model is less complicated.

The bluemix and the Amazon web service both are cloud-computing parts but they have different roles to play. It would be directly dependent on the requirement, which one has to implement. Bluemix can be implemented in the form of experimental, which are used in the laboratory or for the people who are working on the same project but at a far distance from each other. As the concept of the bluemix is a software, which is an open source software, primary users can easily use it. The concept of Hub can be considered as a good option taking into consideration the developers in order to synchronize the code from a distance and test it directly.

On the other hand, it can be stated that amazon Web service can be considered vital in the form of a professional approach. The concept directly gives sufficient amount of flexibility for service, which are accurate for the users who are actually involved in some sort of business orientation. The Amazon web service can be used by means of decreasing and increasing the requirement according to the run time environment and charge would be applicable according to the requirement. Most of the startup organization who cannot effort the concept go for the basic version which is available in the market. Ones starting with the service the different aspects, which are related to the concept, can also be increased. The amazon web service can be stated as a smooth entry point and exit point for the business developers.

Comparison of Bluemix and AWS in PaaS

The platform as service can be applied to any field, which can be related to deployment of application. The different concepts for example internet of things, Artificial intelligence can be deployed in the level of professional expertise using the concept of PaaS. The PaaS model can be stated to be used for the concept of software development and the concept of monetization of the new application. The PaaS helps in the bypassing the concept of investment and the sector of maintenance (Krancher, Luther and Jost 2018).

The following aspects can relate the quality of the design:

  • All the application and the platform are contained in one of the environment, which is owned by one vendor.
  • The application are developed mostly from scratch within the formalized model of programming.
  • The service (for example, web application, database) provided by the vendors are stable and common.
  • When designing the whole service, which is related to the cloud, the business model roles are very much stable at the initial phases.
  • There is no service, which is industry specific or application in the platform so that the platform is easy to manage and design (Ojala and Helander 2014).

Relating to the quality of the design the following aspects can be stated:

  • Hybrid and private cloud: This type of industry solution are always hosted in the sector public cloud within the enterprise, which is shared by more than one sector of the organization unit.
  • Openness: the concept of integration with the existing external and internal system can be done.
  • Industry specific IT application, standard and service (Ananthakrishnan et al. 2017).
  • Uncertainty of the sector of role and business model involved: Industry specific user group with diverse user behavior system and model and usage pattern for example curve of the system workload, type of requirement of the resources and the capacity of the system.
  • User types and various application: An entire solution which can be related to industrial sector which contains application across the multiple business lines and owned by different user groups (organization user or individual user).


Step 1: creation of a tool chain for the new application.

  • Login to IBM Cloud
  • Navigate to the DevOps dashboard
  • Click on create a tool chain
  • Select the develop a cloud foundary app tool chain


Figure 1

  • On the page of the toolchain enter a name of toolchain


Figure 2

  • For the issue tracking tool integration select on the Repository type of new and enter a name of the new repo


Figure 3

  • Click create. This would directly open the toolchain overview page


Figure 4

Step 2: Creation of a simple web page

After the toolcahin is created the time of coding can be achieved.

  • On the toolchain overview page click on the eclipse orion web IDE. Then the IDE would open
  • In the Web IDE select file>new>file
  • In the editor page type the following code which is stated below



Hello, IBM cloud world!



  • The screen shot after the code is entered would be like below


Figure 5

Step 3: creation of manifest

A manifest can be considered as a file which tells the IBM cloud how to deploy the application. The steps to created the manifest are stated below:

  • ————–
  • Application:
  • – build:
  • Host: simple- website -${random}
  • Name: simple – website – ${random}
  • Memory: 64 M
  • Stack: cflinuxfs2

Note: The host would be the URL of the application.

Step 4: deploy and open

After the above steps the webpage and a manifest would be created at the workspace and ready to be deployed. The steps for deployment are stated below:

  • In the IDE click on the deploy button
  • When the application is deployed open the any web browser by clicking on the Open the application URL button
  • The running window would be opened in a new window (Breidbach, Chandler and Maglio 2015).


Figure 6

Difficulty 1: service enabling the infrastructure

The service, which enables the concept of the Infrastructure, is very much needed to automate and orchestrate ultimately operational processes and task respectively. Enablement of the Service can be considered as one of the challenges due to the factor that there is lack of standardization with the demesne infrastructure (Kientopf et al. 2017).

Difficulty 2: integration with the orchestration engine and provisioning

Achieving the true elastic requires connect of orchestration of the multiple components with the data center. Decommissioning and provisioning instance is important in the concept but the first step in a much more comprehensive process mainly involve load balancing, optimization, acceleratioin, security and components related to networking across the infrastructure.

Difficulty 3: codifying deployment policies

When the goal of the organization is related to IT as a service, the concept of transition to the architecture, which is hybrid or operational consistency, the codification of the reusable policies are necessary.

Challenges in designing a cloud platform architecture

Difficulty 4: inter cloud architecture

Designing of then private cloud with the motive of the maintaining and deploying to the hybrid architecture can be threatening. The concept of the hybrid cloud may demand the  changes to the data of the center architecture in order to house the specific inter cloud needs and the requirement at a later phase.

Difficulty 5: operational consistency

As a part of the hybrid or private cloud maintenance and the implementation of the concept of consistency in the processes of operation is very much critical in order to realize the benefit of the cloud-based model. When the operation is required to be manage the local resources via the aspect of one methodology and the cloud deployment, resources it can be hard to manage this type of aspects.

There are five most common managed service providers, which are stated below:

  • Per device monitoring: this can be considered as a true and tried model and 41 per cent of the managed service providers report are using per device monitoring pricing. Within these model customers are billed a flat fee for the aspect of monitoring of specific devices such as the mobile device and desktop device.
  • Per user monitoring: paying per user can be a great advantage for the employee who are directly using multiple devices. It can be considered as a very simple technique which is related to the service level agreement that directly require 24/7 support.
  • Tiered pricing: this approach can be considered to putting burden on the concept of the managed service provider. The main problem, which can be related to the concept, is that the lowest tier is not considered to one of the best models and on the other hand, the highest tier model may not be reaching the full expectation of the client.
  • Value based pricing: the concept of the value can be referred to as a cake pricing this option provides a coverage to all the services instead of individual components. The concept can be considered very much important model for the managed service provider since it directly provides a comprehensive service.
  • Security and cloud services: more than 30 percent of the Managed service provider and the services, which are related to the security, see the concept as a major growth taking into consideration the business.

Allocation and up gradation 

The allocation and the up gradation in the concept of the cloud computing can be done through the concept of Database. The allocation concept can also be applied to the concept. The calibration process, which is related to the database, is done manually. This type of manual calibration can be considered to be complex and time consuming this is due to the factor ta every time the database would be running on a different architecture would be involving time into the concept. In order to make the process of allocation and up gradation more fast the Greedy particle swarm optimization (GPSO) search algorithm has been proposed instead to the existing greedy algorithm to prevent the local optimum state from tapping the process of the search from reaching the global optimum.

Better Performance

The service provider, which is better in comparison of the two, which are discussed above the Bluemix, can be considered as a better option. This is due to the factor that it is an open source software, which can be used by anyone, and implementation of the software can be done quite easily. The model can be considered to be one of the basic model which can be easily be used even in the school level for the aspect of learning and gaining knowledge about the concept of the cloud.

Improvement area

Bluemix: The service, which is related to the bluemix, can be considered as one of the basic model. The model should accompany some of the features, which would be used in the higher implementation processes.

Amazon web service: The service, which is related to the Amazon web service, should have some of the basic level of operation, which would be easy to handle from the point of view of the beginners.


The report can be concluded on a note that the concept of cloud computing would be playing a role in the near future and different improvement areas would be involved into the concept. The main finding from the report can be stated that different services, which are related to the cloud, have different aspects related to it. In most of the cases organization implement the services according to the requirement and gain benefit from the concept.


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