Comparison Of National Health Policy Implementation On Patient Safety Between Netherlands And United Kingdom

The National Health Policy and Universal Health Coverage

Analyse and compare the formation and implementation of national health policy on a specific topic/issue?

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The National Health Policy includes the immediate improvement of the health system performance. From the last years of the Millennium Declaration and its Goals, this policy is being structured. All nations in their global context committed to moving towards the coverage of universal health. The national health policy relates the economic growth and the health status of a particular country. It is a declaration of the country’s government to achieve health outcomes by using its economic growth. The implementation of national health policy is a complex procedure. At every level of the health system, attention should be paid to ensure the implementation and sustainability of this health policy (Syed et al., 2013).

In this essay, a comparative study between the formation and implementation of national health policy has been done on a specific issue between two countries on some aspect. Here the two countries Netherland and the United Kingdom are taken in consideration. In these two countries the patient safety issues will be compared based on the following three aspects: the interest and power actors and stakeholders, the relevant contextual factors and the implementation policy in each of the countries (Tella et al., 2014)

Patient safety is a healthcare discipline that mainly focuses on the analysis of reporting and prevention of medical error. The improvement of patient safety policy includes steps like an adaptation of new technologies, educating the providers as well as the consumers, improving the system of error reporting and developing the economic incentives.

Stakeholders in an organization are those entities; that plays a role in the health and performance of an organization, or that gets affected by the action of an organization. The quality of patient safety and healthcare is quiet complex because of the different stakeholders and their different views. The different stakeholders involved in patient safety and healthcare policies are clinical staff, patients, consultants, managers, professional bodies, universities, regulatory bodies, deaneries, trainers, etc. (Neuss et al., 2013).

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In Netherlands, the stakeholders contribute to patient safety in many different ways: Most importantly every employee should maintain the organizational culture, and they have to be trained properly to make them aware of the risks. The communication within the organization and with patients is important. To improve the communication, meeting with CEOs, nurse advisory boards, medical board members, patient safety coordinators are arranged to exchange experience and knowledge. The management should pay attention in risk analysis and monitoring every system to evaluate the safety policy. A training program for all employees is needed to implement the patient safety management system(Dahlgren et al.,2015).

Stakeholder involvement in patient safety in Netherlands and United Kingdom

In Netherlands, the Traceability Focus Group brings the different stakeholders together in the healthcare organizations. They include representatives from different medical device suppliers and hospitals. The aim of this group is to form a community of stakeholders where they can exchange their traceability projects, experience, and knowledge to connect with their partner. It helps them to act as a community to help the newcomers, who are willing to start their projects. Focus group has worked on collecting evidence on the fact that how they can be able to contribute more efficiently in the supply chain in a more safe way. This resulted in increased patient safety, traceability business case in the operation. The traceability standards for healthcare provide a path to achieve the desired situation for patient safety (Neuss et al., 2013).

The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement has suggested the major stakeholders and their interests and contributions associated with patient safety in UK have been discussed in following points: one of the major stakeholders is the patients who have important role to perform in the implementation of patient safety. The patients should be co-operative and should have the power to get involved and contribute to the decision making of a health organization. The organization should also consider and understand the patient’s expectation to provide a better service. The clinical staffs are another important stakeholders. A good communication between the clinical staffs is very much required to maintain the transparency inside the organization, which indirectly affects the patient safety. The professional bodies of the organization should maintain the privacy and dignity of a patient while working with other professionals within the organization. If an individual is involved in teaching, he or she should ensure that the necessary skills are included in the training. The doctors should listen and respect the views of patients and other staffs. They should act immediately after a patient has suffered from any harm. The managers of any healthcare association should pay importance to risk management and regular audit. All these steps are taken to minimize the impact and possibility of error ensuring patient safety (Klemp et al., 2015) .

The term contextual factor means that what determinant can be adopted for the effectiveness of the chosen matter. Concerning patient safety, it is based on the study for how to make a patient safe and helps them to recover as soon as possible.
An emergency never comes up with a notice. Therefore, whenever someone faces emergencies like physical injuries medical hospitals are always there to assist them. Their prime responsibility is to take care of them with providing a safe service, sometimes friendly behavior so that they can revive rapidly. This leads to the discussion about patient safety. The main aspect concerning this is to reduce and prevent accidental issues and provide them care in case they suffer (Lawton et al., 2012).

Contextual factors for patient safety

The main reason for a patient to choose a good hospital is for the facilities and medical treatment they provide to them. Therefore, maintaining their equipment time to time is a very important aspect. This helps the organization to prevent some situation like-if a patient is affected by some infection or suffers adversely by the wrong prescription of medication.

Many a time it happens that during the stay period of a patient, they can be feeling very detached due to many reasons, it’s the doctor’s responsibility to provide them care with affection and support them morally. Strengthen a bond with the sufferer helps a lot to recover them quickly. Doctors at times conducted a psychological therapy for understanding the patient better and gaining their trust. The doctor must understand that every patient is different, and they need different assistance. The doctors and the nurses must have to be very gentle, quiet and tolerant (Dahlgren et al., 2015).

Ill-treatments or overlooking the medication policy by the doctor sometimes leads to the patient’s death, which not only disappoints their family members but it also affect the reputation of the hospital unfavorably. The fact is that the well-known the organization is, the greater the responsibility also. They must have to take in account that they must have to maintain their dignity and prosperity in every field of their work to survive with prominence (Klemp et al., 2015)

Lastly, the main culmination in the future is why in the forthcoming days the patients will choose the organization. By providing a safe service to the present victims, so that they can recommend that institute to some people need medical assistance. This will help them to gain popularity as well as helps them to survive in the competitive world where many other medical homes are competing in the same field (Tella et al., 2014).

The government of United Kingdom has taken the policy of patient safety for the patients of UK healthcare sector. Implementation of patient safety is a critical aspect of healthcare management. However, a patient safety of UK has faced lots of issues while providing service to the patients. A Recent issue of negligence of patients in Stafford Hospital has reminded that NHS needs to provide more fruitful and active strategy for the patients. National Health Safety of England took the responsibility of providing safety to the patients. NHS England implemented the policy of patient safety through the adoption of the review process of every individual case of the patients. The review process will describe the aspect of issues of safety among the patients of a hospital (Aiken et al., 2012).

Implementation Policy in Netherlands and United Kingdom

The indicators of patient safety are included within the report of patient safety as well as the important report of the security incident. Healthcare-associated infections and failure of children infections have also been included within the aspect of patient safety. The monitoring process is also given seriousness by the NHS of United Kingdom. Strategic Health Authorities has also been made as a reporting authority of patient safety. The NHS has taken the goal to reduce the number of issues within the aspect of patient’s safety. This policy of patient’s safety also ensures the security of all medical devices or medicines (Davis et al., 2012).

The new patient safety system of NHS UK also protects the vulnerable adult. The patient safety program of NHS UK always regulates the application of medical devices or medicines. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) of NHS UK help to ensure the safety of all drugs and medical equipment. However, NHS UK has learned from the previous mistakes in health and social care setting. NHS UK has provided useful as well as relevant actions for the people of learning difficulties, the issue of mental health. This patient safety program of UK also ensures high quality of care for the patients of the country (, 2015).

Dutch patient safety program is intended to maintain the security of a patient. The security program of Netherland is referred to as ‘prevent harm, work safely’. The implementation of a safety program is very effective for maintaining the security measure of the patients. Netherland has initiated national patient safety program which is called as ‘Prevent harm, work safely.’ This patient safety program applies within the network of a hospital. This program also provides leadership session with the CEO, nurses as well as members of the medical board and an advisory council of a nurse. This program is also involved in coordinating the aspect of patient’s safety within the organization. This program is also designed to exchange experience and knowledge among the patients or key stakeholders of a particular group (Lunt et al., 2013).

The approach of patient’s safety is designed to develop basic requirements for the security management system of patients. This program is also designed to improve training and material for different hospitals. Dutch patient’s policy is also intended to meet the requirements of leadership, employees and communication with the key stakeholders of the healthcare group.

The patient safety policies are not much different in UK and Netherlands. Both focus on patient satisfaction by maintaining a good communication with them and by providing a good healthcare service. Both of the countries have a structured management system for risk analysis, auditing, and documentation. To minimize the errors a good communication has to be maintained, and it is implemented in the healthcare organizations of the two countries using arranging meeting between the CEOs, officers of healthcare departments, doctors, other organizational staffs. In both countries, an emphasis is given on the proper training of employees to maintain the culture of an organization and to implement patient safety policies properly. A hygienic condition should be strictly maintained to avoid the chance of infection of any patient. New technologies are implemented for more accuracy in the treatment procedure. Different certified management systems are implemented in healthcare organizations to ensure patient safety.

The Dutch approach of patient safety takes three steps in consideration: first of all the basic requirements of a patient safety management system should be developed. Secondly, it is important to train each and every employee at each level and develop the material necessary for the implementation of patient safety in any organization. Lastly, the hospitals should reduce the preventable harm (Klemp et al., 2015).

In the patient safety of UK, the NHS agenda consists of four components. Firstly, it is necessary to set national standards such as those set out a framework in national service, Controls Assurance standards, NICE standards, etc. The second step is to set up an effective delivery system through the clinical governance. Thirdly, develop a strong monitoring system throughout the organization to improve the performance of the framework and to minimize health hazards of the patient. Finally, measures are taken for an increment in public and patient involvement, like patient surveys, complaints procedure of NHS (Lawton et al., 2012).

From this comparative study, it can be concluded that improvement of patient safety is a major priority for both of these countries. The proper measures will result to a significant benefit of both in the reduction of unintended harm and in unnecessary expenditure of money. The implementation of patient safety is quite complex. It includes the awareness and involvement of every stakeholder at every aspect of a healthcare organization. The hospitals and other healthcare organizations of both of these two countries are adopting new policies to develop the patient safety policies. In recent years, patient safety has become a major priority for any organization related to health and ensuring everyone’s safety is the most important challenge for them. The expert group suggests that there is a need for a unified mechanism for reporting and analysis should be done when things do not go properly. In many countries researches are being done to develop new healthcare policies for the welfare of patients. There are different organizations that are working to give the patients a better treatment and healthcare facility. The patient safety is the key to run any healthcare organization successfully, and it is the effort of people that can make it work.


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