Comparison Of Intel And AMD Microprocessors, HDD, SSD And SSHD Technologies, Thunderbolt And USB Interfaces

Intel Product Range

Intel is a type of microprocessor organization which is one of the oldest companies that provide many microprocessors. There is much application of Intel such as in computer systems, in electronic devices, automation, networking, image processing, and in robotics (Adams, Burger, Crawford, & Setter, 2018). The first microprocessor was established in the year 1971 and it is one of the largest organizations which provide microprocessors and other computer devices. The IA-32 is a type of processor which was established in 1985 and 80386 was the first 32-bit microprocessor. This processor utilized memory segment processor, and various parts of the system to various segments (Rotem, Naveh, Ananthakrishnan, Weissmann, & Rajwan, 2012). There are the main three versions of Intel processor such as Intel i3, Intel i5, and Intel i7. I3 is one of the oldest versions of the microprocessor but i7 is an advanced latest version of Intel processor. Intel i7 reduced many drawbacks or Intel i5 processor and also increase efficiency and performance and now at that time many computer organizations use this processor in all laptops and computers. There are many features of 64-bit Intel architecture which are following

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  • 64-bit pointers
  • 64-bit flat computer-generated speech planetary
  • 64-bit number provision
  • 64-bit extensive overall purpose lists
  • Allows speaking of active to 264 bytes of recollection or 16 EB (Exabyte) of RAM (Costan, Lebedev, & Devadas, 2017).

Figure: Intel Architecture

(Source: Costan, Lebedev, & Devadas, 2017)

Intel is one of the biggest organizations which provides many products and processors which are following-

  • Intel 4004
  • Intel 8008
  • Intel 8080
  • Intel 8085
  • Microcontrollers
  • The bit slice processor
  • The 16-bit microprocessor
  • 32-bit processors: the non-X86 processor
  • The 80386 processors range
  • The 80486 series
  • P5 microarchitecture (Bouvier, Cohen, Fry, Godey, & Mantor, 2014).
  • P6 microarchitecture
  • Net burst microarchitecture
  • 64-bit processors

AMD is defined as advanced a microdevice which is second largest microprocessors after Intel and it produced many processors and products. AMD also develop many other products such as flash memory, network systems, and integrated systems for electronic circuits, programmable logic devices, and microprocessors. It is observed that AMD sold around 100 million windows compatible processor and it was established after the Intel and provided many microprocessors. There are main three versions of AMD processor such as K5, K6, and K7 which are very high in efficacy and performance as compare to Intel processors. K7 is one of the latest version of AMD processor and there are many advantages of this processor such as more efficient, high speed, reduce losses and risks, and improved overall performance. AMD is established in 1969 by Jerry Sander and it is one of the biggest organizations that produced 100 million x86 microprocessors (Bouvier, Cohen, Fry, Godey, & Mantor, 2014).

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Figure: AMD architecture

(Source: Bouvier, Cohen, Fry, Godey, & Mantor, 2014)

AMD provides many products and processors which are following

  • IBM PC
  • X86 Architecture
  • K5, K6, and Sempron
  • New microarchitecture
  • Zen based CPUs and APUs
  • ATI prior
  • AMD Athlon 64
  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core
  • AMD Opteron

AMD Processor

Intel Processor

Less expensive

More expensive

AMD microprocessors can do anything

This processor cannot do anything

It can be overlocked

These processors are locked at the high clock speed

Low cost

More costly

The cost of Athlon and dual-core processors are around $30

The cost of G3930 dual processors are almost $40 which is very high

Price of Eight core Ryzen is $290

Price of the eight-core chip is around $600

It is more efficient and high-performance processor

It is slightly low efficient rather than AMD processors

A hard disk drive is defined as a data storage element which utilizes magnetic storage process to store data or information. This is one of the oldest drivers which is commonly used to store data or information from another peripheral device such as mobile, computer systems, and other communication devices. The hard disk also called a conventional hard disk which is used for information storage. There are many users divide the hard disk into three parts such as C, D, and E and store personal setups of software into C drives and other data or information into D and E drives. It is a type of RAM which stores data and holds data when power is off (Allen, 2017).

AMD Microprocessor Architecture

This type of hard disk uses an integrated circuit process to store data or information and it is also known as a solid state disk. Solid state disk utilizes commercial hard disk intrusions like SAS and SATA and it also uses input and output peripheral devices like M.2 and U.2 which are developed to address particular requests of the flash memory. In this hard disk, there is no actuator arm which has to move into magnetic platter to write and read any data or information. It is very different like hard disk drives and there are no moving stages in this drives and many of solid states disks uses NAND flash memory to store data (Balkesen, Teubner, Alonso, & Özsu, 2015).

 A hybrid drive is defined as a physical data storage device which is an advanced version of soil state disk. It is very fast in speed rather than hard disk drive and solid state drive and it is the very costly hard drive. The main purpose of a solid state drive in a hybrid drive is to act as a cache for information or data stored on the hard disk drive. There are many advantages of this drive such as more efficient, improved overall performance, increase speed and improve productivity. There are common two configurations to implement a hybrid solid state drive such as solid state hybrid drives and dual drive hybrid system (Igami, 2017).  






Very large

Very high









High speed









Form factor




Battery life




Thunderbolt is defined as an interface device which was established by Intel organization which provides a platform to connect external device or system through a computer system. This is an advanced technology of USB and there are many users that use this interface device to transfer data or info ration from one device to another (Bozan, Kiroglu, Ari, Turan, & Cankaya, 2016). There are mainly three types of Thunderbolt used for communication purposes such as Thunderbolt 1, Thunderbolt 2, and Thunderbolt 3. In which Thunderbolt 1 and 2 utilize the same data connectors like MDP but Thunderbolt 3 utilize USB-C connector. It was developed initially and the first Thunderbolt sold in the year 2011 and Thunderbolt is also called as a Light peak in markets. This interface device provides a combination of PCI Express and display port into the serial information system and also provides direct current supply in all cables. There are many advantages of Thunderbolt 3 port such as

  • Can be transferred data at the rate of 40 Gbps
  • Provides 4K video signal at 60 Hz frequency
  • Fast charging and increase overall performance
  • Attach to an outside GPU
  • Reduced losses and threats (Lowy, 2007).

USB is defined as a universal serial bus which is used to transfer and receive data from one peripheral device to computer systems. It is one of the oldest interface devices which provide a platform to communicate between device and computer systems. It connects peripheral networks with computer systems such as keyboards, mouse, scanners, mobile phones, hard disks, and printers. There are mainly two types of USB used for communication purpose such as type A and type B but now one new USB developed which is called type C. type C is one of the modern USB which is used by many mobile organizations to transfer or receive data from another peripheral device. Type C USB increased speed and performance and in this modern technology much mobile organization is providing type C data cable for charging. The USB 1.1 transfer data or information at the rate of 12 Mb per second and USB 2.0 can be transfer at the rate of 480 Mb per second (Misonoh, & Maeda, 2015).



Low performance

High performance

High speed

Slow in speed

The data rate is 40 Gb per second

The data rate is 10 Gb per second

It can present one 5K display or two 4K display

It can provide one 4K display

Very costly

Very cheap

Low efficient

More efficient


Adams, V., Burger, S., Crawford, K., & Setter, R. (2018). Can You Escape? Creating an Escape Room to Facilitate Active Learning. Journal for nurses in professional development, 34(2), E1-E5.

Allen-Robertson, J. (2017). The materiality of digital media: The hard disk drive, phonograph, magnetic tape and optical media in technical close-up. New Media & Society, 19(3), 455-470.

Balkesen, Ç., Teubner, J., Alonso, G., & Özsu, M. T. (2015). Main-memory hash joins on modern processor architectures. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(7), 1754-1766.

Bouvier, D., Cohen, B., Fry, W., Godey, S., & Mantor, M. (2014). Kabini: An AMD accelerated processing unit system on a chip. IEEE Micro, 34(2), 22-33.

Bozan, N., Kiroglu, A. F., Ari, M., Turan, M., & Cankaya, H. (2016). Tympanic Membrane Perforation Caused by Thunderbolt Strike. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 27(8), e723-e724.

Costan, V., Lebedev, I., & Devadas, S. (2017). Secure processors part II: Intel SGX security analysis and MIT sanctum architecture. Foundations and Trends® in Electronic Design Automation, 11(3), 249-361.

Igami, M. (2017). Estimating the innovator’s dilemma: Structural analysis of creative destruction in the hard disk drive industry, 1981–1998. Journal of Political Economy, 125(3), 798-847.

Lowy, B. (2007). Amanita muscaria and the Thunderbolt Legend in Guatemala and Mexico. Mycologia, 66(1), 188-191.

Misonoh, Y., & Maeda, K. I. (2015). Black holes and Thunderbolt singularities with Lifshitz scaling terms. Physical Review D, 92(8), 084049.

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