Comparison Of Higher Education Systems In The UK And Kazakhstan
The teaching and learning system of any country
Describe the comparison in higher education systems of UK and Kazakhstan.
The teaching & learning system of any country is generally started from the basic schooling, typically starts from kindergarten to the high school programs. The development status and the way of thinking of any generation mainly depend upon the education system of that country. It mainly depends on some factors which are regulations, policies, laws, management, community endowment, resource allotment, school amenities, book & education resources and many other issues.
The UK is one of a developed country where the teaching is a significant part during the whole life. In the UK, education is obligatory and free of cost from the age of 5 to 16. There are 5 critical stages of teaching here, which can be classified as premature stage (kindergarten), primary and secondary education, then advance education and last the higher education (The Headmasters’ & Headmistresses’ Conference, 2016).
But, on the contrary Kazakhstan is a besieged nation where sovereignty and egalitarianism has been rigid to resist. Russians contribute to 34.8% of its population and Kazakhstan’s education system of is also being prejudiced by the system of Russia. Basic education is mandatory for every student between the ages of 6-15 years. Kindergarten schooling is accessible for free of the cost to all the Kazah’s students, whereas it’s not consent to contribute their Ist year of mandatory primary education.
The UK system of higher tutoring includes Graduate, post-graduate and other undergraduate courses. The undergraduate courses are the principal courses, post which the PG courses arrive into the picture including higher degrees, master specialization and doctorate along with Diplomas. Other under-graduate includes NVQ, National Vocational Qualifications and SVQ, Scottisch Vocational Qualification and a HND, Higher National Diploma which is level 5 education and Higher National Certificate (HNC) which is known as Level-4 educations. They are preferred by students as they proffer the elasticity to get occupation while studying.
Annamari Ylonen concluded in one of the research which states that “Student Ambassador Scheme” assists the student’s ahead multifaceted skills which are transportable, besides money making (Tasbulatova, 2012). In fact, they feel it highly worthwhile, while in case of Kazakhstan, higher or tertiary education focuses on several bachelor-programs, masters and further doctorate studies.
Differences in the opinions of educational pattern result to the various ways of education management structure, but the wider evolution curve of UK systems implies that they intended to develop a better education system (Hansen & Vignoles, 2008).
The British tuition-fees are possibly the utmost amongst of all other fees and charges. The organization for the Economic Cooperation Development data discovered the same in contrast to various colleges of the US. Although, the student normally pays 19 % of the country overhead’s on their education during the higher studies. 57%-60% is being paid by the communal sector and the employer generally pays around 27%-30%, which is moderately less in the country. It leads a gigantic drop in the no. of part-time aspirants as per Sutton Trust. The Govt. is engaged by different ways to persuade the university who give the impression of earning better and teaching, by permitting higher fees and on the contrary, functioning on the loan repayment proposal for the PG students’ till 60%. Even subsequent to such a capable managing finance system, the country has very less natives in higher education than average OECD data. Mr. Schleicher suggested further participation of the business in UK which would be probably helpful for other countries, whereas the employers are part of the country’s education/learning system rather than the consumers. Above all, it has been evidently noticed that “Education” plays an important role in organizing the people for their jobs with bare minimum investment (Kazakhstan Education , 2016).
Differences in higher education systems of the UK and Kazakhstan
On contrast, the Kazakh’s educational system is very unique, as in the citizens may benefit higher teaching as non- biased competition. The Govt. distributes a budget yearly which covers the superiority students rely on the national programs which consists of the students who are enforced on the labor markets, others or people who select other specific careers have to fund on their own. The state funding is increasing sustainably. As per state education programs in the year 2015, the Govt. would be able to develop the endowment levels per capita which may proves to be effective. All the colleges engaged in providing the higher education would probably raise their funds through paid-services system, loan, sponsors, charity aid and grants etc. Other than the education grant method, the Kazakh’s students acquire an improvement from few other measures like incentives, scholarships by public and private institutions and education institutes which is mainly dependent on their scores.
Quality: Students of UK is attaining exceptional Grade in the higher education structure, i.e. 20% students get Ist and nearly 51% upper IInd grade in year 2014. This data is almost 70% higher as compared to the data five years back. As per Ms Dandridge, it is the accomplishment of enhancing the funding systems and graduate contributions that the students are operating hard enough these days (Coughlan, 2014). Though, the dropping no. of the part-time students is a real matter of worry, regardless of the several years of warning. A vital rethink has been call-out by the Secretary-General, various institutions and university’s unions. The problems which are in focus are to serve the a huge no. of people for those getting higher-education is exorbitant and out of pocket, decreasing no. of international students because of anti-migration language and modifications in the visa rules (Burns, 2015).
Steps are taken by the Kazakh Education System for enhancing the excellence and eminence in terms of serving better quality-education are
- By setting appropriate education standards. Govt. based agency and committees are accountable for the amendable quality of the higher-education system and then subsequently report the same to the Ministry of Education systems. Some of the actions consist of the verification of the resources, licensing and examining conformity, and then the peripheral assessment tasks of learning. In fact, there are individual and autonomous accredited agencies plays a vital and key responsibility in managing the quality-education by hauling out a separate and sovereign evaluation with the said benchmarking, carrying internal audits and through self-scrutiny tool.
Key-Challenges in the Education systems: UK’s holds a worldwide headship and direction, which are the key factors for the fulfillment and contentment between the students.
Though, the students of other countries such as the US and Canada are apparently getting benefit in terms of growth faster than the students of UK. The higher-education system of UK is typically impacted in case of the international students because of visa-policies and growing antagonism (O’Malley, 2015).
The Kazakh’s system is aimed to enhance the right to use of the education-system, which may possibly enhance the educational mobility of the teachers and students via adoption of the analogous degree structures. The Govt. has also launched a new system in the midst of Higher –Education for facilitating the better quality of higher-education system. Yet, Kazakhstan’s education system is faces issues in terms of outcome-based, economy and employers, stumpy modest research activities, the less- effective and further complicated quality system
Conclusion: The report reflects that both countries, UK and Kazakh have been facing all the assorted stages in case of emerging their respective education-systems. UK is leading in provisions of delivering reasonably spare elastic and proscribed education system having steady improvements and substantiation of few conditional practices which is turning ahead and towards attainment of best world’s class goodwill, but still associated with numerous problems in their education-system. On the contrary, Kazakh is in process of creating their better educational-system and continuously demanding agencies and Govt. departments for building higher education-systems to be further available, regardless of of the funds factors.
Burns, J., 2015. Record numbers graduate with first-class degrees. Record numbers graduate with first-class degrees, 15 Janaury, Available at:
Coughlan, S., 2014. UK ‘second best education in Europe’. UK ‘second best education in Europe’, 08 May, Available at:
Hansen, K. & Vignoles, A., 2008. The United Kingdom Education System in Comparative Context, Available at:
Kazakhstan Education , 2016. International information centre of the republic of Kazakhstan. [Online]
Available at:
O’Malley, B., 2015. UK leads on international student satisfaction – Study. UK leads on international student satisfaction – Study, 09 December, Available at:
Tasbulatova, S., 2012. Highr education in Kazakhstan: EACEA, Available at:
The Headmasters’ & Headmistresses’ Conference, 2016. The British Education System. The British Education System.