Comparison Of Health Care Philosophies In Christianity And Hinduism

The Prime Reality

What is prime reality? What is the nature of the world around us? What is a human being? What happens to a person at death? Why is it possible to know anything at all? How do we know what is right and wrong? What is the meaning of human history?

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Health care provision should be unbiased of religious belief and faith especially in the areas that are sophisticated regarding the religion.  Therefore a health care provider is required to have enough knowledge about the religious views of the patient so that they can execute their tasks and duties without breaching the religious beliefs and views of the patient. Different studies revealed that the religion play a very important role in the recovery of the ailing person (Argyle & Beit-Hallahmi, 2014). If the religious view are strong then it could be a source of hope among a pool of adversity and can help in the strengthening the will of an individual to overcome the disease and regain the individuals original health. This strong believe in religion and firm religious views can be big part of curing of an ailing individual.

There are several differences present among the Hindu and Christian views on health care matter.Main dissimilarity between two of the religions is “Christianity is Abrahamic while Hinduism is Dharmic” (Kurien, 2015). There are other religions that are Abrahamic religion like Judaism and Islam (Ahmed & Kessler, 2016). These religions also follow strong health views like the Christian religion. However the main purpose of this report is to explore the comparison of the philosophy of the provision of health care of the Christian and Hinduism in detail. The report also discuss about the number of question upon the comparison of the Christian and Hindu religion.

The trust and belief in the “God the Father, the son Jesus and the Holy Spirit” is one of the main pillars of the Christian doctrine (Smeaton, 2016). All of three are together called trinity. It is mandatory for all Christian to do the worship of the Father through the son. The original fact is that the Christian foundation has its base anchored to a particular faith that is the death and the resurrection of Christ and the provision of him as the missing link between the God, the Father and the humanity (Migliore, 2014). The Christian belief that the ruler of the entire universe is the God and the God is the ultimate person who has given every one life (Debord, 2012). All the thing that is considered as evil including the disease and suffering are believed by the Christian as the result of the battle between the God and the ‘fallen angels’ (Lienesch, 2014). It is believed that the fallen angels are once used to be on the side of the good that is before the eventual deception of the first human.

The Nature of the World

While the religion of the Hinduism has its based anchored to a complete devotion to the diverse God and Goddesses. In this respect it should be noted that Hinduism is present for three millennia before the concept of Christianity came to this world (Walls, 2015). In the early times it was very common phenomenon in the religion of Hinduism to worship a diverse numbers of Gods in according to the personal needs and the season. In the modern times also the tradition is still stuck at that point. However different section of Hinduism have developed over time leading to the formation of the diversification in the belief of Gods. The Gods of Hindus are physical unlike Christianity. A large section of Hindus have trust in Atman that is God is above all and can be reincarnated in some animal who are sacred like the cows and monkeys. Hindus worship idols (Aarathi & Shah, 2015) and any form of idol worship is a sin for Christian (Baker, 2016).

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To the Christian the world and all its inhabitants are created by the God. The whole story of the creation is narrated in Genesis, which is the first book present in the Holy Bible, it states that the humans are given the authority above all the inhabitants of the world. In the view of the Christian the diseases and the suffering that are crippling the world are the consequences of the sins of Adams and Eve, who are considered as the parents of all human being. As the human are physical being and therefore the world in which they exist is also physical as well and hence the disease are also physical. The Protestants and the Catholics believe that all human being are mortals and are the temporary inhabitants of the world. The faith of the Mosaic Law abiders rest upon the theory of the transition of a physical being into spirituality after death. The Christian believe that despite of the reason of the death be disease or accident, the death is brought in the world by the existence of an evil being in the world and there remains the importance of the prayer in Christianity.

In contrast some section of the Hindus believe that the world is physical but most of the old Hindu sects possess a different and a strong stance that the world and the sins present in it are illusion and enlightenment can shrugged off all these illusion. The main believe of the Hindus is that every human being should try do well to others so that they can escape the  birth and reincarnation cycle that goes on for eternity (Widgery, 2016). According to the mythology of the Hindus the world is the debt repayment place for the wrongdoers and the suffering and diseases that invest the life are meant to mend the paths of wrong-doing in the past life.

What is a Human Being?

According to the Christian believe the Human being are the only creatures who are made in the image of their creator (Linzey, 2016) and they believe that if they can keep their Christian faith they will one day be reunited with their master and get eternity. However it is different for the Hindu believers because they believe that they are sleeping gods who are waiting for the enlightenment and awakening (Linzey, 2016). This enlightenment can be achieved after the full repayment of the Karmic consequences through subsequent reincarnation and sufferings.

The Hindus have to die and resurrect several times as long as they are indebted with karma and if this debt is not clear then it is very difficult to attain Moksha (Chandra, 2016). The Hindus believe that they are given the task of execution of the good deeds while they are alive so that enlightenment can be achieved by them after death. On the other hand the belief of the Christian is they will be resurrected at the time of the second coming of their saviour.

The Christians believe that the God is omnipresent, omnipotent and all knowing. As the Christians believe that they are created in the image of God. So it may be possible that the human inherited some of the traits from the creator in minimal qualities. The intelligence and wisdom that help the human to rule the earth are the traits that the human inherited from the creator. The Genesis story also states that about the serpent, the forbidden fruit, and it is thought that the first humans have unlocked the human potential with respect to the knowledge of the ‘hidden secrets’. Thus, the concealed knowledge present in the “Garden of Eden” had made the progenies of Adam and Eve more conversant than any other creatures.

While ‘Hindus’ consider themselves as ‘small gods’. Thus, they have full information of their environments. So it no miracle that they pursue health care from other ‘knowledgeable small gods’ that is the medical experts. It is also believed by them that their subsequent rebirths take them from one step to the other in the knowledge and intelligence ladder of life and at the end a breakthrough will be achieved by them through attaining enlightenment that is the ultimate step of every information and the eternal existence in the empire of the spiritual world. However the fact is that there is a resemblance between the beliefs of Hindu and the evolution of human that is an individual can be reincarnated into a lesser being.

What happens to a person at death?

The view of Christians on the knowledge of right and wrong originates from the Garden of Eden. The forbidden fruit eaten by Eve signalled the onset of the human knowledge of understanding what is good and evil. Besides, the Christians were belief to be created in the creator’s image, which earned them the right of the good and evil knowledge. In the Holy Bible there are numerous stories that reiterate the love of God for humans. In contrast the belief of Hindus states it is entitled to them by right that they know good and evil. As they are the Atman’s part, they are the Supreme Being, and the fellow god, and their supernatural existence in re-creations and enlightenments enables them to a cease-fire over all earthly provisions including the good and the evil. This strong beliefs empower them to avoid the evil including bad health.

It is believed by the Christians that Jesus Christ is their saviour, ascended to the paradise to make homes for his believers. According to Christians, the human history make them for the future eternity in the heavens. In contrast, Hindus believe that they are part of the human history. Their belief is that they will form human history for as long as they are trapped in the reincarnation circle. Also, they can decipher the human history to find clues on how to live a righteous life that will result in completion of Karma debt and the eventual attainment of enlightenment.

1. Prayers

The Christians are linked to their creator through prayer. They can ask for anything from their creator and it will be given to them. This can include the seeking of divine intervention for their health conditions.  Petitions, sacraments and prayers to the sick is a sign of love, especially when conducted by a healthcare professional. They boost the mood of the ailing individuals, hence encouraging their quick recovery.

2. Meditation

Meditation is a steady practice among the Hindus but it is uncommon among the Christians. However, a healing property is there in Meditation when directed to an ailing individual. Technically, a properly directed deep meditation releases human energy that ensures relief and relaxation from stress. As such, diseases caused by stress will subsequently be reduced and eradicated.

3. Yoga

The yoga is another regular practice by Hindus it is a part of the exercise that removes ailments. The Asian people have been practicing the yoga for Millennia. This implies that the healing practice has stood the test of time. Recent studies has proven that people who need healthcare can receive aid and divine intervention through such yoga.

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4. Communion and Communal Worship

The process of conducting the worship together amongst Christians not only lead to sturdy ties but also, it is a show of love and tender care to the people in need. Many times, it is exactly the thing  the ailing patients required for them to fully recover from their disease.  The Hindus have discovered this secret long long before Christianity was conceived. This is the reason why still in the modern times, communal worships and the temple offerings are conducted whenever in the family there is a sick Hindu member.


According to the particular viewpoint, it is true that most of the Christians receive healing through their faith in Christ’s power over diseases.  The fact is that, the faith that the Christian have on their Christianity is enough to provide them hope over the diseases. However, proper health care supplements their beliefs. It should be known by every Christian that it is quite difficult and impossible to only rely on prayers alone to heal the sick; Christ works his wonders through healthcare professionals as well. As a Christian, a patient should have trust and faith over health care provision by a non-Christian professional because we are all created in God’s image, even  the non-believers.


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