Comparison Of Financial Accounting Services Websites Using B2B E-commerce Model – DBM And Azure Group

Assessment Description:

The Business-to-Business (B2B) model of e-commerce has been primarily chosen for the conduction of the assessment. The B2B is regarded as a form of business model in which more than two business would be able to interact with each other in daily business transactions (Janita and Miranda 2013). This process involves the form of business transactions among each of the businesses. These kind of business transactions involves several manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers. The B2B business model helps different companies for developing a business chain by which they would be a regular flow of services and data. The B2B business model has been mainly chosen for meeting with the needs based on a service industry. There are different financial service providers who are primarily based within Australia who are making of the B2B e-commerce business model (Homburg, Stierl and Bornemann 2013). They are making the use of websites and related tools for the purpose of spreading of their business motives and thus be able to serve within the industry.

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In the past few years, there have been a major form of rise in the growth of the B2B e-commerce business model. According to a conducted survey, it has been highly expected that there would be an all-time growth in the U.S dollars. The financial accounting based companies who are making use of the web based application and tools would help their clients to be able to learn the intrinsic details of their organization (Holliman and Rowley 2014). These organization would also be able to serve their customers in a better manner. They would also engage with their other business partners and thus be able to improvise their personal business strategies. Moreover, these websites would act as a medium of communication by which other companies would be able to reach to them by using the facility of emails, online chat support system or through calls. Hence, they would be resolve any kind of issues within the systems and also develop and maintain a better kind of relationship with their business partners (D’Haen and Van den Poel 2013).

In this report, the first website based on financial accounting services within Australia is DBM Consultants. The URL of the website is –

The second chosen financial accounting services website is from the Azure Group, Australia. The website of the company could be

The DBM Consultants are one of the topmost financial and accounting consultancy service provider who follow the B2B service model. They have a broader reputation within the international market and they have also been ranked among the Fortune 500 list of companies. They have an intense financial based services for their clients. The clients of this business venture are mainly small to large businesses and other international business organizations. DBM consultants have also established their firm business base in the markets of Australia ( 2018). The company is regarded as a brand name in the financial accounting sector of business companies. They have many collaborations, which take place among various business professionals who are based in Australia and also in other parts of the world. These form of collaborations are made for providing various forms of services that range from financial advisory, tax, audit, economics, and human capital and also services related to technical aspects. DBM Consultants also help in providing service in the various fields and aspects of business perspectives, which normally range from government organizations, healthcare sectors and different kinds of other private based business organizations. The accounting based company supports in the various forms of discussion with their clients based on the improvement within their business, formulates their concerns or issues and thus provided various kinds of suggestions based on dealing with the rising issues and reports.

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The Business-to-Business (B2B) Model

The Azure Group, Australia was primarily established in the year 2002. The main motive of the business was to serve the purposes of other financial sectors within Australia. The current business procedure of Azure Group is mainly based on the B2B business model of e-commerce. This form of business model has tremendously helped the organization to gain reputation within the world market and thus be able to create a brand name in the entire world of business (, 2018). They mainly help in supporting small and large business firms about their issues by contacting them through emails, chat support and thus plan accordingly. They also provide service by developing various business units, concepts that would be able to provide business insights for their business partners who would learn from the company. Based on the previous success history of Azure Group, it has been evident that they would hugely succeed in the growth of their business in the near future.

The Azure Group have high aims for their business prospects. Hence they strive harder for achieving those goals. In the recent years, they have shown a major growth within their business and have also established several collaborations with other companies and businesses (Freeman et al. 2015). Some of the major kinds of business values of the company are:

  • Respect and Trust– The company aims for promoting their business by establishing trust among the other business partners who are in collaboration. They firmly believe that earning trust and respect is a much needed asset for the growth within the business.
  • Achievement of Goals – They set their personal limits and thus strive harder to break those limits and perform much better in every kind of circumstances. They not only provide business solutions but also make their services to reach different levels. Hence they provide various kinds of support to other business partners by resolving their queries and maintain a high level of relationship.
  • Cloud based Support Framework – With the implementation of cloud-based solutions within their business areas, they store their financial records and other assets on the cloud platform. They can update the details of their clients and their issues and hence provide an enhanced form of delivery service to their clients (Yasrab 2018).

With the mentioned goals of the website, it could be concluded that this website could be regarded as one of the best form of business venture who would wish to promote their business with a new form of e-commerce outlook.

DBM Consultants are another form of financial service provider companies who have a pre-determined set of goals and business objectives. They thrive to make a huge form of impact within the business markets of Australia and also in the world. The financial sector claims to provide the best form of business and financial based solutions to the people, business clients and several other communities who are in collaboration with the sector (Holmes and Gupta 2015). Hence they intend to serve their clients by providing them with high quality of service based on economic reports, analysis of business risks and approaches to resolve them, tax advisory guidance and various forms of financial guidance.

The company also strives to educate and provide knowledge about the ways in which other kinds of various solutions could be applied to resolve the issues faced by other companies. DBM Consultants have been highly successful for achieving their pre-set goals and objectives (Kasemsap 2015).

  1. Website URL




DBM Consultants


The website clearly depicts the name of the business. The site is also easily accessible and is listed among the top financial consultant provider companies.

Azure Group Australia


The website is easily accessible and also depicts the name of the concerned business.

  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)




DBM Consultants


The link to the website redirects to the webpage. The website is also easily accessible by simply a search on Google, Bing and Yahoo (Gupta 2014).

Azure Group Australia


The website can be easily located by conducting a search in any web browser.

  1. Information of the Website




DBM Consultants


The website of this company should also provide some details about their partnership companies.

Azure Group Australia


The website provide enough information about the kind of services, which are being provided. They could make some form of amendments within the website by showing the list of companies with which they might have worked in the past.

  1. Gathering of User Information




DBM Consultants


The website is successful in gathering user information as they provide the user to fill in their credentials and also provide a Message section in which their clients would be able to fill in their requirements (Beynon-Davies 2013).

Azure Group Australia


They should improve on the sector of user information gathering. Instead of just filling the basic details of identification, the website should collect other information of their clients, which would be helpful for understanding the needs of their clients in a simple and easy process.

Analysis of the B2B E-Commerce Business Model as per the chosen Website

  1. Reassurance of Security of User Information on the Website




DBM Consultants


The website provides a well-defined privacy policy that outlines the rules of privacy and security of user information within the website.

Azure Group Australia


The company too provides a Legal and Privacy in which the basic terms and conditions are defined. Users can view these policies in order to better understand the needs of privacy (Mukerjee and Prasad 2017).

  1. Website Trust




DBM Consultants


The website foster trust by developing a policy of security of user information and services.

Azure Group Australia


They have a thoroughly built a community who would trust the organisation (Patalinghug 2017).

  1. Addressing of Legal Issues




DBM Consultants


The website provides a high form of security and legal policy, which is mentioned in the footer section of the website. User can view those details and thus gain insights from them.

Azure Group Australia


They have a properly set legal aspect of policy. They have addressed this section in the footer section of the website.

  1. Website Accessibility




DBM Consultants


The website has offered a good user interface in order to support their users and provide them with various functionality, which are easy to use from every kind of devices (Lobo et al. 2016).

Azure Group Australia


The website offers a good user interface, which is highly interactive and provides good functionality. Users can also view the website in an easy format from their mobile devices.

  1. Cultural Aspects




DBM Consultants


The use of the domain of (.au) within the website helps in depicting a form of national pride within Australia. They have also made a good use of language based on all communities (Hogan and Young 2013).

Azure Group Australia


They too have maintained the national pride. They have an easy interface accessibility.

  1. Information of Products




DBM Consultants


Although the website provides each kind of information, but they have not mentioned the information related to budget of their services.

Azure Group Australia


This website also provides all relevant information but have not mentioned the prices of their services, which is highly necessary.

  1. Customizability of Website




DBM Consultants


The website does not have any kind of customizable options, which is a high needed aspect.

Azure Group Australia


The website too does not have any kind of customizability feature.

  1. Experience Personation




DBM Consultants


There is no such form of promotional events within the website.

Azure Group Australia


The website provides some level of newsletters, which are helpful for other business to collaborate with the organization.

  1. Support Channels




DBM Consultants


The wide form of support could be accessed by writing the concerned message to the business.

Azure Group Australia


Support can be availed by contacting the website.

  1. Ease of Accessibility of Information




DBM Consultants


Each and every information is provided in a detailed form.

Azure Group Australia


Users can avail the services provided by the website in an easy way by searching for basic details (Kasemsap 2016).

  1. Clarity of Readability




DBM Consultants


They have shared different kinds of blogs and reviews made by people who have availed the services offered by the website (Mohamed 2015).

Azure Group Australia


Each of the information shared is provided with deep insights based on the reviews of people.

  1. Navigation of Website




DBM Consultants


The navigation bar is provided by a drop-down menu, which might create some problems for accessing.

Azure Group Australia


The navigation bar of the website could have been much more attractive.

  1. Look and Feel of the Website




DBM Consultants


They offer a good feel of accessing the website.

Azure Group Australia


A great look is offered by the website and it makes good use of fonts, which are easy to read and access.

  1. Maintenance of User Community




DBM Consultants


The company provides blogs within their website, which helps the users to view the ideas used by the company in dealing with their clients (Song et al. 2016).

Azure Group Australia


The company provides the user to subscribe to their newsletters and thus maintain a loyal community.

  1. Various Functionalities




DBM Consultants


The website gets loaded in a time interval of a few seconds owning the huge use of graphics and images, which take a bit of time for loading in the browser.

Azure Group Australia


Access to the server of the website is a bit low. The website gets loaded into the web browser in a gap of five seconds while it should take only about two second to load with high internet connection.

  1. Accessibility of the Web Browser




DBM Consultants


The website is easily accessible in other web browsers (Maia 2015).

Azure Group Australia


The website gets loaded in any web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox and others.

  1. Payment Procedures




DBM Consultants


No payment options provided.

Azure Group Australia


Same as above

  1. Delivery Options




DBM Consultants


They make use of the cloud service for delivering services to their clients.

Azure Group Australia


They have built a cloud platform, which serves delivery features of a broad range of services.

Based on the comparison and contrast over both the websites it could be concluded that both of the websites are very much successful in their areas of business. They have tried their best to implement the B2B model of e-commerce strategies within their business areas. Both of the websites have highlighted the basic necessities of information, which are mostly searched by the customers and international clients.

However, based on the comparison of both of these websites, it could be concluded that DBM Consultants could be considered as the most preferable approach for business clients. Although Azure Group have successfully achieved all of the necessary criteria, which are mostly required by business partners but still they have fall short in some of the aspects based on the above table. DBM Consultants on the other hand have all the basic features, which could be the requirement of the client and hence can access the features in an easy manner. The businesses have the wide feature for supporting their clients and thus pledge to strive hard for establishing a sense of respect and gain trust within the clients. They also maintain their regular use of blogs and optimization of social media for improving their business processes.

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