Comparison Between Political Status Of Societies Of Africa And Eastern Pacific With Emphasis On Papua New Guinea

The significance of the research proposal

In the research proposal, I will present my views on the stateless society and the comparison that is there between the two. Stateless society is defined as the term of society in which there is no fixed government run by a state (Sillitoe, 2013). This type of society has no social order or government concentration which is the ultima of power in the country. Though there are only a few stateless societies in the world, the countries which still have the no prominent society is given to the fact that there are no formal political positions.

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The significance of this assignment is it will shed light on the comparison between the political status of some of the societies of Africa and Eastern Pacific, the society of New Guinea is basically stateless with leadership based on the powers of persuasion. The leaders are prominent and they gain power through the modes of informal process of selection. The overall analysis of the leadership is termed as Big Man leadership technique in which the leadership technique depended on the amount of persuasion that the people have from the people from the state.

Aim of this research proposal is to examine the political situation in Papua New Guinea. The proposal will shed light on following questions

  • What are the major differences between stateless and other societies?
  • What type of political challenges are being faced by the citizens in stateless society?
  • What can be government initiatives to improve the political segments in Papua New Guinea?

With the various quality and themes that is there for the society of the times, the research proposal is done with the present themes and analysis.

The five qualities of an ambitious man are as follows –

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  1. Talent is one of the major qualities that enable a man to achieve the level of talent in which the position is achieved.
  2. Good listening skills is another major talent which help a man to listen to the problems of other people.
  3. Ability to persuade people to give up wealth to achieve mental happiness is the third quality.
  4. The man should have the power of empathy with the plight of his brethren
  5. The man should possess the gift of charisma to impress the people below them in terms of ranks.

In order to conduct the research project, the secondary information will be required. Different journals and articles related to the topic will be reviewed. Statistical data will be collected from the authentic sources. It can be assumed that time and budget can be the major barrier for conducting the research project.

In order to conduct the research, the research work will be divided into different stages. In the first stage, research and development will be done. Collecting the data from secondary sources, the data will be analysed. After identification of the problems, budget estimation report will be sent to the higher authority for finance approval. Getting the detail territory map, approval from geological department is required.

The Moka ceremony in the province of Papua Guinea is a celebration in which the people competing for the leadership position has to give in to lavish ceremonies and fight with one another to achieve the best position in the ranking (Sillitoe, 2013). The most decorated and lavish person strikes the chord and has been selected as the leader.


Grossman, L. S. (2014). Peasants, subsistence ecology, and development in the highlands of Papua New Guinea (Vol. 672). Princeton University Press.

Sillitoe, P. (2013). A place against time: land and environment in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Routledge., (2018). Available at: [Accessed on 8 Nov 2018]

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