Comparison Between Manufacturing And Service Operations Management
Similarities and Differences between Manufacturing and Services
Service and manufacturing operations have many differences among themselves on the contrary there are certain similarities as well. As example it can be stated that both the type of organizations have their own statements of purpose and their desired results. All the companies including the various manufacturers and the service providers have the objective of being on the top of the competition in its particular sector. However the two industries have their different kind of requirements and industry needs, this can be stated in terms of the layout of the organization and the arrangement of the various machineries and the layout. The system in which the organization is run is also different. Manufacturing operations is the process of making and preparing physical things and products that are visible and touchable and that can be utilized for various purposes. The two separate branches of manufacturing can be termed as: process and discrete manufacturing (Jacobs, Chase and Lummus 2014). The service industry and the creators of the service industry engage in making different kinds of services that are utilized for the betterment of the mankind in various ways such as hospitals, medicine, hotels and other services. The various manufacturers are engaged in delivering the finished products and goods and deliver merchandise from the raw materials, for example, gadgets, goods and vehicles. On the contrary, service operations contribute definite immaterial facilities that might not be effortlessly identifiable. Operations of service can be well-arranged into numerous endeavors, for example, managing an account, social care, promoting and consultancy. In general, the manufacturers and producers have an established method for creating merchandises. Products are delivered as once huge group in a manufacturing plant or delivery center compose conditions (Slack, Brandon-Jones and Johnston 2013). One completed item is for the most part the same as the next one to be completed. Operations of service, by difference, have more opportunities to alter the various services all these service providers give.
In the domain of manufacturing, directors of operations manage the movements required to deliver merchandise from materials which are raw. The managers who face this problem in terms of dealing with the storage of the materials in the space that is provided, the supply of raw goods through the making technique, what is the amount of produced items is needed and what is the nature of manufacturing and production. In the task of service, processes supervisors plan laborers to meet with client request. They must prepare and guide employees to give facilities which are ideal to clients. Service operations in the same way offer physical merchandise furthermore has to face stock control issues (Brown and Bessant 2013). Manufacturing and service operations both have to arrange and organize the area where the various operations will take place however the components in both of these cases are different. Manufacturing operations, for example, think about the manufacturing design. For example it can be said, the manufacturing format can be process-centered, settled and fixed or item/ product centered, for example, in a sequential construction system production line. These concerns impact the producer’s workforce or employee implementation and combined production or yield. Service operations, by difference, plan the area as per how the clients are influenced. For instance, service operations are worried about how the environment is presented to the clients. Amounts of the Conditions of service integrate the format of goods, course of action of various substantial indications, for example, colors, ambience and sounds intended to improve the encounter of the clients. Makers have a method of institutionalization for transporting merchandise as one huge lot in an industrial facility. One completed item is characterized, settled and the same is done for the next products as well. The firms who provide service don’t create a service except if a client wants it, apart from the fact that they summarize and shape up the degree and substance of facilities ahead of time of any demands. Service operations have more probabilities to customize and alter the services they give custom-made to clients’ needs. Manufacturing and service operations both design and customize the area in which work happens, yet they center on various other components as well. Manufacturing operations comprehend about the manufacturing design and its effect on the stream of work- process-centered, fixed, product or item centered (Kato et al 2015). In a service task directors plan the employees to make dealing with the request of the clients. They should mentor and prepare representatives to give ideal services to when the arrival of the clients happens. Service operations likewise plan the ambience as per how it impacts clients. They are concerned about the environment of the service area for clients, arrangement of goods, course of action of colors and different indications and sounds intended to improve the client experience. A firm providing service enlists persons with exact data and capacities in the service sectors that the firm proposes. Service transference is done manually mostly and cannot be efficiently computerized, in spite of the fact that information management outlines empower a stage of learning distribution of the knowledge. Producers can mechanize a significant number of their creation processes to diminish their work requisites, notwithstanding some producing and manufacturing organizations are work focused, specifically in countries where production and work costs are less. Service businesses don’t involve a physical generation site where the manufacture is going on. For instance, worldwide firms, for example, experts at Deloitte put to use communication and correspondence systems to get to the most proper service aptitudes and information from place of works round the earth. Producers must have a visible zone for their generation and storage of the stocks operations. Essentially, manufacturing organizations generally manufactures and buy layouts in light of the interest of the clients and the market. At the same point Human Resource and the infrastructure are developed to deliver and perform. So the manufacturing companies task administration is basically product run, the idea is to control the procedure of generation, keep the nature of results and diminish cost (Walker et al 2015). There are more vulnerabilities simultaneously, so there are many designs that cannot be built before the time also the outcomes are different when the final product is built because the target customer may change with time. Consequently, the service operations are human centered. In the manufacturing organizations, there are clear limits inside the task, promoting and human asset administration. The time and places are distinction among creating and offering the products. Other than most items need to transport through an intricate channel before the clients get them. Subsequently, there must have distinctive individuals take reaction of various divisions. Besides, since the manufacturing operations are item focused, the working procedure and quality are entirely controlled, which implies human’s conduct will have few impacts to the outcomes. All things considered, to the service organizations, the human factor is basic while working. Overseeing individuals must turn into a basic piece of line supervisors’ activity in service operations. So the three sections which had been said toward the start must be coordinated while managing. For the utilitarian system choices of the organization, the execution change needs for the firm is to make all the representative envision in to the entire task as much as possible. The organization dedicates to give best quality items to its clients. Diminishing the time between the demand and the accessibility of the product however much as could reasonably be expected is the speed and steadfastness goals of the organization, while it will limit the expense ofraw material by buying comprehensively.
Objectives and Requirements of Manufacturing and Services
The organization in this case is Apple Inc. The company has been engaged in stiff competition with various other mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung, Xiaomi. The founding CEO of the company Steve Jobs has set high standards for the company and has ensured that the company remains ahead of others in the market.
The time based competition is based on the concept that the time is a resource and the organization must be using time very efficiently (Demeter 2013). The organization gains competitive advantage over the competitors when the resource of time is efficiently utilized. The word time based competition was coined by the US consultant George Stalk, Jr. He was in the Boson Consulting Group and he further popularized the term in his book ‘Competing Against Time.’
Presently all the organizations around the world are giving maximum importance on the deadline of completing each projects. One of the advanced marketing technique that is used presently is the use of “Just In Time Production (JIT)”. This technique has been accredited with the decreased inventories, downtime set-up times and workspace (Godinho Filho and Saes 2013). Decrease in all these sectors has increased the equipment utilization, inventory turns, profit and ultimately labor utilization. Therefore it can be concluded and understood that the various advantages of the time based competition are many. The Just In Time concept is based on the idea that the goods are produced just perfectly at the time when it is to be sold. Therefore all the previous steps must also be concluded Just In Time, which means the raw materials must be acquired just before it is sent for processing and manufacturing, manufacturing is done Just In Time before it is supposed to be packed and packing is done Just In Time before it is dispatched for being sold.
This concept of Just In Time was the first phase of the concept of Time Based Competition. The extension and the expansion of the Just In Time Concept is the complete theory or concept of Time Based Competition. At a point of time quality was the single most important factor which decided the competitive advantage of the particular company. However in the recent days it is seen that it is no more the single most important factor to decide on the competitive advantage of the company. The speed at which products are made available in the market is also equally important in the recent days. Among the various strategic plans the companies which zero in on the Attack strategy to reduce the advantage of the competitors, for them the concept of time based competition has been seen to be immensely useful.
The time based competition is a competitive strategy which explains that one of the most important factors that is required to achieve and sustainable competitive advantage and to maintain the same. The time required for proposing, ideating, developing, modeling, manufacturing, supplying, marketing and delivering the products are aimed to be reduced as much as possible in this particular concept (Yang, De Vericourt and Sun 2013). The old traditional supply chain structure and management structure are not enough in this regards to achieve the target of fulfilling the time based competition. The two types of time based competition are “fast to market and fast to produce”. Both of these types are aimed at achieving the same results.
Layout and System in Manufacturing and Services
In case of Apple Inc. the company has made it a standard to deliver great products right on time. It is seen that the launch of new products is never delayed and right on time the company comes with its newest version of various gadgets. All over the world it has become a craze for the people who can afford to buy Apple products as soon as possible after its launch. Apple iPhone series has become such popular that people who wants to buy the product do not hesitate to queue up for hours to get hands on the mobile phones. Even it is seen that people queue up for whole night in front of the shops, so that the morning it is available first they can acquire the product. Apple Inc. has left the nearest competitors like Samsung far behind in terms of this particular craze among the users. This has been only possible because of the timely delivery of best quality products.
The company has one of the most unique design of the higher management and the supply chain structure is also unique in comparison to other companies. This has resulted in a better management of timings in whole process of receiving a particular stock of raw material, processing and producing it into finished goods and delivering.
- Faster Delivery of Products- The products are delivered much faster than the companies which do not have the time based competition.
- Efficient Delivery System- The delivery is done in the correct time and the customers do not have to wait.
- Compact Supply Chain process- Starting from acquiring the raw materials to processing to delivery of the final processed product, the supply chain is kept compact so that the delivery can be done in a faster manner.
- More attentive, enthusiastic and busy workforce- Because the delivery needs to be made on the correct time, the staff members are more attentive about their work and they do not procrastinate.
- Lesser emphasis on quality- When the whole importance is given on lessening the time of delivering the product, obviously the quality of the product is compromised to a large extent. When greater emphasis is given on the quality the concept of time based competition cannot be followed.
- Considerable lag in finer details- The finer details of the products such as quality, and perfection in presentation cannot be ensured when the total team is in too much hurry to deliver the product before the stipulated time.
- Not enough care given to relief or recreation of the employees during hectic work hours- The companies which follow the time based competition keeps the employees on the toes. The employees are always forced to work extra hours or beyond their capability which often leads to employee attrition.
Though there are various disadvantages of the Time based competition system, it is one the most trending practices in modern management and is adopted all over the world.
The various qualitative forecasting techniques are Executive Opinion, Delphi method, Sales Force Polling, and Consumer surveys. The particular forecasting technique followed in the said organization is the Consumer Surveys and Executive Opinion. Under this strategy, a forecaster contact all the potential clients of the item and get some information about their future buy plan. The plausible interest for an item can be acquired by including every one of the amounts demonstrated by the consumers (Moosa 2016). One of the real confinements of this strategy is that it must be connected where the consumers are packed in a specific district or territory. What’s more, if the populace is generally scattered, at that point it can end up being exorbitant. Other than this, the other constraint is that the consumers probably won’t know their genuine interest in future. Because of this, they may give a speculative answer that might be one-sided by their own particular assumptions about the market conditions. Purchase goals are regularly utilized to conjecture offers of present objects and managements. While past investigations have demonstrated that goals are prescient of offers, they have just analyzed the outright exactness of expectations, not their precision with respect to other gauging strategies. For example, no exploration has influenced the capacity to show that potentials construct estimates can enhance a basic extrapolation of previous transactions outlines. The market reacts to client inclinations and can designate assets in light of client surveying, yet the market isn’t the main performing artist that assumes a critical job in creating innovation. Non-showcase performers like not-for-profit associations and governments additionally assume a conclusive job in mechanical change, with numerous administrations being the central speculators in innovation framework like satellites and IT systems (Fumi 2013). An article in the diary “East African Business Week,” for instance, noticed that in a rising zone like the East African Community, the five-part national governments put more than 400 million dollars in a fiber optic link arrange in 2011, a choice with significant ramifications for the kinds of innovations that will be utilized and created in the territory. Client showcase surveys are not ready to anticipate the needs and activities of these non-advertise performing artists, who frequently react to subject requests or logical needs as opposed to showcase inclinations. Without taking state speculation and control or the yield of logical labs or colleges into account, in this way, client advertise surveys just catch some portion of the picture. Based more on master feeling and judgment, subjective anticipating typically doesn’t depend on history. It very well may be utilized to decide an organization’s qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers, and in addition to foresee execution. Subsequently, subjective determining is utilized when the circumstance is obscure and little information exist i.e. new items; new innovation. Eg. Estimating deals for an out and out new innovation. It is otherwise called consumers’ desires or conclusions survey (Whitfield and Duffy 2013). It is normally utilized technique for deals estimating. A deal is the consequence of consumer aim to purchase the item. Numerous organizations direct periodical survey of consumers’ purchasing enthusiasm to know when and the amount they will buy. A test of potential consumers is surveyed to know the amount of the expressed item they would purchase at a given cost amid a predefined future day and age. A few firms keeps up a perpetual example of purchasers known as the board to gather required information all the time.
Production, Storage and Supply in Manufacturing and Services
To handle the expanding nature and many-sided quality of managerial forecasting issues, many forecasting techniques have been produced as of late (Trapero, Kourentzes and Fildes 2015). Everyone has its exceptional utilization, and before choosing the right strategy due care must be taken for a definite tasks. The manager and also the analyst or predictor has a task to carry out in procedure selection; and the more they figure out the range of forecasting conceivable results and consequences, the additional feasible it is that an association’s forecasting accomplishments will prove to be rewarding. The purpose of a strategy trusts upon numerous components, the setting of the figure, the pertinence and approachability of supportable information, the stage of exactness tempting, the era to be conjecture, the cost/ advantage of the gauge to the association, and the period which is available for making the examination. These components must be weighed always, and on a collection of levels. For instance, as a rule, the analyst or predictor has to pick a procedure that makes the best utilization of available evidence. This sort of interchange off is moderately modest to make, however others, as we will see, require remarkably more idea. Besides, where a society desires to evaluate with reference to a specific item, it must consider the phase of the item’s life cycle for which it is making the conjecture. The approachability of evidence and the probability of building up networks among the elements depend precisely on the expansion of an item, and consequently the life-cycle organize is a prime factor of the forecasting technique to be used (Kahn 2014). Many of the present managers confront comparative new market substances and vulnerabilities. Constantly defied with issues basic to their organizations’ focused future, they should manage novel and quickly evolving conditions. So, they should pass judgment on a wide scope of unique impacts. For over 10 years, new forecasting techniques have hypothetically helped managers assess these changed elements. A significant part of the guarantee of these techniques has been hidden, be that as it may, even as an animating progression of related advances has been overpowering leaders with new options. As the quantity of techniques multiplies, administration likewise understands that a portion of its significant presumptions and projections about the economy have turned out to be very shaky. Outfitted just with a little history, pitiful and faulty information, and delicate and changing hypothetical instruments, the forecaster should all things considered settle on basic choices about modified prospects.
In the manufacturing unit the types of plant layout are mainly of four types- Product or Line Layout, Fixed Position Layout, Process or Functional Layout, and Combination type of Layout. The first layout to be discussed in this context is the Product or Line Layout. When the processing machines and equipment are arranged and placed in a sequence according to the operations of the product is called the product type of layout. In this particular type of layout a single type of product is produced in the layout. Apart from that the amount of production must be large otherwise the type of layout would be too expensive. In this particular layout the raw material is supplied from one end of the production layout and moves rapidly towards the other end with least work in process, material handling and storage. The various advantages of this particular product layout are, lower cost of handling material, the work in the process us lesser, the utilization of the men and machine can be handled in a better way, the floor area required for setting the machines and the storages. The ease of production is greater and the control on the production process is also greater. As limitation it can be stated that breakdown in any of the machines in the product layout may cause the breakdown of the total system (Stephens and Meyers 2013). Also supervision from experts is necessary in most of the steps. The next manufacturing layout that can be discussed in this regard is the process layout or functional layout. This manufacturing layout is utilized in the cases where the volume of production is lower. Also this layout is useful when the products in the question are not standardized and they have to be individually customized. In this type of layout the machines are not placed according to the sequence of the product but they are arranged according to the sequence of operations. Similar machines are placed in one group, such as the dying section in one place, the cutters in one place. The advantages with this system are, lesser cost of equipment purchase, efficient supervision and greater flexibility as the system is not standardized. The utilization of the equipment is also improved (James and Goodrich 2013). The disadvantage is mainly the increase in the production time of the individual products. More work may be left in the queue and also the area required is more than the product layout.
Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies in Manufacturing and Services
Another type of layout is the Fixed Position Layout where the main component of the product mainly remains in the same location whereas the machinery, other materials, tools, parts, man power and all other subsidiary equipment’s are gathered around this area. This layout is mainly used in heavy manufacturing.
The combination Type of Layout is the Layout where two or more of the above discussed layout is combined or compromised according to the need of the particular task which is at hand.
The primary factor reflected for service suppliers, is the level of impact on the customers it can achieve and create loyalty of the customers. Consequently, service office layouts must accommodate access of the general people into the offices (Almada-Lobo 2016). In services where client physically takes an interest in service conveyance framework, office configuration issues should be tended to with more consideration. Office outline contained physical condition, space prerequisites, stylish elements and adaptability lined up with the service idea. It is essential to comprehend the physical condition under which any service is performed, additionally called servicescape, before examining other plan related issues. Encompassing conditions allude to the air or ecological states of a service place, for example, temperature, air quality or fragrance, clamor, lighting and music which impacts each of the five faculties of individual (Zhao and Wallace 2014). One can analyze the feel of railroad station with that of air terminal. One can feel an alternate mood in Barbeque Country eateries than different eateries. In a few examinations on markets have shown that the music beat can impact the pace of shopping, length of remain and cash spent by the customer. This perspective alludes to the association and course of action of office layout types of gear and decorations. Ordinarily one can see that a client goes to the same basic need retail shopping center as often as possible. The reason could be the solace of room, effortlessness in finding the essential purchasing things and colleague with layout and charging area. High roofs in motion picture theaters pass on feeling of openness. The idea of the center service should drive the parameters of service outline lined up with service idea. The crisis ward of any doctor’s facility ought to be free from activity and simple to approach. A petroleum pump can be painted with brilliant shading with the goal that the clients driving on interstate can plan to take turn well ahead of time. For any service association it is imperative to secure the properties. Appropriate security course of action has to be joined while planning office to control and decrease the misfortunes of items and human lives. Establishment of observation cameras and CCTVs and related control frameworks are extremely regular in banks and general stores. Biometric gadgets to recognize the character of traveler are another kind of instruments for the most part utilized in movement areas at airplane terminals
Any organization that is aiming at building up a strong work culture and a productive team that will result in high returns need to plan the process very cleverly and efficiently otherwise the same productivity would not be possible. Essentially strategic planning are very necessary in achieving the organizational goals effectively, without the planning and strategy in place there is no clear pathway (Mabogunje 2015). A proper strategic planning must be including objectives and desired results, destinations, amounts for estimating the improvement, courses of proceedings, and spending tactics.
Any organization that is working with a particular objective it is imperative for the organization to create a pathway and strategizing the same is extremely necessary to create that path. The stakeholders of the organization which includes the directors, managers, employees, customers, investors and the vendors must all be taken into consideration when finally deciding on the planning method and how future strategies will be made (Leask and Terrell 2014). The technique have to be proposed to make selections. Single-individual arranging, while effective, quite often wipes out the chance to circulate responsibility for plan.
Stage One: Getting Started. Only one out of every odd organizations needs the inside and out methodology essential to make an official necessary strategy; most of the instances, a 2 page action intend to get the company through the subsequent 18 months is satisfactory. This is predominantly valid for common organizations, every sole volunteer assembly, and charities in the start-up level.
When partners in an association have chosen that a formal key arrangement is required, the principal thing one has to do is to plan to design. Shaping a planning group. The group ought to incorporate the board seat and additionally positioning board chairman, the CEO or official executive, key staff individuals, and, when suitable, network pioneers (Jeston 2014). One may as well need to integrate diverse partners. Examples can be given as, long-term program volunteers, vendors, and staff or board personalities from joining organizations. One should be cautious about associates who seem to have an individual motivation, or who hold quickly to foreordained thoughts.
Reason and target – Each association should mean to profit one gathering of individuals. A solitary target figure ought to be set to reflect what it is endeavoring to improve the situation them. This aides setting targets for the association.
It is very important to understand the difference between the desired place to go and the present position. The company must understand where it is situated in the present time and the path it requires to travel to reach the end. Evaluating the qualities and shortcomings of the association. Concentrate the patterns in the earth of the association. This work is the SWOT investigation. One can create choices in this regards.
Choosing methodologies. Investigating the choices.
To start with, searching for methodologies that should address all the critical components.
Secondly, the systems should not utilize every one of the company assets. Facing the vulnerability. Keeping something available for later. Changing the arrangement when you have to.
Elective procedures can enhance the versatility of the association in two different ways. To begin with, by looking at options, one can discover an option that is superior to the present methodology. Second, the association will look outside changes (Argenti 2018). One must look for choices.
Diverse kinds of body will pick distinctive procedures. These are Business methodologies, Non-benefit methodologies, and online methodology.
The various procedures the managers may follow to enhance planning and procedure may be stated as follows. There are numerous approaches to lead key arranging, however deciding the perfect technique goes past the extent of this article. Rather it is proposed, by proper researching, five new thoughts that officials can utilize instantly to improve existing procedures run. The progressions which are examined here are the components most connected with the fulfillment of representatives and their view of the criticalness of the procedure. These means cannot ensure that the privilege vital choices will be made or that system will be better executed, however by upgrading the arranging procedure, and in this way expanding fulfillment with the advancement of technique, they will enhance the chances for progress.
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