Comparison Between Christianity And Buddhism: Spiritual Perspective On Healing And Healthcare Beliefs

Comparison between Christianity to that of Buddhism

Discuss the comparison between Christianity to that of Buddhism. Buddhism Spiritual Perspective on Healing. Difference of Spiritual Beliefs between health care provider and patients.

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A health care provider mainly comes into contact with the different patient who belongs to different faiths on an everyday basis. It is imperative for the caregivers to understand the basic components of each of the faiths so as to provide the possible care to all the patients. As a result, it also important to ask the different patients about the faith and the role played by each faith in their health care as it is not possible to be acquainted with everything about each religion. The report provides an overview about the relationship of Buddhism with Christianity and how it is related with health and healing (Bergamo & White, 2015)

The teachings, which are related to Buddhism, are summarized mainly on the basis of do good, meditate and do no harm. Both Buddhism and Christianity recommend their followers to follow healing. Buddhists, on the one hand creates confidence via meditation that in turn is vital for the healing of the individuals. On the other hand, creates confidence through praying. This in turn, gives confidence to the individuals that God will heal.

One of the most important worldwide questions is prime reality that is related to revelation of the personal God in the Holy Scriptures. According to this, the God is triune, supreme, good and immanent. The second question deals with the nature of the world around us. It shows that the world around is a manmade machine that is created by an intelligent designer for a purpose.

The worldview question also deals with the fact that what happens to a human after death. In other words, when a body of a human dies it goes back to the dust of corruption. The possibility to know anything at all is another type of worldview question that is mainly the thought for all foundation (Murray, 2014).

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Comparison between Christianity to that of Buddhism



Christians have faith in God as the creator of all things in this world.

They believe that person are conventional by God not since of actions but for the person in general (Child of God)

Buddhism is a viewpoint of life that is preach by Gautama Buddha

Gautama Buddha live as well as trained in Northern India in 6th century B.C.

“On God”

There is merely one factual God in Christianity

It is referred since “I am who I am”

In case of Buddhism, original Buddhist philosophy inculcates in theistic world-view

Later, Godly figures were introduced

“On Salvation”

Deliverance is not purely based upon effort

It is considered as liberated gift to all who believe Jesus Christ as their rescuer

Buddhism considers as Man lives in his own fate as well as should not blame others in case of any difficult situation.

It is required to work alone for attainment of salvation

“On Eternal Life”

Perpetual Life in paradise is promise to every human beings who believe this at no cost present of Salvation

There is eternal living in Buddhism

Individuals cannot be sure enough what his next life will end up being

Entire thing depend upon Karma based upon his present life

On Love

Bible is filled by God teachings with love towards all human beings

It is mentioned in the bible that “He sent his only Son to die for our sins”

In Buddhism, there is no particular God for loving as well as taking care of its people

Health as well as disease considered as common experiences in human life and one of the special concern of religion. Religion upholds value of well-being as well as health for providing meaningful life for enhancing health and dealing with person vulnerability to illness, soreness and pain.

Spiritual healing is believed for channelizing healing as energy from God to individual from individuals. This direct is characteristically from a self but the basis of healing is by God (Northcott, 2011). Some of the significant things that will help in developing spiritual lifestyle are as follows:

  • Participation in church worship on regular basis
  • Reading as well as mediating Bible scriptures
  • Praying regularly
  • Spending time with God and helping others in need

Worldview Question

Buddhist worldview is holistic in nature as well as believed as interdependence of all mutual conditioned causes and effects. From Buddhist perspective, unique body includes both appearance and structure because of past Kamma (Graham, 2011). According to Buddhism, existence is exclusively kept for self-centered as well as self-pity for human beings. Buddhism encourages making use of body for higher purpose for attainment of highest goal known as nibbana. Buddhism views physical health for constituition of normal functioning of body as well as interrelated organs.

On critical analysis, it is found that Buddha encourages his disciples in looking after sick people. He said, “He who attends the sick attends me”. On the contrary, scriptural accounts of Jesus life and teachings repeat with references in healing others afflictions.

Teachings of Buddha speeded in India in and throughout Asia. It summarizes certain contemporary guidelines in related health issues. Therefore, Buddhism stresses on personal responsibility as well as motivation from precepts on training principles. This includes:

  • Diet
  • Fasting
  • Ablutions and Toilet
  • Blood Transfusion
  • Family Planning
  • Transplantation

Prayers have shown significant affect in healing human beings in comparison with clinical experiments. Some of the experiments show positive effect of prayers and theses are as follows:

  • Heart Attacks
  • Anxiety
  • High Blood pressure
  • Wounds
  • Headaches

According to the person who belongs to Buddhism, his faith differs completely from the health care provider who belongs to Christianity. The individual will place a strong emphasis on mindfulness. In that case, he might request for peace and quiet in order to meditate when he will be in pain. However, the health care provider will focus on mainly sacraments and blessings. According to the health care provider, sacraments and blessings are very important when the patient will be in pain.

The individual who belongs to Buddhism is strictly vegetarian that is, the Buddhist strictly refuses to consume any meat and animal by-product. They are even against any medication that is conducted by making the use of animals. The health-care provider, on the other hand who follows Christianity will request non-meat diets during the time of late-winter that is forty days before the Ester festival.

Spiritual Learning Applied to Health Care Provider

The health care providers here reflect the physicians as well as psychologists and other professionals that help in spiritual learning from the point of view of mortality, coping and recovery. These health care providers provide the medical attention while focusing on the spiritual attention for the patients as well to provide less distress in the physical mind for physical health.

  • Mortality

Different belief systems

The health care providers use the concept of spiritual learning based on the increased incidence of the disease. It has been seen that the patients who are hypothesized based on religious commitments may not only help in maintain stress control but also offers better coping mechanisms, strength of personal values and better-off social support(Gualdani&Pegoli, 2014).

  • Coping

On the other hand, coping mechanism is the way to enable patients have a positive outlook and a better quality of life that not only highlight the essential part of “existential domain’ but also provides spiritual beliefs that help the patients to cope with disease and death. For example, the patients with advanced cancer get comfort from religious and spiritual beliefs so that they can resort to happier and satisfied lives with less pain. However, health care providers support the patients by supporting them and by providing them with personal prayer mechanism for controlling pains caused by the pain medication, injections, touch or massage(Walton, 2012).

  • Recovery

When the health provider promises spiritual commitment the recovery seen in the patients from the illness is drastic because for the patients’ spirituality somewhere enables them to worry less. Moreover, the power of hope and positive thinking is the gateway from the pain that a patient possesses.

However, according to Benson, to meet the patient –physician relationship it is important that there are positive beliefs and expectation from the part of patients as well as physicians irrespective of the religion. Moreover, meditation is the other practice that not only gives hope and sense of recovery to health care providers but highlight the sense of recovery to treatments like insomnia, chronic pain, depression, premenstrual syndrome, anxiety, hostility, and infertility(King, et al., 2013).


To conclude, it can be said that there are different perspectives to different religions but when we consider Buddhism and Christianity, there are different standpoints that highlight the religious efficiency. Although, Christianity is the religion that believes in aspects of spiritual healing but Buddhism, on the other hand, provides the various prospects for spiritual healing and mindfulness like meditation. However, health care providers to some extent also believe in the notion of spiritual learning because it understands the connection of religious thinking with the patient’s health. Hence, the physician-patient relationship is maintained ensuring hope and positive thinking because somewhere spirituality based on the above analysis is not accompanies by particular religion.


Bergamo, D., & White, D. (2016;2015;). Frequency of faith and spirituality discussion in health care. Journal of Religion and Health, 55(2), 618-630. doi:10.1007/s10943-015-0065-y

Graham, P. (2011). The Visual Culture of Japanese Buddhism from the Early Modern Period to the Present. Religion Compass, 5(8), 389-411.

Gualdani, S. &Pegoli, M. (2014). Spirituality in health care: The role of needs in critical care. Trends inAnaesthesiaand Critical Care, 4(6), 175-177.

King, S., Dimmers, M., Langer, S., & Murphy, P. (2013). Doctors’ Attentiveness to the Spirituality/Religion of their Patients in Pediatric and Oncology Settings in the Northwest USA. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 19(4), 140-164.

Murray, A. H. (2014). Grand central question : Answering the critical concerns of the major worldviews. Westmont: IVP Books.

Northcott, M. (2011). The Evolution of Green Christianity. Journal For The Study Of Religion, Nature And Culture, 5(3), 354-363.

Walton, M. (2012). Assessing the Construction of Spirituality: Conceptualizing Spirituality in Health Care Settings. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling: Advancing Theory And Professional Practice Through Scholarly And Reflective Publications, 66(3), 1-16.

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