Comparison And Evaluation Of Wireless Communication Technologies And Standards For Cyber-Physical Systems And IoT

Comparison of Existing Cellular Network Generations

Wireless innovation is characterized as the remote system in which a client can exchange information or flag from one destination to another. The wireless system is utilized to speak with other individual and numerous clients are utilizing this technology to share their information or data [1]. It comprises two primary sources, for example, transmitter and recipient both these sources are utilized in the wireless process. The transmitter is utilized to transmit input flag and change over radio flag into an electric flag and recipient is utilized to get the transmitted information. The principal purpose of remote innovation is that it tends to be sued for long separation correspondence. The principal goal of this report is to assess different sorts of cell organizes, the design of LTE, and different dangers happen in remote systems [1]. LTE allude as long-term evaluation which is present-day technology through which clients can send and get information or data from someone else. This report is clarifying the distinction between different sort of cellular networks and architecture of the LTE system framework. This report is partitioned into four sections, for example, Comparison of cellular network systems, Architecture of LTE, Evaluation of LTE assaults, and investigation.

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In the communication system wireless technology framework play, a huge part and wireless correspondence changed the method for communication. This communication technology expanded the speed of information or flag and they give a stage where clients can share their own information’s. There are numerous cellular network generations created over the most recent couple of years, for example, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G.

This is an exceptionally old age of a wireless correspondence framework which depends on simple innovation. The original was produced in the year 1979 and this age utilized radio signs to exchange information or data starting with one area then onto the next and totally in view of the simple flag framework. In this age voice data tweaked at 150 MHz recurrences and adjustment is finished by FDMA process [3]. 

2G is produced after the first cellular generation and this age depends on a computerized flag processor. This age delivered short message administrations to clients and information rate of 2G is around 384 Kbps. The second era created distinctive kinds of the portable system framework, SMS, and MMS administrations. In which boundary administrations and the framework is a standout amongst other improvements of the second era and it was propelled in the year 1991 [3].

Architecture of LTE/LTE-A

The third generation of the wireless network depends on a wideband system framework which decreased numerous downsides of the second era. This age delivered around 200 Kbps information rate and it is worked at 2100 Hz recurrence which is preferable rather over the second era. This age created numerous administrations, for example, vertical combination, the best down process, and a specialist co-op approach. The third era is characterized as a specialist organization which utilized an authorized range and transfer speed of this age is somewhere in the range of 15 and 20 megahertz [4]. 

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The fourth generation is a reasonable framework of the wireless system framework and the main strength of this generation is that it improved the speed of data signals. This cellular generation can give around 100 Mb for every second speed and it tends to be utilized for long-separate correspondence. The fourth era depends on web convention which can be utilized in numerous versatile frameworks and this age created many system benefits through which individuals can speak with someone else [5]. In this age individual created numerous portable administrations, for example, web availability, hotspot and they can interface at least two fringe gadgets.

This is up and coming innovation which is totally in view of advanced correspondence and it is evaluated that this age will create in the year 2020. This innovation will be founded on programming characterized innovation and balance innovation. It is watched that 5G can enhance the general execution of the remote systems framework and will expand the information speed. There are a few presumptions of fifth cellular generation such as Low control usage, Increase execution and efficiency, Increase information speed, Low framework cost and Improve adaptability and adaptability [5].

The architecture of LTE is divided into two parts such as a radio access network and the core network. The LTE access network is also known as E-UTRAN that includes 3GPP radio access system. E-UTRAN is composed of NodeBs which is used to control network signals and the user equipment is connected by the air interface [4]. Three-NodeB connected to each other through X2 and generally implements a various function such as IP header, encryption process, and MME. The long-term evaluation also supports HeNBs and RN and LTE core network is also known as the EPC network. The main purpose of the EPC system is to provide communication between heterogeneous access systems, containing E-UTRAN and non-access networks. EPC network divided into five parts such as MME, HSS, SGW, P-SGW, and PCRF [5].

Evaluation of LTE/LTE-A Attacks on the Access and Core Networks


Figure: LTE Architecture

(Source: Felt, Finifter, Chin, Hanna, and Wagner)

The MME is used to control surface function and SGW is used to control user surface situations. The architecture of LTE involves IMS network system which is used to control packet switched services [7]. The main role of GSM and UMTS is to support circuit switched fall-back process and this can be triggered when IMS is not developed. IMS is divided into three such as user plane, application plane and control plane. The user plane is defined as a session initiation service which is inserted into mobile devices and the main role of control plane or system is to control session of devices [8]. The control panel of IMS involves HSS and CSCF and CSCF divided into four parts for example, P-CSCF, I-CSCF, and S-CSCF. P-CSCF is the first step where any customer communicates with IMS server and I-CSCF is used to perform every SIP router or network. The main role of S-CSCF is to describe and perform session control system for example, SIP network and income service systems [12].

Attacks on Access Network

The main purpose of this chapter is to evaluate various kinds of LTE attacks on access network and the core network. There are various types of LTE attacks observed which are following [13].

Disclosure of the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)

It is defined as an identity subscription system which is an identification process. It is observed that many people use IMSI to identify information of any person which is a big problem in the communication sector [4]. In this modern generation many organizations are using the wireless network to communicate with other person but the main problem occurs in LTE and any wireless system is that lack of security. IMSI is a process where people use international subscriber identity through which they enter into human personal servers and hack all personal files [9]. LTE decrease the frequency of IMSI over the space interface and in LTE signal transmitted into the air which can be easily encrypted or hacked. Therefore it is investigated that IMSI process can reduce human data or information and also decrease conversion information’s [10]. 

Location Tracking

There are many users which are using smartphones in which they use the GPS system through which they can track the location of any person [11]. Rao evaluated some location tracking attacks by using IDR and UDR and location area identity is used to find the location of any user. Many attackers use the GPS system to track the location and they enter into human personal servers [14].

Identification of Attack with Highest Criticality and Explanation of Countermeasures for Such Attacks

Radio Frequency jamming

This is the very common problem in wireless communication and they attack people personal computer system and other peripheral devices [15]. Radiofrequency jamming targets the transmitter and receiver of the communication system and reduces the signal to noise ratio of transmitted signals. For this type of situation, 3GPP declare the required frequency and time through which people can avoid location attack and DOS attack [6].


DoS and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults are both serious assaults on the LTE/LTE-A system. A typical technique for DoS assaults is that aggressors send surges of messages to an objective server and fumes its CPU assets, making the objective unfit to give administrations to honest to goodness clients [6]. Notwithstanding this kind of DoS assaults, different DoS assaults continuously abuse the escape clause in the LTE/LTE-A system convention. In the DDoS assaults, aggressors can produce substantial movement volume utilizing botnet overseen by Command and Control Focuses (C&C) or hacked portable UE [5].

Attacks on Core Networks

The core network is one of the most important parts of any communication network which is used to distribute power. It is a process which is used to distribute the signal from one location to another and many attacks and threats are detected in core networks such as DOS, and insider attacks [4].

DOS is a very common issue for LTE or any telecommunication organization and DOS attack on core network by which they can enter into servers. A mobile botnet is a process which is used to establish DOS attacks and people can use this to produce a flood of threats [8]. There are main two issues occur in DOS attacks such as overload of SGW, and overload of HSS.

An insider attack is defined as attacks which occur inside of a server or computer system. This type of threats can shut down system nodes in the core network and produce an algorithm process to block personal files. It is estimated that this attack can also block base station through which people cannot communicate with another person [10]. 

There are various kinds of threats and attacks occur into the wireless network for example, Location tracking, Radiofrequency jamming, DOS/DDOS, and other cyber-crimes. DOS is very common and the biggest attack for LTE which is increased very quickly in the last few years [11].


Denial of service insert into people personal servers and hackers encrypt all personal data or information files [3]. It occurs when any hacker produces an algorithm into computer systems and block all personal servers. It produces a flooding system which cannot restore without permission of the attacker and many organizations face this type of problem. Hackers target web services of many online communities, servers of banking sectors, and other social media after that they encrypt all data files and demand money to restore back [5].


The problem of DOS and DDOS attacks can be reduced by adopting many security systems and many organizations developed authentic servers and security plans [11]. There are various kinds of the process through which people can avoid these types of attacks for example, encryption method, the cryptography process, firewall, and pattern recognition. All these techniques should reduce many threats and attacks in wireless networks [12].


LTE is a type of wireless network which is a fourth generation cellular network that  problem of long distance communication. This report evaluated various cellular networks generation and architecture of LTE, and various attacks in LTE networks. There are many attacks detected into LTE such as location tracking, discloser of IMSI, DOS attacks, and insider attacks. People can avoid this type of threat by using security systems, encryption process and by adopting firewall software. 


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