Compare And Contrast Two Journal Articles About Performance Management Methods
The assignment helps in analysing the different kinds of similarities along with differences in both the articles along with claims of the authors in the article as well. The different approaches which have been used is required to be discussed along with advantages and disadvantages of the performance management with critical analysis is required to be presented with different arguments.
According to Biron, Farndale & Paauwe (2011), this has been analysed that after conducting various kinds of surveys, this has been identified that there is ineffectiveness in the performance management of the organizations. Furthermore, the respective article helps in identifying that the inconsistencies is related to the insufficient kind of understanding of the various factors which can increase the effectiveness of the system of performance management in different organizations. The article helps in analysing the involvement of the senior management along with communication techniques which is necessary in nature in communicating the expectations of the performance from the employees.
However, on the other hand, Haines & St-Onge (2012), have commented that the employee performance management is essential in nature rather than the overall performance management of the firm. The motivation of the employees is essential in nature which will increase the overall productivity of the organization along with analysis of the climate which is essential in nature to bring in efficiency in the different tasks which are being performed by the employees. Lastly, the main focus in the respective article is on the performance appraisal methods which are required to be identified for receiving positive performance management outcomes efficiently.
However, Anitha (2014), has commented that there are various kinds of similarities in the two respective articles which is inclusive of the increasing the overall productivity and improving the performance of the organizations and employees. There should be inclusion of motivation which is required to be provided to the employees in the organization. Van Dooren, Bouckaert & Halligan (2015), has hypothesised that motivation is the major factor which is required to be taken into consideration as this is essential in improving the overall effectiveness of the organization. The relevance of the different variables has been discussed which is inclusive of the training provided to employees along with proper integration of the human resource management in the organization as well.
In the first article, the different approaches which have been used is the balanced scorecard approach as this helps in identifying and improving internal functions of the business along with their resulting in external outcomes effectively as well and provide feedbacks to organizations as well. Both remuneration and performance management approaches have been used in both the articles.
The long-term approach is used in performance management which stresses and maintain linkage between employee and organizational needs. The structured recognition of employees approaches such as annual excellence awards as this motivates the different employees to perform the best and achieve the organizational goals through the usage of Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory and Herzberg’s two factor theory wherein the needs of employees are taken into consideration effectively.
Furthermore, in the second article, the main approaches which are being used are different measurement approaches such as multisource feedback system which is associated with the improvement of the performance of employees such as the 360-degree appraisal wherein the different kinds of feedbacks from the subordinates, peers, employers along with external stakeholders and customers are taken into consideration along with self-evaluation by the employees in the organization.
There are various advantages which has been gained from the performance management approaches are as follows:
This helps in targeted development of the different staffs is essential in nature which helps in improving overall performance of the organization and employees.
This helps in rewarding the top performers and on the other hand there will be elimination of the different underperformers as well.
There are various disadvantages which has been gained from performance management approaches are as follows:
The approach is time consuming in nature as the evaluation of the employees is a long process and this can be a tiresome process as well
There are various kinds of biases in the approach as the higher authorities can have biasness regarding few employees.
There are various advantages which has been gained from remuneration approaches are as follows:
This helps in motivating the employees which will encourage them to perform better and this increases the overall productivity of the organization as well
Furthermore, the remuneration acts as economic benefits which is being provided to the superiors and subordinates in organization to improve the process
There are various disadvantages which has been gained from the remuneration approaches are as follows:
The remuneration approaches are not provided to all the employees and this can be biasness in case of underperforming employees
The approaches of remuneration can create huge issues as the employees will not be motivated and this will discourage employees in performing at a higher level as well.
From both the articles, this can be analysed that there are different motivational theories which is required to be analysed effectively in order to improve the organizational and employee effectiveness. Mir & Pinnington (2014), has commented that motivation plays a major role in increasing the competency of the employees and this will increase the overall productivity of the organization as well. Maslow’s hierarchy needs theory help in managing the various needs such as psychological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization needs which are essential and plays a major role in managing the performance of the employees.
On the other hand, Jonas (2016), has hypothesised that performance appraisal indicators are required to be taken into consideration which will be help in receiving feedback from the various sources along with self-evaluation will be done to improve the overall productivity effectively. Furthermore, Biron, Farndale & Paauwe (2011), has opined that the competencies of the employees can be managed in the organization as effective behaviour is function of motivation and this will improve the improve the overall productivity of the organization in an effective manner.
As commented by Haines & St-Onge (2012), the failure of public sector organizations depends on the entire ability to attract, retain and reward diverse array of the skilled individuals and this is the key to improve the overall performance of the organization effectively. The study by Jonas (2016), has helped in understanding that impact of performance management system on success of organization will substantiate that performance management will have significant impact on productivity and financial performance of the organization as well.
On the other hand, Biron, Farndale & Paauwe (2011), has commented and diagnosed that employees are the valuable assets of the organization and for achieving the different strategic objectives of speedy and sustainable growth, this is essential to manage the human resource management activities as HR practices are crucial for the organization in advancement of the business opportunities. For instance- After conducting a survey, this was noticed that employees in Sainsbury are performing effectively as the performance management committee helps in development of the employees and this helped in improving the overall productivity of organization as well.
Lastly, Jonas (2016), has hypothesised that in order to improve the competencies of the employees in the organization, this is essential in nature for the organizations to motivate the employees such as by providing them with different rewards both financial and non-financial in nature as this will help in managing the performance efficiently. There are different encouraging and cooperative models of operating and stakeholder engagement in the organization which will help in achieving the high performance of employees and organization as well.
Therefore, it can be concluded that performance appraisal along with motivation is required to be provided to the employees working in the organisation. Furthermore, thus has been analysed that remuneration and performance appraisals help in managing and improving the overall productivity of the organisation effectively.
Anitha, J. 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance. International journal of productivity and performance management, 63(3), 308.
Biron, M., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. 2011. Performance management effectiveness: Lessons from world-leading firms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(6), 1294-1311.
Haines, V., & St-Onge, S. 2012. Performance management effectiveness: Practices or context? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(6), 1158-1175.
Jonas, J. 2016. Making practical use of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory to motivate employees: a case of Masvingo Polytechnic. Journal of Management & Administration, 2016(2), 105-117.
Mir, F. A., & Pinnington, A. H. 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International journal of project management, 32(2), 202-217.
Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. 2015. Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.