Comparative Analysis Of Studies In Organizational Behavior


Both the articles have been written with the point of view of ensuring how a company is supposed to work with respect to the organizational behavior and the employees they have. Both these articles focus on ensuring that a better workplace is created, conducive of the requirements of the employees as well as their expectation from their employer.

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  • It is also important to invest time and effort in designing a transformation plan. Based on the innovative results, the most effective initiatives involve the four major and key actions such as role modeling, development understanding, and beliefs, strengthening change through formal mechanisms, as well as developing talent moreover new skills. These behaviors are very much critical to transforming thinking patterns and behaviors (Mckinsey, 2015).
  • Privacy is much needed for all the employees to function well and give them enough space so that they can be more independent as well
  • However, no matter what action is taken, changing the way of thinking and behavior is hard work. Most respondents believe that their company has difficulty implementing initiatives that take advantage of each of these four actions, simply highlighting the broad challenges of implementing change (Nobel, 2013).
  • When employees and staff members have the good skills they need to do things in new ways, they are very much inclined to make the necessary changes to their thinking patterns and behaviors. Some organizations can easily develop their talents and help develop new skills simply by assessing current as well as expected competency strengths moreover gaps, as well as providing a range or number of targeted development skills and opportunities to enable employees to easily support change.
  • Focuses on individuals and not on the design, while the second study focuses on the design process solely and how it can be improved furthermore. Here, the focus lies on for the companies adopted a more structured approach to prioritizing its initiatives, and respondents indicated that the transition success rate is higher. However, companies have no single best measure when prioritizing their plans. The second study does not take into account how employees are to be treated and how employees are agents of change.
  • The first study focuses on the importance of privacy and how leaders should give their employees space. The second study focuses on close monitoring and how employees should be constantly monitored. According to McKinsey’s research, employees are more likely to follow when the company’s leader’s move on the mindset and behavioral shifts required for walking and role models (Mckinsey, 2015). Leaders can set an example by setting examples of desired behaviors in daily interactions and by supporting change with the help of influential employees at all levels.
  • Taking off from the first study, we can recognize that privacy is important in the workplace. The lack of privacy in the employee’s workspace can impede the staff’s sense of autonomy, reduce their ability to control the work environment, and impair their productivity. In the worst case, it may also be an affront to the dignity of employees, causing their morale to plummet.

The reasons for the importance of privacy are:

  • Continuous interruptions, distractions, and background noise can seriously affect an employee’s ability to work. If there are no privacy and clear ideas, everything except what the employees should be embarrassing(Nobel, 2013).
  • Workplace security where large and small businesses must handle the information they work or hold. Whether it’s a retail store with customers’ credit cards or personal information or a large company that handles sensitive business information or government contractual secrets, they all need a secure, reliable, and private area to process this information.
  • Office or outside staff needs to have their own private space around them to feel comfortable. If employees feel uncomfortable, they will not be able to work properly.
  • The privacy of certain employees can affect their productivity. These are workers who absolutely hate the open space office environment. When they need to work with colleagues, they will work together and then return to the sanctity of their cubicle or office to complete their work without interference. Improving productivity through appropriate employee efforts is, of course, the goal of all companies worldwide (Mckinsey, 2015). Whether the work environment is open space or small cubicles, employees still need a certain degree of privacy to achieve their work goals.

The research strategy is an important tool to establish a company’s upcoming future practices which are to be backed by substantial proofs. In order to validate the practices or in-fact, to formulate them the company has to ensure a proper structure to their research strategy is followed.

The first study called “Hidden managers can improve your productivity” is an experimental design study in which the authors conducted real-time discrete experiments. In this study, the author hired a good team of almost five Chinese-born Harvard university undergraduates to “embed” at a plant. They live in factory dormitories and work with employees who think that embedded the students is also actual employees (Nobel, 2013).

The experimental study design is essential as it provides with the following benefits:

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  • By being able to isolate specific variables, you can determine if potential results are feasible. Each variable can be controlled individually or in different combinations to study the results that a product, a theory or an idea may achieve. This provides a big advantage in the ability to properly find accurate as well as suitable results.
  • Experimental research is not limited to specific industries or types of ideas. It can be utilized in a broad range or variety of situations. Teachers can use experimental research to determine if a new teaching method or a new course is better or accurate than the old system. Pharmaceutical companies use experimental research to determine the viability of new products (Mckinsey, 2015).
  • Because experimental studies provide such a high level of control, specific and consistency-related results can be produced. Success or failure can be determined, and the effectiveness of the product, theory or idea can be understood in less time than other verification methods. You know the results of the study because you brought the variables to the conclusion (Nobel, 2013).
  • When conducting research in the laboratory environment, it is possible to completely replicate conditions that may take a very long time to properly test the variables. This allows researchers to better control the external variables that may exist, limiting the natural unpredictability of each variable as it is carefully studied.

Next, the study conducted McKinsey was a Behavioral Psychological study (Mckinsey, 2015). This allows the company to understand the behavior of the people towards certain stimuli which are to be tested, allowing advantages like:

  1. Understanding the human needs in addition to knowing why the people behave the method they do can assist or help organizations to build the right and most appropriate thing sooner. Behavioral scientists mitigate failure and decrease industry waste.
  2. It is expensive to acquire a customer; so ideally, you want that customer to develop a routine with your offering. “The ability to understand what products and how they can be used to inculcate habit-forming behaviors in your target customer base can lead to the design of a sustaining product,”.

I do not think that there is any other way of research which will suit the agenda better. An experiment is a program that is executed to support, refute, or verify hypotheses. Experiments provide insight into causality by demonstrating what happens when a particular factor is manipulated. The goals and scale of the experiment vary widely but always rely on a logical analysis of repeatable procedures and results. There are also natural experimental studies. While a psychological profiling of the people helps in understanding their minds and their approaches towards a thing and can help us formulate our business strategies and conduct for the organization.

Both these articles and studies have been formed keeping in mind the importance of organizational behavior, and hence, have some or the other elements of several theories formulated in order to establish proper implementation of their results. Although the theory, as well as research on-site health promotion, simply has made significant progress, the theory, as well as research of implementation, has not at all kept pace. The separation of the state of the science in these diverse two areas has caused problems for practitioners and researcher. Even in the supportive environment of intervention trials, researchers bear a large part of the implementation burden, and the integrated site health promotion program is complex and difficult to implement.

Following are some of the organization behavior theories which are used in these studies as the building blocks:

  • Behavioral Theory:It relies on the idea that managers better understand the human aspects of employees and consider employees as important means of achieving them. Management, which is particularly interested in workers, is part of the group. Over time, thinking about change, leadership begins to see employee satisfaction and working conditions as a way to increase productivity. Theoreticians like Elton Mayo and others have been studying employee productivity under various conditions to determine contact. This is observed in a study by McKinsey.
  • Theory X and Theory Y: Theory X and Y theory are theories of motivation and management of human work. Theory X explains the importance of strengthening supervision, external rewards, and punishments, while Y theory emphasizes the incentive effect of job satisfaction and encourages workers to perform tasks without direct supervision. Management of X theory and Y theory can affect employee motivation and productivity in different ways, and managers can choose from two theoretical implementation strategies. Views can be reflected in the first study at the Harvard Business School.
  • Theory of Implementation:Theory uses concepts and arguments to describe causal changes in events that produce interesting results. “Implementation” can be defined as a procedure for applying the idea, decision, procedure or procedure. When using something new, immediate use or first use is of immediate interest. The implementation of theoretical use concepts and arguments for predicting or explaining how to use ideas, decisions, procedures or program actions leads to the observed primary use or patterns of premature use.
  • Organizational preparation for change:This theory focuses on the extent to which target employees (especially implementers) are mentally and willingly prepared to make changes to organizational policies and practices that put in place innovations and supports the need for innovative use. This is reflected in two studies (Rozmus, 2017).
  • Implementation policies and practices: Implementation policies and practices refer to the plans, procedures, structures, and strategies that organizations use to implement innovations to encourage innovation. Implementation of policies and practices is the means by which organizations are absorbing innovation to achieve an acceptable level of operational, cultural and strategic. As others have emphasized, the assimilation process must adapt to innovation and organization.

Field trips are considered a significant moment of the learning; shared the social experiences provided students with the opportunity to meet as well as explore new things in a real environment. Studies have shown that field trips can support student learning more effectively. When field trips provide students with a personal and meaningful way of exploring, they work best.  The student’s prior knowledge and interests influenced the learning during the visit, the social background of the visit, the teacher’s agenda, the student experience during the field trip, and the existence and quality of preparation and follow-up.


I believe that field trips are a strong learning experience, but they are easy to pass quickly. Maximizing learning requires thoughtful work before and after travel. Before field trips, time must be allocated to make students interested and excited, and build some patterns for the location and content to explore (van den Heuvel & Schalk, 2009). This can be done by watching the video, viewing the map and photos, and reading the location. After the trip is the most critical moment to ensure maximum learning.  It’s easy to feel a hasty transfer to other content or focus after the trip, but slowing down and spending time learning to travel will ensure that this is a valuable experience. If there are photos or videos on the trip, students can use them to create artefacts (video, scrapbook, non-fiction writing) about their learning. Students may write a thank-you note to the person at the field trip, to a potential funded person at the school or district, or to a travel support person. These letters of thanks should include specific details of the trip. Throughout the year, contact with field trips should be done as much as possible, as specific experiences will support future learning. Field trips can be expensive, complex, and time-consuming, but with thoughtfulness and time, they can be the most powerful learning experience available to students.

During this field trip, I learned a lot. This is a well-planned trip that gives us insight into the insights and working methods of various organizations. Rigor and Frequency must be appropriate for time moreover effort students can apply to experience. Field assessments can take a lot of forms: group insights, journals, and exam questions for specific trips can reward a student who is completely engaged in the field experience. Well-planned field experience can help the students develop comprehensive education insights and skills. A Careful design may also be very challenging, however as these recommendations suggest, this is a convenient task, as well as the work involves, are offset by learning possible inherent in the good fieldwork experience.

Teamwork is a very important element in an organization. This means the sense of solidarity in the team closely associated with tasks, businesses, careers, etc., and passion for the common interests or responsibilities. Teamwork may be likened to the two complexes that are vital to modern life. It is a glue of teamwork and bond that promote strength, reliability, unity, and support (van den Heuvel & Schalk, 2009).

Why is teamwork important? This does not mean that everyone does the same thing or everyone can do every work. It is more like a method of working together, some of which is better than the part. Being properly managed, the teamwork can maximize the benefits and play the best role in every team member, which is the key theme of the site. These particular, probably unique personal advantages are then praised by the advantages of others and the group as a whole.

Following are the recommendation regarding teamwork to be followed by the companies:

  1. The team’s work environment creates an atmosphere that enhances friendship and loyalty. These intimate relationships motivate employees to work in parallel, to work hard, to support them, and to support each other. Individuals have different skills, weakness, communication skills, abilities, and habits.So, when the teamwork environments are discouraged, this may pose lots of challenges to attaining the overall objectives and goals. This also creates an environment where the workers can focus on promoting their accomplishment moreover competing with the colleagues. At the same time, as stated in Study 1, it is also important to respect each other’s boundaries. Bernstein explained: “In respecting borders, managers must consider not only personal privacy, but also group privacy.” Curtains increase productivity for several key reasons: it provides adjustments as temporary problems arise (and improve) the privacy of production line operations; it prevents unproductive interference and makes workers more focused; let the line test new ideas before explaining it to management. In fact, after testing and perfecting them, the workers purposefully shared their thoughts with their supervisors (Bryant et al., 2016).
  2. A good team structure provides your organization with diverse ideas, creativity, opportunities, perspectives, and way to solve the problems. A suitable team environment allows individuals to collectively collect intelligence so that their success rate increases to solve problems and to get more effective solutions. Effective teams also allow innovation program to create competitive benefits to attain goals. Sharing various opinions as well as experiences can also enhance accountability moreover help make effective decisions faster than when done alone. The team strives to support your work with immediate feedback moreover multiple skills to raise production. When a team is working properly, you can more efficiently complete the different levels of planning, design, and implementations.
  • When combined with a teamwork strategy, you will become more efficient and efficient. This is because it allows sharing of workloads, relies on personal stress, and moreover makes sure that the tasks are finished within a defined time period frame. It makes the objective simpler to attain, enhances performance optimization, increases job satisfaction and increases work tempo. In the end, when a group of people works together, they can work more efficiently and work faster than if they work alone because many people are intertwined with the same goal and business goals.
  1. Working in a team allows us to study from each other’s mistake. You can ignore future mistakes, gain insights from different perspectives, as well as learn the latest concepts or ideas from experienced colleagues. Additionally, individuals can increase their skills and discover new facts from new colleagues to identify more efficient methods or ways moreover solutions to accomplish the task at the hand. This positive engagement creates future solutions that encourage and innovate to solve problems and generate ideas more efficiently (Besliu, 2018).
  2. Mutual support for cooperation, common goals, moreover encouragement to provide workplace synergies. In this way, group members can feel a better sense of the accomplishment, be jointly responsible for the results achieved, or provide individuals with a high level of performance. When the group members are aware of their roles and responsibilities and importance of the output that another member of the team relies on, group members will be driven to share the same values, vision, and goals. The outcome is a work environment depends on fellowship, trust, respect, support as well as cooperation.


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