Community Nursing Education On Bioterrorism

Summary of Teaching Plan

Describe about the Community Nursing Education on Bioterrorism?

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The topic theme: Community Nursing Education on Bioterrorism

Specific signature of the lessons: Long term care facility on bioterrorism attack

Manner of deliverance:

Blend of lectures, online session, clinical session

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Two hours lecture per week, clinical session

Type of Institution: Nursing school or college with a total undergraduate nursing enrollment of students

Nursing is a novel task which includes both indirect and direct activities that facilitate the overall health outcomes. The Baccalaureate programs mainly facilitate diversity of options in nursing practice which is schematically forested to aid the graduates to accomplish The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2008). There are a wide variety of characterizations of the particular practice and these are practice experiences, learning opportunities, strategies, clinical activities etc. The board of directors in AACN has formed a respective RN-BSN task force to scrutinize the opportunity for practical and academic experiences for the enrolled students in RN-BSN curriculum. The courses are responsible for both the long term care facility services regarding the bioterrorism attack and the community health care service.       

Respective students gather knowledge regarding the long term care facility services regarding the bioterrorism attack how the designed framework can be applied for ensuring the better health care to the service provider (Fowler, 2012). The population based health care system is illustrated in the lecture session.

The community nursing is an essential component of the national community health services. It involves the district nurses, health visitors, pediatric and mental health surveillance nurses (BRUNERO, KERR and JASTRZAB, 2009). They have to recognize any kind of disease outbreak caused by bioterrorism activity and provide sufficient care in community and social health care set up (Josephsen, 2013).

Next, we must come to point that, what are the responsibilities and task to be performed by nurses. Mainly, the task performed by them is for example that delivering emergency care and medicines in sudden onset of disease endemic due to bioterrorist activity. They should also provide emergency medicines and intravenous antibiotics to save the people in the community from severe infection.

The rationale of the particular course is to train the community health nurses about how to organize the community care in bioterrorism endemic and also how to save the life with highest effort (Avances de investigación, 2011).

After completion of the teaching session, you would be capable to define the following-

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic

Definition of bioterrorism, differentiation of it from the mass causality accident and criminal act

Signs and symptoms of the common biological agents used for bioterrorism attack

Treatment and management strategies: syndromic surveillance program, community care plan, rescue planning, emergency control service

Suitable PPE used for ensuring the safety of community health care nurses

Health alert network policy care plan

Facility preparedness scheme (Chastain and Lipke, 2014)

Particular tutorial objective

Learners have profusely engaged themselves in the course work. Preface to the course work, the attendees having no idea about the community health care plans in bioterrorist attack, standardized outcome and basic schematic on the subject matter (Lovecchio, DiMattio & Hudacek, 2012)

The trainer should introduce the respective lesson with utmost effort to cope up with student needs. The pre-determined learning format is used and some referred text books are read for knowledge gathering (Luthy, Beckstrand & Callister, 2012).  

Definition of Bioterrorism

Bioterrorism is a specialized type of terrorism practice in which the radiation and fire weapons are not used as attacking agent. Biological weapons are utilized to attack the pre-determined country or community (D. Loike, 2012).

Pathogens like bacteria or viruses are used as biological weapons to mediate the bioterrorism attack. These particular ever-harming pathogens or biological agents are specially called as biological weapons. The biological weapons spoil the life in the targeted population or community. The biological agents or microorganisms are used for terrorist activity. The main thing is that the respective pathogens or microorganisms are invisible to the human eye. Some toxic chemicals or substances of exogenous origin can also be used as biological weapons for bioterrorism attack (Estes, 2010).  

The chances of occurrence the bioterrorism activity are not known previously. The government and health ministry has an emergency team for controlling the bioterrorism attack endemic. The infection control plan is also arranged in such a manner that at early beginning of the attack certain control care plan can be implemented as early as possible. The rapid diagnosis is also required to start the treatment and management control of the disease. Community health care professionals should take the responsibilities to control the disease endemic and treat the affected people as early as possible (Oiso, 2012).

There are three type of distinctive categorization regarding the bioterrorism agents-

This group of bioactive agent used for bioterrorism attack is generally spreading very rapid and uncontrolled manner and the mortality rate is also very high in this cases (Radosavljevic, 2012).

Overall Course Objective

It is very much rarely occurring disease in human. But if it emerges, it damages the community with a greatest extent. It spreads rapidly and contaminated by airborne and food-borne transmission. The disease or infection reaches to an endemic and the life threatening nature is also very much devastating in nature. The disease is rarely occurred in human and frequently occurred in the hoofed animals like cows, buffalos, goats etc. It is caused by a respective bacterium and it forms spores. The developed spores are heat resistant and also not to be easily destroyed. From the spore, the bacterium is generated. The spores of anthrax are observed in the soil in many portions of the world (Skingley, 2013).

Vaccination is very much important in disease endemic but it is not available appropriately. During the emergency condition, the CDC (centre for disease Control) should take the responsibility to provide the treatment and management of the disease endemic caused by bioterrorism activity.

This group of bioactive agent used for bioterrorism attack is generally spreading moderately and controllable manner and the mortality rate is moderate in this cases.

Plague is also an uncommon bacterial infective diseases caused by a specialized type of bacterium which cause the infection frequently in rodents and fleas. The bacterium mainly causes the lung infection and pneumonia. The early signs and symptoms include headache, nausea, fever, cough and sometimes bleeding is observed with the coughing. The sputum is also observed in this infection as conjugated with blood. If early treatment is not started, the infected individual will be dead within a few days.

Mainly the air-borne transfusion is the principle mediator of this infection. The disease is spreading from person to person by nose-nose contact.

This group of bioactive agent used for bioterrorism attack is generally spreading slowly and controllable manner and the mortality rate is low in this cases.

The microorganisms includes in this group are H1N1 influenza, SAARS, HIV virus.

Aerosol dispersion is the main mediator of the bioterrorism attack. The respective pathogens chosen for spreading is sprayed to the air for air-borne transmission. Sometimes some of the pathogens have no particular smell and these are easy to spread. Another method of dispersion is going through the mail.   

What and How to Report

According to recommendation of CDC (centre of disease control), the following protocol is implemented to notify the respective authorities about the concurrent bioterrorist activities.

Learning Objectives

Inform the local police and administrative authorities. They will convey the information to the FBI and postal authorities about the occurrence of bioterrorism attack.

Inform your state health department. They will notify the information to the CDC. CDC will take immediate measures.

Do not get panicked about the sudden disease outbreak. Check the disease occurrence source. If it is occurred due to bioterrorism attack, then immediately contact with the CDC centre and follow the instruction given and also prepare a syndromic and surveillance care plan to manage the disease endemic (Young, 2013).

Community peoples are the main service user in the health care service system provided by the health care professionals. In response to the nursing education sufficiency, the expected outcome would be observed and the better health care system is formulated. The disease suffering and rapid treatment and curing are forested as an overall outcome and response to the proper implementation of the training program. The student response is also important for nursing education program. The respective and contemporary changes are required to facilitate the indicative responsive manners (CULLEY & POLYAKOVA-NORWOOD, 2012).

Do not touch the suspicions mail packages.

Do not spill the powder packages of unknown origin. It can be contaminated.

Leave the area or region having unknown and bad smell.

Instruct the people not to enter the region having the aerosol dispersion.

Immediately contact the health care authority of district to take care of the matter.

Convey the information to the CDC.

Prepare an emergency health care plan to manage the disease endemic.

 If the people in a particular region are attacked by the bioterrorist activity, immediately convey the message to the CDC and take care of them according to the surveillance program. Proper medication is provided to control the infection. 

Comparative and interactive learning procedure

Audio-visual learning

Discussion boards

Clinical evidence-based analytical skill

Collaborative quizzes and interactive sessions

Projects and assignments on different bioterrorism attack and service control plan issues

Peer assessment

Group discussions

Online learning (Staykova, 2012)

Reference List

Avances de investigación. (2011). Revista del ISM, 1(13).

Chastain, W. and Lipke, J. (2014). Perinatal Education in a Community Setting. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 43(S1), pp.S26-S26.

CULLEY, J., & POLYAKOVA-NORWOOD, V. (2012). Innovation CENTER: Synchronous Online Role Play for Enhancing Community, Collaboration, and Oral Presentation Proficiency. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(1), 51-54. doi:10.5480/1536-5026-33.1.51

D. Loike, J. (2012). Ethical challenges in biodefense and bioterrorism. J Bioterr Biodef, S1(01).

Estes, D. (2010). Editors & Editorial Board. J Bioterr Biodef, 01(01).

Fowler, J. (2012). Teaching and Learning: from staff nurse to nurse consultant. Part 6: Planning a teaching session. British Journal of Nursing, 21(16), pp.995-995.

Josephsen, J. (2013). Teaching nursing delegation: An on-line case study. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 8(3), pp.83-87.

Lovecchio, C., DiMattio, M., & Hudacek, S. (2012). Clinical Liaison Nurse Model in a Community Hospital: A Unique Academic–Practice Partnership That Strengthens Clinical Nursing Education.Journal Of Nursing Education, 51(11), 609-615. doi:10.3928/01484834-20121005-02

Luthy, K., Beckstrand, R., & Callister, L. (2012). Improving the community nursing experiences of nursing students. JNEP, 3(4). doi:10.5430/jnep.v3n4p12

Oiso, N. (2012). Allergic Examination for Biodefense. J Bioterr Biodef, 03(03).

Skingley, A. (2013). Older people, isolation and loneliness: implications for community nursing. Br J Community Nursing, 18(2), pp.84-90.

Staykova, M. (2012). Community college education through the looking glass of associate degree nursing. Teaching And Learning In Nursing, 7(3), 93-97. doi:10.1016/j.teln.2012.01.005

Young, L. (2013). Introduction to Community Nursing PracticeIntroduction to Community Nursing Practice. Nursing Standard, 27(23), pp.31-31.

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