Communications Strategic Integrated Market: Understanding IMC And Segmentation Analysis

IMC objectives

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A model or a theory which has been considered as liable and relevant for the accomplishment of the objectives and goals of the marketing campaign and this is done through a well-coordinated use of various promotional mechanisms and tools which are cavernous to strengthen each other. On the basis of the research which has been executed by American Association of Advertising Agencies about the concept of integrated marketing communication, and according to which the term IMC values the comprehensive plan which will be evaluating the strategic roles of the variety of communication disciplines (Spacechimp 2011). This is also involved in advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion which is then combined for providing a clarity consistency and maximum communication impacts. IMC will be proven very much beneficial for the business entity in varied senses. The biggest advantage of implementing this approach is that it goes a long way for developing brand awareness among the market and that too at a minimum expense. This model of communication also aids in business marketing and also in the case of direct interactions with the clients. Organizations will be able to promote their products and services in the target market and also will be developing trust among the consumers. Integrated marketing communication process is a contemporary mechanism which scores over the traditional mechanisms. This approach focuses on not only attaining the new consumers but also development and maintaining long-term healthy relationships with them. This approach also aids in saving time as it is wasted in figuring out for the best and the most appropriate marketing tool. The below-executed analysis has been furnished after conducting a detailed research on Woolworths Ltd which is Australian brand equity and is well renowned in the sector of supermarkets. It was established on 5 December 1924 and its home office is situated in Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia, by F.W. Woolworth (Businessstudynotes 2015). Moreover, the report has been made focused on the IMC campaign which is named as “GREEN IS THE NEW IN”. The organization gives prizes and reliability reward to the clients in the event that they purchase an item from the organization’s stores. The facility of the rebate on the item is additionally accessible as indicated by the regions. The rivals of the organization in Australia incorporate, Coles, Aldi, etc. Woolworths serves around 18 million clients consistently and they offer an incentive to every last one. Woolworths is an Australian markets organization which operates in retail and general store items.

Segmentation and target market analysis

IMC (integrated marketing communications) remains for incorporated advertising interchanges. The concept has been considered as a wide advertising idea that spotlights on staying with showcasing and correspondence endeavors reliable and facilitated (Uwaterloo 2014). Thus, any messages the organization conveys through any sort of media ought to fortify a steady brand picture. Powerful IMC objectives are particular, quantifiable, evaluated and have an expressed time period. The below mentioned are the IMC objectives:

Brand awareness: A standout amongst the most widely recognized and easy IMC objectives are developing brand awareness. Prior to selling the particular items Woolworths, it needs to make brand awareness among its target market, and this should be done for spreading awareness and also its significance (Smartling 2017). For instance, a brand-awareness objective may state “Increment brand awareness by 20 percent within three months.”

Favorable attitude: After the business organization sets up brand awareness, its next real advance is to influence clients to purchase its products and services. As an IMC objective, influence may incorporate making a great brand attitude or a high expectation to purchase among clients. The business entity may also evaluate general attitudes toward its image prior and then afterward a promoting effort to check whether they moved forward (Entrepreneur 2017). It could likewise think about the aim of clients to purchase after the marketing event.

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Brand loyalty: The ultimate and the final objective of this approach can be considered as the loyalty of the clients and the consumers which can be also termed as development and maintaining the strong and loyal relations with the consumers (Garvey, 2014). Woolworths can set brand loyalty as the IMC objective which can further comprise of increasing the customer database by 25% overall and enhancing the existing customer base by 15% within the time duration of 6 months.

S: The marketing objectives are required to be significant for the entity and the same should be for the employees

M: The objectives should be so developed that they are easily measurable. For instance, the promotions should increase the customer base by 25%. 

A: Moreover, the objectives should be practically attainable.

R: The objectives should be based on some real facts and figures; no fake assumptions are required to be developed.

T: There should be a fixed deadline for completion of the tasks or the determined goals.

The concept segmentation is concerned with analysis which has been executed on the division of the market and the consumers (Grunig, 2013). This analysis is focused on the divisions of the consumers which is done so as to plan the strategies so as to develop and design the products and the services as per the requirements of the consumers. The below presented are the main variables which will aid Woolworths in the segmentation process:

Demographic segmentation: – The economic condition of Australia is considered as very much favorable for the development and growth of the supermarket. The region has also been rated under the category of developed nations and on the basis of the survey it has also been observed that income level and standard of living of the people is quite high (McQuail & Windahl, 2015). Moreover, this segment also includes consumers of different age groups, family size income and buying patterns etc.

Psychographic segmentation: – This is one of the most significant segments in the executed analysis as it includes the traits, values, and lifestyles of consumers. Generally, Woolworths should target the consumers from every income groups as the supermarkets have products range from low cost to premium and which can be afforded by each income group. Moreover, it has also been observed that purchasing power of the consumer in Australia is relatively high.

Geographic segmentation: This type of segmentation is based on the division which is executed on the basis of the geographical variables (Arnold & Boggs, 2015). The needs and the requirements of the consumers vary on the basis of their geographical conditions. And hence the business entity is required to maintain the availability of the products on the basis of these requirements.

Generations: The concept of generational marketing has been based on the segmentation of population on the varied range of demographic and psychographic variables (Richards & Schmidt, 2014). This strategy can be used by Woolworths for attaining competitive advantage and also for digging up the clients.

Benefits: The main objective of the marketing segmentation is to analyze the marketing conditions and also the consumers so as to divert the efforts of the workforce in a right direction. This objective can also be considered as one of the biggest advantages of this process. This will also benefit the Woolworths is bringing the reduction in a number of expense as there will be minimization in the wastage due to the diversion of efforts in the right direction (Kraidy, 2017). Moreover, this will also aid the business corporation in bringing enhancement in the satisfaction level of consumers as requirements and needs of the consumers are considered on priority due to segmentation.

Usage: Minimization of the wastage of the efforts of the employees which was earlier was done in analyzing the market and consumer trends (Jensen, 2013). This approach also aids the business corporation in developing and designing of better and improved goods which will enhance the customer satisfaction. 

The target market is the segments of the consumers which are developed by the business corporation on the basis of some the variable which is considered as an integral part of the process of sales (Zillmann, 2013). As this segmentation will offer Woolworths with the data about the consumers and their behaviors, needs, requirements, and demands. This will aid the business entity in developing and designing the products and services as per the requirements of the consumers. Moreover, the essential target advertises is where the organization trusts that they will be to give their most obvious opportunity. Woolworth likewise has an essential target advertise that incorporates clients having high-wage chunks. The organization goes for social advancement and focus on the natural needs of the client. That is the reason the product is offered to the constrained scope of the general population. However, store items are accessible for all age assemble individuals. The expectation for everyday comforts or lifestyle of the Australians is very high when contrasted with alternate nations. On the basis of the survey, it has been observed that over 76% of the general population purchase goods from stores and supermarkets. This demonstrates the expectation for everyday comforts of the Australians (Kasper & Kellerman, 2014). So it without a doubt demonstrates that the organization can easily gain a benefit subsequent to focusing on the essential market. The next concept is the secondary target market which has been considered as the second most imperative for the organization. The general populations who purchase the item as per their inclination are the second most empirical clients. The clients of the specific item just create a deal for one item. Henceforth, organization concentrates on this market on the auxiliary premise. The disposition of the client towards a result of the Woolworth goes under the conduct of the client for that item. Eventually, organization chose at whatever point client inclination is for a solitary item then it goes ahead the auxiliary market. Moreover, the business corporation can also make adoption of target market strategy which will enhance the quality of the process and will also aid the business entity in a number of other aspects (Richards & Schmidt, 2014). The business corporation can make use of differentiated marketing strategy for targeting the segmented consumers:

Differentiated strategy: A differentiated marketing system is a point at which an organization makes crusades that interest to no less than two market sections or target gatherings. For instance, Woolworths can advance for a sale that interests to individuals in two different cities and regions, or the organization can advertise an item that interests to ladies in no less than two age gatherings. Differentiated marketing techniques can target numerous portions; shoe organizations regularly make crusades that interest to the two men and ladies in an assortment of age gatherings. Differentiated marketing techniques can likewise utilize distinctive messages in a similar battle for various portions. For instance, a retailer may showcase ease to a financial plan cognizant section and item quality to a princely market portion.

This strategy can be proven beneficial for Woolworths as it will develop differentiation among the products and which will attain the competitive advantage among the competitors.

The below mentioned is the marketing campaign which has been launched by Woolworths and the mentioned are the core components of the advertising campaign.

Campaign name: “GREEN IS THE NEW IN”

Message theme: The theme of the message is creating awareness for environment safety and going green (Ginsburg, Kinsman & American Academy of Pediatrics. 2017).

Core message: The main aim of the marketing campaign is to develop and creating awareness regarding the environment and significance of the same. Moreover, as Woolworths is dealing in supermarkets the entity wants to sell the products without harming the environment (Lawrie, 2014).

Creative effective advertisements involve significantly more than just having an incredible item or a sharp motto. The innovative procedure of promoting requires watchful arranging with respect to the imperative aspects of ads and ads. Every promotion comprises of different components that are coordinated to shape a cognizant message that will achieve the objective group of viewers and influence the consumer to settle on a choice to buy the item. Woolworths can make utilization of innovative techniques to create powerful promoting messages. Each component of the publicizing message is painstakingly arranged and executed (Beach, 2014). Sponsors utilize distinctive execution systems and publicizing advances to achieve the intended interest group with an enticing message that contains both verbal and visual viewpoints. The main objective of the message strategy is communicating the brand and the products to the target market and that too in a creative and influential manner. This concept can also be considered as the plan for the generation and development of the advertisement. The business entity can develop and utilize a combination of rational and emotional appeals in the message strategy. The following is the creative message strategy .i.e. Cognitive strategy. This strategy can be adapted by Woolworths LTD.

The prime objective of the cognitive message strategy is to outline an advertising which will affect the trust or knowledge of customers (Hatziargyriou, 2014). For instance, in case of PepsiCo Vietnam, the latest business technique of Pepsi in 2012 is discharged in the USA and after that all-inclusive. With the trademark “Live for the time being”, Pepsi conveyed the message to clients particularly youthful eras, Pepsi has been turning into the second well-known brand on the planet and saw profoundly as the basic drink which helps individuals to invigorate and recuperation vitality after occupied day.

Designing an ad which will impose impacts on the audience beliefs and also on the data structure has been considered as the prime goals of the cognitive message strategy approach. Woolworths can be attained by suggesting benefits from anyone (Percy, 2014). The food items from the supermarkets of Woolworths can be considered as a relevant example in this case. Food can be presented as healthful, enjoyable tasting, or low calorie. Moreover, another example could be a tool of any type, and this product can be described as being durable, convenient, or easy to use. Hence it has been observed that the main goal of this approach is to make clear and also create awareness of the benefits to the consumer. This strategy has also been sub-divided into five major forms which are as follows.

From the above-presented description, it has analyzed that the cognitive message strategy has been proven beneficial for the business corporation in terms of a number of aspects. By developing awareness about the products and their particular features the business entity will be enhancing and bringing an increase in the sales and demand for the products and services (Blakeman, 2014). Moreover, the products will be having a distinct image among the competitors and this will aid them in attaining a competitive advantage.

The idea of situating methodology has been considered as a mindful arrangement or system which has been working on the emblematic levels of the shoppers’ awareness. Likewise, the situating technique has been produced on business data and seeks after to make the point by point chain of words which will build up the adjust ideas of separation, refinement, and likeness in a brought together brand-account. This has been considered for the long haul exertion and which is executed for setting the brand value and furthermore of its items or administrations. This will likewise build up a novel space in the psyches of the focused on purchasers and which will be demonstrated especially helpful for the business substance (Thorson & Moore, 2013). This can also be considered as the attempt which has been executed by the business corporation so as to set the brand apart from the audience and also stimulate the way in which the target market observes them. On the basis of the research which had been conducted in the sector of the supermarkets of Australia, it has been observed that Woolworth in Australian regions have a relatively high demand as compared to its competitors. And the same can be analyzed by measuring the expenses incurred by the governing bodies on the concerning sector. On the basis of the further study which has been executed on the marketing trends, it has been observed that Australia spends $32.6 billion at Woolworths which is high as compared to the other supermarkets in the sector of the region. And all these variables have been dictating the popularity of the brand and the position of the business corporation. Moreover, it has been analyzed that the business entity has been ranked on 1st position in Australia.

Unique selling proposition: The concept can be defined as the factor of consideration which has been presented by the seller. This concept has also been considered as the key to effective selling and this can only be done after pinpointing the business in a unique manner in the world of the homogenous products and competitors. This will require the business corporation to pinpoint some hard soul searching and creativity.

A communication strategy has been considered as a critical piece which is bridging the gaps between the situational analysis and the adoption of the societal and the behavioral change communication program (Belch et al., 2014). Moreover, it can also be termed as the transmission of the information and data between the individuals within the business organization. The below mentioned are the most integral factors of the concept:

The below presented are the communication strategies which can be implemented by Woolworths Pvt Ltd:

The business entity and the team should focus on the issues and the problems, not on the person.

The seniors and the superiors are required to be genuine, not manipulative.

Flexibility should be maintained by the team leaders and the authorities.

A sense of equality should be maintained by the team leads and the superior authorities.

The below mentioned are some of the main communication strategies which can be adopted by Woolworths:

Advertising: The business entity can make use of a number of advertising tools and mechanisms which will aid the corporation in attaining the new customers and will also enhance the awareness about the products and the services of the company.

Sales promotion: The concept is concerned with the promotions which are made by the business entity by adopting some offers and schemes or also by offering free cost services and products as samples.

Direct marketing: This strategy can be considered as one of the most effective mechanisms which can be utilized in the company is expecting to launch a new product or while entering the new market or region (Edsa 2017).

Personal selling: This strategy has also been considered as one of the most effective mechanisms or tool to communicate and develop relations with the consumers and target market (Knowthis 2017). The biggest advantage of personal selling is that it offers immediate results and which make the team and the entity about the effectiveness of the strategies and plans which are implemented. 

Personal relations: This strategy will enable the business entity to develop a distinct image in the market and also in the minds of the consumers. This will also bring an increase in the market share as the consumers will think to perceive the promoted products and also a hike in the goodwill will be observed.

Digital media: This concept has been considered one of the contemporary means of the medium or a platform which communicates the message the messages which are required to be conveyed by the business entity till the targeted segments. This mix involves utilization of the tools such as blogs, cell phone applications, email etc.

Print media: This involves pamphlets, business magazines, newspapers, billboards etc.  are some of the main tools which are considered as relevant for communicating the messages.

Social media: This is another tool or mechanism which has been considered as one of the fastest in the list of the communication strategies. This mechanism is very much effective and is widely used a tool. 

Earned media: This concept can be considered as the online word of mouth which is generally determined and presented in the form of viral tendencies, mentions, shares, reports, reviews, recommendations.

Owned media: This form of media mix is any web property which can be controlled and is unique for the brand of the business corporation (titangrowth 2017).

Paid media: This media can be considered as a good medium and also a good way to promote the product or service for driving earned media.

The concept of budgeting can be considered as the plan or the strategies which are required to be developed by the business corporation so as to plan for the expenses done. Budgets are considered as an integral part and which is also liable in operating the business in a successful manner (Mymoneycoach 2017). This concept has also been nominated as the key to the successful business organization. The concept of budgetary control can also be considered as a mechanism whereby actual results are compared with budgets.  The term budget can be termed as a quantitative plan which can be utilized as a mechanism for deciding which operations and functionalities will be selected in the long run (business and finance.expertscolumn 2015). For instance, in case of Woolworths, the budgeting for operations comprises of the following:

Predicting the future sales

Developing estimates for long-run cash collections and payments

The business entity is required to adopt the most contemporary approaches and models for managing the communication within the organization and IMC is the most preferred option.

Effective communication strategies will enhance the organizational operations and functionalities which will in-turn will lead to success and growth of the business corporations.

Open and informal communication procedures should be implemented so as to increase the involvement of employees within the operations within the organizational structure.

Appropriate and advanced training sessions and crash courses which are related or should be organized so as to bring enhancement in the selling and communicating skills and capabilities. This will offer them an ease while interacting with the consumers and the clients.

The employees expect to be involved in the marketing campaigns and events as volunteers so as to enhance their potential and expertise on the same grounds.

Training sessions over the use of equipment’s and tools which are utilized in the manufacturing processes and operations.

An open form of communication process should be developed which will aid the middle and lower level employees to have interaction with management level staff. This will enhance their expertise to another level.

The executives have recommended to authorize them to offer the additional services and offers for building the relations with the consumers which in-turn will enhance their credibility and goodwill.

The managerial staff should be provided with some advanced training sessions and programs which will aid them in developing their interpersonal skills. And enhancement in the capabilities and skills will help them in developing the connections and bonds with the lower and middle level employees.

Open and informal communication approaches should be adopted so as to increase the involvement of the middle and lower level employees in the managerial activities and functionalities. This will also increase the dedication and interest of the employees which will in-turn will offer a hike in the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity.

The engagement of the employees and lower level staff should also be increased in the decision making process which will also increase their dedication and the same will be proven beneficial for the business entity.

Additional incentives and rewards system can be adopted so as to praise the employees on their performance.


In the limelight of the above-executed analysis, it has been concluded that Woolworths has been planning for integrated marketing communication and the same should be implemented for maintaining and developing an efficient and effective communication throughout the organizational structure. Moreover, the business entity has been making use of a number of a matrix and contemporary approaches for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the concept.


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