Communication Tools For Motivation In The Workplace
In the present business context, the employees need motivation from the senior employees for carrying out the tasks according to the requirements. Motivation involves communication between the managers and the employees, which helps them to inform the managers about the issues, which they face in the process of executing the allocated activities. Upper level managers play an important role in this aspect. Communication tools help in effective transmission of the important messages to the managers. The managers are entrusted with the responsibility of briefing the employees about the use and functions of various communication tools. Reference to the aspects of mobile learning apps and digital tools would be a correlation to the modern version of communication. This modernity would reflect the transmission of messages from the internal to the external environment.
Earlier business requirements were devoid of communicative training, which compelled the companies and organizations to encounter degradation of stability in their relationship with the clients and the customers. As a result of this, the performance of the employees were poor in terms of interacting with the guests. Along with this, there was also an absence of digitalization, which increased the individual labor of the employees.
This proposal attempts to develop the background and context for the communication issues within the workplace. Consideration of scholarly articles enhances the preconceived knowledge, skills and expertise about the dynamics of communication in the workplace. This reflects the execution of secondary data collection, which would be applied into the research.
According to the current business context, assessment of the impact of motivation on generation Y is crucial. In this process, communication between the managers and the employees is enhanced. Within this, consideration of the adjustment of the employees within the new environment proves beneficial. This is in order of gaining an insight into the capability of the employees to fit them into the new workplace environment. Familiarity with social media in terms of online courses would be taken into due consideration. Within this, emphasis would be on the latest mobile applications, which helps the personnel to establish communication with the clients and the customers.
Through the consideration of scholarly articles, explorative approach would be attached to the impact of motivation and involvement of the employees towards the e-learning tools. Here, mention needs to be made of the scenario of communication in the earlier time, when there were only oral and written forms of communication. Owing to the varying business needs and requirements, companies and organizations realized the need for adopting information technology for establishing contact with large number of clients at the same time.
Layout for the Report
Delving deep into the aspect of the business communication, it excavates the knowledge, skills and expertise, which gets transmitted from one employee to the other. This aspect would form one of the essential components for the research on corporate communication. The dynamics of social media would be explored for enhancing the awareness of the readers regarding its functionality towards supporting the collaborative initiatives of the employees. This process would attempt to establish the advantages and disadvantages of social media for enhancing the stability in the relationship between the team members.
Moreover, earlier workplace scenario lacked efficient and effective programs, which trained the employees about the latest communication channels. According to the latest workplace requirements, innovative training means have evolved. These training programs proved effective in terms of enhancing the familiarity of the employees with the latest digital tools for establishing communication with the clients and the customers. At this stage, mention can be made of the consideration of the mobile learning tools and the concept of e-learning tools, which would be one of the major focuses of the research.
In most of the aspects, it is seen that most of the employees fail to expose the accurate accent towards the clients. This creates communication gaps between the employees and the managers, acting as an obstacle in the exposure of collaborative output. This research, through the consideration of e-learning tools and mobile learning apps, would address the queries of the readers regarding enhancing the communicative skills of the employees. Introduction of these apps and learning devices reflects the approach of the managers towards ensuring development of the employees.
As per the requirements of the current business scenario, digital communication is crucial in terms of automatizing the business activities. Proper utilization of the digital channels assist the personnel in conducting the activities in an efficient and effective manner. These channels reflects the communication taking place within the internal environment of the workplace. Here, the focus would be on the multinational corporations. As an example, Shiraz Telecommunication Company would be considered for gaining an insight into the motivational strategies. This approach reflects the leadership skills of the managers towards providing job satisfaction to the employees. Involving the employees in the business aspects was not the story few years back. The major drive behind this was the provision of rewards in terms of their hard efforts.
Communication was conducted on a temporary basis for knowing the issues, which the employees faced while executing the allocated tasks. Frequency not maintained in conducting discussions. However, with the varying requirements of the business, companies and organizations adopted change management. Typical characteristic feature of this was frequent face-to-face meetings with the employees. The main reason for this adoption is to enhance the communication skills, expertise and knowledge of the employees.
In the process of engaging the employees, stress would be laid on expanding the scope and arena of the communications, which take place in the internal environment of the workplace. This is for excavating the organizational structure, which, in turn, would help in enhancing awareness about the organizational culture. Presence of courtesy, politeness and kindness in communication reflects the consciousness towards the preservation of the organizational culture. Typical example of this is the implementation of Ethical Code of Conduct, which enhances the awareness about the basic ways of communicating within the workplace. This ethical conduct reflects the conscious approach towards exposing courtesy in interacting with the clients and the customers.
For preparing the report in the following section, 10 scholarly articles would be taken into consideration. In this process, the focus would be on communication in the workplace. Delving deeper into the articles would help in excavating what the author intends to convey to the readers. Keyword search would be conducted for collecting relevant information on corporate communication. Within this, inclusion and exclusion criteria would be followed for establishing reliability and validity in the propositions. Themes relevant to corporate communication would be developed for diversifying its scope and arena. Along with this, action plans would be developed for systematizing the research related activities.
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