Communication Strategies For Alphapharm In The Pharmaceutical Industry
The Significance of Institutional Image and Association for Pharmaceutical Companies
The institutional image of the Pharmaceutical Companies in addition to their association assumes a particular significance. The target of an increased attention of the media, it is necessary for the sector to open to the outside world, either due to the public awareness of what the activity involves, either to the self defence or by other methods (Dogramatzis, 2015). It is also possible by the responsible demonstration of the facts as well as the indicators which can possibly highlight the contributions of the Pharmaceutical Industry for the welfare of the citizens. The chosen Australian organisation for this particular case study is Alphapharm. The particular study aims to provide a suitable communication strategy for the company by the utilization of digital sources. This is particularly necessary as the impact of these procedures is crucial for the development of the industry as a whole.
The medicinal products comprise a fundamental instrument of the development of the society and at that particular time, there is an essential piece in the balance of the control of the society. In this connection it can be said that health communication has emerged as a critical strategic component of the pharmaceutical as well as the health care marketing. The use of the integrated communication strategies for informing and influencing the individual and community decisions concerning the health are of prime importance. The concept of health communication connects the fields of marketing communication and health care and is being increasingly recognized as a crucial element of marketing efforts for the improvement of personal and also public health (Coombs, 2014).
A crucial aspect of any pharmaceutical company specifically for a pharmaceutical company like Alphapharm which supplies all valuable products like generic medicines and other medical supplies, is their pharmacy technicians. Therefore with regard to the strategic communications plan it can be stated that, they need to be aware of ways of administering medicine, the information on the dosage levels and side effects of medication as well as insurance coverage. Therefore the company needs more and more technicians with sound training and proper skills for managing patients (Freifeld et al., 2014).
The trend of internet as well as online solution is much more obvious in the aspects of healthcare and pharmaceutical communication. This can be considered to be convenient because the members of the market are open to such online solutions but the absence of experience is responsible for a high distrust level (Mehralian et al., 2012). Due to this the company in this case has to provide proper solutions with the building of online communication strategies and assist their respective clients to utilize the online channels and digital marketing solutions effectively. At the time of considering policies for the purposes of sales and communication, the choice of format and content is crucial for integrated elements of a suitable comprehensive strategy (DiMasi, Grabowski & Hansen, 2016).
The Importance of Health Communication in the Pharmaceutical Industry
A communication plan is crucial for focus and structure to the different aspects of the communications of the company. There are several elements of an effective communications plan by the use of digital technologies and its implementation. The management of communications in the pharmaceutical industry was simple before the advent of technologies. There was only the existence of a handful of the trade publications and no Internet, websites or social media. A strategic plan provides focus and structure to the communications and facilitates the understanding of how the innumerable pieces require interaction. A plan has the power to make the communications much more efficient, effective and productive.
The crucial aspects of the communication plan are discussed in connection to this particular case of Alphapharm Company as follows:
The best place to begin with the strategic communication plan is to understand the position of the company chosen with respect to the competitors in the industry. This is termed to be the market intelligence with respect to the company. The most important is starting with a proper audit of the communications which are being presented by each of the crucial competitors. This needs to coincide with the communication materials and the activities (Andreani et al., 2014).
It is desirable that the messages which are written are consistent in the public relations, in the blog and also in the particular annual report. It should also be relevant in the sales presentations where the levels are clearly shown, The annual reports of the Alphapharm company needs to be studied properly and the strategies for bettering the communication need to be clearly stated in the social media. It is desirable to include focus groups or interviews with the representatives of all the audiences and this helps in the development of the relevant goals and objectives.
In case of market research it often happens that the information on the strategic goals and objectives for communication are found from the research reports themselves. In case a new need for marketing is discovered for Alphapharm it is to be utilized as a marketing initiative for the company which requires the support of communications. At the present time of technological advancement, the digital technologies are most valuable in making the competitors as well as customers understand about the company’s strategic objectives.
The digital communications help in the understanding of the points on which the company needs to prosper. Therefore based on the strategies and objectives which the Alphapharm Company has achieved in the past, the digital plan can be made to ensure the customer base is aware of the facilities and suitable options which it is ready to provide to its competitors. This includes all crucial aspects including the budget and the methods of communication to the target customers by blogs and other methods of online communication (Lidstone & MacLennan, 2017).
Role of Pharmacy Technicians in Strategic Communications Plan
Instead of making slow progress by considering the audience as individuals who only buy the products or services which they sell it is crucial to understand and accept the audiences and the customers as key leaders of opinion as well as that of secondary buying influences (Mehralian et al., 2014). The secondary buying influences, the potential employees, the local community and the press are all responsible for the success of the strategic communication plan of the Alphapharm company. In case all the stakeholders of Alphapharm have a proper idea regarding the core message behind the marketing and communications plan of the company it can help in achieving the corportate importance of the firm. In order to ensure that the different stakeholders are aware and have a secure understanding of the core marketing and communications of the industry, websites and proper official tweets can be utilized (Toole, 2012).
The development of tactics are another crucial and effective method of communication for the company which need to be achieved by utilizing the modern era perks of advertising and social media to reach broader and narrowly defined niche audiences. However it the present era it is not sufficient to describe the audiences and their interests, the appropriate communications channel needs to be utilized to reach a particular audience (Mackey & Liang, 2013).
One of the methods earlier used and very popular comprised that of the print advertising. This has been losing ground due to the new media. Nevertheless its importance in the communication plan cannot be denied. The different methods by which the advertising can reach a niche audience is as follows:
- Print advertising
- Radio
- Television’
- Outdoor transits
- Online advertising (mobile, email, banner, advertisements, blogs, newsletters)
- Search engine optimisation
- Content marketing
- Social media (facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+ etc)
- Presentations of sales
- Sales support materials
- Public relations’
- trade shows
- special events
- corporate philanthropy
It needs to be checked that the value of the integration of communications across the channels can never be ignored. In order to get better results from the content posted, it is desirable to be offer the webinar host as an interview which is subject to the key industry publications.
This is a significant part of the communication and the effectiveness of initiatives as all goals are not easy to follow or implement. Therefore after a plan has been made it needs to be ensured that plans which have been formulated for implementation are genuine and effective. In case the goals are dependent on the changes in the environment of the company or the awareness and perception, there need to be implemented tools for the measurement of the said differences (Zhang et al., 2013).
The development of a comprehensive plan for effective and strategic communication and its proper implementation requires that all the valuable information and resources be taken into consideration. The complete formation of the plan and the effective understanding is not an easy task, especially for such a multinational and huge pharmaceutical company like Alphapharm. It can however be said that by the effective evaluation of the strategies and tactics for taking the company to a suitable place the most effective use can be made of the communications budget.
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