Communication In Organizations: Diagnosis Tools And Reflections

Diagnosis and Reflection

Discuss About The Activities In Organization Is Communication?

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This assignment is all about creating and developing a deep understanding of communication within the organization. Communication means the exchange of words, information, thoughts & ideas in written form, or by speaking or it can be communicated through expressions, any process of this world is incomplete if there is no communication in it. Humans can’t survive if the communication process comes to an end (Myers, 2014). It is really necessary to talk to others in order to make a communication successful. There are six types of communication namely: verbal, non-verbal, formal, informal, written and oral. In an organization communication plays an important role as no department, team or an individual even can make a task successful without communication (Berger, 2008). Effective communication is really important in an organization as it helps building good relationship between the superior and sub-ordinates. When people in an organization communicate with each other, they not only build good relationships but it also boost the confidence levels of the employee (Lienard, 2011). In this assignment we are going to discuss the various communications style that is used in the organizations and we will also discuss in detail about the various diagnosis tools of communication.

In an organization, there are different communication styles and patters. Some of the big firms use different software’s for different communication purpose and while other medium or small scale firms use other types of tools of communication. We will first discuss and diagnose 5 different types of communication tools that different industries use as per their requirements (Rahim, 2010):

Social Intranet Software: An Intranet is a limited or a restricted network that is mostly used by the organizations within the firm to supply information from one table to another. Social intranet software is required for the company as it will not only keeps the employee’s up-to date but it will also lessen the paperwork and the important discussions and documents will not be lost in emails(Adamgale, 2016). A social intranet not only flows the information but it also creates an influential image of the organization amongst its competitors. By having a central social network an organization will not save its time but also the money, as now the employees will get all the required information from the network created without calling someone over the phone, which will waste time and money of the organization (Shehourse, 2013).

Social Intranet Software

Private Group: When in an organization the employees from different teams work together, in order to make the task successful they need to communicate hundreds of times with each other about various pros and cons of the task, which they can’t discuss by going to each other’s cabin again and again, a private network or a chat group can help the team to communicate without any barrier in the group(Mansdes, 2015). This tool of communication is helpful when the team-mates are spread in different geographical locations. This will save the money and time of the organization and every team mate will feel highly motivated being the part of the discussion. Most of the high end industries of the world use these private messaging apps that let their various teams to chat and discuss about various things about the project (Khatri, 2017). Hence a private messaging app or a group chat is another tool that is required in an organization (Chron, 2013).

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Ticketing or Issue Tracking Software: Customers of an organization when faces any technical issue they run towards the organization to get it resolved(Melinda Therisa, 2017). Call centers of different organizations are presently there but most of the customers are not satisfied from their services as mostly customers sometimes have issues that can be resolved a professional only (Rosenberg, 2004). So in that case an organization can make issue tracking software, on which the customer can file a complaint or raise an issue and then track his/her query about that issue on that software by logging into the company’s website (Glason, 2000).

Blogs & Videos: In an organization, most of the employees finds regular meetings about various tasks boring and mundane. It is a general fact that our brain attracts to visuals 60% faster than to any other thing(Mathew, 2015). So in order to make the employees take an active part in the tasks and to make them understand different things, an organization can use a blog or videos that holds the message from the top level to all the sub-ordinates about different propaganda of the organization. These video messages will help the employees to understand fully that what the top level wants from them. It is another tool that helps effective communication in an organization (Mcdermott, 2011).

Discussion Forums: Discussion forums are those discussion places where anyone can a question about anything but it should be related to the basic aim of the forum. In an organization when many new employees are recruited they hesitate to ask questions from their superiors or even from their team-mates. So these discussion forums can help the employees, asking different queries about different things(Carlos, 2016). This communication tool will not only answer the queries of the newly recruited employees but it will also betters the relationship of the organization and the newly recruited employee (Kik, 2011).

Private Group Chats

Above are the different 5 diagnostic tools of communication that can be used by an organization to make the process of communication between and outside the organization successful. Now if I have to analyze my own communication style within the areas of verbal, non-verbal, active listening and assertive perception. Then in our organization, verbal communication between the employer and the employees takes places face to face or by sending the employees a video message that verbally communicates the information from one end to another. Active listening   in our organization is done with the help of messages, for that we have private group chat software within our organization that allows the employer and the employee to exchange words in the form of messages. Sometimes the newly recruited employees feels hesitates to share their opinions or sometimes they are afraid that they will not be listened by their superiors, so in that case the private group voice messages help them speak and all the high end managers listens to their queries carefully and revert back to them with appropriate answers. While in our organization when non-verbal information has to be communicated then we use it by sending visuals to the employees as visuals makes the brain more attentive and it catches the brain attention 60% faster than any other source (Susan, 2015).

The 5 diagnosis tools that are explained above are no doubt the best tools an organization can use to simplify the communication process within the organization and to elevate any hesitation between the employee and the employer. These communication tools are till date the best and an effective method of keeping the communication structure of the organization in form (Tracy, 2015). However even the best of the things suffers from some bad points same is in the case of these 5 tools. When we go into the detailed process of these 5 tools, we come to know about that these tools suffer from various loopholes. Here in this part we will address 2 issues that require further development in order to make the organization communication successful. Below are the 2 issues that need further improvement:

Misinterpretations of others statement: When the employees shares information’s, idea’s, thoughts and other related things about the task or when they put in front their point of view in the group messages or chats, then there are chances that other team mates might misinterpret about their opinions, this may lead to issues and conflicts between the teams(Holland, 2016).

Issue Tracking Software

Secrecy: While sharing information about the tasks or the project over group messages, the chances of leaking the confidential information about the company increases. This is another issue that needs to be improved(Bilzard, 2000).

Meeting 1: 3 Months back, I had a meeting with the group of local interior designers that were working as a freelancer. I told them that I need a makeover for my house, so they can work as a team and I can pay them accordingly, one of the designer said that he loves to work alone as it lets him concentrate on even the very little details of the project, but he won’t mind working with others. The statement of designer started a verbal conflict between the interior designers. Here his statement was misinterpreted by others as they had to understand his point of view as well.

Meeting 2: A few months back, I had a meeting with a chartered accountant to discuss about various financial and monetary things. The Chartered accountant was the partner of an organization that uses to keep an eye on the financial standings of the persons so that they can offer them various plans to invest. After signing the agreement for the services of the CA, I started receiving bulk of mails, calls from that organization to invest my money into different securities. When I came to know that my CA leaked my information to the organization, I immediately cancelled his services for breaching the agreement as he leaked my secret financial information to a third party.

The two very common issues that occur in the process of communication are mentioned as under (Pract, 2013):

Too little communication: Too little communication is one of the most common issues that arise while in the process of communication. It is generally seen that the high end managers often communicates less, even if they have to convey some information to their sub-ordinates they talk very less. This too little communication makes the sub-ordinates feels frustrated as he is now obliged with a responsibility that he do not even know properly because of the little communication between him and his superior(Mansdes, 2015).

Too much communication: Where in an organization too little communication between the employer and the employee leads to issues, there too much communication also left the employees frustrated, as they can’t concentrate on what to do rather they are only listening to the instructions of their superiors. Communication between the employees or superior or sub-ordinates must always be in an adequate amount that is not less or no more(Miller, 2015). Because any communication below or beyond the point of the requirement will only waste the efficiency of the employees and will make them confuse and frustrated about what they have to do.

Blogs and Videos

Now in this section we will discuss the concept of theoretical and interpersonal skills of communication. But before going in its detail we will first discuss what communication is and we will below present a diagram of how communication works. Communication is the exchange of words, thoughts, ideas, information between two persons i.e. a sender and a receiver (Prozesky, 2015). The senders think of an idea to exchange it with a second party (receiver). Below is a diagram that will help the audience to understand the process of communication (Cohn, 2013)

So as you can see the communication process starts from the sender and ends with a feedback that is a response from the receiver. The sender will encode the information that means he will decide the language in which he wants to sends the message, after that he will decide the channel that means how he wants to convey the information by using different means such as text message, phone call, video message, face to face etc. After receiving the information the receiver will decodes the message and as soon as he understands what the sender wants to convey, he will send a feedback to him. Here the communication process will come to an end. 

Now we will talk about, Interpersonal communication or skills are that communication that occurs between two people i.e. a sender and a receiver. In inter-personal communication both the persons involved in the communication are interdependent on each other as they both have some information about each other. The interpersonal communication becomes successful when the sender sends a message and the receiver receives it and understands the message. In interpersonal communication people exchange their feelings, this kind of communication generally happens between, lovers, sisters, brothers, son and father etc, but it doesn’t means that employee and employer don’t have interpersonal communication with each other. Example of interpersonal communication are: suppose there is a construction company that has a construction work in its hand, as the project involves the unanimous voting of the employees, there is one employee, who doesn’t talks to anyone, now this will affect the whole process of voting and the construction work. Another example of interpersonal communication can be, if there is a family, in which the head of the family doesn’t talks to others, then the other members will not get to know about his nature and they, after a certain point will start hating the head because he is not talking to anyone, no communication will create an invisible wall between them that will affect their relationships and ultimately their family will fall apart (Hanlon, 2013).  Now if we talk about the theoretical skills of communication then these are, firstly the communicator must be very polite in his tone; he must be clear and conveys concise information. The sender should not gives a wrong information and must always waits for a feedback then only the communication between the sender and the receiver will be considered to be successful. The theoretical skills of communication can be learnt, but in some peoples they are inbuilt.   

Discussion Forums

After studying in detail about the communication and its different errors that can occur which leads to the failure of the communication, a conclusion or a action plan has been prepared that suggests few ways of making the communication process successful. Following are the five activities that can be performed to make the communication process successful:

Group interactions: Group interactions will help the organization in making the bond of superior and sub-ordinate more strong, as they will interact with each other. Group interactions will not only hold face to face but it will also happen on video calls, so as to include those employees, who are away from the organization for a process.

By giving chance to lead: Every single employee in the organization wants to be a leader and to lead some projects. It not only boosts their confidence but also gives them the feel of superiority. When each employee will have equal chances of being the leader they will start working effectively and efficiently and the communication between the employers and employees will also get better as every single person world like to be a leader.

Speech day: Speech day can be held in every week or once a month. In this day a group of different employees will prepare a speech on different topics or even on personal things and they have to give a speech to their department of about at least 30 minutes. This speech giving in front of their department will not only improve their communication skills but also of those who are listening to the speech. As it will improves the listening skills of the others in the department.

Communication strategy: An organization in order to make the communication process successful, they must prepares a communication strategy that will set up each and everything to be communicated in a right place and the communication process will not get haphazard.

Feedback: No communication is successful, if it does not receive a feedback from the receiver. So an interactive session in which all the employees will be trained not only, how to communicate with each other but also how to send a healthy feedback to the sender to make the communication successful.

Above are few activities that will help the organization to make their communication process successful and if the communication in the organization is good then it will ultimately bring good results to the organization.


There are six types of communication namely: verbal, non-verbal, formal, informal, written and oral. In an organization communication plays an important role as no department, team or an individual even can make a task successful without communication.


After studying in detail about communication in an organization a detailed and a concise conclusion has been written here. Communication plays a pivotal role in the success of a company. In the project above many different communication ways has been defined for an organization so that the process of communication doesn’t stops. Even the smallest of the activities in an organization is based upon communication, hence miss-communication can lead to the failure and successful communication can lead to the accomplishments of the common goals of an organization.


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