Communicating With CALD Clients And Meeting Their Cultural And Spiritual Needs
Why is the ethnicity of an interpreter important for a person?
General Information
This assessment is suited as a summative assessment in a learning and assessment pathway. The timeframe and deadlines for the assessment will be negotiated between yourself, the student, and your assessor. Your assessor could be the same or a different person to your trainer.
In order to be assessed as competent, you will need to show sufficient evidence which demonstrates that you can perform the required competencies to the required standard. You also need to show you can demonstrate these skills, attitude and knowledge consistently, confidently and sometimes in a variety of situations.
Queensford College Assessors will use a variety of methods for gathering evidence. Assessments will be made up of a combination of the following tasks:
Question and Answer – (written or verbal) – You will have a set of written questions to complete. Your assessor is likely to ask you to verbally verify some of your answers.
Project – You will need to complete one or several projects that relate to the simulated work environment. This will allow you to demonstrate the application of your knowledge and skills as required by the unit/s of competency.
Activities – You will need to complete activities that relate to the simulated work environment to demonstrate your understanding of the unit/s.
Assessor Observation/Demonstration – You will be asked to demonstrate some tasks directly to your assessor. This may happen, either in the classroom or in a simulated work-environment as you perform your usual tasks/ duties.
Please make sure to write your name on all assessment documents.
If you do not agree with an assessment decision you have the right to appeal. See other attachment
Note: Please ensure that all work/evidence provided is your own. If you are found to have submitted work other than your own, your enrolment may be cancelled and you may be withdrawn from the program. Your signed Student Declaration forms part of the assessment record. For further information, please refer to your Student Handbook.
Assessment resources
For classroom based assessments, your assessor will provide you with all necessary resources to complete the assessment tasks. For simulated workplace based assessments, Queensford College will ensure that you have access to the resources you require to complete the assessment tasks.
The practice of plagiarism or collusion is prohibited. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing it off as one’s own work and collusion is the presentation another person’s assessment as one’s own and/or providing your own work to another person to allow them to pass it off as their own.If you are unclear about any of the requirements for this assessment, please discuss this with your assessor.
Task 1: Questions and Answers
Instructions Please write your answers clearly in the space provided. All questions must be answered, please ask your assessor if you don’t understand any of the questions. If you require more space attach a page clearly marked with your name, the name of the unit of competency (which can be obtained from the front of this Assessment booklet and the question you are responding to. Some questions may require you to reference the learning materials provided by Queensford College. Your assessor will ensure that you have been provided with all relevant documentation. Agreed deadline for submission on or before: . |
- Listthree(3)factorsofculturaldiversitythatyoumayneedtoaccept asabasisforeffectiveworkplaceandprofessionalrelationships:
1.) Education |
2.) Ethnicity |
3.) Personal background |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Ifaninterpreterwasn’tavailable,howelsecouldyoucommunicate with a person from CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) background?
Greeting the CALD client with their title (MR. or MRS.) and their last names and pronounce the same correctly |
Speak in a clear way and pronounce the words properly |
Rather than correcting, keep the manner encouraging, |
Do not cover the mouth while speaking as it will make it more difficult for them to understand. Allowing them to see your mouth while pronouncing words will help them understand better |
Instead of ‘Uh-uh’ or ‘Uh-huh’, say ‘No’, ‘Yes’ |
Rather than correcting, keep the manner encouraging |
Remain patient |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Why isthe ethnicity of an interpreter important foraperson?
Interpretation is way more than just translaton. The ethnicity of an interpreter is important |
for a person because some of the clients do not want to have interpreters from a particular |
community, for various different reasons, which can be in terms of political reason, social |
reason or due to confidentiality fears in the small communities, for example, for a |
Bosman Muslim, it is inappropriate to provide them with Serbian interpreter. |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Explain the term culture. Why is it important to recognise and understand the differences between people and theircultures?
The term ‘culture’ refers to the characteristics and the knowledge of a specific group of |
people encompassing a large range of phenomena including language, cuisine, religion, |
music, social habits and arts. It is a social norms and behaviour prevailing in the human |
societies. It is important to recognise and understand the differences between people |
and their cultures because the world is becoming diverse increasingly in the recent years. |
Hence, in order to build a community that is successful in improving condition and solving |
problems and fights, understanding and appreciating the cultural difference is very important. This is because every cultural groups have their unique strengths and |
perspectives that makes each of them different from the rest others and this can benefit the |
larger community. With the same, understanding the cultures will also help in overcoming |
and preventing the racial and ethnic decisions in the society. |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Identify two (2) cultural needs.
1.) Everyone need to be treated with due respect and understanding. |
2.) Speak sensitively withut hurting annyone’s personal value and ethics. |
- Explain how a client meets their cultural needs.
Cultural needs of the clients could be met by learning about the basic information, which will |
Make the clients feel special and comfortable. This may include access to strollers, prams or |
wheels chairs, youth facilities, availability of other facilities for the disable people, passes for |
families and senior concessions, babysitting or child minding, availability of supervised and safe |
activities and facilities for the children of the clients. |
- Explain how carers might assist the client to meet these cultural needs.
1. By omitting the unwanted and illogical cultural beliefs of their |
cultural that could make the client difficult to survive in the work place. |
2. By promoting the beliefs which is necessary for the betterment of |
the people |
3. By respecting the cultures of other people as well |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Identifytwo spiritual needs andexplain:
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Care of those from other cultures will often be more difficultbecause understanding of other cultures is poor and we are nervous about offending these clients. Our communication may also be poor due to language difficulties. What would your approach to these problems be?
This is one of the major problems that almost every large company faces n their business |
process. Language barrier is not a very big issue. In recent days, there are several ways by |
which this can be handles easily. One can make use of translators or the interpreters in the |
office in order to understand what client from different cultural background and language wants |
to convey to the listeners. The company can also conduct trainings and provide language |
classes to the employees so that they can acquire basic knowledge about the other languages |
that could be used in the business. With the same, visual methods of communication is highly |
beneficial for such type of problems. |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- What are some advantages of using a professionalinterpreterrather than a familymember?
One of the major cons of family interpreter is that family and friend interpreters are not always neutral parties. They have emotional and personal attachments and they normally |
do not want to upset their near and dear ones and also they do not want to be a bearers of any bad news. Using family interpreter may risk to compromising the accuracy, |
confidentiality and neutrality. Instead of taking a neutrality role, family interpreters plays an advocacy role. On the other hand, professional interpreters makes informed interpreting |
and translating decisions, which is based on their years of experience and study. With the |
same, they are always bound by ethical obligations, which are relevant to the company. |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Listthree(3)strategiesthatanorganisationmightfollowtoensure that the cultural and diverse needs of a client/ customer aremet.
1.) Employment of bilingual employees |
2.) Using interpreters in order to ensure understanding |
3.) Learning about the cultures and beliefs of the clients |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- What strategies can be adopted to ensure that workersunderstand that discriminationand bias areunacceptable?
1. Promote mutual respect in the work place |
2. Implement anti-discrimination policy |
3. Create an environment that allows exchange among the participants |
4. Set up cultural representatives and advisory boards |
5. Encourage and establish an appropriate and positive relaionship with the people |
6. Challenge the abusive and derogatory terms |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
- Givefour(4)examplesofcross-culturalmisunderstandingsthatmight affect your work and workplace. How would these issues be resolved?
1.) Criticizing people on the basis of their differences |
2.) Prejudices towards other people |
3.) Harassing, putting down, laughing at and showing disrespect to the other employees in the workplace |
4.) Judging on their languages, looks and dressing sense |
These issues could be resolved by discussion, self assessing, seek assistance from the |
colleagues and field officer, celebrating diversity in the workplace, respecting other people’s |
culture, possessing an open-mind. Encouraging clients to share & participate, Not talking bad |
behind their back, and allowing the clients to practice their values and beliefs in the workplace. |
In order to deal with cross-cultural misunderstandings you need to:
1. Education |
2. Making use of the media and toys of other cultures |
3. Sharing information |
4. Learning some of the very simply and frequently used terms for communication |
5. Obtaining relevant trainings |
Assessor Use Only: |
Correct Written Response |
Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes) |
Further Comments |
Assessor Declaration: By signing below, I declare that all of the above activities have been satisfactorily completed and that I have verbally authenticated these if required. |
Assessor Name |
Assessor Signature: |
Date |
Task 2: Case Study
Palombo is a hostel resident who has limited English. His first language is Italian. Usually he is able to get his meaning across to carers because a number of the carers also speak Italian. On Tuesday, however, there were no Italian speaking carers around, and Mr. Palombo was becoming agitated. One of the carers on shift, Sue, gave him a pencil and paper and indicated he should draw whathewanted.Happily,Mr.Palombodrewaradioandheadphonesandthese were quickly pr
Discuss this case study in terms of using a range of communication strategies to overcome communication barriers and attach your answers to this Assessment Workbook.
Language barriers are very common in the workplace. Mr. Palombo is facing a communication |
problem, as he cannot speak English and most of the carers around him, speaks in English, |
rather than Italian. Though there are few Italian speaking friends of Mr. Palombo but still, there |
are days, when they are not around. At those days, Palombo feels agitated. However, one of |
the English speaking carer has provided him a pen and paper to draw the things he wants and it |
has worked great but this is not a solution for this problem. Hence, Palombo must try to learn |
basic English at first, so that he could at least communicate with every carer. Researchers have |
shown that the key factor in building up integrated and powerful teams is proximity. People |
make assumptions about the characteristics of a particular member of a social and cultural |
group and they act accordingly on them. Language sometimes serves as a barrier in |
communication. Some of the ways by which people can improve the cross-cultural |
communication includes education, clarity, open-mindedness, and respect. Also, proper training interventions can help a lot in overcoming the communication barrier. |
Further Comments |
Assessor Declaration: By signing below, I declare that all of the above activities have been satisfactorily completed and that I have verbally authenticated these if required. |
Assessor Name1 |
Assessor Signature: |
Date |
Task 3: Portfolio
Portfolio Instructions:
- Youarerequiredtoresearchthefollowingtopicsandanswerthe questionsbelow.
- Portfolio contents must be organised in a logicalsequence.
- Theinformationyouincludeinthisportfolioshouldbetypedand presented in a neat and tidymanner and submitted with this Assessment Workbook.
You are a care staff for a community service organisation for some time where five new staff members have recently been appointed. These people have little or no previous experience in community service work. Your manager has asked you to make a presentation to the new staff members; explaining the following:
- Thewaysinwhichculturaldiversitycanimpactonyourwork
- How cultural diversity should be valued andaccommodated
- Themethodsthatmightbeusedtoovercomeormanageculturalconflictsinsuchasetting
Your presentation must also cover all of these things. Submit, to your assessor, a document which covers, in detail:
- Awareness and understanding of cross-culturalfactors
- Culturally appropriate workpractices
- Issues associated with languagebarriers
- Legislation that impacts on culturalrelationships
- Methods of developing trust-basedrelationships
- Respecting and accommodating culturaldiversity
- Prevention of stereotyping, prejudice andbias
- Effective communicationstrategies
- Resolvingmisunderstandings
- Creation of a culturally and psychologically safeenvironment
- access to appropriate advice andassistance
Address these issues from the point of view of client/ care relationships and of relationships between co-workers and colleagues.