Communicate Effectively To Improve Teamwork: Strategies And Importance
Importance of Ethical Communication in Teamwork
Discuss about the Communicate Effectively to Improve Teamwork.
Ethics are the principles and morals through which activities should be commenced. Communication is the term which is used to define the process of transferring the information from one place to other. The process of communication plays vital role in the organizational structure. From one level to the other within the organizational premises, data is being transferred with the help of communication only. Communication for the organization is of two type i.e. internal communication system and external communication system; both are used as per the requirement of the situation. Effective communication process helps the organization to attain its goals and the objectives. Transfer of data and information is being done with the help of various sources in order perform the functionalities of the organization in an ethical manner. Goodwill and the brand equity could be determined from an ethical communication process. Enhanced and effective communication process will generate the desired outcomes for the organization and these are the very crucial segment for the organization for attaining the goals and the targets developed by the management of the organization. With the help of an ethical communication process, an organization would be able to set up a unique link amongst the employees of the organization as well between the clients of the organization. It also helps the organization to maintain the adequate transparency between the clients because, till the time, clear and ethical information will not be provided to the clients, they will not show their interest towards the organization. Below in this report, various aspects and the factors in relevance with the ethical communication process will be discussed in order to attain the desired goals for the organization as well as to attain loyalty from the clients.
As per Casmir (2013), teamwork is the process under which a single task is being accompanied by group of people in order to attain the desired goals and the objectives. Activities in the task are being segmented as per the talents and the interests of the teammates. Execution of teamwork activities in an effective manner is only possible when these activities will be performed with collaboration between the teammates. With the help of above technique, organization could notice the hike in their performance through comparing the outcomes before the adaptation of the ethical communication strategies within the workplace with after adaptation of these strategies. The team is the group of people gathered for the accomplishment of certain tasks with common interest and the people involved in a team, all are held with a different and unique type of talent which makes the process of accomplishment of task in an easy manner. The activities to be performed in a task are assigned on the basis of individual talent and capabilities in the team. From the assignation of the tasks to the accomplishment of the tasks, collaboration is very vital element because it helps the team to attain the targets set up by the management of the organization. This also enhances the productivity of the team and of teammates which boosts up the chances for growth and expansion. While tasks are assigned to the teammates, accountability and the responsibility also arise from there irrespective of the outcomes (Condei, et. al., 2014).
Effective Communication Strategies for Teamwork
Teammates are trained to perform the task in a group with collaboration, supportive behaviour for the other team members for the purpose of attainment of the goals and the objectives. This will reduce the chances of conflicts and the disputes between the teammates and it will lead to generation of hiked results for the organization. As collaboration and the support will enhance the performance of the organization, it also proves the effectiveness and the productivity of the team. Team performance is the level of efficiency achieved by them with the help of adequate execution of the tasks. It can be evaluated with the outcomes attained by the team and with the help of outcomes, team’s performance could be analysed. The team is the group of individuals engaged in a group for the purpose of accomplishment of a particular task in order to attain positive outcomes (Crane & Matten, 2016). In the team, varieties of information are needs to be shared with the objective to accomplishment of task. The process used to transfer the data within the teammates is known as team communication and it is regulated between the teammates of the organization. The interaction between the team members with the process is known as team communication (Weiss, 2014). Effective communication process has the potential to generate efficient results for the organization and with this regards to the effective communication technologies; attainment of the goals and the objectives becomes an easy task for the organization. It enhances the productivity as well as the efficiency of the team members because of the fluent flow of data and the information between the team members. Teammates and the team leaders need to take the responsibilities under which instructions and the roles given by the team leaders should be accepted by the teammates. The roles assigned by the team leader to the teammates should be done as per the talents and the skills of the teammates. It will lead to enhancement in the organizational performance and it will also generate growth and expansion opportunities for the organization (DesJardins & McCall, 2014).
Another crucial factor of the team communication is the involvement of the teammates in the decision making processes which influence them to perform in an adequate manner. Involvement of the employees in the decision-making process provides various options to select one of the best for attaining the goals and the objectives for the organization (Trevino & Nelson, 2016). With regards to this process, employees get motivated and a positive image towards the organization builds up in the employee’s minds. Effectiveness of the team communication could also be measured from the research conducted by the Intuits Quick Base, according to their research, involvement of the teammates and other employees in decision-making process influences them to enhance their performances which ultimately generates various opportunities such as gaining competitive advantage, expansion of the business in the global market, etc. for the organization (Galegher, Kraut & Egido, 2014).
Involvement of Teammates in decision-making process
Communication has the potential which can affect the organizational performance in positive as well as in a negative manner. As per McDuffee (2014), for enhancing the organizational performance, every team and its teammates need to take the responsibility in their section to perform their assigned task in an adequate manner. As every coin has two sides, one positive and one is negative, in the same manner, team communication process has two sides positive and negative. Positive impacts of the team communication are discussed above and the negative aspects of the team communication process are that this is the reason for generating conflicts within the workplace between employees, employers, etc. (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Due to different ideologies, decisions of the employees differ from each other and due to which, conflicts arise. Following are some of the components of team communication process which needs to be undertaken by the teammates:
Effective Speaker: Speaker needs to be clear and fluent enough so that the actual meaning could be understandable by all the listeners. The mediums selected for transmission of the messages and the information should be ethical and effective. It is the duty of the speaker that one message should be conveyed at one time because conveying more than one message will confuse the listeners, as well as the expectations for the outcomes, would not be attained. Conveying more than one message will lead to inefficient performance as well as it will reduce the efficiency of the organization. Effective communication technique adopted by the organization is the key to success for every organization. Although, it leads to conflicts those are also effective sometimes, as they provide organization another chance to mold their decision for attaining better outcomes (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014).
Active Listener: Duty of an active speaker and of an active listener lies in the same path because, until the time, teammates and the other employees will not pay adequate attention to the speech and instructions of the speaker, till the time speaker will not be able to convey the message with the same understanding. Good listening capabilities make an effective listener as well it will lead to the involvement in the communication process efficiently and effectively. Disruptions in between the communication process should be avoided because it breaks the rhythm of the speaker as well as of other listeners too. Creators of disruptions in the communication process may lead to phenomenal misunderstanding between the teammates (Grunig, 2013).
The Negative Impact of Team Communication
Communication has major impact on the organizational performance and as per the research conducted by Hassall (2009); it has been proven that effective communication process leads to development of good relations between the teammates, employees of the organization as well as it also leads to development of effective relations between employer and employee (Hartman, DesJardins & MacDonald, 2014). Team performance can only be enhanced with the help of effective communication process and it also leads to generation of desired outcomes. Team performance could be measured by the standards set up by the management of the through matching the performance attained with the standards built up by the management. Efforts should be made from both the sides because i.e. the more effective and advanced communication process is being adopted by the organization, in the same manner, employees need to develop their understanding level so as to match up with the performance expected from the management. There is an inverse relationship between communication process and the performance made by the team. Active listening and the active speaking, both are the crucial factors through which organization could boost up the performances as well as the chances of attainment of goals and the objectives also rise (Kokemuller, 2017).
Irrespective of the outcomes from the communication process, activities involved in this process should be performed with positive intentions in order to attain the desired goals and the objectives (Kreps, 2017). As the outcomes of conducting communication process in an effective manner could be negative as it leads to generate conflicts which decline the performance. Thus, link between the teamwork and the communication process is bit strong as it leads to enhancement in the organizational performances.
Apart from these two terms, ethics also play vital role in enhancing the organizational performance and it also reduces the chances of arising glitches in the functionalities of the organization. If all the activities will be performed in an ethical manner following all the rules, regulations and the policies described by the management, negative impacts and the glitch in the functionalities will automatically be reduced. In the same manner, communication, team performance, and the ethics have strong relationship because all these terms are linked to the attainment of the goals and the objectives of the organization. Performing the organizational functionalities in an effective manner and accordance with the ethical considerations will help them to attain the desired goals and the objectives (Motivated-minds, 2017).
Strategies for Successful Communication within Teamwork
Considering the ethics of the management should be considered on the priority basis and monitoring the performance also becomes an easy task for the organization with the help of consideration of ethics because the performance attained by the organization without consideration of the ethics will not be beneficial for the organization (Mannheimer, et. al., 2016).
From the aforesaid discussion, it can be concluded that ethics and communication are crucial aspects of the organization in order to attain the goals and the objectives. Apart from this, team performance is another important factor for the organization. In every organization, various departments exist and for every department, a team is developed in order to perform the tasks involved in the particular department. For enhancing the performance of the organization, collaboration, coordination between the teammates is very important as these are the features which generate positive results for the organization. In order to make the better understanding in relevance with the ethical communication for business, various scholars’ research was reviewed under this essay in order to analyse their understanding towards the ethics, team performance and the communication process. Their importance, positive impacts, negative impacts, etc. were also discussed in order to make the understanding towards the study strong and effective. This assessment is being divided into certain parts such as reviewing teamwork, communication and teamwork and their effectiveness and the link between the ethics, communication and the team performance.
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