Commercial Project Negotiation And Characteristics

Project Characteristics and Perspectives

The main focus of the project is on the project negotiation and conflict report that is generally considered as an important tool for communication which is generally used for managing negotiations as well as for the identification of different types of conflict areas as well as engagement of the project stakeholders. It is analyzed that this report mainly reflects on the generic negotiation model that generally utilizes five different types of elements for creating proper report. The elements generally include project, negotiation interaction procedure, participants as well as collaborative negotiation methodology as well as project outcome.

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The project characteristics of project 1 are generally based on the perspective of Cochrane and Turner four quadrant

The justifications for these characteristics are that this perspective is found to be quite beneficial for the entire system of payroll in context to the forward strategy. This is mainly because this perspective mainly has improper methodology however have properly developed goals of the project. In addition to this, it is found that this perspective is widely used within the projects of engineering. Moreover, this perspective must be utilized for creating proper positive implications on the payroll system and thus it generally assists in in the process of deployment of different types of operational activities.

The project characteristics of project 2 are generally relies on perspective of an organizational learning procedure.

The justifications for these characteristics are that this specific perspective of organizational learning is mainly required by the team members of the project so that they can be able to work quite effectively in order to achieve the organizational objectives as well as goals quite effectively. It is found that by utilizing this perspective, the team members work in collaboration in order to effectively achieve a common organizational goal by properly developing new knowledge and by mitigating the challenges which are mainly associated with the progress of the project. Additionally, the perspective of organizational learning is used for making appropriate decisions within the entire project in order to govern the entire project so that the outcome that will be achieved from the project is quite positive.

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The project characteristics of project 3 are mainly dependent on the project identity perspective.

The justifications for these characteristics are that this perspective is mainly found as an significant strategy that is mainly used in order to change the organization quite effectively. It is found that the term identity is generally present in the culture and within the organizational people, this perspective is used in order to identity the culture that generally exists between different types of project stakeholders who are generally engaged with the payroll system project of Queensland. This perspective is considered to be very much useful as it is very much helpful in sharing the significant core values and different types of assumptions which further assists in shaping the organizational culture in order motivate the stakeholders of the organization

The project characteristics of project 4 are relied on the perspective of the complex product service.


The justifications for these characteristics are that this perspective is considered to be very much helpful as well as suitable for the purpose of funding and therefore it generally assists in identifying the project benefits along with intangible requirement of the entire project. It assists in providing proper perspective about the concept of funding such that the entire project that is associated with the payroll system of Queensland can be implemented very much successfully. Additionally, it is identified that this particular perspective assists in providing proper suggestions about the significant tools that are very much useful in making proper analysis on the underlying mechanism for supporting different types of negotiated interests.

This part of the report generally reflects on one of the elements that is the on the participants who are mainly considered as the people who are mainly related with the work of the entire project. The people that are associated with project are  given an appropriate negotiated designation. Furthermore, it is analyzed that the participants who are generally who get involved with project work includes the contractors, designers as well as the project owners.

For Project 1 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below. The people who are engaged with the project are generally the people who are associated with the program that reflects on Queensland payroll related program. The people who generally participated with the project work mainly include the contractors, project owner as well as designers of the project.

The negotiating position of the owner will be high within the project as the project owners are generally the persons who have mainly the power of providing proper approval about project work.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are mainly occur if the project owners are unable to meet the demands as well as expectations of their clients. It is identified that the project related decision that is generally made by the owner of the project is not beneficial or does not meet the needs of the stakeholders of the project then there is very much high chance of conflict within the organization. In order to resolve the conflict, the owner of the project must take appropriate decisions that is very much beneficial for the organization.

The negotiating position of the designers will mainly be found to be high as the design that is mainly developed for the payroll system by the designers generally helps in playing an important role for accomplishing the project objectives and for making the project very much successful as well as useful.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are mainly due to the design that is mainly developed by the designers of the project. It is found that if the designers of the project are unable to create proper design for the project that is not beneficial then it will further create number of challenges and issues including conflict. It is considered as the responsibility of the project designers for developing proper project design.

Governance and decision-making

The negotiating position of the contractors will be low as the contractors of the project are the people who are generally not associated with the procedure of decision making in the project.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are because of the improper delivery as well as incorrect quality. If the project contractors are incapable to deliver the  project in the expected time then there is a high chance of project quality. Moreover, if proper quality standards are not maintained by the project contractors then there is high chance of conflict.

For Project 2 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.

The negotiating position of the owner will be high as the project owners are the persons who are generally are the individuals who mainly have proper rights in order to make appropriate decisions in order to achieve proper success within the project. In addition to this, it is found that the owner of the project mainly has the power of project governance.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are because of the violation of some of the significant rules or regulation or due to rejection of important decision that is mainly related with the project work. If the standards of project management are not followed within the organization by the project owners then there is high chance of conflict occurrence in the organization.

The negotiating position of the designers will be low as the designers of the project are generally the person who are engaged in developing appropriate system design as per the various demands of the organization rather involving oneself with the decisions that is generally made within the organization.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are mainly because of the absence of proper acceptability of the designs that are mainly developed in the entire project. It is identified  that the rejection of the design that is mainly developed by the designers occurs when the designers of the project are generally unable to meet the expectations of the organization with the new design that is developed for the payroll system.

The negotiating position of the contractors will be low as the project contractor are the individuals who mainly get involved with the procedure of decision making. They have the proper opportunity of finishing the entire work of the project in the expected budget as well as time.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are due to the change orientation of the organization or due to different responsibilities in the entire process of the organization.

For Project 3 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below

The negotiating position of the owner will be high as the project owners are the individuals who are generally have the responsibility of keeping the alignment of the stakeholders with the project for brining proper positive outcome within the entire project. In addition to this, they also generally permit the changes within the entire project.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are because of the entire conflict with the project stakeholders. If the stakeholders who are mainly associated with the stakeholders of the project. If the stakeholders face any issues in properly aligning themselves within the entire project then they can generally face conflict within the entire organization.

The negotiating position of the designers will be low as they are the individuals who mainly associated with system designing but did not involve within the process of change management. As the designers does not need to play a role in undertaking changes within the project thus their power for the procedure of change management is analyzed to be low.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are because of the variations that occur within the operation of the organization or due to the changes within the entire design which is developed for the project. If the project designers are incapable of properly developing the project design then number of operational problems can generally occur within the organization that can further cause conflict within the entire organization.

The negotiating position of the contractors will be considered to be medium as the entire payment which is generally given to the contractors then it generally helps in creating huge impact on the project funds.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are because of the payment and quality-based challenges. It is found that if the project contractors are unable to use proper strategies for communicating then the information as well as data that are mainly  associated with project are not provided then the contractors of the project can generally face number of issues as well as  project conflicts.

For Project 4 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.

The negotiating position of the owner will be high as they are mainly the individuals within the project who generally takes the responsibility of project fund approval.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are mainly if the project fund that is approved by the project owner is not appropriate for finishing the entire project appropriately then the chances of occurring conflict within the project generally increases.

The negotiating position of the designers will be low as the people who get engaged with the development of proper design for the project but does not get generally involved within the decision-making process which is generally related with the project funds.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are mainly because if quality related issues which generally occur because of the design of the system and the project needs additional amount of funds in order to complete the project. If this problem generally occurs then the conflict occurrence chance increases.

The negotiating position of the contractors will be medium as any type of problem that is mainly associated with the payment of the contractors can generally create impact on the project quality.

The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors due to the quality related problems that generally occurs within the project if the project contractor does not get proper budget for the project work. Additionally, it is found that inappropriate funding to the contractors can also cause conflict with the project contractors.

For Project 1 the negotiating position recommended should be behavioural approach for successfully mitigating the issues which are related with the work of the project and for developing proper value within the entire project. Thus, it is found that due to this approach, appropriate decisions for the project can be made quite successfully within the expected time as well as budget.

For Project 2 the negotiating position recommended should be structural approach in order to make decisions for the development of the system. This specific approach is used for project governance and also helps in accomplishing the project goals successfully.

For Project 3 the negotiating position recommended should be concessional exchange approach that helps in reflecting number of different types of behaviours. It is found that this specific approach helps in elaborating the project stakeholder’s engagement along with the proper change administration process for supporting the changes in the entire process of the organization quite properly.

For Project 4 the negotiating position recommended should be integrative approach.  This approach is helpful in issue mitigation of the project which further creates appropriate value in the entire project so by using the proper techniques of communication it is identified that decisions which are related with the process of funding can be made quite successfully.

For Project 1 the negotiating method recommended should be considered to be integrative. It mainly entails different types of information that are mainly associated with prioritization of trade, proper idea bout the various items which are required by the different stakeholders of the project for finishing the project work successfully within the expected time.

For Project 2 the negotiating method recommended should be considered as non-binding arbitration.  It is one of the important methods of negotiation that helps in deciding of the various types of rights for the disputes.

For Project 3 the negotiating method recommended should be mediative. This method of negotiation is found to be helpful in resolving the problems that exists between the people due to the mentality of winner and loser and thus all the members are able to work in collaboration.

For Project 4 the negotiating method recommended should be facilitative It is quite helpful in resolving the problems that are generally related with the entire project for developing the proper project so that the entire system of payroll must be developed successfully by developing proper strategies of communication along with the organization’s team.

The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 1 is mainly dependent on the integrated design of the system. It generally focusses on the project delivery by various types of procurement which generally emphasizes appropriate control as well as planning.

The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 2 is mainly dependent on the integrated team members of the project in order to emphasize collaboration as well as coordination. Appropriate partnership is considered to be important for governing and for making appropriate decisions for the project.

The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 3 is mainly is dependent on the integrated team members of the project which further emphasizes collaboration as well as team members of the project. In order to manage the people of the organization and for managing the change within the project it is very much important to have contractors that uses different types of framework arrangements

The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 4 is generally dependent on the integrative process of procurement delivery and design. It is considered to be quite beneficial for successfully mixing the SCM in order to manage the contracts  as well as for designing the methodologies of project management for the project funds.

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