Collaborative And Therapeutic Practice In A Clinical Setting

The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Health Care Team


For the optimum treatment and care of a concerned patient, the concerned health care team in a clinical setup must be comprised of a range of professional (Valentine, Nembhard& Edmondson, 2015). In any clinical setting, the type of patient, type of ward, and organizational policy are the primary factors which will determine the health care team. Alsoavailability of staff member is the main concern to form required health care team, since a reduced workforce will be unavailable to perform the required treatment procedures due to the excessive workload. For example, doctor needs to be involved in order to diagnose the patient, as well as for the effective implementation of care plan (Powell et al., 2016). Nurses should be included in multidisciplinary team to provide personalized care to patient (Andregård & Jangland, 2015). Moreover, occupational therapeutic professionals are required to be involved in the health care team to demonstrate the safe mobility of patient (Dahl-Popolizio et al., 2016) and dietitians are also required to provide the nutritional advice for quick recovery through recommendation of meals containing the required nutrients. (Shoham et al., 2016).

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The doctor is the most responsible person who will perform the required diagnosis and implement the care plan according to the diagnosis (Boquiren et al., 2015). Therefore, the doctor should lead the health care team.


The patient is the most important person of the health care team because patient is the decision maker of their treatment. Hence, for the adequate functioning of a healthcare team, a patient centered approach must be followed where the concerned patient must be informed about the treatment plan chosen (Constand et al., 2014). However, the doctor is also one of the most important person in health care treatment and the nurses are also main caregivers who perform all the treatments delegated by doctors, as they will be significantly involved in assisting as well as attending to the patient when the doctor will be absent (Casmiro et al., 2015).

The key issue here is the ethical dilemma as an outcome of patient medical choices, which advocates the idea of consideration of the opinion of the patient or the family, in the decision-making process. (Ganz, Wagner &Toren, 2015). Despite Norma encountering complete recovery followed by allocation of a multidisciplinary for her care, there is also a need to consider her son’s demands since patient opinion is intrinsic for the maintenance of quality healthcare.

With respect to the Norma’s condition, a team leader should consider Norma’s preferences of staying in the nursing home, since she had established several compatible relationships there. Concerning Norma’s son, a team leader should elaborate another group discussion, which would involve patient, patient’s family(her son) and the multidisciplinary team (Ganz, Wagner &Toren, 2015). Teamleadercan even arrange for a demonstration where Norma’s son can observe the care his mother is receiving or refer the second opinion service that provide an interactive session between a clinical specialist and Norma’s son, where the specialist will consult and provide him with a one-time opinion about the required action to be taken (Meyer, Singh & Graber, 2015). Furthermore, team leaders are required toexplain the increased financial burden which Norma’s son might face upon unnecessary inpatient administration, along with a personal interest of patient, preferring to reside in the nursing home as usual (Truog et al., 2015).

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The Role of Healthcare Professionals in Patient Care


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