Collaboration Technology And Professional Development In The ICT Industry
My Contribution to the Experience
Discuss About The Companies Turning Collaboration Technology?
After a week-long preparation and lots of anxiety, I finally delivered my presentation this week. I along with another three students had put in a lot of efforts to research and collect the relevant material for the presentation. Though my group had other students to share the pressure, I was determined to give it my best shot to impress one and all with my communication skills. However, things didn’t turn up so well as per my expectations, and now I am left with some serious homework to better myself. After a lot of introspection, I found that this presentation has helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses as a communicator. It made me figure out the areas where I need to work on to develop myself as a professional over the years to come.
Given my experience in public speaking during my schooling, I confidently delivered my part of the presentation. I was crisp and clear throughout and demonstrated the same confidence through my body language. This presentation reinforced my belief as a spontaneous performer as I have the knack to hold the attention of the audience. However, I faltered during the last part when some students bombarded us with a volley of tough questions. While I batted a few of them confidently, I was scrambling for perfect answers with some tricky ones. I tried to maintain my calm but then I got caught up with fumbling and responded with some random answers to just close the session. Even though one of my team members tried to salvage the situation and diverted the topic, I think I spoiled my impression then and there only. My professor applauded my efforts but I knew where I failed.
As it was a group presentation, the failure is equally shared by all the team members. However, it has taught me a tough lesson that all the members need to mutually share and prepare each other for such presentations. I would be more prepared to handle all sorts of questions in context of the presentation subject. It is the responsibility of all the group members to see that all the necessary topics have been equally prepared to combat the difficult questions.
I feel this experience has given an opportunity to develop my problem-solving skills as a team member. I would put in more efforts to do pre-presentation planning to get a better insight into the topics. Even if there comes a situation when I fail to provide a suitable answer, then I would handle it politely and assure the questioner a satisfactory response in person after the presentation. Meanwhile, I would continue to polish my presentation skills to better myself the next time.
Future Changes for Self-Development
In totality, the group presentation has shed light on my caliber as a communicator in practical situations. Whilst I have learned group dynamics during the planning stage, I feel there is lot of scope for improvement as an individual and as a team membe
I have often heard about ethical dilemmas when you find yourself entangled between your individual principles and professional commitment towards your employer. However, little did I know that I would experiencing something similar at this nascent stage of my professional life. As a trainee database administrator, I am under professional commitment to follow ACS code of professional conduct (2014) and ACS code of ethics (n.d.) to serve the organization with complete honesty and integrity. I am obliged to work and perform in the best interest of the employer and in favor of my professional development. However, recently I have discovered that my employer’s favoritism costed me and some more students the golden opportunity to earn scholarship. This was indeed an unexpected turn of events for me as I am serving the same organization and was bereft of the benefits of scholarship.
Initially I was enraged with the differential treatment happening in the organization. However, I held my nerves and instead of going public with the revelation, I decided to share it with my manager. Notably, any outrageous or impulsive decision could cost me my job, which in any case is not going to serve the problem. Also, it would dent the public image or repute of the organization. This selection criteria is not just professionally wrong but is hampering the chance of some deserving candidates out there to earn scholarship to excel professionally. Given the unfairness of the situation and the ACS code of professional conduct (2014) towards giving precedence to the interest of the general public, I feel morally compelled to report the incident to my manager to find a proper resolution to the same lest deserving candidates would continue to suffer due to their poor financial state. In addition, the ACS code of ethics (n.d.) favors public interest over the vested interests or personal motives of some business sections. Notwithstanding the ulterior motive behind my employer’s decision, I would like this issue to be discussed. I strongly believe that meritocracy is a necessary and sufficient condition to hire and absorb suitable candidates in an organization. Any form of bias or favoritism raises a huge question over the moral fabric, and risk the public reputation of the organization. Keeping this in consideration, I feel there is sufficient reason for me to consult my manager to address the severity of the situation and ensure some corrective measures to improve the perennial problem in the organization to establish fair and transparent practices.
Pros and Cons of My Experience
I feel the group presentation helped me demonstrate my strong communication skills to create the impact. During our discussions, I used my patience and actively listened to the suggestions to incorporate in the final presentation. I would give due credit to my interpersonal skills to help me collate and collaborate with other team members to accomplish the bigger task.
As much as training delivery is important, engaging and relevant content is essential to add authenticity to the chief arguments. Since I am a voracious reader, it helped me in quickly scan through the online articles and other web content to extract the important content for the presentation topic. I believe that my competence in reading saved lot of time in collecting and preparing the presentation.
My presentation has exposed me to various modalities of team work. This group presentation helped me learning how to lead in a group or team. During pre-presentation planning, I use my management skills to divide the entire presentation amongst the team members. Each member had a section of their preference to prepare, so they were internally motivated. I assigned two members to prepare the content while me and the other team mate focused on the effective delivery of the presentation. It was the team effort that the presentation was effectively delivered.
I have experienced ethical dilemma whilst serving as a trainee database administrator. It was disappointing to know that my employer indulged in favoritism to give scholarship to a lesser deserving candidate. This compelled me to introspect my principles with respect to professional ethics, code of conduct, and other legit issues within the ICT industry. Whilst I will continue to serve my duties as per professional code of conduct, I would protect the sensitivity of the incident and share it within the organization to avert such cases in future.
During my tenure as a trainee administer, I met many employees from different countries. Though initially I was hesitant to interact with them, eventually I found some common connection with them which helped me to strike conversations with them. I actively listened to their apprehensions within the new cultural set up and helped them to build a bridge with the employees of my organization.
Many companies have an impressive range of ICT devices and tools to help employees engage to achieve its strategic objectives. These devices help the employees connect with business clients, customers and other associates. These IT-enabled devices improve the service delivery with rapid exchange of market data and information (Marius, 2013). As a trainee administrator, I realized the importance of mobile technology to stay connected with the sales personnel on the field to receive latest information. I felt these latest technologies have reduced data redundancy and reduced the time and effort to analyze the current business situation.
After completing this unit, I found video communication systems (skype) and shared whiteboards to be effective collaborative technologies to enhance engagement with the loyees (Goodwin,2014). As for communication technologies, employees continue to use emails and instant messages to share information. It improves business decision making as employees can effectively converse through these communication and collaborative technologies. They are cost-friendly and enhances employee engagement to improve business results.
This unit has been a learning experience for me since it allowed me to explore my cognitive power to understand various relevant subjects. For instance, the group presentation exercise compelled me to determine my strengths and weaknesses. Alongside it encouraged me to improve myself as a professional communicator. Likewise, the next section stirred the ethical dilemma most of the working employees witness during their employment against their personal principles. This entire unit has helped me understand group dynamics, team work, interpersonal skills, listening skills, reading skills, professional development, social and ethical aspects and many other communication and collaborative technologies relevant for the growth and success of an organization.
The things I liked about this unit are the two reflective exercises which give an insight into my real strength and competence as a professional. It helps me observe the complications in practical scenarios from a neutral perspective, thereby helping me understand intricate modalities. However, there could be some improvements. Firstly, the learning outcomes could have been reduced to focus on specific skills only to have some cohesive direction. Secondly, the case studies could be based on the real situations in some company to explore the tangible facts about the industry.
Australian Computer Society (ACS) . (2014). ACS Code of Professional Conduct. Retrieved from
Australian Computer Society (ACS). (n.d.). ACS Code of Ethics. Retrieved from
Goodwin, B. (2014). No more email? Why companies are turning to collaboration technology. Retrieved from