Collaboration And Cooperation Modeling Information System: An Analysis
Tourism and Environment
Discuss about the Collaboration and Cooperation Modeling Information System.
There are many scholars that believed that the tourism is basically advantageous for the environment. By comparing with various other established industries, tourism doesn’t look to be less harmful when compared with other industries like manufacturing sector (Baggio 2011). It could be easily argued that as the climate, wildlife, vegetation, as well as geology play huge role in the process of attracting the tourism, the industry holds its stake in preserving the environment, on which it actually relies upon. Simultaneously, travel offers the economic ways like the America, and Europe promotes the tourism by preservation and restoration of historic sites (Baggio 2011). Tourism also tries to promote the natural resources conservation in particular places like Africa through setting up the reserves and national parks. In certain cases the developing countries, tourism comes with the required foreign exchange like the demand for the local items, job opportunities and local infrastructure enhancement (Baggio 2011).
It can be primarily cleared through the arguments that, tourism and the benefits of environment rely on one another. However, this doesn’t seem to take into account that undertaking the tourist areas capacity. The carrying capacity notion limits the natural resources usage (Baggio 2011). The environment will fundamentally damage if it’s overused, and in case it limits in undertaking the position and its surpassed, then, in that case, the ecosystem will be highly loose to be sustainable and get damage for an extended time. As most of the countries in particular stage of development of tourism holds no control over actual planning for the tourism, then in that case the undertaking capacity of the environment will be considered and abused (Baggio 2011). It could be the case in the developing position in the current period; therefore, most of the scholars often argue that it might go conflicting, instead of the symbiotic relationship between the environment and tourism.
The Singapore tourist promotion board was set up in the year 1964 by the mandate for the purpose of promoting the Singapore the popular tourist destination. The company started working with the support of the small team of 25 people and in the same year, the company had a witness around 91000 visitors (Baggio and Baggio 2013). The company created the Merlion that acted as the symbol of marketing campaigns. Tourist guide training, as well as travel agent licensing, was also set up and by the year 1960, and 70, tourist attractions and infrastructure development like Jurong Bird Park was encouraged actively by the company (Baggio and Baggio 2013). In the year 1980, the board also tried to implement the historic districts like the Chinatown as well as rejuvenation on the river of Singapore. All these things that happened in Singapore are still standing in the tourist sector of Singapore till today (Baggio and Baggio 2013).
The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board
All types of industrial development will try to come up with effects on the physical environment of the country. The environment quality that is both man-made as well as natural is important for the tourism. The tourist industry of Singapore tries to dominate the economy of the country (Baggio and Baggio 2013). In the policy of post-independence of both the urban and the economic growth, the country is trying to transform the mostly moderate increasing colonial position of trading towards the predominately high growing modern city-state of post industry. In the process of development, while the vast areas related to the nature vegetation is cleared, the greenery network is highly introduced towards enhancing the urban environment quality and even trying to transform the Singapore towards the garden city of the world (Baggio and Baggio 2013). However, the relationship of tourism in the environment is highly complex that includes various negative and positive effects on the environment (Baggio and Baggio 2013).
The chaos theory mentions that the system of tourism is highly characteristic, which makes it more complicated. The description provided to the previous management of the crisis is relied on the underlying assumptions related to linearity (Baggio and Sainaghi 2011). Indeed, the term linearity, which is proposed by many models by the support of various progressive stages that are all pre, during, and happen post-crisis in different cases, and even insufficiently swiftly tries to deal with the various types of crisis. For example, Baggio and Sainaghi (2011) seek to apply the proposed framework of Faulkner-related to the disaster of tourism over both the mouth and foot outbreak within the UK that concludes the structure, in spite of the usefulness and even hold less efficiency as not all the disasters are frequent (Baggio and Sainaghi 2011). It is noted that the chaos theory principles require to highly adopt for analyzing the system of tourism and even need to be managed by the environment, in which travel functions just like the non-linear sector. Chaos theory offers the clarification over the unforeseen and unanticipated results and even centralized the long term forecast unfeasibility (Baggio and Sainaghi 2011). In contrast with the linear systems, the system of chaotic is highly subject to the stability forces and instability forces that push towards the chaos. As per the chaos theory that tries to develop the system, it also view the large, complex, non-linear system behaviour, which characterised through the technical and social communication between the actors and components (Baggio, Scott and Cooper 2010). Along with this, the chaos theory emphasizes over the initial tendency of small changes, which slowly tries to create the huge accumulative as well as unpredictable impact accelerating the necessary system alternations. Finally, as per the Baggio, Scott, and Cooper (2010), about the traditional theories, externalities are highly referred as regular and significant in shaping the system.
Concepts and Relevant Theories
Chaos theory recommends that everything going within the system relies in the liquid state, and any kind of situation is basically illusionary and various catalyst are highly attained through the dislocation of system through the present condition; therefore, it creates the disadvantageous and advantageous outcomes, and even leave the prediction (Baggio, Scott and Cooper 2010).
Nevertheless, the approach of chaos tries to pursue the order as well as predictability, even though it happen without the causal as well as deterministic patterns. The chaos theory tries to explain the non-linear system behavior at the high complexity level and then describe the series of concepts and attempts to organize the components of the compound system (Baggio, Scott, and Cooper 2010). As per Campanharo, Sirer, Malmgren, Ramos and Amaral (2011), there is some degree of order in the chaotic system. It tries to drive through the evidence which explains the chaotic characteristics, which is operated among the stability and instability and even in the boundaries (Campanharo, Sirer, Malmgren, Ramos and Amaral 2011).
Relying on the non-deterministic logic, the theory of chaos includes various principles. As per Carlsen (1999), companies tries to exhibit different chaotic system qualitative properties. The author even attempts to summarize the properties in around six propositions, such as in the result of the existence of counteracting forces, company’s gets chaotic. Next is that organizational stability path, chaos follows the different change process; even small changes can get unpredictable outcomes for the long term in the company. Through the chaos, new balance, which is assimilated towards configuration of a company often gets arise. Next is that common patterns need to be explored on various scales (Campanharo, Sirer, Malmgren, Ramos and Amaral 2011).
Common patterns need to be investigated at different levels, and in the single lifespan of an organization, collective actions need not create similar results. For understanding the changes taking place in the Singapore tourism at the time of crisis, the theory of chaos place various theoretical concepts such as lock-in effect, self-organization, the edge of chaos, etc. the butterfly impact, which is also known as SDIC (Sensitive dependence on initial conditions (Chao and Jin-Li 2012). It implies over the fact that primary non-important changes in the starting development stages might lead towards the chain reaction that creates climax towards the massive results production, and the same can dramatically shift the system structure (Chao and Jin-Li 2012). Cole (2009) tries to argue that necessary changes might happen and might create influence on the environment in corporate/ global/national level. Along with this, the effect of small environmental changes and the initial condition related to the small measurement tries to create complicacy in the situation (Cole 2009). Therefore, the shortage of frequency in the initial conditions and analyzing its effect, along with related predictability reduction, create challenge the accurate forecast about the system behavior for long term (Cole 2009). Due to the butterfly impact on the tourism, various events are trying to come up with brain chain changes towards the destinations. All these changes might leave a positive or either negative outcome (Cole 2009).
The theory of Chaos offers the insights for analysing the huge as well as complex system of chaos in the tourism and set the boundaries for making the decisions for short term. This is considered as important for the tourism, as various crisis tries to form the changes. Therefore, even though the system attempting to operate in complexity, the theory of chaos offers the data, which seeks to examine the industrial evolution and multifaceted communication between the stakeholders of tourism (Cole 2009). Moreover, the interlinked relationships of actors of the system of chaos tourism require being understood, in the context of setting up the policy goals for the sustainable destination development.
As Cole (2009) recommended that the shortage of participation of various stakeholders in the tourism planning and policy-making often leads towards the insufficient and integrated approach to sustainable development (Cole 2009). The failure towards addressing the problems that are highly perceived as important in the sustainable development of tourism could lead towards the shortage of structured approach towards planning and implementation of policy. In this context, by analyzing the conditions of destination environment and every contribution of stakeholder towards the development of policy, sustainable systems could be easily proposed and implemented successfully (Cooper, Fletcher, Gilbert, Fayall and Wanhill 2005).
In this research, both the interpretive and qualitative approaches is adopted in this study by increasing the investigation scope towards the transformation of the system of Singapore tourism, due to the outcome of communicating international local forces. It needs the proper implementation of the destination strategies of management for the purpose of contributing towards the Cyprus sustainable development (da Fontoura Costa, Rodrigues, Travieso and Villas Boas 2007). Moreover, this approach is mainly applied for the purpose of examining the measures of policy related to Cypriot officials about the development of sustainable tourism and whether this policy formulation tries to calculate the various crucial for the occurrences (Donner, Small, Donges, Marwan, Zou, Xiang and Kurths 2010). Data is gathered from the different sources of fact for the purpose of enhancing the reliability as well as the validity of findings. Firstly, the literature review is initiated over the Singapore tourism development and its evolution with the period. The results are highly compiled in a single document, and it’s also served as the way for undertaking the analysis (Donner, Small, Donges, Marwan, Zou, Xiang and Kurths 2010). The empirical analysis relies on the information gathered by the help of official reports and documents related to Singapore tourism along with semi-structured interviews that are highly undertaken by the policy makers of tourism and tourism professional’s representatives (Donner, Small, Donges, Marwan, Zou, Xiang and Kurths 2010).
In this research interview will be conducted with the help of policymakers of tourism of few companies such as Singapore tourism organization and Singapore investment promotion agency in their own offices (Farrell and Twining-Ward 2004). The research will also include representatives of government that will be contacted from ministry of tourism and commerce, who were not interviewed for the purpose of avoiding the political base and for evaluating the policy measures efficiency and mainly due to the strategic plans for the purpose of formulating as well as implementing the Singapore tourism organization (Farrell and Twining-Ward 2004).
The interview will also be conducted with the help of hotel managers in Singapore, along with other tour agents and professionals of tourism for analyzing the effect of various events on Singapore tourism and responding towards the policies over the side of suppliers. The interview will last for around 30 minutes and will be undertaken in the interviewee office (Faulkner and Russell 2001). All the interview will be taped and translated in the English language. Information was made iteratively by adopting the constant method of comparison that aimed towards finding the emerging themes and finally reveal about the relationship (Faulkner and Valerio 1995). For understanding the Singapore system of tourism, its transformations, and characteristics the examination of its evolution is primarily initiated. For this only reason, the learning includes the starting of the tourism industry in the Singapore till today. For this reason, the disruptions and fluctuations in the system of Singapore tourism could be highly comprehensively learned within the context of continuous changing. That’s the reason, why analysis adopted the examination of Singapore tourism by taking to explore the specific milestones, which impacted the qualities and status (Framke 2002).
The analysis highly indicates the various areas of themes, such as state and evolution of the Singapore tourism since the starting of 2001; tourism development in Singapore through the support of chaotic angle, and the Singapore Tourism chaotic state after the year 2001 (Framke 2002). Data in every thematic area is cross checked for the purpose of gathering content and accuracy by the support of comparing the meaning and moving back in the last facts of research. This helped in exploring the contradictions and patterns in the information that improved the crisis understanding in the tourism system of Singapore. Finally, by setting up the trustworthiness of the upcoming themes, the findings summary is presented to the two researchers (Framke 2002). The feedback that is attained was related to the agreement with the underlying issues.
Strength- Singapore is one of the top leading destination for tourism in Asia, which reflect about how the developed countries are in the context of tourism and growing rapidly. It’s also considered as one of the top business destination for the firm groups due to its world class establish an economy, and it’s also the centralized location that is highly accessible (McKercher 1999). As the country has the vibrant economy, it tries to attract the investors to start the benefit. Singapore is also referred as the safest country in the world, and it’s a cosmopolitism country as it includes people of different races and still lives in harmony.
The next resort will be Marina Bay Sands that’s the destination for premium entertainment along with various facilities and attractions. Marina Bay Sands is located near Marina Bay waterfront along with lotus-inspired Museum, sky park crystal pavilions that are floating, and hotel towers (McKercher 1999). The retail store is the famous branding trendy entertainment at theaters, nightclubs, celebrity chef restaurants, along with casino of Las Vegas style. Visitors at business centre also enjoy the incentives, meetings, exhibitions and conventions facilities, which feature the technology of state of the art. Marina Bay Sands includes the leisure and business that create more enjoyment.
Weakness- the highest weakness of Singapore is considered as scarcity of land. As the country is small, there are less raw resources, and land holds great significance. There is some natural environment, which is better from attraction point of view, where else others are occupied by the domestic home (McKercher 1999). Various natural attractions are quite limited; therefore, the government had tried to create the natural attractions that are manmade, such as present ABC water project of Kallang River Bishan Park. In comparison with other countries of the world, for instance, China, Singapore can only give the particular tourist. Critical resources such as gas, water and power are bought through the countries like Malaysia and Indonesia; this depicts the raw resource limitation in the state (McKercher 1999).
Opportunities- Singapore is based on the center place in Asia, and that’s why it can be easily accessed by people. This holds great benefit for hosting the events, which prefer like to happen in their region. Tourist coming in Singapore enhances and therefore, the country takes this opportunity for strengthening the infrastructure and also create the entertainment in the hope that tourist will stay for a longer period (Newman 2010). Singapore also initiates the regional countries through enhancing the income through the tourism and subsequently it increases the GDP of the country. Incentives, meetings, exhibitions, and conventions are considered as another opportunity, by the opening of the entertainment resorts and MICE (Newman 2010).
Threats- the primary threat faced by Singapore is terrorism that can quickly impact the country, as the country is getting crowded. As the country is small, the risk of attack is increasing; therefore, the security needs to get high in the country. Singapore has begun to build integrated resorts having the casinos that can quickly help in improving the economy of the country (Newman 2010). With such things in mind, country like Asia had started considering to build many casinos, by permitting to have the casino, but the same can create threat for the country.
Political- political factors includes the government and the regulations that determine how the country can rely over how well the things are actually governed. As far as the case of Singapore is considered, there are various rules and regulations. It can be regarded as the better point for maintaining the order and quiet in the country, too (or “intending to”) secure the tourist (Newman 2010). By initiating the strict rules for preventing the terrorism from occurring, for instance, the bombing of London train, Singapore had open up the security command in public transport to patrol the transport for ensuring that security and safety of public transport and their users.
Economic- Economy is considered as one of the highest high, active contribution towards the country (Newman 2010). The key bulk is towards contributing to GDP of the country that is 3%, from the tax revenue, which needs to be paid by the tourist and result towards improving the domestic economy. Also the multiplier impact need to go by paying the tickets for coming in country to spend over the fees of entrance while visiting the attractions and spending over the souvenirs and food.
Socio-culture- Social as well as culture includes the culture of people residing in any country (Nuñez, Lacasa, Gomez and Luque 2012). Tourism helps in creating the interest in domestic crafts and arts along with activities of traditional culture which cover up the cultural life of local population and traditions of architecture. This support in promoting the awareness of the various culture and also require to conserve it that holds cultural and aesthetic value and come with cultural tourism (Nuñez, Lacasa, Gomez and Luque 2012).
Technological- in the case of the technical system for keeping up the trends of tourism, requires their system to be upgraded, have speed, readily available and even user-friendly. Many improvements were made in the system of internet booking as it leads towards more efficiency and helps in time-saving booking. It can even support in catering towards more tourism at a time (Nuñez, Lacasa, Gomez and Luque 2012). People can even try to check the destinations, which they prefer to visit before booking the ticket.
Environment- As per the perspective of people, the effect of tourism towards the environment is mainly negative, but at the same time, some benefits result look more confident. What is done is primarily through stimulating the tourist for protecting the environment such as wildlife and landscape (Nuñez, Lacasa, Gomez and Luque 2012). Tourism can also support in promoting to set up the World Wildlife Fund and national park and wildlife reserves.
Threats of new entrants- every business holds competition among the companies. In order to increase the business and to require to stay at top position, businessman nature tries to create competition in the companies (Page and Connell 2006). The new entrants try to come with extra capacity in the industry. It is also considered as the threat in previous business that might lose the share in market. All the new entrants might create key change in the environment of market. Each business person needs to work on attracting the profitable business within the market. If there exist high profit in the industry, then, in that case, all people need to spend their money towards joining the business (Page and Connell 2006). It also tries to create new entrants that directly impact the companies.
Threats of substitutes- the services as well as products, which are produced in the single industry most likely to hold the replacements. It creates risks, as they try to limit the ability towards charging the company at high cost. If there are different alternative items with the less cost for attaining better performance as compared to the high cost of articles for the common purpose, then, in that case, people often prefer to have less value of products (Page and Connell 2006). Through the high cost, there exist the possibility to stay in the market. Therefore, there are threats of substitute in the company market. Threatt of substitutes relies on the variation in cost (Newman 2002). Due to the people attaining the items that hold common aim, and there is the difference in price among items. Then in that case customers often prefer to have fewer cost issues, instead of high-cost items (Page and Connell 2006).
Bargaining power of supplier- Bargaining power of vendors holds the ability towards influencing on establishing the price. It tries to assess how easy it would be for providers for driving the price. Suppliers can try to create an impact on the company through exerting the pressure on high cost or either through minimizing the quality (Przeclawski 1993). If there are many suppliers within the market, the business person can try to collect the best quality item for a similar aim, whose cost is less. They can select the vendors that can offer the profit margin for business. Due to each business to get successful, it can increase profits (Scott, Baggio and Cooper 2008).
Bargaining power of buyers- Bargaining power relies on the differentiation level among industry items. It builds over the customer cost by switching from single supplier towards other (Ravasz and Barabási 2003). If the customers attain more profit margin through other providers, it can let other exist. If the customers achieve more profit margin through the other vendors, it can lead others to stay. When the customers buy from other company, it presents the small as well as large proportion of total purchase made by customers (Ravasz and Barabási 2003).
Rivalry among current competitors- the competitive rivalry intensity in the tourism industry will impact the industry profitability completely. In business, there exist competition in various firms (Santos, Rodrigues and Pacheco 2005). Increasing sales can lead other companies to reduce their sales. In this case, they can invest in prices over campaign of sales promotion, such as new product development and advertising (Ravasz and Barabási 2003). They try to create products better when compared with competitors.
Ecotourism always refers to the alternative tourism solution in various cases. Ecotourism permits to have the alternative towards holding mass tourism, instead of just benefitting the environment, along with domestic population. Including the people from local areas through the planning stages, incomplete development of tourism is essential for attaining ecotourism success. In this manner, they will provide advantage through tourism revenue, and becoming aware that is advantageous for environment, instead of holding wealth and power transformation of people.
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