Coffeeville: Expansion To NSW With Goals To Increase Sales And Profitability
Company background and financial position
The company has been in the business of delivering products for the last 12 years and over the period of time, it has maintained a good reputation in the market. Overall business of the company is based on taking the Limited amount of risk which has produced good results for the company in the last 12 years. Currently, they are delivering the goods in the demographic area of Sydney but now they are thinking of expanding the business NSW. The financial position of the company has been very sound as is producing profits at the rate of 8.63 % and after the extension, it is expected that it will produce profits at 14% (McKeever, 2016).
Target market- the Main target of the company is medium size businesses which are evident from the fact that this organization accounts for around 80% of their total revenue.
Marketing strategy- Marketing strategy of the company is increasing the number of customer in the market along with retaining current customers by providing good quality products and after-sales services.
Objective- Vision of the company to expand its market to NSW within next three financial years and increase the overall profitability of the company.
Vision- Vision of the company is to remain true to their original values and business practices that have been effective in the past (Boutros and Purdie, 2014).
In the last financial year, the company has made a sale of $17 million and it is expected to make 22 million dollars in the coming financial year. Profitability profit on sale mental year was 1.9 million which shows that there is a profitability ratio of 8.63%. The company is expected to increase this profitability ratio to 14% in the coming financial years making an overall profit of the company at 3.2 million.
From the above financial figures, it can be said that the company is focused on increasing the profitability ratio as well as overall sales of the company.
The organization structure of the company can be explained with the help of the following chart-
Main operations of the business are under the direct command of the Managing Director and Logistic manager. The primary business of the company is the delivery of goods and services, therefore the Managing Director and Logistic characters are the key personnel of the company. There is a supporting staff of Human Resource Management, administrative officer, finance manager and sales manager (Bryman and Bell, 2015). In addition to that lower management of the company comprises of 20 truck drivers and five support employees that are employed in the above mentioned supporting departments.
In recent times, one of the biggest challenges that are faced by the company is that some of the clients are moving toward other delivery businesses. The main reason for this movement is that these clients have regional offices and they want their products to be delivered to their branch offices. This facility cannot be provided Coffeeville as their operating only in Sydney. This challenge can be solved by the management of the company through the extension of their business over the period of time.
Target market and marketing strategy
Asphalt the current operating strategy of the company every delivery truck is accompanied by two drivers. Both of them are responsible for loading as generally heavy goods are delivered to the client. The system has its own limitations as the company has to pay the salary for to employees for each truck. Incoming financial years the company is thinking of installing automatic lift machine at the back of the truck so that only one truck driver will be needed for loading and unloading of the truck (Scarborough¸2016). As the company is also thinking of business expansion, therefore 10 new trucks will be purchased and employees released from the above-mentioned strategy will be used for driving these new trucks.
All communication the company which truck drivers is done through email which is a very effective method as it provides documentation and evidence for an audit trail. The delivery route from pickup location to delivery location are managed with the help of GPS. The use of GPS has saved a lot of time and fuel consumption in operation of the business.
On the evaluation of business plan by a professional assessor following the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan has been identified-
- This business plan has covered the majority of the important aspects of the business.
- The business plan has been formatted inefficient manner and it is written in simple words so that any stakeholder can evaluate the performance of the business through this plan.
- All the projections made business plan are based on actual financial data given by management of the company. Therefore it can be said that there is a certain level of accuracy in the business plan (Schaper, 2014).
- Major challenges faced by the company are specifically included in the business plan along with its possible solution. The solution formed in the business plan is as per the future operational strategies of the company.
- The business plan has included a future prospectus of the company for the next 3 years for the next three financial years.
- History of the company is not provided in detail in the above-mentioned business plan.
- Ancillary services or products provided by the company are also not mentioned in the business plan.
- The business plan has also not identified the organizations that are in direct competition with the company.
- There is an overall deficiency of financial information (Burns and Dewhurst, 2016).
- This business plan requires more research and analysis.
The business plan for the Coffeeville will be very fruitful for the ultimate growth of this organisation. There will be increase in the deliveries in the regional areas like NSW within 12 months that is being targeted by this company. This is the ultimate aim of this organisation to provide the deliveries at such places other companies are not present. This will be helpful for this organisation in getting good number of loyal customers. The target of the customers will be accomplished in the effective manner with the help of the business plan that is made for this organisation. It is targeted that there will be enhancement in the 10% productivity of processing of ordering. Electronic enabled system will also be helpful in providing effective Technology that is user friendly also to the customer by the means of employees. In the business market is also targeted to enhance the sales and revenue of the organisation. This can be accomplished with the help of implementation of business plan efficient manner by the employees of the organisation (Yin, et. al., 2015). Then new hired employees of the organisation will be provided with training in such manners so that they will work effectively for the organisation. There will be the situation in which roles and responsibility of the different employees will be made understood in the efficient manner to the employees of the organisation so that faults in the work by the employees of the organisation will not be the result. There will also be the situation in which recreational activities among the employees of the organisation will be enhanced. This will be beneficial for this organisation to reduce the problem of absenteeism. It is also targeted at the business plan that organisation should be increase. It is very necessary for this organisation to accomplish this goal (Yin, et. al., 2015). For this there will be quarterly target set for the organisation that will result in effective implementation of the process and effect evaluation of the process. The making of proper Action Plan will also be accomplished for the different functioning and working of the organisation.
Organizational structure
There are different type of objectives are there for this organisation. Therefore it is very necessary for this organisation to work hard for the different objectives so that overall performance of the organisation can be enhanced. It is the ultimate objective of this organisation to provide the satisfaction among the customers of the organisation. This is the objective is customer oriented objective (Memmert, et. al., 2017). This organisation used to provide the services in such a way so that they can be effectively used by the customers of the organisation.
The objective of this organisation enhances the revenue and profits of this organisation. Is the performance indicator of the organised (Yin, et. al., 2015). If there is increase in the profit of the organisation means the organisation is growing.
Another key performance objective of this organisation to reduce the absenteeism in the organisation (Mayne, 2017). This helpful for this organisation as improvement announcement in the work and productivity because of less absenteeism.
To enhance the productivity of this organisation so that sustainability can be maintained in the organ another performance of this organisation.
There can be different type of performance measure that can be implemented analyse the performance in the particular field of the organisation.
- The satisfaction of employees can be provided with feedbacks with fewer complaints from the customer side. This will be the measure of the customer satisfaction.
- The annual report and the quarterly reports of the organisation are quite enough to analyse the key performance objective of enhancing profits and revenues of the organisation(DSouza, et. al., 2016).
- The absenteeism of the organisation can be checked with the help of ambience in the organisation. It can also be analysed that for what reason the particular employee is taking a leave.
- The overall productivity of the organisation is enhanced or not can be checked with the help of the performance of the employees of the organisation in the overall performance report of the organisation(DSouza, et. al., 2016).
Write a brief report on how you would test the performance measurement systems, including:
There will be the situation in which testing can be accomplished performance measurement system different objective that are set for the business plan. This can be analysed as: –
There will be constructed changes that have to be accomplished in this organisation with the satisfaction of the employees of the organisation. The plants can be made if such a way that they can be tackled easily with the employees of the organisation. Then only the particular plant can be implemented in the organisations that there will not be the situation in which dissatisfaction of the Employees will be there.
All the decided objectives in the business plan will be accomplished in the particular time frame. This will be beneficial for this organisation complete the different work in the deadline basis (Wueller, et. al., 2018). This also enables the testing that the completion of the particular work accomplished in the decided time frame or not.
The different Benchmarks will be set according to the previous your figures on the different perspective. This will be beneficial for this organisation. This stage will be the growing stage for this organisation.
The employees, suppliers, managers and leaders of the organisation will be the key stakeholders of this organisation. The important decision making will be accomplished with the involvement of the external investors of this organisation .What benchmarking will be used.
There are different type of steps that are taken by Tony for the improvement of the system and processes that are involved in the warehouse of coffeeVille. The electronic warehouse management system is the system that is responsible for the analysis of the productivity that is being accomplished or not by this company. It is also analysed well with the help of this system that all the deadlines are met food packaging the orders or not. The system analyses easily that the order is been outdate or not. The training of the new staff can be accomplished effectively with the help of this system. The duration required for implementing the system that can be used for the training purpose of the new staff can be done. Effectively assisting the customers by the employees of the organisation is checked by this warehouse in the efficient manner (Yin, et. al., 2014). Therefore it can be said that this system is a milestone step that is accomplished by Tony for this company so that this company can get organisational goal of productivity in the processes.
Challenges and solutions
Various types of reports can be made by the electronic system that is accomplished for this organisation. The number of orders that are packed in an hour is analysed. The amount of time which is required to pack each of the order can analyse well with the help of this electronic system. The number of boxes that are required for the particular order to be accomplished is analysing the well with the help of this process (Guffey & Loewy, 2016).
The documentation of the process that is being followed by the employees for the orders and packaging is made by this company so that the working productivity and the processes that are being followed in this company can be accomplished in the efficient manner. There are different types of Orders that are received by this organisation with the help of email. The order is directly sent to the electronically operated system that is operated by administration team. The order is provided to the packaging supervisor. If the particular customer order is having in the priority then the order is sent into the priority packaging section and the other orders are sent into the queue (Yin, et. al., 2014). The orders which are on the priority basis are processed and packed.
The swot analysis accomplished by the Tony for the warehouse ordering process system and processes proved very beneficial for accomplishing the task in the effective manner . It is very easy to process the order with the help of this system. The customer feels satisfied by ordering the order with the help of the system. The absenteeism is the main problem of this organisation. It is faced largely by this organisation. The difficulty is that the stock cannot be accessed easily with the help of this system. It can be targeted that better layout can be accomplished within this system so that better services can be provided to the customers. Forklift cannot be drive by all the staff of this organisation (Cardon, 2014).
The annual performance review was accomplished why this organisation with the help of employees. So that key result areas and key performance indicators of this organisation can be analysed in the effective manner. There was the situation in which 80% of the employees are involved in the documentation of these factors. Rest of the employees not able to understand that what the performance on which they Stands.
It is also found that organisational goals of this organisation were not accomplished in the year that is completed for which the evaluation is accomplished with the help of documentation. It is found that 85% of the employee engagement is the result that came in this analysis. The training session is also performed by 32 employees of this organisation. The turnover is recorded 9.2% and the absenteeism is 3.9%.
These figures are quite different from the targeted figures. As this company targeted that absenteeism should not be more than 3% which exceeded to 3.9%. This company targeted that turnover should be less than 8% but it exceeded to 9.2%. The overall 32 employees only attended the training session with his less than the target of 45 employees. Long service liability and annual leave liability is also achieved in life that is $ 1.8 million and $ 1.2 million respectively which are targeted as $ 2.0 million and $ 1.5 million.
Operating strategy and business expansion plan
Therefore it is very necessary to be constructed improvement in these factors so that the overall organisational goal of productivity of 10% for this organisation can be accomplished. This will result in average ordering processing time will be 72 minutes. The average cost to process and order will become $ 180 from $ 200. The quality error rate will also become down that is less than 1% as compared to 10% which is present. It is also targeted that can be accomplished with the help of constructor steps that average number of orders per day will increase 55 which is 50 at present. The orders that are processed by the employees of this organisation and the absenteeism is analysed well with the help of graph and then constructors can be taken on such report (Shardt, et. al., 2015).
Critically analyse the performance against planned objectives and Report on systems failures which contributed to these results
It can be analysed well that absenteeism is the main issue of this organisation. This results in less processing of the order that is the main work of this organisation. The absenteeism effects the processing of the orders. this can be understood well with the help of figure that is targeted 3. 0% absenteeism which exceeded to 3.9%. The negative impact is also shawl with the employee turnover which is 9.2 % and it is excited with 1.2% from targeted 8%. If the employee turnover is more then, there is necessity to appointment employees in the organisation. This requires cost. This also required training of the new employees according to the organisation. The present targeted training of the employees was decided by this company is 45 which was less than the decided that is 32. This company is also not able to achieve the target of long service leave liability and annual leave liability. In this way it can be said that this company is not able to achieve the decided targets in the decided time frame. This is impacting negatively. The engagement of the employees in the work for organisation is also not achieved fully that is targeted to 85%. But it can be said that it is majorly achieve to 83%.
The absenteeism, turnover, different liabilities, employment engagement and trainings that are provided to the Employees in all the areas the performance of Failure is resulted (Shardt, et. al., 2015). The major failures are the training which is provided to only 32 employees that is targeted till 45 employees.
Consider failures in communication, planning, reporting and training and Review performance indicators and refine if necessary
The failure is accomplished in communication. The improper communication between the employees of the organisation resulting in improper planning. The systems are formed in this organisation are quite good. But there is the situation in which the formed system get field because of improper communication and in profit planning. Reporting is also not accomplished well because of employees of this organisation (Mai & Hoffmann, 2014).
The financial metrics that are not fulfilled in the form of liabilities of this organisation should be fulfilled well so that financial goals of this organisation can be accomplished. This is the performance indicator. The processes disadvantages should be sort out well with the help of constructive measures. The customer should be on priority therefore it is very necessary for this organisation to make the feedback of the customer sorted as soon as possible (Kehoe & Wright, 2013). The modern trends should be implemented in this organisation which is present in this industry so that good services can be provided with modern techniques.
Communication and technology
Comment on the suitability of performance indicators and what changes might be required to achieve organisational goals.
There should be effective communication that can be accomplished in this organisation so that faults and not achieving target situation can be rectified. The processes of ordering should not be delayed so that customers will be satisfied. All the necessary guidelines should be followed by the employees of the organisation. Effective coordination between the employees should be promoted by the leaders of this organisation (Scarborough, 2016).
Recommend performance improvement strategies.
It is very necessary for each and every employee of the organisation that all the steps that are followed by the employees of the organisation should be in the direction of organisational goals. The proper training of the organisational goals can be accomplished by this organisation for that there will not be the situation of failures. If there is any situation of failure employees should learn well from that failure (Kehoe & Wright, 2013). Documenting each of the stock will be beneficial for making the process of ordering but employees of this organisation. The overall analysis of the performance of the employees should be accomplished for that overall performance of the organisation enhanced. Deadlines of the ordering should not be missed (Burns & Dewhurst, 2016).
Identify and redefine performance measures, if necessary.
It is not required to redefine the performance measures as the performance measures are not the fault. The main fault are absenteeism, not accomplishing the liability targets, improper training, less engagement of employees in the organisational for organisational work.
Document a training and development strategy to address the performance of underperforming individuals or teams. Present in a development plan.
It is analysed well what is the particular interest of work of the particular employee for this organisation. Then the particular employee should be trained according to that interest. Then the particular employee should be involved in the particular team which performs a specific function (Ghezzi, et. al., 2015).
The training session should be such that nurturing of the employees can be accomplished. This can be beneficial for the employees of the organisation. This will helpful in performing the task assigned to the employees of the organisation in the effective manner (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015).
When the particular employees get good skills and competencies in the particular interest of work then the greetings for the advanced training can be provided to the employee of the organisation.
The particular employee get desired competencies which are necessary to perform particular work then the particular old employee can train and help the new employee (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015).
Identify development needs of individuals and groups and Identify training/coaching needs.
There should be proper HR and training manager arrangement should be present in the coffeeVille. This will be beneficial for this organisation to train the existing employee and the new Employees with according to the current market Trends.
Develop a strategy for reviewing systems processes and work methods at Coffeeville .
Strategy can be made by which living system process and work method can be accomplished at Coffee Ville as: –
Professional assessment: strengths and weaknesses
There should be proper identification of the roles and responsibilities of a particular individual. The different exceptions that are necessary to analyse for the organisation should be analyse.
It is very necessary for this organisation to analyse the steps that are necessary for the process. The different situation can became critical while following a particular process. The preventive measures should be taken so that no such critical situation occurs with the organisation (Munisi & Randøy, 2013).
The particular action plan should be accomplished for this organisation for processing the different orders. This will be beneficial for this organisation in getting good processing of Orders.
The feedback on the technology is being used why this organisation can be taken from the employees. It is employees that is processing the order with the help of technology therefore it should be employee friendly or user friendly. This can be analysed from the employees. In this way review can be accomplished (Munisi & Randøy, 2013).
Describe how the implementation of your strategy would lead to continuous improvement.
The implementation of such type of strategy will be beneficial for the continuous improvement as the necessary feedbacks and the preventive measures will be very beneficial for the continuous improvement as the different problems of the organisation will be sorted timely (Munisi & Randøy, 2013). This will give path to develop the new processes within the organisation that are very necessary for this organisation for making the processing of order easy and deliver the order to the customer within the decided timeline (Sung & Choi, 2014).
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