Coding, Sorting, And Sifting Of Qualitative Data Analysis: Debates And Discussion
Significance of Qualitative Data Analysis
Discuss about the Current Issue in User Centered Design.
The qualitative data analysis is the examination and scrutiny of data, which helps to produce better user-centered designed products. This analysis is extremely important for all user-centered designed products (Lanter and Essinger 2017). The integrated framework of several procedures is known as a user centered design. This type of design is never limited to any devices that are enabled by users or any type of technologies. The important aspects of the users, the tasks of one particular product, the environment, the objectives and the procedures are the major elements of a user-centered design. All these are considered during every step of the procedure of design (Endsley 2016). The devices that have conquered the modern world are helping the users to achieve complete succession.
The following report covers a detailed critique on the paper of Coding, sorting and sifting of qualitative data analysis. The report outlines all of the required evidences for supporting the issue discussed (Salanova, Llorens and Cifre 2013). The report also outlines the several implications for the community of software development. Relevant recommendations and suggestions are given for proper applications in organizations. The details of the above discussion are mentioned below.
The paper “Coding, sorting and sifting of qualitative data analysis: debates and discussion” discusses on the qualitative data analysis of the user centered design. There is a diverse variety of analysis of data (Baguley et al. 2014). This data analysis is extremely important for any user-centered design. The devices that are made for the users so that they can get maximum benefit from the design. One of the examples of such devices are the mobile phones. The quality data analysis means all types of online surveys, questionnaires and blogs. These help to improve the design of user centered devices (Graue 2015). When the user-centered devices will be improved, the customer’s satisfaction will be increased and when the customers will be satisfied, the overall profit and benefit of the user-centered devices will be increased. This will ultimately bring profit to the company. The paper describes about the arrangement, examination and cipher keys or coding of qualitative analysis of data. A qualitative data analysis is the procedure by which rough information is shifted so that it is utilized to produce proper interpretations and explanations of the situations (Chowdhury 2015). In this case, it is the user centered designs. The sorting of data is done on the basis of user requirements and coding is done for the transformation of the data into a form that is easily understood by the software. Moreover, the qualitative data is sifted or examined so that there exists no specific error and the data is error free. Qualitative data analysis is outlined as a vast variety of several procedures that are collected in a special form of interpretation and understanding of these people and situations. The purpose of this particular paper is to give a specific description and to give a proper understanding in respect to the people. In qualitative data analysis, the researchers study a collection of data from several respondents with the help of scalable, flexible and meaningful methods for example the interview, observation, written discourses and participation (Bazeley 2013). Therefore, the researchers allow a specific connection with the specific respondents to a sensible range to get whatever is there in the minds, thoughts and ideas of the respondents and after then they are interpreted to the level of understanding of the respondents.
There are various criticisms on the qualitative data analysis on the user centered design products. These criticisms help the product to achieve more popularity. According to a recent survey, a specific amount of theoretical and practical evidences is presented to the get the validity, authenticity, robustness and capacity of the qualitative research (Silverman 2016). Many evidences are present to prove the great deal of practical, intellectual and emotional effort. These efforts are given from the researchers to carry out the practical research. The perfectness of the methods of the collection of data for example the interview, observation and the presentation of various documents and texts are usually documented by several researchers with the purpose of understanding the utilization of the strong actions of the respondent. These actions include narrating stories, describing their family life or sorting files (Grbich 2012). There are many qualitative analysis of data that defines the basic theory of examinations in the medical field by a sanctioned understanding of the issues, medical history and experiences of the patients. This helps the doctors and nurses to understand the problem of the patients and thus they do not have to ask the patients repeatedly. Moreover, the patients do not feel disturbed as they are not being asked about their problems again and again. The coding, sifting and sorting of data involves the explanation and recognition of the particular researcher on the requirements, environment and desires of the respondents and a complete span of all necessary information that are required for the research (Seers 2012). According to a research, the pace of the qualitative data analysis gets incremented at that moment when it is utilized with certain quantitative methods that help the researchers to interpret and understand the complexity of the implications of quantitative data and specific situation. The major advantages of these quantitative methods are that they generate perfect and reliable data that can be used without any second thought. The advantages of qualitative data analysis are that they produce perfect and valid procedural data with proper details that help the respondents to study their paper with specific consideration. The detailed research of the qualitative data analysis proves that these are done by proper coding, sorting and sifting of data. Strong evidences are present in favor of this situation (Sgier 2012). The main fact behind this is that qualitative data analysis includes many important features other than the categorizing actions and data indexing. Some of the researchers when contrast and compare the qualitative and quantitative data analyses, argued that qualitative data analysis is widely recognized for its multidimensional features. It provides scalability and flexibility to the researches and they are able to research their quite easily (Miles, Huberman and Saldana 2013). The qualitative data analysis helps the researches to get a complete separate perspective of the world and the understanding of the social life of the world that allows the researchers to see what people deduces about the society.
Implications for the Development of Software
The assignments of coding, sorting and sifting of the qualitative data are done by the information and communication technology or ICT (Baguley et al. 2014). This is also known as the digital convergence. This paper has various specific implications on the software development community. The main implication is that the computer applications help to handle the huge dataset easily and efficiently. Data is not lost easily and several analyses are done. Programs of computer have several logical rules that are not easily interpreted with the unstructured qualitative data and so that there is no distortion in the data. The computer software have own procedure as the minds of human beings. The software helps to understand the qualitative data easily (Salanova, Llorens and Cifre 2013). The data becomes error free through the information and communication technology. This paper has major implications on the software according to me. The main implication is that the indexing, storage, coding, retrieving and cataloguing of the qualitative data can be controlled and managed by CAQDAS. This paper has changed my views and ideas in several ways. This paper helps to understand that qualitative data can be easily analyzed with the help of modern software (Baguley et al. 2014). Information and communication technology or ICT can easily integrate with the data and the integration can help to analyze the data without errors and easily. This paper has changed my views about the data analysis. These ideas can be applied in all organizations for the analysis of their data. I will apply this integration of data with the modern technology in my organization so that the bulk calculation of qualitative data in my organization gets easier. Information and communication technology is ruling the entire world especially the technological world. It has even taken the qualitative data analysis section. Huge amount of data can be easily accessed and analyzed with the help of this information and communication technology. Moreover, my organization is having problem to store their huge of amount of data (Salanova, Llorens and Cifre 2013). The integration of information and communication technology with the qualitative and quantitative data analyses will solve my problem. The storage is extremely easier and simple and does not gets crashed easily. Thus, I will apply these ideas in my organization for qualitative data analysis.
Therefore, from the above critique it can be concluded that, qualitative data analysis is the process of analyzing qualitative data for the user centered designed products. The devices that are made for the users so that they can get maximum benefit from the design. One of the examples of such devices are the mobile phones. The quality data analysis means all types of online surveys, questionnaires and blogs. These help to improve the design of user centered devices. When the user-centered devices will be improved, the customer’s satisfaction will be increased and when the customers will be satisfied, the overall profit and benefit of the user-centered devices will be increased. This will ultimately bring profit to the company. The above report is about the paper Coding, Sorting and sifting of qualitative data analysis: debates and discussion. The report covers a brief introduction about the qualitative data analysis about the current issues in user centered design, and the significance of the problems. The report further covers proper evidence to understand and support the author’s position. Arguments are also provided to understand the position. Implications of the paper for the software development community are also present in the report. Proper ideas are given to apply in the work practice of organization. The report provides a short summary of the critique.
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Bazeley, P., 2013. Qualitative data analysis: Practical strategies. Sage.
Endsley, M.R., 2016. Designing for situation awareness: An approach to user-centered design. CRC press.
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Chowdhury, M.F., 2015. Coding, sorting and sifting of qualitative data analysis: debates and discussion. Quality & Quantity, 49(3), pp.1135-1143.
Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. and Saldana, J., 2013. Qualitative data analysis. Sage.
Salanova, M., Llorens, S. and Cifre, E., 2013. The dark side of technologies: Technostress among users of information and communication technologies. International journal of psychology, 48(3), pp.422-436.
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