Coaching And Mentoring Of Adult Learners With Special Needs At Rampar Trading

Benefits of Learner Support

I am Pieter van Ellewee a Training and HR Manager for Rampar Trading. I have started with the company in November 2013 and one of my main roles in my Portfolio is Skills Development which include to be a Facilitator. I underwent the following two-unit stand courses in 2011 before I joined the company namely 117871 Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies well as 117877 Perform one-to-one training on the job. My total years of experience in the Skills Development field is almost 9 years. I was tasked in 2014 by Management of Rampar Trading to conduct various Training programs for Rampar Trading staff which were for Area Managers, Store Managers and Sales Assistant Staff.

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My Training path started when at my first company where I had to teach the store staff in various topics and became a national trainer for this organisation part of my HR duties.

Learner support is the educational system that focuses on the student and facilitator relationship with the main emphasis on the facilitator’s role. The facilitator is supposed to give the student more than can be given to an average student. Therefore, learning extends beyond the formal methods and focuses on intensive learning and skill development According to various research and scholars, the facilitator-student relationship is very important, and the presence of the facilitator mainly influences the success or failure of the student.

One major advantage of learner support is the ability of the Facilitator to deal with the various challenges associated with the different needs of the students the facilitator can engage the students on a more basic level providing the necessary educational recommendation and training. Secondly, the facilitator can receive direct feedback from the student and consequently provide the response in a more direct form These feedbacks are mainly associated with project activities, writing and reading assignments. The result is that the student is in a better position to understand. Thirdly, learner support includes the supportive efforts of other students. The facilitators can enhance this by providing platforms through which various students can collaborate to help the challenged. Students working together is more beneficial than individually. Finally, learner support is also beneficial because of the counselling tag associated with it the students are provided with academic as well as guidance and administrative support.

The main drivers for ETD in South Africa include high rates of labour turnover, shortage of labour, and outrageous rates of unemployment However, a proper learner support program must be defined in terms of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. To begin with, learner support has been viewed as a way of enhancing the skills and capability of the human resource in an organization. This is useful because of the lack of skilled labour. As a matter of fact, it been applied in both the informal sectors in South Africa. On the other hand, the major threat is attributed to the cost of EDT initiatives. They are very expensive and as such, the practitioners are required to deliver their EDT interventions in a strategized manner

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Identifying the Educational Needs of Two Adult Learners With Special Needs

The major strength lies on the cost saving measures that are employed initiatives reduces the expenditure by enabling the human resource teams to continue working during training. On the other hand, weakness may lie on the ability to effectively manage classes as well as the training. The training employed must consider the individual needs and If the needs of the individuals are not considered, the system may be ineffective.

 In my case, I have had the privilege of helping some of my colleagues at work. Helping these individuals entails proper planning, discussion, and training. The major problem observed with these two individuals, Lucy Mathuloane Kumane and Lennox Mkhonto, is on their reading and writing. The problem was mainly associated with their educational background where both started as sales assistant working their way to the manager’s positions. The situation is aggravated by the fact that they have very low educational qualifications, grade 7 to be precise. Therefore, they are constantly faced with the challenge of reading and writing. This can be a thorn in the flesh during training because some of the time I had to help them out with the training. Therefore, I had to ensure that I provided learner support tuition which were mainly one on one, and more to this, extended the half class schedule to full day schedule.

In line with providing help, the first step involved understanding the background. People have different backgrounds that affect their learning. The two backgrounds were similar because of the relatively shallow qualifications they had when joining the organization. All that understood, the challenges were mainly in reading and writing.  Finally, because of the relatively shallow reading and writing skills, I extended the half a day classes to full time classes. For Lennox, I provided three classes whereby the first was on effective management and an introduction to the policies and procedures of training, the second was on actual training and the third was mainly a group training. Grouping learners’ enables the less privileged to learn from the whole group and in turn ensures proper learning. The third class ended with an assessment whereby he was declared competent but till requires support. On the other hand, I provided Lucy with the first two classes.

Critical cross-field outcomes

I can, therefore, conclude that, based on my interaction with both Lucy and Lennox, that I was able to use aspects of CCFOs to improve their learning capabilities. The CCFO’s have been identified by SAQA to be very useful in enhancing the learning process with their main purpose to provide a platform where the leaner can connect the subject matter with his/her experienceAs with the two learners, the two CCFO’s that I was able to integrate into their training mainly pertained communication using language skills in oral and written presentation and identifying and solving problems in which responses displayed critical thinking. However, with Lennox, I was also able to apply the teamwork skills in the training. The three CCFO’s are supposed to enable the learners to apply what they have learned in the training with the necessary work-related problems

Providing Extra Support and Tuition

On the aspect of proper communication and using oral presentation, Lennox was able to implement the techniques learned in class with the test conducted in the third class. His presentation in writing alongside his ability to answer the questions verbally was remarkable. He had gone through two classes already on effective management and training which were tested in the final class. It is in this presentation that he was declared competent. The skills obtained would be effective in the manager’s position. In this, he would be able to present information to his subordinates on any aspect that he deemed necessary. Moreover, his presentation required critical thinking, the second aspect of CCFO.Critical thinking is necessary for a person in the manager’s position and by engaging him in an assessment, he was able to display the aspect of critical thinking. Moreover, he was able to apply, the third aspect of CCFO, working effectively with others as a group. The third training was a group task and by engaging with others in the training as well as in the assessment, he displayed a gain of team skills.

As with Lucy, the aspect of critical thinking, as well as communication, were the two CCFO’s implemented in her training. To begin with, lengthening the class from half a day provided her with the necessary platform in which she was able to think critically and communicate effectively. On effective management class, she was able to understand the concepts that were part of policies and procedures of training. In this, she displayed critical thinking which would later be used in the manager’s position. Moreover, the knowledge gained was manifested by effective communication, a necessity for any manager. The two would be effective in ensuring that she transferred the skills gained in class with her work-related issues.

The use of the three CCFO’s has enabled me to understand the needs of those with reading and writing challenges in a detailed manner. Lennox and Lucy have a challenge in reading and writing and by displaying proper communication skills, critical thinking, and team building, there was no doubt that there would be an improvement in their management skills. Proper communication and using visual aid improve the presentation skills while effective critical thinking and group work to improve the team building skills.

What do you feel you’ve learned from the course?

I have learned a lot out of this course the importance of advice and counsel to learners with difficulties and that it is important that we need to have this in any training environment. Counselling is a term that consist a long period of time. ages to understand ourselves, offer counsel and develop our potential, become aware of opportunities and, in general, help ourselves in ways associated with formal guidance practice.

In most areas where I work, there has been, and there still is, a deeply embedded conviction that, under proper conditions, people can help others with their problems. Some people help others find ways of dealing with, solving, or transcending problems.

Critical Cross-Field Outcomes

In work, if the collaboration between Facilitators and learners is good, learners learn in a practical way. People develop degrees of freedom in their lives as they become aware of options and take advantage of them.

Effective counselling, especially in institutions of work place skills learning has now become important. men and women, need to be guided in the relationships between health and the environment, earning skills, knowledge, and attitudes that lead to success and failure in life.

The need for counselling has become paramount in order to promote the well-being of a person. Effective counselling should help to improve the self-image of people and facilitate achievement in life tasks.

How will you do things differently in the future

I will create an environment where there is in all staff counsel and advice – because if we want to achieve the best out of our learners then we need to create a constant environment of advice and counsel

What are your personal strengths and weaknesses

I have a passion of working with people, giving advice and counsel people and I like to empower people. Weakness I am getting sometimes emotional and can’t handle if people suffer due to circumstances around them

What advice will you give your peers in order to improve practice

Well make sure that this is what you want to do and that you can identify learner problems and lastly that you can deal with it by creating an environment at work to enhance staff abilities and skills

How did i record my findings? 

To provide help to both of the adult learners, my very first step was involved understanding the background of the learners so that I can record my thorough findings about the lessons to be provided. As we know that people have diverse backgrounds that directly affect their learning and education. Both the two learners were having similar education backgrounds because of the comparatively shallow qualifications they were having when they had joined the company. Thus I understood that the challenges for my mentoring were lying mainly in reading as well as writing skills.  I evaluated both the adult learners separately and then finally I decided that on account for their relatively low quality reading and writing skill set, I will take training session separately and one to one. Besides, I extended the time duration of the training also through making the half day classes to full day classes in order to mentor them effectively in rampar trading.

Advise on the way forward with these two learners including the ways we give extra support 

My advice for the two learners for providing extra support is that we should first respect their dignity and prior professional knowledge as well as work experience. When we will do that then it will build a self-confidence in them which can allow them to learn effectively and quickly in the training session. Furthermore, practical post training assessments, regular counselling session, one-to-one interactions and problem solving sessions can help in providing further support to their mentoring from us.

Confidentiality – how did we kept it confidential

We kept the training process confidential as we did not take training in group except the final group learning activity. In spite of keeping the training confidential, some activities needed to be conducted in group so we did. In order to ensure proper learning confidentiality was too much important because group learning do not privilege all the learners effectively. Moreover, results of training assessments as well as their progress report is kept highly confidential through securing it from colleagues and other employees, it is for management use only.

Lastly recommendations to senior management – evaluate the strengths of the couching and mentoring of learners with special needs, look at the weaknesses of the support services, threats and opportunities you gave to the learners

Finally I recommend that we must appreciate and share the positive progress report of the training session with the two adult learners so that it will be an acknowledgement for the learners that they are learning in a positive direction. We also must tell them about the remaining understanding, reading and writing problems of them those needs to be improved soon. If we will remind them regularly about some major shortcomings like rush writing, and less writing practice of them in a good way then it will definitely work. In the context of strengths and opportunities of the mentoring process, I will suggest that all is going good still we need to push them off for completing the training module efficiently as they have already crossed more than half way of training. Moreover, if the organization will help them in building their reading and writing skills then it will not only profit them but also to the company as well. Thus, company’s support and favourable actions will improve their employees following the overall growth.  

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