Cloud Computing’s Future Impact On The Construction Industry
Research Design
Research Design
Case study designs involving comparative analysis would be used to analyze the future of the construction industry due to effects manifested by cloud computing. In order to be able to come up with quality data which can facilitate sound decision making, case studies and combined strategies would be used. In this regard, several case studies would be employed to make it possible to analyze the actual trend of technological adoption in the construction industry (Gangwar, Date & Ramaswamy 2015, p. 116). The analysis of the case study would be done qualitatively by comparing what different scenarios have presented in each case. Several case studies from different parts would be used so that it is possible to deduce meaningful conclusion. Each case study would be analyzed intensively to be able to get all cloud technology requirements in the construction industry. Similarly, each case study would be used in deducing a general feeling of all stakeholders in the construction industry (Chong, Wong & Wang 2014, p. 158). The overall concept would be based on one major case study which would later be compared with other related cases studies. Through inter-case analysis, it would be able to come up with weakness and strengths presented in each case study. Important to note is that research involves a number of methods which at some instances they help bring out concepts that are not realizable from other methods.
Data collection methods
There are several methods which can be used to collect data during research study. In this case, the most suitable methods of data collection are; case studies which would be majorly based on evaluating the change of house prices as well as management of housing facilities over the past decade (Kumar, Cheng & McGibbney 2010, p. 315). In this regard, case study would be used to analyze how cloud computing has affected construction industry, the cost implication as a result of adopting technology as well as anticipated changes. Similarly, it would be possible to analyze to which extend does cloud computing have bearing on current house prices. The house prices has been increasing over time and it would be important to investigate if technology has contributed to price changes by analyzing the cases from when it was first adopted. On the other hand, observation would be used to analyze the real life situation on factors affecting cost of housing and management styles (Rawai, Fathi, Abedi & Rambat 2013, p. 432). There are several cases that discusses the rate of technology implementation in construction industry, the cost involved in use of technology in construction industry and the value it adds on the entire construction process. Through use of case study, actual data can be collected for representation purpose. Once an analysis has been done, it would be possible to deduce if the is any observable advantage of adopting technology into the industry. Some of the questions which would be used to guide study are; is there successful implementation of technology in construction industry? Does it have benefits in the entire construction process?
Data Collection Methods
The next method of data collection to be used would be on interviews. This would be done by trying to look for renting facilities with aim of trying to get the real life scenario from house owners. This would help provide actual house prices as well as get required responses on price quotations provided by land lords. Such prices would be analyzed to determine if there are values associated with technology adoption in the entire process (Chuang, Lee & Wu, 2011, p. 145). If prices has factored technology, what percentage of price can it be valued as technology related? A comparison would be done from respondents who have and those without experience on implementation of cloud computing from construction stage to maintenance stage. With technology implementation, is there any difference between traditional process and current technology empowered processes? Does it benefit house owners or tenants? Additionally, questionnaires would be used to evaluate on the nature and processes that require technology in construction processes (Redmond, Hore, Alshawi & West 2012, p. 176). The target respondent would be site engineers, designers, land owners and tenants. Given to respondents through mails, hard copies or text messages over the mobile phones. Through questionnaires, it would be possible to evaluate the need of incorporating cloud computing in the industry as well as changes it has on cost of construction. It would be important to specify on whether cloud computing adoption in construction industry has made construction process easier. On the same note, in cases where respondents support adoption of technology in construction industry, they would be requested to provide areas of improvement that need to be absorbed to eliminate waste and increase operational efficiency (Armbrust et al. 2010, p. 56). Questionnaire would have some of these questions; is the need of technology in construction industry? Is it add or lower cost of construction? Is there any long term goal of implementing technology in the industry? Who pays the cost of running technology in the industry? Are there implication of adopting technology?
Moreover, focus groups is very important method of data collection because it would bring different group of respondent together and exchange ideas in an open space. The groups that would be part of the group include; tenants who would provide with useful information on the cost of rentals compared to their standards and maintenance. Data collected from tenants would be divided into two phases (Yu, Wang, Ren & Lou 2010, p. 6-7). The first set would be from tenants living on houses maintained through cloud computing and the second set would be those tenants living in facilities maintained in a traditional manner. It is from the focus group where cross-examination of ideas would be done to evaluate on which party should bear technology adoption costs by considering the beneficiary of such undertaking. Important to note is that, it is from the same focus group that importance of adopting technology in construction processes would be deliberated on its value in the entire processes. Some of the questions which would be addressed are; is technology important in construction industry? Who benefits from the technology? Does technology incorporation in construction industry have implications on rental costs? Finally, observation as a method of data collection would be used to learn group reactions of the points raised by other participants (Tehrani & Shirazi 2014, p.638). Through observation and analysis of the data and reactions, it would be possible to determine if really technology has been embraced by all players in the same industry. If it has not been embraced, what makes some stakeholders feel it is not important to have technology in the industry? To those who have never adopted cloud computing, what factors have made it difficult to incorporate technology into business processes?
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