Cloud Computing: Benefits And Drawbacks
Cloud Computing and its functions
Discuss about the Cloud Computing and its benefits and drawbacks.
Cloud computing is a term to define server hosting on the internet. Companies use cloud computing to save important data over the server. Cloud computing behave in a server and client architecture. The client gives a command to generate some data using network protocol such that the data travels between the server and the client. This structure is known as client server architecture (Armbrust , Fox , Griffith , et al., 2010). Individuals are using cloud computing in their daily work but are mostly unaware of it. Thus, if one is using internet, e-mail, online TV, and play games online, he/she is using Cloud Computing.
The activities which can be done through the usage of cloud computing includes:
- Application and service creation, embedded software support (Romero, Nuria., 2012)
- Backup data (Database support) (Romero, Nuria., 2012)
- Audio and Video Stream (Zhang Qi, Cheng Lu, Raouf, 2010)
- On demand Software (By default updating application software) (Romero, Nuria., 2012)
- Use of Application Program Interface. (Mobile Applications) (Zhang Qi, Cheng Lu, Raouf, 2010)
- No local storage of data (Armbrust , Fox , Griffith , et al., 2010)
- Virtual collaboration (Armbrust , Fox , Griffith , et al., 2010)
- Extra Processing Power (Zhang Qi, Cheng Lu, Raouf, 2010)
- File Management and Security
The various functions which are carried out by cloud computing are:
- Provide data sharing and security: Data stored on the cloud have access to the authorized user only. Thus, it provides high security and security measured infrastructure to the data. The centralized data is managed by the IT experts. They regularly schedule data upload and check for disaster recovery process (Romero, Nuria., 2012).
- Fast response to the business needs: Cloud server provides fast access to the information. Application over cloud can be easily tested, developed, and upgraded to provide necessary services to the clients (David, 2015). As it poses server and client architecture; the speed of the network depends on the topology used by the network. Request and response time is also part of the overall time used to process the query (Hemlata, Hema, Ramaswamy, 2015).
- Simple process and operations: As all the data is managed by third party service providers; organizations need not worry about the management of the data. But the organization needs to select best and verified service provider. Otherwise, they may lead to bad services and a lot of money wastage (Bo, Gopalakrishnan, Ji, Lee, 2015).
- Cost effective: An individual cannot even imagine the capacity of the cloud server. In reasonable terms, one can get a place to store massive information of your organization. Cloud based system applications are usually less expensive to function (Hemlata, Hema, Ramaswamy, 2015).
- Analysis of data: The client generally stores structured and unstructured data on the server. The entire business provider use server to extract the information as per their need. Foe g., a retailer extracts the information of the customers for advertisement and marketing. Social network providers give information on the behavioral outline of the organization (Zhan, Liu, Gong, Zhang, 2015).
- Disaster Recovery Process: This is a cloud based process to get the information from the server in case of local application server crash. The user generally stores information on the local application software and save backup data to the server (Hashem, Yaqoob, Anuar, Mokhtar, Gani, Khan, 2015). Fortunately, if local server crashes, the user doesn’t have to deal with the information lost since the user can get all the information from the cloud server through disaster recovery process.
- Infrastructure and platform as service: Using infrastructure, companies are availing are all direct benefits of the server and when it comes to platform, organizations seek to have already developed platform/application to deal with the data (Avram, 2014).
- Private and hybrid cloud: Private cloud is where organization stores the information related to the testing environments and can get the platform by sending least amount of money. But when it comes to large data stores, organization has to look after hybrid cloud. Hybrid cloud provides additional size and obtainability of the location (Hashem, Yaqoob, Anuar, Mokhtar, Gani, Khan, 2015).
- Testing and progress: This is the best use of the cloud network; to test the various situations and provide a valid environment to the organization. This process can set up platform through given physical assets and limited man power. There are a number of environments using virtual and physical resources (Marston, Li, Bandyopadhyay, Zhang, Ghalsasi, 2011).
Now a days cloud computing is part of the small, medium, and big organizations. All organizations use cloud computing technology as a module to distribute information (Shahzad, 2014). Industry experts have a vision that this trend is likely to continue in future too. However, cloud computing is doing well for the medium organizations but not focused on small sized organizations. The various advantages of cloud computing include:
- Cost Efficient technology: Cloud computing is a reasoning software as compared to the other traditional software that are available in the market. People have to spend more money to purchase the software but cloud computing is available in less price. This also decreases the overall expense of the IT industry. There are so many options available in the market to do one-time payment which makes it comfortable for the companies (Rebollo, Mellado, Medina-Fernandez, Mouratidis, 2015).
- Unlimited storage capacity: As it is a server and client based application, it gives massive space to the user. A user can save maximum number of files as much as he wants to store over without worrying about the space limitation (Stieninger, Nedbal, Wetzlinger, Wagner, Erskine, 2014).
- Easy Backup and Recovery: As all the data is stored over cloud so one can access it anytime. One needs not to backup this data as it already on the server position, not at the physical level. Thus, in future, if anyone needs this data they can easily get it from the cloud (Stieninger, Nedbal, Wetzlinger, Wagner, Erskine, 2014).
- Software integration: Cloud computing provides automatic software as per the need of the user. The user need not select each and every service individually. The application software of cloud will do it by itself. Cloud will automatically customize the required applications in the software according to that organizational need (Furuncu, Sogukpinar, 2015).
- Access to information: Once the user logs in on the internet you can access information from anywhere and anytime. The user only needs to have a valid connection to reach the cloud server (Furuncu, Sogukpinar, 2015). Though there is a chance that the services or information varies according to the geographical location.
- Quick positioning: Once the user takes cloud service for the organization; it by default centralizes all the data at the common server. The user doesn’t have to individually update each and every file to the server. The processing time is dependent upon the service the user has taken (Raza, Adenola, Nfarieh, Robertson, 2015).
- Reliability:As it has a managed server it always provides relevant and reliable information to the client. The client can take benefit from this massive amount of information stored on the server. If in case the server gets disconnected then the user has the option to connect to another server. Uploaded applications can easily transit to other available sources (Assuncao, Calheiros, Bianchi, Marco, Buyya, 2015).
- Easy Manageability: All the resources are managed by service provided. Cloud only computing simplifies and enhances the ability of search over the network (Raza, Adenola, Nfarieh, Robertson, 2015). The user can just enjoy a well-managed system to get the desired information without the need of SLA ensure.
- Improved Security: cloud environment provides high security to the important data. Cloud hosting system technologies used to secure and hide the data over the network. Cloud is maintained by different level of securities one cannot breach these levels, to hack the information (Assuncao, Calheiros, Bianchi, Marco, Buyya, 2015).
- Instant testing: Cloud server provides user to instant check all the application, feature and upgradations online and implies them in the system on regular basis. This platform is easily available for distributed testing environment (Ali, Khan, Vasilakos, 2015).
The various disadvantages of the cloud computing are:
- Internet requirement: The Internet is a must to get connected to the cloud server. As this structure follows server and client based approach. The user can only access the server with the help of valid internet connection (Ali, Khan, Vasilakos, 2015). Without having valid connection user is not able to make any process over the server. High-speed internet is the major requirement to use cloud services.
- Technical problems: The easy accessibility of the server can create problem for the users as sometimes even best cloud service provider cannot trouble shoot the issue. In spite of high maintenance, information can be accessed by the unauthorized person (Gupta, Seetharaman, Raj, 2013).
- Security level on cloud server: Before taking the cloud service one should have to clear all the perspective as the user will be giving all their sensitive information to the third party service provider. It can be misused by any person. Hence one must choose reliable service to provide for cloud services (Gupta, Seetharaman, Raj, 2013).
- Require high bandwidth: Cloud server requires high bandwidth internet service to get the data from the server and send back to the user. Sometimes it becomes a big issue as even high bandwidth satellite can also lead to the poor connection (Stieninger, Nedbal, Wetzlinger, Wagner, Erskine, 2014).
- Non Negotiable agreements: Maximum cloud based companies have to take a non-negotiable contract with the service provider. This is also the biggest issue as some low budget companies cannot afford the service because of this clause (Assuncao, Calheiros, Bianchi, Marco, Buyya, 2015).
- Cost comparison with in house application: Generally people consider cloud as the best option as compared to in house application. But for taking all the considered feature and upgrades of application cloud service provider may charge unrelated. To extend the services once has to pay a big amount (Assuncao, Calheiros, Bianchi, Marco, Buyya, 2015).
- No physical support: Cloud server is a server to store the information globally. It does not have any hard drive to keep the data safe and sound. Surprisingly if on any bad day, the server gets crashed, it will lead to the permanent loss of important information (Stieninger, Nedbal, Wetzlinger, Wagner, Erskine, 2014).
- Flexibility problem: Application and server of the cloud always run from a remote location. An organization has minimal control over their applications. The application can never be run on the local server. The user only controls some of the application because all the application has to be maintained by the service provider. Key administration part can never be handled by the user at the local server using featured application (Assuncao, Calheiros, Bianchi, Marco, Buyya, 2015).
As defined cloud server provides services to the user at very reasonable price which means that the user can search for the information of organization from anywhere. Cloud server has given chance to the small organization to get benefit from the service by paying fewer amounts. The user doesn’t have to hire separate service providers: The beauty of the cloud server is that it can develop, update, install, and manage E-mail server or file server at one place (Hashem, Yaqoob, Anuar, Mokhtar, Gani, Khan, 2015). All the responsibility is to be taken care by cloud vendor not the owner or team of an organization. The user no longer has to purchase separate software for the computer. A user can directly download all the application software from the cloud free of cost. The cloud computing provides user multiple applications at one place. For example, in the case of Google application for businesses; it is the combination of E-mail, Google documents, Calendar Scheduling application, and Google drive for file storage application. As maximum data of the organization stored in a cloud server; a user doesn’t a have to worry about the hardware as you are using someone else server for data storage (Hashem, Yaqoob, Anuar, Mokhtar, Gani, Khan, 2015). Cloud server by default updates all the application software. It gives the access to the user to always have updated function and features.
Advantages of Cloud Computing
Thus, investing in cloud computing may improvise the level of organization and also provide security to the important information. Small and large both organization can take the assistances from cloud computing. Cloud computing is still upgrading the service. With time business application may get more adaptive and reliable environment. Moving the association to the cloud will simplify the work of an organization.
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