Clinical Features, Chronic Diseases, And Health Care Plans

Identifying presenting features of chronic diseases


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Health issues

Sign and symptoms

Chronic asthma

· Shortness of breath.

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· Chest stiffness or pain.

· Trouble in sleeping ( National Institute of Heart, Lung, and blood, 2018)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

· Blueness of lips

· Recurrent respiratory contaminations

· Lack of energy (National Institute of Heart, Lung, and blood, 2018)

Chronic pain

· pain remain more than twelve weeks

· fatigue,

· sleep disturbance ( Medicine Plus, 2011)

Chronic renal failure

· Nausea

· Vomiting

· Loss of appetite ( NHS, 2016)

Congestive heart failure

· Reduced exercise capability

· Shortness of breath

· Swelling (edema) ( Binanay et al., 2005)

Diabetes insipidus

· Great thirst

· extreme amount of thinned urine

· Trouble in sleeping ( Grois et al., 2006)

Diabetes mellitus

· Recurrent urination

· Extreme thirst

· Unexplained weight loss ( Grois et al., 2006)


· Very scratchy skin

· Red skin

· Dry skin

Bladder incontinence

· trouble talking or walking

· weakness or tingling

· loss of visualization

Motor neuron disease

· weakness in arms and legs

· Limbs turn into increasingly weaker

· unable to move, eat, or breathe without assistance

Severe traumatic brain injuries (neurological injury)

· Sensitivity to bright or sound

· Memory or attention problems

· Dizziness

Long-term unconscious or coma

· Eyes closeness

· Unhappy brainstem reactions, like pupils not reacting to light

· No reactions of limbs


· Grating feeling

· Bone spurs

· Joint difficulty 

Parkinson’s disease

· Slowed movement (bradykinesia)

· Rigid muscles

· Loss of involuntary movements.

Rheumatoid arthritis

· Tender, warm, inflamed joints

· Joint stiffness

· Fatigue, temperature and weight loss

Middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke

· Face Weakness

· Arm or Leg Weakness

· Slurred Speech

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

· serious fatigue

· joint pain

· joint enlargement

Chronic back pain

· a dull ache in the back

· stabbing sporadic pains

· lower back pain dispersal to the legs

a) This exercise set has been advanced to backing nurses who are functioning with individuals and their relatives who support persons with incapacity. It has been intended to deliver info on functioning with people with multifaceted health care requirements that escorts nurses when functioning with persons with incapacity in order to endorse reliable and effectual finest exercise.

b) Nursing Issues

  • upkeep and safe management of enteral nourishing equipment
  • plan for removed tube
  • stoma care
  • oral care
  • positioning (Tabloski, 2006)


  • diet and liquid intake
  • exercise
  • impact of medicines (Norton, et al., 2010)

3. a) This appraisal backings staff in enlightening how to grow and monitor decent health upkeep that can knowingly progress a person’s health result. It has been advanced for Nurses who deliver individual-centered health help for persons with incapacity as the nurses are the leading and significant mediator among doctors and patient; therefore it is essential for them to follow this document (NSW Government (n.a).

b) screening and analysis

    • the records of baseline data
    • the rationale for healing interventions
    • the basis for health care preparation
    • the assessment of therapeutic interventions

4. A temporary tracheostomy is formed when a diseased person needs long-term respiratory care or are incapable to guard own air route. A tracheostomy pipe can be introduced to retain the potential of the air route. This can be detached when the diseased person improves. A short-term tracheostomy may turn into permanent if the patient’s disorder needs this. A everlasting tracheostomy is shaped in which the trachea is transported out to the superficial part of the skin and sewed to the neckline wall. This hole is kept exposed by the inflexibility of the tracheal cartilage (Freeman et al., 2000). 


Concepts and models


Chronic disease continuum

Mental health is hypothesized alongside a continuum that varieties from decent mental health, such as the decent emotional, intellectual and social regulation and communication, to the mental disease that unfavorably affects thinking, feelings, behavior, and capability to function and work together. The signs of individuals with ASD may fall on a continuum.

Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion Department

This is the initiative of world health organization to provide management and direction for crucial global, local and national determinations to endorse health and to stop and regulate major chronic illnesses and their threat factors.

Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Model

The model offers a “road map” for nations and health organizations to modernize their health maintenance to encounter the requirements of chronic circumstances (Pruitt, and Epping-Jordan, 2002)

elements of the Chronic Care Model

· Health organizations

· Decision upkeep 

· Clinical info systems 

· Patient self-management support 

· Communal assets to organize patient resources

· Delivery scheme design for medical care and self-management care (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and kidney diseases, n.a)

Purpose of the National Strategic Outline for Chronic Situations

The Framework delivers direction for the growth and application of policies, approaches, actions, and facilities to lessen the influence of prolonged situations in Australia. The Framework delivers national way appropriate to a wide range of prolonged illnesses and for the avoidance and organization of many continuing conditions (Department of Health, 2017)

national health priority areas

1. Cancer regulation

2. Cardiac health

3. Injury avoidance and control

4. Psychological health

5. Diabetes mellitus

 6. Asthma

 7. Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions

 8. Obesity

 9. Dementia

6. Financial impact; financial influence included movement aids, clothes, transport.

Social; social isolation, negative impact on relationships, isolation from social activities

Physical; lack of energy, lack of ability to do daily tasks, weight issues

Psychological; feelings of impossibility, tiredness, and frustration


  • Skin
  • Lungs
  • Female Breasts
  • Prostate
  • Colon and Rectum (Smith, et al., 2006)


  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Healthy Weight, Diet & Exercise
  • Sexual Health
  • Smoking(Diener, and Chan, 2011.)


strategies to address and manage chronic diseases


strategies to prevent chronic diseases

· Evade smoking and Tobacco

· Uphold a Healthy Weight

· Maintain Daily Bodily Activity

· Eat Healthy Food

treatment strategies

· Endorse health and lessen risk Planned Priority Area

· Corporations for health Planned Priority Area

· Serious life stages Planned Priority Area

· Timely and suitable discovery and intervention

principles of person-focused nursing practice

· Appreciating people

· Understanding relationships

· Understanding the significance of the patient’s past  

· Balancing privileges, risks, and accountabilities.

· Responsive care that is reactive to individual needs

practices for person-focused nursing practice

· making sure persons are bodily relaxed and harmless

· emotional care

· connecting family and friends

· making sure there is steadiness within service area

· concerning people’s morals and placing individuals in the middle of care

strategies for positive life roles

· Be empathetic

· Responsive

· Listen to them

· Provide Emotional support

strategies to enable changes in a person’s behavior

· Assess behaviors risks

· Advice about behavioral change

· select suitable treatment goals

· Assist them with interventions

· Schedule follow-up connections to provide on-going help

stages of change

· Precontemplation

· Contemplation

· Preparation

· Action

· Maintenance

· Relapse

Palliative care and its domains

Palliative care and domains of reassuring care that should be commenced as an approach to address and cope with chronic diseases.

Domains: Family domain, Financial domain, Legacy domain


Various rehabilitation strategies, techniques, and equipment used for chronic health conditions


focus areas of physiotherapy in managing chronic conditions

· Decrease pain

· shortness of breath

· Increase sureness and assurance to exercise

· Improve social interaction

· Decrease muscle stiffness

The aim of occupational therapy

Provide a helpful rehabilitation service, which inspires persons to maximize their potential in, and over, day-to-day doings linked with daily life.

Aim of hydrotherapy

intended to use the benefits of water to increase movement and function

Advantages Pilates in rehabilitation

· stable muscular strength on both edges of the body

· improved muscular regulation  of the spine and limbs

· better stabilization of the spine

· rehabilitation or avoidance of injuries linked to muscle inequities

advantages of massage

· decreased muscle tension

· better circulation

· triggering the lymphatic system

· decreasing stress hormones

Role of art therapy

· Increase Self-Management.

· Lessen Symptoms of Depression.

· Increase Communication Skills.

· Deal with Past Traumas.

· Decrease Stress

advantages of music therapy

· Grows relaxation and managing skills

· Improves consciousness of self and one’s atmosphere

· Delivers a feeling of regulation on life by having a positive experience throughout the session

· Improves problem-solving skills

Considerations when choosing mobility devices

· physical ability to handle the device

· the weight of the device

· How comfortable the device is?

· How strong the device is to support the person?

· Will health insurance pay for the device?

Considerations while choosing a prosthesis

· The site and level of the amputation

· The situation of the remaining limb

· the activity level, chiefly for a prosthetic leg or foot

· the particular goals and requirements

11. Rehabilitation services

  • Podiatry and Foot Care
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Counseling
  • Prosthetics and Orthotics
  • Specialized Wheelchair and Posture Seating
  • Clinical Technology Workshop – Equipment repairs and modification


  • Specialized Wheelchair and Posture Seating
  • Counseling
  • Emotional support


  • What is your current diet?
  • How much sugar do you consume daily?
  • Do you have any additional symptoms associated with the disease?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • How you take care of your wound at home?

3. I will provide her the information related to the daily diet, essential exercises, how to prevent ay infection to the wound, how to take the medicine and make her believe that her health issues can be treated.

4. The current community agencies like social and psychological health care agencies can help him to encourage toward getting treatment. He could be proved with emotional support and diabetic health interventions. The rehabilitation groups can help his son to recover from alcohol addiction.  

5. As Mr. Ventor responded to the question asked to him about his son it does seems that his son supported him. His son was also facing issues of alcohol addiction, therefore it only increases the psychological problem of the patient. He would have given him financial and emotional support in this scenario.

6. The enrolled nurse did well in observing the current situation of the patient. However the question she asked the patient was not appropriate. Was not very effective in order to deliver the psychological help to the patient, she ignored that fact that the patient is already in pain.

7. The nurse should provide emotional and psychological interventions to the patient encourage him to maintain his diet in order to achieve the diabetic health goals already set for him. The person-centered approach can be followed in this case by using therapeutic communications.


  • The patient can be involved in the decision making about the treatment
  • Helping patients gain the knowledge, skills
  • Helping the patient in understanding how their disorder affects their lives and how to manage their symptoms
  • The usage of electronic instructive technology in learning and teaching, delivering data for patients
  • An contract between the diseased person and their health care providers inpatient notes
  • Behavioral change therapies should be implemented in the treatment care for the patient in order to change his behaviors toward the daily healthy diet  


Binanay, C., Califf, R.M., Hasselblad, V., O’Connor, C.M., Shah, M.R., Sopko, G., Stevenson, L.W., Francis, G.S., Leier, C.V. and Miller, L.W., 2005. Evaluation study of congestive heart failure and pulmonary artery catheterization effectiveness: the ESCAPE trial. Jama, 294(13), pp.1625-1633.

Department of Health 2017. National strategic framework for the chronic condition. Available from: [Accessed 23 December 2018].

Diener, E. and Chan, M.Y., 2011. Happy people live longer: Subjective well?being contributes to health and longevity. Applied Psychology: Health and Well?Being, 3(1), pp.1-43.

Freeman, B.D., Isabella, K., Cobb, J.P., Boyle, W.A., Schmieg, R.E., Kolleff, M.H., Lin, N., Saak, T., Thompson, E.C. and Buchman, T.G., 2001. A prospective, randomized study comparing percutaneous with surgical tracheostomy in critically ill patients. Critical care medicine, 29(5), pp.926-930.

Grois, N., Pötschger, U., Prosch, H., Minkov, M., Arico, M., Braier, J., Henter, J.I., Janka?Schaub, G., Ladisch, S., Ritter, J. and Steiner, M., 2006. Risk factors for diabetes insipidus in langerhans cell histiocytosis. Pediatric blood & cancer, 46(2), pp.228-233.

Medicine Plus (2011). Chronic pain: Symptoms, Diagnosis & treatment. Retrieved from:

National Institute of Diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases. n.a. Chronic care model. Available from: [Accessed 23 December 2018].

National Institute of Heart, Lung, and blood (2018). Asthma. Retrieved from:

NHS (2016). Symptoms: chronic kidney disease. Retrieved from:

Norton, C., Whitehead, W.E., Bliss, D.Z., Harari, D. and Lang, J., 2010. Management of fecal incontinence in adults. Neurourology and Urodynamics: Official Journal of the International Continence Society, 29(1), pp.199-206.

NSW Government (2017). Working with people with chronic and complex health care needs practice package. Retrieved from:

NSW Government (n.a). Working with people with chronic and complex health care needs practice package. Retrieved from:

Pruitt, S. and Epping-Jordan, J., 2002. Innovative care for chronic conditions: building blocks for action: global report. World Health Organization.

Smith, D.I., Zhu, Y., McAvoy, S. and Kuhn, R., 2006. Common fragile sites, extremely large genes, neural development, and cancer. Cancer letters, 232(1), pp.48-57.

Tabloski, P.A., 2006. Gerontological nursing. Pearson Prentice Hall.

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