Climate Change Mitigation
In a recent climate report, it has been analyzed that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are a small part of the total CO2 emissions (Ewert, 2012). The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons of suspended carbon. On the other hand, the land biomass contains 2000-3000 GT (Barford, 2013). The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2. However, only 6 GT CO2 emission is caused by the humans in the society (Erickson, 2014). The oceans and land have been facilitating in balancing the CO2 emission caused by the human activities in the society. Hence, it can be assessed that the human activities produce the very small amount of carbon Dioxide emission in the environment in compared to another emission process (Rogelj, 2013). On the contrary, it can be said that a small shift in the air and ocean would be responsible for producing more CO2 emission compared to human activities (Hansen & Sato, 2012).
The content of carbon Dioxide was quite steady before the industrial revolution in the society. However, the natural Carbon Dioxide is not static. It is generated through the natural process and absorbed by others. On the contrary, the Carbon Dioxide emission caused by the human activities is increasing in an effective manner. By burning the fossils fuel, the amount of CO2 emission is getting higher. Although the human output of 29 GT of CO2 is a tiny amount compared to 750 GT, the ocean, and land often fail to absorb the extra amount of CO2 (Hayward, 2012). It has been seen that 40% of the additional carbon dioxide are absorbed by the land and air. Sometimes, the human produced CO2 upsets the natural balance of the Carbon cycle in the environment (Ryley & Chapman, 2012). Hence, it can be identified that the human-made carbon Dioxide has been increased by the industrial activities. After the industrial development, the external carbon emission has been increased (Hunter, 2012). On the other hand, the fossils fuel delivers the very small amount of carbon emission. However, the natural carbon swap over process cannot soak up the extra emission of the carbon.
Figure: The global carbon cycle
(Source: Keener, 2012)
The decade 2000-2009 was the warmest since the global climate records began, and 2009 was the second warmest single year. As per the “Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)”, 2009 was the hottest year for the southern hemisphere (Ollier, 2013). Although 2008 was the coolest year of the decade, 2009 had experienced the record temperatures. By decoding the temperature record, it can be identified that the rising level of Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gas emission caused the enhancement of heat into the climate. Most of the climate scientists have agreed with the fact that the emissions of these gasses are the key factors for the hottest global climate in 2000-20009 (Oniscu, 2014). However, there are three other prime factors such as changes in the Sun’s irradiance, changes in aerosol level, and oscillations of sea surface temperature. With the involvement of these factors, there is slight increase and decrease in the planet’s temperature. On the contrary, these effects do not indicate adequate resources for the global warming experienced since 1880 (Hansen, Sato & Ruedy, 2012). The climate scientists have shown the report that the average global temperature has been increased by 0.36 degrees F or 0.2 degrees C per decade. By conducting the total calculation, it can be evaluated that the world has experienced the enhancement of the global temperature by 1.5 degrees F or 0.8 degrees C since 1880 (Ryley & Chapman, 2012). On the other hand, the oceans can make an adverse impact on the global temperature. For example, El Nino and La Nina show how the global temperature can be influenced. the global temperatures decrease when La Nina wakes (Ryley & Chapman, 2012). Moreover, La Nina restrains the impact of the greenhouse gas emission in an effective manner. During 2000-2009, the small particles in the atmosphere called aerosols were increased (Edenhofer, 2014). Consequently, it affects the global warming.
The global warming affects the weather parameters in many ways. The global warming enhances the rate of evapotranspiration (Bellard et al., 2012). It is the total evaporation of water from the water, soil, and other planet bodies. Due to the impact of the global warming, the climate change is more visible (Smith, 2014). On the other hand, it also includes extra stress to the wildlife species and their habits. The global warming often causes the enhancement of the extreme weather, as it rises the temperature affecting the weather parameters in various ways. On the contrary, sometimes the changing frequency of the extreme events coincides with the global warming (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2015). Moreover, there are various signs of the extreme climate changes caused by the human activities. Due to the effect of global warming, the atmosphere contains 4% more water vapor than previous years (Yamaguchi, 2012). With the impact of the global warming, the temperature in the atmosphere goes high, which causes extreme rainfall events. On the other hand, atmospheric circulation causes the huge changes in the sea surface temperatures. Hence, it can be assessed that the rising temperature enhances the possibilities of extreme weather events occurring (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2014). The climate change report of US says that the heavy rainfall has increased by 20% due to the adverse effect of the global warming (Erickson, 2014). Moreover, the frequency of drought has been increased due the impact of the rising temperature. Due to the rising temperatures over the last 5 decades, heat waves occur more frequently (Melillo, Richmond & Yohe, 2014). The scientists have discussed the fact that the frequency of the weather change will be increased due to the effect of global warming (Ewert, 2012). Moreover, the global warming causes the enhancement of power and frequency of Atlantic hurricanes (Shindell, et al., 2012). However, there is a requirement for more research to evaluate other factors that create challenges in upholding the atmospheric stability in the society.
Although the global warming has been causing many environment changes, it has some positive impacts on the humans and the planet. With the involvement of the global warming, the high-latitude zones become the verge of cultivation (Hunter, 2012). Consequently, it would become an agriculture friendly factor in the future. On the other hand, due to the global warming, the CO2 emission increases in the planet, which facilitates the plants to grow faster and better. The high level of CO2 gas emission facilitates in enhancing the agriculture (Hayward, 2012). Consequently, the people, who are engaged in the agriculture, can obtain high growth in their business. Hence, it can be assessed that the global warming would facilitate in making a greener planet.
On the other hand, the humans obtain several facilities due to the global warming. In the winter season, most of the people face challenges in leading a healthy life. Due to cold weather, many children face health issues (Alcamo, 2012). Hence, the enhancement of the temperature would facilitate in leading a healthy life in the society. Sometimes, warmer weather is safety for the people living in the cold countries (Fankhauser, 2013). Due to the increased temperature, middle-aged people can be saved from the severe heart attacks. The warmer temperature in the nighttime makes the longer seasons, which is responsible for enhancing the agriculture productivity. Moreover, the enrichment of the environment with CO2 will facilitate in fertilizing the plants to make vigorous growth (Ollier, 2013). Consequently, it enhances the food resources of the people. Hence, it can be assessed that the global warming not only creates the adverse effect on the environment but also delivers several benefits to the people.
The primary greenhouse gasses in the ambiance are methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and ozone. The lack of greenhouse gasses would cause the risen of the global temperature by 3-4 degrees (Christensen et al., 2013). In the climate report, it has been published that the greenhouse gasses contains 9-26% of carbon dioxide (Oniscu, 2014). The carbon cycle is being altered by the human activities on the earth. By adding more carbon dioxide in the environment, the amount of the greenhouse gas is increased. Consequently, it facilitates in balancing the temperature in the environment. The combustion of the fossil fuels increases the greenhouse gas in an effective manner. On the contrary, the adverse effects of the greenhouse gas would affect the ecosystems, biodiversity and the livelihood of the people. By discussing the current greenhouse gas concentrations, it can be assessed that the percentage has been increased by 41.2% since 1750 (Ryley & Chapman, 2012). In the recent years, the greenhouse emission caused by human activity has been increasing in an effective manner. there is several sources of the carbon dioxide emission such as natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, propane, fuel oil, kerosene, coal, etc (Yamaguchi, 2012). however, the highest percentage of the greenhouse emission appear from the petroleum coke and coal. Hence, it can be assessed that the human activities have been contributing in emitting CO2 in the environment, which facilitates in producing the greenhouse gas in an effective manner (Bindoff et al., 2013).
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