Clarifying And Confirming Information For Applied Research
The importance of clarifying and confirming information
1. In applied research firstly the most important information to confirm is the timeframe for any research. However, researcher need to select between different alternatives and thus required information the research issue. Nonetheless, the research questions and proposed solution should be clarified to the researcher for effectively carrying out the study. Once the question to be answered is clearly defined then the value of research must be assessed to accomplish. So, the understanding the question and requirements related research is the point of clarification in research (Cavana, Delahaye and Sekaran, 2001).
2. Planning, focus and literature review, these are the three steps through which we can clarify and confirm information regarding applied research. In applied research process, researcher must have to plan a proposal that explains the problem to be addressed (Brown, 2014). Along with this, focus is laid on the timeframe and requirements of research by which the question will be answered. Lastly, the literature review is conducted so as to get the in-depth information about the research issue.
3. In applied research data can be collected in the form of words on a survey, with a questionnaire, through observations and from the literature review. Once the data has been collected it can be maintained in the systematic manner by three steps which is classifying the findings, comparing and interpretation of finding. This process can be done efficiently by using tools like tables, charts and diagram and bullets points etc. (Harrell and Bradley, 2009).
4. The length of the test, guessing, test retest interval, variability of scores, variation, group variability and environmental are the various internal and external factors which affects the reliability of the data. In the same context, test related factors, intervening events and the criteria to select the suitable instrument are factors which affect the validity of data (Csikszentmihalyi and Larson, 2014).
5. Immediate solution to research issue, systematic review of secondary data, external and internal validity, generalization of findings are the various things which might be covered by applied research. Apart from this, more criteria such as efficiency, feasibility and relevance of study can be covered under the applied research (Krueger, 2014).
6. Testable and falsifiable are two main criteria for the hypothesis. According to testable hypothesis criteria hypothesis can be approved and disapproved on the basis of testing result, data collection and experience. On the other hand, in Falsifiable hypothesis conclusion cannot be drawn on the basis of observation of particular phenomenon (Cooper and Withey, 2009).
7. The research strategy is framed by covering three different areas including objective world, a social constructed world and an individual world. Traditionally research has been divided in to qualitative and quantitative research so accordingly the research strategy varies (Blaxter, 2010). On the basis of research type, researcher need to select the most appropriate method to answer their research questions. For example, five question method is used for framing qualitative research.
8. In relation to method, tools and data collection techniques used in research, the first factor to be considered is the goal of the study and its statistical significance. In this context, the sample size, timeframe for data collection, target population and data type in accordance with the type of study affect the procedure related to data collection tools and techniques (Gill, Stewart, Treasure and Chadwick, 2008). However, the availability of data and budget for collecting information using the various tools and techniques chosen for research are also considered.
Effective data collection and maintenance
9. Probability and non- probability are the two main types of sampling where the first one is applied in case of homogeneous population containing the equal chances of being selected. On the other hand, in non-probability sampling, all participants or population do not have equal chance to get selected in the study where the researcher selects the participants on the basis of their convenience and time available for the study (Miles, Huberman and Saldana, 2013).
10. The trust and confidence are two important areas which should be integrated while optimising the research. However, individual researcher and the institute where they work are the two main areas where integrity must be applied. Here, institution integrity is a matter of creating an environment which promotes responsible conduct in terms of law and trustworthiness (Krueger, 2014). On the other hand, for individual researcher, integrity embodies that the research is being conducted with accurate information by following the morale ground associated with the research.
11. To optimize the research relevance first thing to be considered is maximizing its reliability. In addition to this, maximizing the generality, detectability and research are also important and crucial.
12. While evaluating research finding, many factors are considered such as the research findings validity, whether the research reflects best research standard such as credibility, rigour, and trustworthiness. Furthermore, reliable sampling, accurate research questions and reflection of findings towards the research objectives are important (Schmidt and Hunter, 2014).
13. The raw data are reviewed for checking their relevant with the study that whether appropriate number of participants provided right information or not. Since raw data consists of all information such as researcher’s notes, assumption while gathering the information. Therefore, focus is laid on whether all the participants provided information or not. This helps in analysing the information and findings the conclusion from the representative information (Anderson, 2010).
14. Under every research, research use the methods and techniques on the basis of specific proposal or researcher issue; however, the selected approaches can be also be modified if it does not go well with the defined research issue. These all the assumptions are involved by the collating and analysing research data. Furthermore, it also involves that data may be based on single hypothesis, single researcher or on a large-scale research activity.
15. For documenting and presenting research findings effectively, first strategy is present the data with the help of table charts and graphs through which the data gets more cleared and understandable. Second is interpretation and analysis of data rather than just reporting them for getting the clear information about the outcome (Creswell and Creswell, 2017). Third strategy would be uses of heading and subheading to present research findings to the point. Along with this, by using appropriate language research findings can be present more effectively. In this figure should be refers correctly and last strategy is power slides should not be over detailed so as to avoid power pointlessness (Brewer and Hanif, 2013).
16. To identifying the need for and approach to further research the simplest way is find the most suitable article related to limitation of current study and refer the suggestion for future research part which facilitates to get an idea about the scope for the further study. Other approach is systematic review such as content analysis reports, citation analysis report etc. can be helpful for identifying research gap. This gap can be assessed by using Google trends, essential science indicator etc are the various sophisticated tools which helps to identifying need for further research (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016).
Anderson, C., 2010. Presenting and evaluating qualitative research. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 74(8), p.141.
Blaxter, L., 2010. How to research. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
Brewer, K.R. and Hanif, M., 2013. Sampling with unequal probabilities (Vol. 15). Springer Science & Business Media.
Brown, T.A., 2014. Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. Guilford Publications.
Cavana, R.Y., Delahaye, B.L. and Sekaran, U., 2001. Applied business research: Qualitative and quantitative methods. John Wiley & Sons Australia.
Cooper, W.H. and Withey, M.J., 2009. The strong situation hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 13(1), pp.62-72.
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Csikszentmihalyi, M. and Larson, R., 2014. Validity and reliability of the experience-sampling method. In Flow and the foundations of positive psychology (pp. 35-54). Springer, Dordrecht.
Gill, P., Stewart, K., Treasure, E. and Chadwick, B., 2008. Methods of data collection in qualitative research: interviews and focus groups. British dental journal, 204(6), p.291.
Harrell, M.C. and Bradley, M.A., 2009. Data collection methods. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Rand National Defense Research Inst santa monica ca.
Krueger, R.A., 2014. Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. Sage publications.
Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. and Saldana, J., 2013. Qualitative data analysis. Sage.
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Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R., 2016. Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley & Sons.