City Of Parramatta Car Park System: Efficient And Safe

Overview of the Car Park System in Parramatta

The city of Parramatta has one of the best car park systems I have ever witnessed it works flawlessly with the help of computer automation. The car park system in the city of Parramatta is used across several car parks to be precise seven. This setup or framework is efficient in controlling traffic in and out of the car parks.It is usually very efficient and with minimal or no errors.As a result of this process being automated it, therefore, requires minimal maintenance as well as very little workforce making it cheap to run but its bit expensive to install (Al-Kharusi, and Al-Bahadly,2014 p.55. )

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This setup is made in a way that it should accommodate all the daily activities that happen at the various car parks across the city of Parramatta. The system must suit the daily activities of each auto park from dealing with instalments, issuing tickets, controlling of boundaries and the organization of auto parks, issuing season tickets and the recording of activities (Batkovskiy, Batkovskiy, Klochkov, Semenova, and Fomina, 2016 p.44.). The city of Parramatta’s car park system facilitates entry as well as exit from the car park. The clients pays and gets a ticket. There are usually two types of clients present, one is the normal client who usually pays on a daily basis of frequently uses the car park for their daily activities. Then there is the seasonal client who usually parks the car for a period running from one week to maybe even a year. The seasonal clients usually pay a specified amount of money before parking and they are also allocated to space away from the normal where the normal clients usually park their cars (Damodaran, 2016. Vol. 324) .The car park does not have many flaws business wise on the fact that it required a lot of capital to start the business, otherwise, it is very economical once it’s running as it saves on money since not many employees are needed therefore reduction of the overall wage bill.

The car park system works in the way that when a car approaches the car park there is a detector located underneath that detects the car (Karbab, Djenouri, Boulkaboul, and Bagula, 2015 pp. 373-378). A button, therefore, pops up and the client is supposed to press. A ticket is usually produced within the first five seconds. It’s usually very fast. In the case that the car park is already full the button does not appear hence there is no chance for the car park to be crowded and in case there happens to be a car leaving the car park at that particular time, an available button will automatically appear giving the owner of the car a chance to now access the car park. This ensures that there is order and there are minimal inconveniences that may arise due to lack of a proper system. It hence saves on time and still economical (Litman, 2018. pp. 86-225)

Benefits of the Car Park System

Once the ticket is issued the driver is obligated to take the ticket in order for the barrier to detect that the payment has been done and it automatically raises allowing space for the driver to pass beneath and head towards the parking lot. In the occasion that the car park is full, no ticket has issued this results to a sign popping up saying that the car park is full. The barrier with therefore remain down preventing any entry into the car pack hence there can never be a moment where there are more cars in the car park than the spaces or slots available (Primmer, Saarikoski, and Vatn, 2018 pp223-233). The car park full sign remains until one car leaves the car park creating space and then the processes repeat itself. Five seconds is how long the checks take. A record is put aside a couple of minutes of the section for the client or ticket holder. There is a  sensor present on the contrary side of the hindrance which recognizes when the auto has passed and the limit is brought down to enable the car to pass. The amount of vehicles in the auto stop is augmented by 1 checks are made to ensure that the limit is not exceeded (MA, and Mohammed, 2014 pp.223-233)

When the time comes for the client to leave the car park there is a sensor present that usually senses the presence of a car and the client is then supposed to embed the ticket which they were earlier given when they were entering the car park. In case more than 15 minutes have passed by a radio is usually enacted whereby the client is allowed to talk to someone who is usually in the control room the help in the process. The person in the control room can sometimes enact the barrier remotely to allow the client to leave the car park. In case of several minutes let’s say 15 have passed the barrier automatically raises through the help of the sensor present on the opposite side. The sensor then detects that the car has already passed and it automatically comes down. The cars are then decremented by 1 once the car leaves the car park. This reflects a sign that is usually present to the now empty space to help direct the next car to the available space.

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 This system seems to save a lot of time and due to the fact that there are barriers present, this makes the car park safe. Due to the reason that cars are incremented and decremented once entering and leaving the car park respectively this helps save time. The money charged by the city council is still affordable. In my personal opinion this car park is efficiently managed and hence runs as so (Salagaras, et al, 2017 pp.56-77).

Security Measures in Place

In an attempt to increase the level of security in their various car parks the city of Parramatta has hired two security companies. These security companies work at the various car parks to ensure maximum security (Titman, and Martin, 2014). They are usually located in the control room whereby they are able to oversee the whole car park. Most cases reported are usually the ones involving breakages like broken windows in an attempt to steal something. The security companies handle this cases seriously and try their best to apprehend these criminals. In case something is stolen from your car the security companies work at various intervals and are always present in the control room where one can go and report a case. There are also cameras present this goes a long way in ensuring that security level is of the utmost notch (Trugman, 2016).

A report is usually given on a month to month basis whereby this helps the city council in knowing how well to improve the parking system. An annual record for tickets given for the whole county is usually kept. At that particular point, the city council usually conducts its annual survey for the cost of tickets (Tsui, 2017). This annual surveys usually help the city council in preparing the pay the next year using the figures that are obtained from the previous year and also helps in the proposition of new taxes. The keeping of records helps the city in maintaining a budget for the car park and it can also help the council to know if some car parks are usually full and hence put up one more so that cars in the city will get ample parking space since some clients are usually seasonal, parking the car for a long period (Vitanza, et al 2018.pp100-101).

This car park system is one of the highest hierarchy, in my opinion, they can increase their scope and hence have many car parks that are using the same technology. This system is hard to beat and as a result, hardly can any car be parked without paying the parking fees and it’s also safe since it has barriers which rise to allow passage and close behind this makes your car safe as you park it in the car park. They can, however, tighten the security of the cars already parked .this can be achieved through the introduction of more security companies .there can be guards moving around the whole day and night .they should eliminate these breakings as much as possible. They can also, in my opinion, minimize the time that the ticket uses to pop up from 15 seconds to something more quicker like five seconds .this will make the car park system very efficient because 15 seconds in my opinions are quite a lot of time waiting in the car for a ticket.

Monthly and Annual Reports

If they improved on those three areas this would this car parks system one of the best in the world. It would create more revenue for the city council and still bring customer satisfaction and bring more trust to the system.


The city of Parramatta has done a recommendable and fantastic job in giving its residence an automated car park that runs solely on its own with very minimal breakdowns. The running of the system must be a hard task from the raising of the barrier, production of the ticket and also making the client aware when there is no space available to par the car. They can, however, improve on the few areas of security, reduction of time used and finally introduce more car parks to serve their residents better. All in all the job done is fantastic.


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