Child And Adolescent Mental Health: Effects Of Sleep On GPA Score

Sleep and GPA

The student’s habits of quality sleep, consideration of future consideration has an impact on the student’s GPA score. Previous studies have found that if the student had a quality sleep during the last night the student was found to oversleep less and improved GPA. On another hand the students who had less sleep previous night oversleep and recorded less improvement in the GPA. The purpose was to analyze the various articles using the different variable on quality of sleep, exercise, availability of academic advising for students, health status, wellness, and well-being centers impact on students’ performance in terms of GPA Score.

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  1. Study Goal

The authors in this article explored the relationship between individuals sleeping habits, quality of sleep and consequences in the future Grade Point Average (GPA). The study employed 156 female and 75 male respondents aged 18 to 41 years. The sample selected was from upper division courses in psychology and biology courses and introductory courses.  The study found that regular sleep schedule and satisfied sleep it declines oversleeping cases, in the result it increased respondent GPA. They concluded that oversleeping habits was significantly related to GPA and scale of the score.

  1. Subjects:

The study chooses 231 respondents from introductory courses and upper division courses from biology and psychology courses from Washington State University.

  1. Results 1:

Upon the author’s analysis of the data from the respondents, variables sleep, GPA, and future outcomes did not differ much from the respondents sampled. From the study, women scored higher GPA and scored higher in future consequences as compared to men. It further indicated men overslept while women had challenged to sleep.

  1. Results 2:

The study investigated relationship for the variables GPA at 3.30, Score on consideration of future outcome at 4.88 and sleep. Respondents who scored high in future outcome recorded higher GPA, they individual further slept less, less like the hood to oversleep -0.17, less actual sleep and less dissatisfaction with sleep at 0.06.  

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  1.   The university can address the issue by creating awareness of the importance of controlling sleep.This is important to respondent’s increasing his or his GPA  and controlling future consequences.
  2. Attention Span;
  1. Study Goal:

The authors focused on the need for supporting student’s engagements and learning consequences achievement. The study suggests for the right support to learners on cultivating curiosity, engagement, increasing know-how including academic advising.

  1. Subjects:

The study sampled 146 undergraduate respondents in fineness and fitness and sports

  1. Results 1:

The data the study sampled, informed the search that all respondents from personal experience which was from the closed-ended questionnaire. The study found many respondents were actively involved in the advising process but needed to be informed on course requirement and credit transfer process.

  1. Result 2.

The search found that student’s engagement in the academic advising, achievements, and learning they were all found to influence the success of the student. The study found that the faculty was played a significant role in advising students which provided meaningful experience as this it created best strategies for collaboration between students and the department.

  1. The researchers recommended for the resource center to enable students to air their views and get advisory.This center helped to meet every struggling student need so as one could a great chance to learn and improve academics.
  2. Social Domain:
  1. Subject goal:

The author’s focus was two main objectives mainly: examined the psychological effects of violence on the children and rates of violence’s exposure for students in Sri Lanka.

  1.    Subjective

The study sampled 476 students in large Sri Lanka universities with the majority of the sample being female at 50.6% aged 19 to 34 years.

  1. Result 1

Factors affecting GPA

Respondents between 2% and 16 % aged 18 indicated having witnessed inter parents or family violence. On another hand between 11% and 84% of the respondents reported witnessed psychological violence between their parents. This results show significant correction of participants effects like sleep problem, depression and anxiety which is a result of experience in interparental violence during their life.

  1. Results 2

Basing the study results from its evident that abuse within the family can cause the sleeping problem, depression, and anxiety among the sampled respondents in a western community in Sri  Lanka.

  1. The university to consider counseling services to be able to meet psychological services students at who show depression, anxiety signs. This will help many cases of respondents failing victims of violence and depression.
  2.  School
  1. Study goals:

The authors in this article examined the relationship between self-regulation and eveningness while employing two standardized measure of self-control scale, self-regulation and adjournments scale. The found eveningness correlated with adjournment scale, poorer self than intermediate preference.

  1. Subjects:

The search sampled 308 students in Small Canadian institution doing psychology course. All participants completed closed-ended questioner online.

  1. Result 1:

The authors found that variation between the morningness or eveningness at a score of 46.69 between them. Further noted score ranged from morningness to eveningness and while dispersion skewed to eveningness.

  1. Result 2:

The study used multiple regression to determine a score for morningness and eveningness by using procrastination scale, self-control scale, and age which point to  20.0 of the variance in self-control scale.

  1. The campus to create awareness among the students on the utilization of campus wellness center. All students to seek health and wellness at the health facility so to receive treatments on illness and injuries.
  2. Emotional Domain:
  3. APA References
  1. Subject Goal:

The article examined the factors; current energy, preceding sleep, experience with sleep loss that concerning physical effort and individual effort.

  1. Subjects:

Total 187 non-sleep respondents from Baruch college students completed 60 minutes computer timed valuation.

  1. Results 1.

The study identified eight factors and formed a composite variable, and they used to predict effort.

  1. Result 2:

About 10% of the variance of objective effort was reaction time, interactions, perceived energy and real sleep among these constituents.

The college to use the counseling sessions for the students affected

  1. Depression
  2. APA Reference:
  1. Subject Goal.

The search sought to find out the correlation between sleep length and depressed temperament state among college students.

  1. Subject;

The study surveyed 141 health students, 58 were for more than 9hrs per night, 19 slept for 6hrs or less, and 64 students slept for between 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

d.Results 1:

The resulting score indicated that depressed more was higher for those spend fewer sleep hours and more extended. This is due showing somatic symptoms for those slept fewer hours while those spent long hours and intermediate sleepers observed cognitive symptoms.

  1. Results 2;

The result indicated no substantial difference long and short sleepers as both showed cognitive aspects and somatic symptoms respectively. Also, long sleepers indicated specific cognitive symptoms.

  1. The college could assist the students through counseling seasons. Also, the depressed students to visit student’s wellness center to receive the therapy seasons to recover from depressions. Therapy also could help reduce mood rates and eventually reduce depressive symptoms among students.
  1. Physical Domain: Exercise
  2. APA Reference
  1. Subjects goal;

The authors investigated the beliefs of college students on how to relieve sleep and finding a relationship to their preference based on morning or evening type.

  1. Subjects:

The study surveyed 499 Canadian college students who completed the designed interview.

  1. Result 1:

Those for the evening type supported the method since they slept less at night as compared to intermediated types for either evening or morning type. Further, the evening type found coffee consumption as reducing sleep than exercise as compared to intermediate type.

  1. Result 2:

e.The option for the students to use coffee instead of the exercise to relieve sleep is the major factor so less evening sleep as compared to morning type.

  1. The institution to create awareness for physical and fitness & wellness center at Spartan recreation center. This offers training to the performance of every exercise to the student more safely.
  2. Physical Health
  3. APA Reference:
  1. Study Goals:

Academic Advising

They examined the impacts of health factors and concerns which have a direct impact on student’s health and academic performance during the first year. Further examined perceptions concerning university services, experience many and referral services one received while a first-year student.

  1. Subjects:

Total 412 students were sampled, and they reported health issues. Among the 23 faculty staff reported cases of mood, anger and anxiety disorders while dealing with first-year students.

  1. Results 1:

The results indicated that many students were aware of health services that were offered at the university, but they showed they did not transcribe into the services.

e.Result 2.

Basing the result above, it clear that there is a lack of awareness among the first years. There is a need for faculty staff to create awareness and promote health issues on campus.

f.The university should ensure the health and centers and wellness. For the students to be able to take care of their health severely to reduce cases of mood and anxiety disorder. The welfare and health center to support the support to continue promoting health and wellness to the student throughout the academic journey.


It is evident from various studies finding on student’s GPA score is affected or greatly influenced by student’s health status, academic advisory, counseling services, wellness centers for students’ and quality of sleep and individual effort. Majority of the result 1 and 2 showed a significant relationship with academic performance. It is therefore important that academic stakeholders to ensure students have access to counseling services, health facilities to cater for health issues and wellness center for students with the sleep disorder. A majority of authors found the variable influence improvement in GPA score. Those institutions which offered academic advisory to students’, and counsel the student’s it increased student’s GPA.


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Mood Swings APA Reference: Engle-Friedman, M., Riela, S., & Strothers, E. (2008). Objective and Subjective Effort as a Function of Sleep and Energy. Sleep & Hypnosis, 10(2), 61–72. Retrieved from 9h&AN=36838198&site=ehost-live&scope=site

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