CHC50113 Early Childhood Education And Care


The problem of child labour has been affecting the human society in a wide way. It is the major issue all over the world. There are lots of million children has been daily engaged in this situation and meet dangerous chemical and machinery daily. These children have been tortured physical mentally and morally and they don’t receive education and leisure which is the most important for their future. They have been consumed into hazardous and commercial activities where they are running their future and present as well. For a responsible and dutiful citizen should give them equal and proper opportunities and the most important education that it must stop the child labour practices in organized and non-organised region and provide development according to their needs (Ryngaert & Pennings, 2017). It is require making mandatory to train nation children and educate them in the organisation. In this report the child labour and the work they do. The child labour, its impact on the society and challenges has been faced by the government of different countries. The discussion will be based on the literature review that how it is affecting the society. It will also been discussed the steps that can help in eliminating the child labour from the country. The international labour organisation and various other authors have given their reviews for the child labour.

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Literature Review

Child labour has numerous definitions that are based on the person speaking of it but there are no such definitions that have solid and concrete in defining the child labour. According to International labour Organization, 2018 the child labour has been defined that the children who are under the age of 18 that are doing various forms of work. The ILO states that the children under the age of fifteen doing full time work and the place they are working is hazardous or it prevents the children’s for receiving an education.  In the view of many organizations and sources says in a broader way that it only becomes hazardous when it prevents children from education and they work for pay (ILO, 2018).  

The much cause of child labour was due to poverty, lack of education and exposure , suppression of workers’ rights and lack of access of education to the poor (Child labour today).  The major concern that children’s right must not been stripped away and they start working for the factories and industries dirty work. Children must been free from the worries of adulthood and parental responsibilities but they are forced to work in the hazardous factories in need of money or parental pressure (Naeem, Shaukat, & Ahmed, 2011).

Children’s work becomes child labour

The children work has been defined in the broad term that stands for the worst form and beneficial work. It also contributes in children developing at the other not every work which have been performing by the children at the age of 18 are child work its overall depends upon the maturity and age level by do work they learn responsibility duties gain skills. The child labour is the form of totally unacceptable. It is a kind of work that exploit and exposes harm and danger to the children because due to the certain conditions that are:

  • Hazardous work- it’s a hazardous work for children which are danger to the life and can destroy the life of their family
  • Unconditional worst form that give harm to the children not physically but mentally as well it’s a kind of slavery, debt bondage and forced labour (Basu, 2010).
Biggest problem

The child labour is the biggest problems, which have been facing by the biggest countries across the world.  It exist industrialized countries according to ILO 2002 estimates and have been indicating that nearly 3% children in 10 to 14 years group in developing countries are active. The age has been considered less than the other factors (Wright, Groutsis, & van den Broek, 2017).

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Children involved in the child labour

There are 352 million children have been working according to the new global estimates in the year 2002 and the report always indicating 246 have involved in the abolition and the strange point is that 187 million children between 5-14 years of group (Rodrigues, 2017). In a recent report of 2018, the estimated that 152 million children have been involved in child labour.

Causes of child labour 

The main and biggest cause of child labour is poverty due to the household poverty and parents pushes their children in labour markets to earn more money for their house and family. It can say that it’s a kind  of survival  that have been happening from long back generations slowly economic growth and pressure on the children from their family because from these circumstances they are preventing children from education as well as facilities other best skills which they should have (Anderson, 2018).

The only one factor, which always plays in the child labour, is the only poverty that depends upon the size and structure of the family. It Depends upon the factor for eg:-

  • Size and structure of the family that how many members are in the family
  • How many members have been working in the family
  • How many are disable are in the family
  • There are numbers of adult who can work from the family and for the family(Staudinger,Finkelstein, Calvo, & Sivaramakrishnan, 2016).

No single factor can describe child labour in the family as read above.

Efforts to combat child labour

Eliminate child labour is the most important concerning topic in many international organizations over the recent years. The worker and employer organizations have been working and taking their own actions for eliminating the child labour on their part. If we talk about the an organizations  then the UNICEF is the one which have own child labour programs for elimination child labour such as WHO,LOM,UNESCO,UNFPA and UNDCCP they themselves involved in the project to eliminate child labour and which have a greater impact through their various specializations (Cho, Fang, Tayur, S & Xu, 2018).

Many other factors are also there that have been helping to remove the child labour from the root and giving their best and greater contributions in the abolition process of child labour

  • International and national non-government organizations
  • Many community based organizations
  • The media ,university and the religious group
  • Many NGO are particularly active in this group (Seidman, 2015).

The problem should be remove from the root because this problem of child labour had compared with a dragon which is enhancing their root in every country not only deprives children from their education. The opportunities shall be given to children where they have the right to complete their childhood. They are dragged them in hell like work where they exploit abuse harass not only mentally but physically also where they are suffering from the cruel behaviour but also mental cruelty which leads a children after either he would thief and robber. This practice is harmful for the nation as well because their futuristic citizen and youth have been working and moving on the unknown path aimlessly (Srivastava, K., 2011).

The child labour can be removed if the national laws review regarding child labour

  • Check the age of the employee working in the hazardous factories
  • The minimum age child be should been managed according to the case (Islam, 2015).

The world poorest countries if talk about sub Saharan Africa the highest number of child labour found here only that is 29%. These children mainly working in the industries are home based assembly operations factories mining and fishing. The global report  of world bank indicating that the child labour had decreased from 25% TO 10% between  1960 TO 2003 but the major problem is the child labourers  remain high it’s a very serious issue over the world and it should been remove authorities should take innovative action to kill the devil of child labour (Latest Products & reports, 2011).


The discussion that has taken place in accordance with the literature revie2w that has analysed that has identified that what is the child labour and the actual problems in children in working of hazardous work. It has been identified that there are various children who work in hazardous factories. It has been identified as worst forms of child labour that has been identified. The discussion is also based on the various reports that have described the situation of child labour all over the society and the effect on the society. There are number of surveys has been conducted that has given a shocking result about the child labour. Although every nation has laws, regarding the child labour than also the problem of child labour has been increasing day by day. The results show that poverty, lack of education has been the major reasons for the child labour in the society. The various reports have discussed the real condition of the child in the company that has been discussed in the case. The International labour organisation has also given various recommendations on the child labour that are very important to eradicate the child labour. The International Labour Organisation has also shown the estimates the percentage of child labour in the developing and non-developing countries.

Hence the solution of these type of problem is by reducing poverty and educating the children and eliminating the lies in making legislation, education efforts to work together to mobilize the household resources and national resources. The legislation can only enforce but it also necessary to have social values in the nation. It must start with who employ must consider that the type of employment they are providing is suitable to their age. The age becomes an important factor in the organisation that has been discussed in the literature review that it can damage a lot and can dangerous to their lives.

Although the previous research on the child labour has been analysing that a special economic issue and the social issue requires an attention globally in reducing the high intensity of the child labour. The efforts had opened the door in achieving second MDG: that is poverty reduction. Intervention is necessary at all levels in the society that is necessary for the alleviation of child problems. The problem of child labour is multidimensional and there must been a collective action of government organizations that accomplishes more to curb the prevalence of child labour. To reduce a problem a strong partnership is require between the government, private sector and local communities. The involvement of government in continuing decline in the child labour has been accomplished by the public policies that have a support to the goal. The government around the world must have provided with special assistance and substantial financial support to these children. The goal must been to focus on rapid increase of economy so employment opportunities can be generated that can reduce the poverty and result in reduction of child labour. Moreover, the child labourer must have been provided with education, training and social treatment. The children who are growing must not suffer from the work hazards. Hence, it can be said that it is necessary to have a poverty alleviation that is the main cause of child labour. It must been interest of international goal to commit for higher resources to achieve the goal. The society does not have the change to stability unless the children shall be given the hope, respect and dignity.

It shall be beyond the capacity of many countries to eliminate the child labour. However it is necessary for the countries that the most intolerable forms of child labour that must been minimized if it cannot been eliminated. Thus, the governmental and non-governmental organization should do an investigation process of the exploited child labourer.

The literature review suggests that the child labour has been a major problem and it must been reviewed that the age of children that are working are vary less for these works. The criteria must been set that minimum of age should be implemented for the types of work. The age is an important factor of capacity of child and the level of mind to do the work.

The discussion is that even though the children are working but there is no decrease in the poverty and the organisation misuses them as they have been paid very less wages for the type of work they are working is just 10-15% of that.

There are millions of children around the world that are doing extremely hazardous work that in harmful conditions by putting their health, education, personal and social development. The full time work has from an early age. The second is dangerous workplaces and has been analysed that by using hazardous machinery or the toxic chemicals. There is very long working hour and these are also the issues that has taken place in the literature review. The discussion on these types of issue is also the big concern and government must make laws to consider these types of issues. The governments are required to make amendments in the current laws that have been made as many organisations are misusing these laws for the benefit of their companies. The child labour is majorly due to poverty and the discussion can be end if poverty has been removed. The problem of child labour can be resolved various reasons that has been discussed in the case. The countries have to make proper plans that how they can remove poverty from their country so that child labour can be stopped. The government should impose high penalties on the organisation that employ child labourers in their factories and especially for hazardous work.


In conclusion, it can be said that the child labour is the big problem that the whole world is facing these days. The rapid expansion of child labour can be analyses due to poverty, lack of education and some other factors. The child labour has been the major topic that has been discussed in the case. In the report, it has been analyses that the children who are working in hazardous factories and whose education has been prevented to do so are the major concern. There are various surveys that has shown the child labour rates and that analyse there is the need to take action and make laws to eradicate child labour. There are various policies and steps have been discussed in the report to eliminate the child labour. However it can also been analysed from the report that the child labour is not possible for all to countries to rapidly eliminate and therefore it is necessary to first eliminate the hazardous child labour. It is also been analysed from the report that the expansion of economy that leads to employment that will help in eradicating poverty results in eliminating child labour. It is required that government, private and other social welfare organization work together to eradicate the child labour.  It can be concluded that governments has to make strict laws so that these types of activities can be stopped. The international labour organisation has also issued various guidelines and has stated the real condition of labour all around the world. The index has showed the real index of child labour in the societies.


Anderson, E. (2018). Policy Entrepreneurs and the Origins of the Regulatory Welfare State: Child Labour Reform in Nineteenth-Century Europe. American Sociological Review, 83(1), 173-211.

Basu, A. (2010), “Guaranteed manufactured without child labour: The economics of consumer boycotts, social labeling, and trade sanctions,” Review of Development Economics 10: 466-491.

Child Labour Today (2018) Who Made Your T-Shirt?. Retrieved from:

Cho, S. H., Fang, X., Tayur, S. R., & Xu, Y. (2018). Combating child labour: Incentives and information disclosure in global supply chains.

Gabriel, C., & Macdonald, L. (2018). After the International Organization for Migration: recruitment of Guatemalan temporary agricultural workers to Canada. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(10), 1706-1724.

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Islam, M. A. (2015). Overview. In Social Compliance Accounting (pp. 1-10). Cham: Springer.

Latest Products and Reports. (2013)” Child Labour Index. Maplecrof,. Retrieved from:

Naeem, Z., Shaukat, F., & Ahmed, Z. (2011). “Child Labour in Relation to Poverty.” Retrieved from:

Rodrigues, M. P. C. (2017). Compliance with Labour Standards: Measuring the Effectiveness of Policies against Child Labour and Modern Slavery in Brazil.

Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Pennings, F. (2017). Jurisdictional Immunity and Infringement of Fundamental Labour Rights: Commentary on Supreme Court of the Netherlands: European Patent Organisation & the State of the Netherlands v Vakbondsunie van het Europees Octrooibureau (VEOB) & Staff Union of the European Patent Office (SUEPO), Case No. 15/02186, 20 January 2017. International Labour Rights Case Law, 3(3).

Seidman, G. (2015). Labour, citizenship, and human rights campaigns. London: LERA For Libraries.

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Staudinger, U. M., Finkelstein, R., Calvo, E., & Sivaramakrishnan, K. (2016). A global view on the effects of work on health in later life. The Gerontologist, 56(Suppl_2), S281-S292.

Wright, C. F., Groutsis, D., & van den Broek, D. (2017). Employer-sponsored temporary labour migration schemes in Australia, Canada and Sweden: enhancing efficiency, compromising fairness?. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(11), 1854-1872.

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