Change Management Strategy For Improving Business Operation: A Case Study Of British Petroleum
Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives
For the Selected business case British Petroleum the implementation of the new rostering system structure would help in improvement of the business operation.
The sudden drop in the petroleum price in the international market needs to cut the cost of the different business operation for the management of current business. Thus the rostering system is developed for eliminating need of more number of manpower and automating the management operation.
A change management strategy is developed that would reduce the effort of the employees and reduce the manual work of the employees to increase the efficiency of the system. A meeting should be arranged with the management team for the identification of the problem and proposing the new information system that can eliminate the problems of the organization.
Different websites are analysed for the identification of the change management policy and the current framework is restructured for eliminating the redundancy and the align the information system with the requirement of the organization. In the recent trend the values of the changes is needed to be discussed with the employees for increasing the initiatives and broadening the acceptance of the changes in the business transformation.
For the management of the changes of the organization the change requirement should be prioritized and managed with different opportunities. The information provided by the organization should be verified and it should be compared with the proposed and the current operation for retaining the operational practice in the organization. For the management of the change different methodologies such as SWOT analysis and flow chart is used and it helps in identification of the problems and suggest a constructive changes for the development of the solution.
The managers are responsible for the management of the change for enabling continuous improvement in the business and investigate on the collaboration needs for the management of the new opportunities. The obstacles are needed to be addressed and the development team should be encouraged for increasing their commitment and increasing the participation for getting the best outcome of the project. The change management plan creates a roadmap for the identification of the needs for the implementation of the new information system and identifying the benefits for its implementation. An analysis is made on the cost of deployment, scope and objectives for the preparation of the project plan and eliminate the different risk associated with the development of the project.
There are different skills needed for the initiation and implementation of the changes and the following areas should be considered:
- Research and identify the opportunities for changes
- Analysis of the information and situation
- Development of the change project
- Management of the change project
- Management of the people who are involved within the business culture
A feasibility analysis is done on the current business process and the changes to be made on the system for the implementation of the new system. The benefits that the organization can gain with the implementation of the information system is also analysed for the development of the report.
For the development of the project there are different barriers faced and they are needed to be removed for successfully deploy the project. The barriers can be removed by clarifying the changes that are needed to be made in the business and the different alternatives available for the establishment of the selected criteria. A timeframe should be developed and monitored by gathering and storing information about the current business and aligning the information system with the needs. The involvement of the people in the change management process helps in reducing the risk and get a positive reaction from the people.
Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives to identify where changes are required
The executive team should be aligned with the change management and understand the behaviours and cultures for the introduction of the changes in the organization. The sponsors are individuals who manages the accountability and maintains the roles of the approval of the budget and management of the risk associated with the development of the rostering and administrating information system. The peoples should be involved for the identification of the problem and suggesting a solution for the problem for the creation of the ownership. The key messages is used for the clarification of the meaning and providing a headline for the management of the issue that is needed for communication.
The report is prepared for the development of a new administration and rostering system for the British petroleum and management of the changes in the current business process of the organization. The problems faced by the organization is evaluated for the management of the different operation and implementation of the changes in the business.
A research is done on the different policy and the sudden drop in the petroleum price the for the management of the gaps in the current business. A list is prepared for the resources needed for the management of the changes and the stakeholders involved for the development of the information system. A cost benefit analysis is done for the identification of the return of investment and the other risk associated with the successful implementation of the new information system. A SWOT analysis is done along with the development of the implementation strategy for reducing the risk in the project.
The main sponsor of the project are responsible for ensuring that the project is delivered within the estimated time schedule. The scope of the project are identified and the strategy that are required for the management of the current business process is identified for the development of the administrating system. A clear communication should be maintained between the project manager and the sponsor such that there are no gap between the activities and ensuring that a quality project is delivered within the budget and timeline.
The main objectives of the project identified are listed below:
- To eliminate the risk of sudden accidents and eliminate the diplomacy for reinventing the scope of development of the business
- To develop the system within the proposed duration and budget and eliminate the errors in the final information system
- To identify the roles and responsibility of the team members and the stakeholders for the management of the development process of the information system
- To eliminate the current problem faced by the organization and automate the management system of the organization for eliminating the human errors.
- To identification of the areas of changes needed to be made in the organization and reduce the operating cost of the business
- To identify the existing system and business process and implement the system to manage the business operation and achievement of the desired growth of the organization.
The change objectives and the principles identified for the development of the rostering and administrating system are given below:
Addressing systematically the human side – People issues can be generated with the transformation in the business and new skills may be needed for stepping up the jobs and eliminating the uncertainty and resistance. A formal approach should be maintained for the management of the changes and the development should be started with a team leadership and engagement of the stakeholders. Data should be collected and analysed for the management of the changes and redesign the system and the processes.
Starting at the top – The top level management should be involved in the development process such that a strong decision can be taken and the new approaches can be embraced for getting the desired outcome. A voice model should be selected for the communicating with the executive team and make them understand the desired outcome of the project. The performance and the efficiency of the senior team helps in addressing the issues immediately and take faster decision and aligning the change initiatives for successfully delivering a downstream result.
Monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that impact on the achievement of organisational objectives
Involvement of the different layer – A transformation program should be developed for defining an appropriate strategy and setting up targets for designing the implementation in the different level of the business process. A change management plan should be created for the identification of the leaders and distributing the responsibility. For each of the layer the leader is responsible to align the vison of the company and execute them for making the change to happen. The application of the cascading leadership methodology helps in improvement of the training for each of the stages. The strategy, vision and targets should be set by the top level management team and the senior executives are involved in designing the change initiatives. In the next layer the leaders implements the programme ad the structure is followed for the change management program.
Making formal case – The individuals working in the organization should be questioned about the need of changes in the organization. The commitment of the people should be identified in the change of the organization for the identification of the opportunity of the business and creation of the leadership team alignment. The following steps should be followed for the development of the case i.e. the reality should be identified and the convincing needs for the change should be articulated, the faith of the company should be demonstrated for gaining the leadership in the market, and a roadmap of the behaviour of the business and decision making should be demonstrated to the employees.
Creating the ownership – During the transformation of the business the leaders are needed to overperform and management of the changes. A passive agreement should be signed for directing the change to an acceptable form and demanding the ownership and accepting the changes and responsibility. Reward and incentive schemes should be implemented for making the changes happen and have a better control on the change management program.
Communication of the message – The leaders should not be changed too often because it can cause the employee believe that there is an issue in the change. For the management of the change program the core messages should be reinforced and timely advice should be given for practicable and inspirational message. For the solicitation of the right input and the feedback the communication flows following the bottom up approach and thus it needs overcommunication using multiple channels.
Assessment of the cultural landscape – A research is made on the successful change management program and thus it is critically important to understand the behaviour of the employees for each level of the organization. The factors that can be used for the recognition and influencing the leadership and resistance should be identified and taken into perception for the implementation of the successful changes in the organization. A common base line should be created for the management of the essential changes and developing the infrastructure program for driving the changes.
Addressing the culture explicitly – After the identification of the culture it should be studies thoroughly and its effect on the other areas of changes should be identified. The culture and the underlying behaviour should be explicitly evaluated for supporting the business and management of the new opportunities in the business. The desired culture and the devised plan should be shared with the team members for the management of the transition.
Identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or management decisions
Preparation of the unexpected – There are no change management program that is done according to the prepared plan, unexpected reaction is received during shifting of the external environment. Continuous reassessment is necessary for the management of the impact of the changes and adoption of the new information system developed for the organization. A solid decision making process should be used and necessary adjustment should be made for getting the appropriate result.
Speaking for the individuals – The individuals should be informed about the steps taken for the change and its effect for identification of the failure point of the change program. The team leader should honestly and explicitly convey the result. Rewards, promotion, bonus and recognition should be awarded for sanction of the change and reinforcement it for the improvement of the current business process.
The following the elements essential for a successful change management in the organization to implement the automatic administrating system and rostering system
Urgency of the change – A major change in the business should be identified for the estimation of the cost for the implementation of the changes in the organization. The competitive situation, current position in the market and the trend in technology should be evaluated for identification of the after effect of the enforcement of the change management plan.
Compelling the change story – The change story should be conveyed to the employees and the employees should be motivated such that the problem in the current business process are resolved. The people should be convinced such that the current problems are addressed and the changes in the organization is successfully enforced.
Current Strategy – the current strategy should be evaluated and a closer look should be given on the business for the management of the changes and improvement of the current business process.
Business vision and values – It is used for the management of successful changes and management of different purpose of the organization. A sensible vision should be created for management of the changes and eliminating the confusing risk such that the change does not takes the organization in wrong direction. The vision should be easily communicated and its values should be shared in a common direction.
Communication – The communication should be done broadly and the crisis condition should be eliminated such that the change in the initiatives should be implemented. The project manager should be responsible for identifying the needs of changes and maintain a communication with the all employees of all levels.
Creating a Dialog – The influence of the employees in the strategic plan of the organization should be there from the start of the organization since it can help in reducing the resistance of the employees working in the organization. The reduction of the resistance is an important factor for creating an successful change of the organization.
Culture – Enforcement of a change in the business process of the organization is a challenge since it can cause a change in the culture. The implementation of the storytelling technique can help in driving the organizational change.
Review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities with relevant managers
Visualization of the Journey – The use of pictures helps in easily demonstrating the needs of change in the organization and have a better communication with the people affected due to the change. It is the human characteristics that the people remember 10 percent of the things that they hear, 20 percent of the thing they read and 80 percent of what is visualized and performed by them.
Measurement – In the planning phase the measurements should be considered before taking an appropriate action. The success of the effort should be identified by measuring the success and predicting the outcome of the action.
Creation of Wins – The teams and the individuals working in the organization should succeed regularly for the management of the growth of the organization.
Alignment of Performance – A performance management should be applied for getting the desired changes in the behaviour of the organization.
Lookout for inconsistency – The inconsistency in the project should be identified and the resistance should be dealt.
There are different number of identifiable stages for the management of the changes in the organizational business process and develop the project according to the organizational needs. Creativity, innovation and flexibility is needed for the management of the changes and creating new opportunities for the business to manage the supporting changes.
The stakeholder analysis is used for keeping the project in shape and defining the needs of the project during the preliminary stage of the development process. A brainstorming process is conducted for the identification of the stakeholders and the following table is created:
- Senior executives
- Shareholders
- Government
- Supplier
- Alliance partner
- Community
- Analyst
- Trade associations
A priority list should be created for the stakeholders and a power interest grid should be created according to the stakeholder priority.
- The high power, highly interested people should be fully engaged for provide the greatest effort for satisfying the needs.
- The high power, less interested people should be kept satisfied
- The low power highly interested people should be informed about the changes and it should be ensured that no issues rises in the project.
- The low power and less interested people should be monitored and not involved with excessive communication.
The readiness to change can be assessed with the application of Transtheoretical model and describing the stages for the behaviour. The main focus should be given on the decision making process and it involves the state of awareness, feelings, behaviour and judgement. The model can be used for solving different types of problem and it manages the process in the following 5 stages.
Precontemplation – There are no intention for changing or take action in future and the people are uninformed for the consequences of the behaviour that have failed during the previous attempts.
Contemplation – There are different uncertainty for the development of the project and the positive effects and the negative effects should be identified for the identification of the change. An action program is not used by the person.
Preparation – For taking necessary action within the proposed schedule an action plan should be prepared and the program should be used for assisting the behaviour changes in the organization. As an example smoking cession, exercise or weight loss program should be arranged.
Action – A significant modification should be made in the behaviour and living for taking appropriate action.
Maintenance – There is a difference in working between the action mode and the person working not working and the person is also confident for change.
The key messages that acts as the main point of information for the audience, stakeholders are important. They are the summation of the byte size for the articulation of what to do, how the individual is different, what is the value of the personnel to the stakeholders and why the change is important. The key messages are important as it is used for serving the foundation for the management of the efforts of marketing and reflecting it in the spoken communications. Communication may be uncontrollable but the key messages can be used for the prioritizing and defining the communication, ensuring the consistency, accuracy and continuity of the change, measuring and tracking the success and staying focused while speaking with the stakeholders.
The change elements of a project are identified for focusing and clarifying the goals of the organization. In the identification process the resources should be identified with the individuals for facilitating process for leading with endeavour. There are many change systems that is used for creating the solid foundation and successfully implement the project.
The impact of the changes of the project should be managed with the development of strategies and addressing the barriers for the modification of the business process and achieve the objectives.
Actions |
Who |
Whom |
Performance Measures |
Ready for addressing any resistance for the change |
Project manager |
Employees |
Development of a strategy for deployment |
Motivation and supporting the employees for the implementation of the plan. |
Project manager |
Employees |
Controlling through visibility |
Decision making and organizational learning |
Managers |
Allocation of budget and resources |
The project is developed for the management of the internal and the external environment of the workplace and the flow of information should be regulated for the management of the project development process. The culture of the organization should be understood with the implementation of cultural diagnostics for the evaluation of the readiness of the organization and solve the major problems and conflicts for the implementation of the changes in the organization.
The winning resources such as time, money and labour is arranged for making the project successful. The analysis of the stakeholders improves the communication and ensures that benefits of the project is clearly conveyed to them for getting their active support. In some of the situation the force for change comes from the internal employees of the organization or it can come from the external factors.
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