Change Management Plan For Business Growth

Activity 1: Project with Two Parts

Part A: Identification of the change requirements and the opportunities

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Existing Business Practices

Business Objectives

Required change (gaps)

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Repairing of cars

Building profits and sales

Renovation of the garage

Fuelling of cars

Increasing customer traffic

Hiring of trained employees

Provide groceries to customers

Building customer loyalty

Proper marketing of the cafe

  1. Political environment:The political environment is suitable for starting the business with the café and the company would gain sufficient customers and grow the business at an exponential rate.

Economic environment: The economy of the country is improving with the growth of various business in the country. It would be suitable for the company to start the business with proper planning and management.

Consumer patterns: The introduction of the café around the service stations and the convenience store is a growing trend in the economy and most of the companies are successful in the business processes of the café.

Workforce: Extra employees are required to be hired for properly managing the café and provide the customers with the best quality services.

Legal requirements: There are several legal requirements that are to be undertaken and several permissions are required for starting the business. The legal requirements of the society are to be considered.

Social issues: There are no social issues are the service station is situated in a secluded region with minimal houses around it that would be minimally affected.

Technological factors: Café requires several machines and information system. Management information system is required, ERP is required, and computers along with the coffee makers are required for serving the customers with services.

  1. Major change requirements after discussion with the stakeholder
  • Hiring of trained employees
  • Renovation of the garage
  • Procurement of equipments
  • Purchasing of softwares
  • Building a parking space
  • Implementation of the fire safety mechanisms and ventilation system
  • Hiring of marketing team

4: Prioritisation of the change requirements

  • Renovation of the garage
  • Procurement of equipments
  • Purchasing of softwares
  • Hiring of trained employees
  • Hiring of marketing team
  • Implementation of the fire safety mechanisms and ventilation system
  • Building a parking space
  1. Risk analysis

Identified Risks

Risk rating

How you will mitigate them


(number in order of priority)

Inefficient espresso workstation


Constant checking of the equipments


Lack of proper fire safety


Proper checking of the safety measures


Improper checking of insurance policy


Strict agreement with the insurance department


Communication plan

Communication type

Objective of communication






Kickoff meeting

Introduction of the project team and the project.

Face to face


Project sponsor

Project manager

· Meeting manuals

· Agendas

Meeting of the project team

Review the status of the project with the team

Conference calls

As required

Project team

Project manager

· Meeting manuals

· Agendas

Monthly project status meetings

Report on status of the project to the management

Conference calls



Project manager

Project status report

Reporting of the status of the project that includes the progress, activities, issues and the costs



Project sponsor



Project manager



The vision of the company is improving the lives of the guests, support the communities that they serve and then promotion of the mutual humanity.

Key deliverables

  • Engagement plan and stakeholder management
  • Development plan of business team
  • Schedule and communications plan
  • Action plan and business process impact analysis
  • Site and business readiness assessment with the schedule and recommendations
  • Assessment of training needs with the schedule

Steps for enabling the change management

  • Identification of the improvement areas
  • Presenting a strict business case to the stakeholders
  • Proper planning for the change
  • Provide the resources and then use the data for efficient evaluation
  • Effective communication with the stakeholders
  • Monitoring and managing the resistance, budgeting risks and the dependencies

Priority areas

The priority areas in the change management plan are the:

  • Communications plan
  • Hiring of trained employees

The change owner has the responsibility of generating and submitting the change for starting the process and provides the business needs, objectives and goals of the change and then ensure the accuracy of objectives. The assessor has the responsibility of ensuring the assessment of the risk factors and conduct effective verification of the validity of initial priority setting. The change manager has the responsibility of managing the daily activities of the change management process and then gather and report the metrics of the process. The change approver has the responsibility of reviewing the change for determining the readiness for the implementation by considering the successful development testing.

Risk id




Responsible person



Financial risk

Shortage of budget


Financial analyst



Economic risk

Lack of resources


Project manager



Legal and regulatory risks

Laws and regulations affect the change management


Legal and regulatory bodies


Possible barriers

  • Restricted understanding of the change and the impact
  • Negative attitude of the employees
  • Failure of involving the employees in change process
  • Inefficient or poor communication
  • Inadequate budget or resource

Procurement schedule


Responsible person



Financial analyst


Human resource

Human resource manager and project manager


Communication strategy

  • Development of story of change and then build the alignment of leadership
  • Identification and engagement with the key stakeholders
  • Govern, plan and then cascade the messages

Change management process

  • Submit change
  • Review the change request
  • Coordinate change
  • Implement change
  • Measure change results

The monitoring of the process will be done by the maintaining of daily records of the project and the use database that would help in storing the information of day-to-day activities. This will be done by the project manager who is tasked with managing the overall project.

Analysing Internal and External Environment for Change Requirements

question 1

This change management denotes that the changes that are being implemented in any organisation is carried out after the complete assessment of the requirements and the impact of the changes. In the first step, the assessment of the requirements of changes are executed for gaining an understanding of the present situation and the intended outcome. Then the analysis of the organisation is extensively executed for understanding the condition of the organisation. The profiling of the competency of the changes is evaluated and then the training and development of the employees of the organisation is carried for providing them with the knowledge about the changes that are being made. The communication among the corporation is extensively executed and then the coaching and mentoring of the employees is done.

The change management is always seen in a circle because after the implementation of any change, there might be the requirement of implementing any new change that has emerged after the implementation of the first change (Carnall 2018). For implementing the further changes in the organisation the same process is followed and the change is implemented.

(b) Why is change management usually seen a cycle?

Question 2

Describe at least six (6) strategies (methods) for communicating and embedding change.

  1. Create momentum: For making any change in the organisation, it is required for the complete company to support the notion of the change and view the benefits of the change (Hayes 2018). The effective method of communicating the change is to open any honest dialogue about the present situations in the organisation and the reasons why the change is required.
  1. Forming an effective coalition: This step involves the convincing to the people about the necessity of the change (Cameron and Green 2015). This might take strong leadership and the visible support from the crucial people in the organisation. For leading the change, it is required to discover and combine all the efficient change leaders all through the organisation.
  1. Creating a vision for change: Creating a complete vision that the people could easily comprehend and remember whenever it is required. Any clear vision helps all the members of the organisation to understand the steps that are being taken in the organisation for implementing the changes (Doppelt 2017).
  1. Communicating the vision: This is the key to the success of the implementation of the change. If the members of the organisation understand the vision clearly then it would easy and simple for the people of the organisation to understand about the vision and the need for the change.
  1. Removal of the obstacles: This step involves the predication of any obvious obstacles in the path of the implementation of the change. It would be easy to understand the direction of the change. There are several methods by which the organisation remove the foreseen obstacles in the path of the implementation of the change.
  1. Building on the change: This strategy means the effective use of the change. If the companies could produce the same product at a swift rate but with increase in the productivity then it could be predicted that the change is working and the organisation is gaining significant benefit from the change

Question 3

Explain how organisational behaviour and the external environment can impact on change strategies.

The behaviour of any organisation could impact significantly on the strategies of change. It could help significantly on the success of the change or it could lead to the failure of the change (Kuipers et al. 2014). Sometimes the management of the organisation is not sure about how the change could benefit the organisation which could lead to the failure of the implementation of the change. The employees who are working in the organisation could not have the proper understanding of the change and it could lead to the failure of change. It has been observed in several situations that the stakeholders of the company where the change is being implemented does not have the proper knowledge of the change and it does not lead to the success of the change (Goetsch and Davis 2014).

Question 4

Describe the components of a change management project plan.

Readiness assessment: These are the tools that are used by the change management team for assessing the readiness of the organisation for any change.

Communication planning and communication: This stage involves the effective communication of the changes that are being implemented in the organisation.

Sponsor activities: The team of change management develops the plan for the activities of the sponsors and assist the crucial leaders of the business (Ashkenas 2013).

Training for change management: This stage involves the ensuring of the proper training of the people who would be impacted from the change.

Resistance management: The team of change management identifies, comprehends and then assist the leaders to manage the resistance all through the organisation.

Question 5

List five (5) potential barriers to change and for each, explain two (2) possible strategies to address barriers.

Barriers to change

Strategies to address barriers

Lack of involvement of employee

Efficient involvement the employee in the change.

Providing sufficient and relevant resources for driving the employees towards the change

Lack of effective strategy of communication

Provide effective strategies of communication all through the organisation for proper handling the change (Matos Marques Simoes and Esposito 2014).

Communicate with the stakeholders about the change and effects of the change

Bad organizational culture

Planning team requires to understand the effects of overlooking the culture of the organisation where the change is being implemented.

Communication with the employee and gaining their views on the change assists in addressing the barrier

Unknown present state

Analysis of the present state of the organisation

Analysis of the management of the organisation

Complexity of the organization

Introduction of the efficient approach for tackling the swift growth of the organisation along with the complexity.

Deploying quality, diligent and effective approach for change and project management



Ashkenas, R., 2013. Change management needs to change. Harvard Business Review, 16(April).

Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2015. Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.

Carnall, C., 2018. Managing change. Routledge. 

Doppelt, B., 2017. Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge.

Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.

Hayes, J., 2018. The theory and practice of change management. 

Kuipers, B.S., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J. and Van der Voet, J., 2014. The management of change in public organizations: A literature review. Public administration, 92(1), pp.1-20.

Matos Marques Simoes, P. and Esposito, M., 2014. Improving change management: How communication nature influences resistance to change. Journal of Management Development, 33(4), pp.324-341.

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