Change Management Approaches At Super Star University
Faculty of Arts Change Management Approach
One of the principal and reputed educational institutions of the province of Australia is the Super Star University that has always nurtured the process of learning and development among the students. According to the given case study, the university is ranked among one of the largest universities of the country with over 27 schools accommodating 35,000 students. The university has one of the biggest faculties of the country with over 3600 people working full-time for the university. The university is committed to bring the best in the student section and is committed to make sure that the university facilitates the success of the students in terms of the various forms of research and strategic placements that make the university rank among the top on the global sphere. The success of the university and its strategies have been recognized under the second Excellence in Research in Australia (ERA) in the year 2015.
In accordance to the strategic meet and changes that were being adressed by Professor Max Blocks in the council meeting of the Super Star University, each of the departments of the university was asked to address their own set of implementation plan and strategic views that would make the university one of the largest and well-visioned universities of the world on a global platform (Hicks, 2012). The Faculty of Arts made sure to have the strategic changes and directions to make sure that their performance in terms of the university guidelines were apt and of great value. The strategic changes that are being required by the faculty is related to the low performance indicators of the Policy Administration Discipline (1605) in the report published by ERA. Professor Lots, the head of the Faculty of Arts made sure to implement changes and designing modifications in the implementation plan for the next five years by the formation of the working parties on both the fronts of academic and professional font.
The two working parties made and recommended a number of changes in the front of both the research mechanisms and the administration of the faculty to make sure that it attracted the attention of both the national and international levels of appreciation and help in form of both monetary and non-monetary forms.
The research party implemented changes related to the training and research methods followed by the university to maintain and increase the quality of the research and development of both the students and the institution (Nelson, 2013). The wing also made considerable changes for the implementation of new recruitment strategies for the research students in the post graduate field as the chance of being the future leaders of the university. Engagement with the students for their better future thinking and career development schemes are also appreciated in the course of time (Mercer & Howe, 2012).
Strengths of the Faculty of Arts’ Approach
The recommendations and the plans and strategies as stated by the Faculty of Arts in the implementation plan had a number of strengths in the process of working as it ensured that the process involved got relevant results for the students and the authorities of the university employees and served to find better results for the amendment made by the authorities in the concerned to make sure that each of the people of the university are relevantly affected to the changes as defined (Boud & Feletti, 2013). The strengths of the amendments lies in the better procedures and the improvement in the quality and quantity of work being done by the people of the university premises. The new efforts and claims helped the university to raise funds both from the national and international level to help the university cope up with the betterment strategies in the prolonged time span.
The strength of the approaches lies in the fact that the recommendations and solutions made way into the whole matter and made sure of the benefits it had on the population as well as the features being involved in the same manner (Koester, 2013). The faculty of arts in the university made a number of changes to cope up with the student requirements and the amendments that will help the students as well as the authorities to have a distinct amount of working in the benefit of the university stream of conducting the same in the course of time.
The challenges that the dean was facing was mainly due to the prolonged discussions and meetings that made the whole amendments took long to be implemented. The university made challenges and amendments that was important to make the university reach the heights of success that it needs to be implemented and so the dean of the Faculty of Arts made it a point to amend the scenes of the stages and make appropriate changes for the same matter (Darling-Hammond, 2012). Professor Lots after receiving the plan and the meeting for the wide property loss made sure to have called for a wide span of meeting and faced minimum challenges as the whole matter was accepted by the greater number of people in the course of time. The discussion made was lengthy but was supported by most of the people which therefore made its presence in the plan of the concerned time span.
Challenges Faced by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts
The dean for the successful implementation of the change plan has to make sure that all the requirements for the purpose of change has been solved in the due course of time. The advice for the successful implementation of the change is to made simultaneously with the plans for the change. All the requirements of change should be adressed to make sure that Super Star Universityreceives all the required help and grants both from the national and the international level to make sure that the students as well as the teachers are fairly engrossed in the work and also the university is to be treated as one of the prestigious universities in not only the premises of Australia but also the whole of the world (Zeichner, 2012). This should encourage better student inflow which will make sure that the business of the university is at topmost level in the world.
The department of the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Environmental studies focussed on the various recommendations and meetings that has been propagated by the meeting of the concerned VC with the authorities to increase the performance standards of the parties in the course of time. The departmental head Professor Anthony Court made sure to address all the changes that are being required by the people of the organization to have a better idea of the working of the organization in association with the new faculty decisions. The issue adressed by the faculty in making sure that the organizations have the required amount of work is to maintain the level of transparency in the workings and the accountability of the work in the required span of time. The new faculty process of the department is to address the issues like redundancies in the faculty of the staff as well as the levels of the by over 25% as stated in the meeting and recommendations held by the authorities of the organizations (Wiering& Van Otterlo, 2012).
The strength of the approach lies in the fact that with the introduction of the plan in the concerned period, the university as well as the concerned department will be able to make full utilisation of the concerned sources and also to make sure that all the expectations by the people of the university in terms of the work are being analysed and accessed to make sure that these regulations by the parties are pivotal to the working of the new set of rules that is for the benefit of both the university for their application of the grant to the national and international level. The pivotal strength of the party is to analyse the importance of performance improvement in the concerned time span.
Advice for Successful Implementation of the Change at the Faculty of Arts
The ways in which these kinds of plans are being implemented is to analyse the ways in which such the opportunities of the concerned time span are being analysed for the same. The strengths of the process lies in the fact that every aspect of the process is dealt in a good manner and to be maintained the amount of the processing to be required in university learning (Cropley, 2014). The process also involves better performance and also makes sure that the university process are adjusted to process better understanding of the themes in the concerned time.
There are a number of challenges that has been faced by the professor and the administration of the department of engineering, environment and architecture in the given time span. When the idea was proposed to the employees of the organization, they raise a number of concerns regarding the happening and the ways in which the whole matter should be conducted by the people of the organization. They had concerns about their security of jobs and also the ways in which new directions should be implemented in the course of time. The staffs of the organization did not have any idea about the ways in which the concerned authorities will be able to handle the situation in the concerned time. The trade union of the university employees also expressed their level of dissatisfaction to the process which supported the prevalence of the staff position. The National Employee Standards were also questioned by the employees of the universities which made the whole matter not as smooth as it was expected to occur when the concerned time was there. The prevalence of the change was done for the betterment of the process, however, there were some issues which were left unsorted that lead to the arousal of the issues among the employees.
There are a number of advices that can be given to the directors of the administration to make sure that each of the regulations of the organization are to be imposed to make sure that the workers are getting their dues fixed. The implementation of the change should be done in a lucid manner and in accordance to the convenience of everyone. The implementation of the plan should be made in order to make sure that each of the employees of the organization have their fair share of the work done and also to address the ways in which the organization work in relation to the amendments made by the authorities of the organization. The successful implementation of the plan is always associated with the techniques that are being implied to have a fair share of the options in the course and also to have the opinions to be shared by all the employees of the organization. The implementation of the plan should be in accordance to the needs and consent of all the concerned employees which is one of the advices that should be given to the dean.
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture, and Environmental Sciences Change Management Approach
The resistance that has been faced by the VC of Super Star University in regards to the vision of the future plan can be termed as the resistance which is aroused because of the sudden change in the planning and the implementation of the plan in respect to the change in VC and his plans to make the university better at every aspect. In addition, the resistance to the vision for the university is to be understood by the employees at all levels to have a better understanding of the planning that is required at the premises. The sudden change of plans and implementation of the same is to be adhered to the means to have the better facilities for the up gradation of the university rules to attract the national and international levels of grants and follow-ups. The resistance to the vision for the future of the Super Star University can be rectified by the proper implementation of the plans also taking the opinion of every one when the decision is to be taken. This will ensure full employee satisfaction and support which will in turn increase the value of the university.
In conclusion, it can be said that Super Star University has implemented a number of new policies and measures which have been moderately been accepted by the employees and have been resented at some points due to the sudden implementation as well as the lack of engagement of the employees in every course. This had made some kind of disruptions in the employment of the plan which has been mentioned in the report. The report also had the recommendations for the better implementation of the plan so that every measure that had been taken taking the university working into account can be assessed in the course.
In the administrative department, a number of recommendations to the strategic changes are being made including the process to design the process of the faculty as well as to make the working process of the organization strong and accountable for all the deeds that has been done by the employees and the associated people of the universities. The various process of staff benefit included the process of renewing the work for the aged employees on a voluntary basis. The junction of the two research institutes and change of learning programme to more effective face to face communication with effective learning opportunities are to make the effects of learning and communication better in every aspect. The problems of the modern education system has also been tackled with the implementation of the partnership between different sections of populations and also to make sure that the solutions to the problems faced by the university are up to date and made to effectively communicate the social changes.
The recommendations of the party in order to address the wholesome matter is to make sure that the university can attract more number of students hailing from various backgrounds and ethnic origin to have a taste of the education given. For attracting newer people in the curriculum, it is important to have new courses and improve the quality of the education in the course of the study. The improvement of the research and the scores by means of academic performance is to make sure that the grants provided by the university is higher the amount than which is generally there in the organizational field.
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