Challenges Of IT Services At Celanese: Overcoming Them With ITIL Best Practices And ITSM Tools

ITIL Best Practices for Overcoming the Challenges at Celanese

Discuss about the Analysis on Multiple Challenges of IT services at Celanese.

Celanese Corporation is a leading chemical and global technology providing company located in the United States. It produces acetyl and vinyl acetate monometer. IT Service Management or ITSM describes the strategic approach to design, deliver, manage and develop the way in which IT or Information technology is used.

The ITIL or Information Technology Infrastructure Library refers to the set of specific practices for ITSM. It has been focusing towards various IT services.

The following report discusses the challenges of IT services at Celanese. Here ITIL best practices are used to overcome those issues including the OSM alignment with ITIL framework. Further, the different ITSM tools and its benefits for Celanese are analyzed along with service desk model for Celanese. Lastly, an overall reflection is drawn upon the various learning from the previous discussion.

Lack of agility has been hindering the ability of Celanese to become competitive. To overcome those issues, Celanese has never investigated how their IT foundation can be successful. Thus there has been a lack of support from customer quality expectations (Kneuper, 2016). This also included various regulatory compliance initiatives with the help of a reliable infrastructure of IT. Thus there has been no ERP system. Hence the issues that rose are

  • Lack of analysis of operational data and supporting of functionalities that are business critical.
  • Lack of managing trace and track abilities
  • Lack of meeting governmental regulatory compliance
  • Lack of improvement in organizational transparency (Mohammadi, Ravasan & Hamidi, 2015)

Customizing implementation: ITIL has been providing overarching guidance along with practical links. The business outcomes have been varying around Celanese. Thus the organization acquired one-size-fits-all viewpoint (Asgari et al., 2017). Celanese can do far better by allowing what is required to get matured in due time.

Not to wait for the proper time

 Celanese must begin by keeping in mind that the procedures and policies never need to be perfect for the first time. They must achieve something, piloting that over a project and making improvements on it. As one wait for the most suitable process, they might never develop further (Arévalo, 2018).

Preparing owns and others with various tools

 The smarter holistic and strategic view is to control the process changes through concentrating over those who have been performing those acts in reality. As the first phase of the present process or designing new ones, Celanese should remember to utilize TACI matrix ensuring that they have been involved in proper roles to undertake changes (Kneuper, 2016).

Implementing 80/20 rule

 Celanese must keep in mind that the process only fits 80%s for the issues that arise. Hence it is crucial to consider how to control the remaining 20% (Raflesia, Surendro & Passarella, 2017).   


The OSM is aligned with ITIL framework. This assimilation brings fresh promotion, open contents that are community driven. It is free for people and various end-user organizations for using, sharing and contributing to. Moreover, OSM delivers the engine room driving various outcomes focused over the consistency and quality required to deliver those IT services for agreeing upon various service levels (Eikebrokk & Iden, 2016). Here licensing is needed for commercial purpose. The commercial rights are reserved for OSM regarding sole purpose to fund the operation (Raflesia, Surendro & Passarella, 2017). Through using established and various proven capabilities of service management, Celanese helps in reducing downtime and decrease the amount of logged events proactively. This happens alongside supporting business growth. The OSM becomes scalable and flexible as it gets ITIL-aligned empowered by various multi-disciplinary professionals who are ITIL qualified. This service is a lean, interlocked and focused with business objectives. It would allow Celanese for concentrating on the business tasks as OSM concentrates over to the details (Cardoso, 2015). Here various ITIL tools can be utilized. This includes standard leveraged integrated service management toolset along with customer service management tools and different peer supplier tools.

On 2007, IT director of Celanese commissioned HP to analyze their IT processes. During that time, HP was considered to be a popular vendor for software which incorporated ITIL best practices. For various members of Celanese, it denoted the first exposure to ITIL. These ITIL tools were helpful for improved efficiency and reduction of operational costs (Lema et al., 2015). Further, there were an self-service efficiencies and various workload reductions. Then there has been better ROI on the investment of corporate ITSM solution. This brought better ROI to the investment of corporate ITSM solution investment. Moreover, there was a rise in effectiveness and visibility into performance and operations. Next, there has been rise on governance and control and better customer experience and service. It gave rise to opportunity to improve and developed communication and access channels with smarter communication. The accountability improved across the boundaries of business functions (Ranzatti et al., 2017). Besides, better understanding of the services was provided with rise in standardization. Lastly, there has been improved collaboration under and around business functions.

Benefits of ITSM Tools for Celanese

For Celanese the “regular external support of on-site and external Ad Hoc” service model desk must be used. This can be at remote or at onsite. Celanese, being an efficient external provider of good resources would be able to allocate sufficient time to visit the site and conduct regular maintain over servers and communicate with users regarding their issues. As an emergency takes place, that support is provided by other onsite presence or working remotely (Karan, 2017). Here, the point of contact must be the service desk of Celanese. This must be done ideally through ticketing system firstly and then telephone or email. This IT service provider must also deliver distant monitoring tools for alerting them as any issue occur before users come to realize them.

First of all, I understood that business outcomes and priorities have been varying around Celanese. Hence, it has not been feasible to possess any all “fitting approach”. Most importantly, Celanese has needed to just get started. It is now known to me that procedures and policies cannot be totally perfect at first. Further, to wait for the ideal process may take many days. This would lead to uncertainties. In the current world of digital buzzword for the Customer Experience Index or CXI, Disruption, Agile and others, the waiting time has never worth the realized efficiencies and ROI. This must take place as the adoption route includes IOIL. This made me look at the value and relevance for identifying where to concentrate and what Celanese must adopt. Adoption of ITIL is beneficial for Celanese in many ways. It must enhance the alignment between businesses IT and deliver services meeting the customer needs. The quality of IT services would get improved along with better understanding of the requisite level of continuity, availability, security and capacity. Then solutions must be planned eliciting lifecycles from initiation, till the end-of-life regarding service/solution/products. The TCO or cost to provide services would get lowered. Celanese must use ITIL and then decide for them about what aspect is needed to be adopted. However, the company can decide to adopt just the operational procedures like change management and incident management. This process must deliver some value. However, they are not just a minute part of the entire framework of ITIL.

To retrieve the best valuation from ITIL, I suggest adopting an efficient lifecycle approach to ITSM. It should cover all the things from entire IT strategy for designing, transition and operating services. As Celanese decides to go for the best practice framework, the most prudent policy must be to make sense of the approach. This must be a smart fit for the organizational culture and to involve that to the management system in the best way. Further, this should not help to include a concrete set of processes devoid of understanding how they must fit into the culture of Celanese. Lastly, I have understood that ITIL Service operations can explain the way how to control IT services. This continual service development would be useful for Celanese to evaluate and plan huge development in their IT services.


ITIL has been profoundly entrenched in the enterprise IT of Celanese for many days. Though the nascent contrarian opinion has been changing every time, it has been safe to assume that the popularity of the framework is not going to decay shortly. In fact, Celanese has been improving and constantly upgrading to keep themselves along the time and shape up commonly established guidelines of ITIL. This must help them to govern development trends and modern technology. ITIL is supported by qualification scheme, accredited training organization along with implementation third-party analysis tools. However, I analyzed that the proper way of using ITIL is summarized in the phrase I heard that states that “adopt and adapt”. Celanese must adopt those sectors that are required and adapt the ideas for fitting into the environment instead of blindly following that guidance.   


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