Challenges Of Homophobia: Understanding And Effective Strategies


How might homophobia be explained and how effectively is it being challenged?

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Homophobia mainly refers to that particular negative feeling that many people have towards those people who are lesbian, gay and bisexual as well as transgendered LGBT.   It has been seen that this often leads to harassment, victimization, and bullying. This research will help in explaining the different challenges of homophobia (Aasif and Vasishtha, 2015).  The challenges of Homophobia have increased significantly throughout the world.   The homophobic language has been considered to be the main cause for the misunderstanding between the people. It is very important to understand the actual meanings of the words such as gay, sexual orientation or other. Moreover, the paper will reflect the concepts of inequality, power, and the social justice among the people. 

The detrimental impact of the Homophobia creates the desired real consequences for the emotional health and the physical well-being of the concerned students. Homophobia affects the mental and the physical condition of the people suffering from it. On the other hand, it lowers the self-esteem of the people and there are many of the students those who suffer from the homophobic violence irrespective of the different sexual feelings (Acker, Larrington, and Shippey, 2013).   The homophobic Bullying includes the3 physical violence by calling the names of the other persons, putting down jokes, threatening the other people or sexual harassment. This leads to affect the respective health condition of the people (Bank, Delamont, and Marshall, 2007). Moreover, the homophobia can be explained as the desired negative feeling of the individuals or the negative attitude that makes them feel ignorance, hatred, fear and prejudice.

There are certain challenges from the behavior of the different types of peoples regarding homophobia. Sometimes the homophobic languages are perceived to be harmless for the students. It is a matter of fact that use of the word ‘gay’ does not signify the meaning stupid or rubbish as it is seen homophobic globally. There are vast changes to discuss on the diverse sexuality and the different learning areas. It is very important to develop an effective culture, as it will spread the desired message of homophobia (Bowman and Bennett, 2013). Moreover, the people should understand the importance of understanding the different aspects and the actual meaning of homophobia and the people should ensure that they should understand the meanings of homophobia bullying (Cruz, 2015).  Homophobia may manifest itself in several ways but there are certainly other examples such as bullying, name-calling, exclusion, violence, sexual violence, murder and in severe cases. Asexuality is the desired term which signifies the lack of the sexual attraction to the respective people or having no interest in sex. The primary aim should be to understand the desired issues due to the diversity and people should respect each other regardless of the different sexual orientation (Goldsborough, 2014). The ‘gender identity’ is one of the major points that should be clear to the concerned people. It is thy own desired perception of the particular people regardless of whether its perception matches its personality or not. The concept of the homophobic languages evaluates the fact that it is the terms of abuse and mainly used for the lesbians, gay as well as the bisexual people. On the other hand, the homophobic language is used for referring the people as inferior. Therefore, these concepts highlight that that homophobia is challenged. Moreover, the desired homophobic language is used without thinking and is sometimes ignored by the students as well as the teachers. The above explanation critically highlights the inequality and the discrimination that is prevailing within the society.

Challenges of homophobia

Most of the problems arise due to the homophobic language if anybody hears gay, he pretends to be the gay which has the physical relations with that of the other people, but in general, this is not the actual meaning. It has been found that more than 95% of teacher uses the phrase, ‘you are so much gay’. This critically presents double meaning for most of the people. The facts arise that, most of the students or the pupils are commenting while using these words but, in general, they do not resemble the meaning signifying the sexual orientation or the sexual life of any particular people. Therefore, these are the facts that critically suggest that; homophobia is critically challenged in most of the places (Natarelli et al., 2015).  There are several impact of the homophobic language such as in most of the schools the teachers uses the word ‘pupil’ regardless of referring it to the sexual orientation. It has been found that almost two third of the gay, lesbians, and the bisexual pupils experiences the homophobic bullying.    On the other hand, the young people who experienced the homophobic bullying leave the respective school at the age of 16. Moreover, there are a large number of the people who beehives that the homophobic bullying has created a great impact on their place of work (Puckett et al., 2015).  Therefore, it was very difficult for the people to evaluate the different meanings of the words included within the homophobic language. It had many of the well-known consequences, the people or the students those experienced the homophobic burying had skipped their respective institutions or the school at some point. The homophobic language has become the most vital challenge for the people living all over the world. it is very crucial for a maximum number of the people to understand the different aspects and the meaning of the words used in the homophobic language. On the other hand, the desired culture prevailing within the society or the respective schools is important in order to understand the actual meanings of the words used in the homophobic language.  It is evident to know that the school culture which permits the desired use of the homophobic language makes it difficult for the pupils and they starts suffering from bullying and homophobic name calling.  Moreover, the homophobic language is the language which signifies the people who mainly thought to be the gay or lesbian or bisexual (Schmidtberger, 2010).  There are certain groups of people who can be considered to be in the homophobic class such as the boys who do not play any types of sports at the school or elsewhere. Some of the girls who start behaving or acting like the boys are under this particular category. There are some of the girls those who do not take part in the sports can be affected by the homophobic language. Thus, these are the students as well as the teachers who are crucially affected by the homophobic language (Weber-Gilmore, Rose, and Rubinstein, 2011). The homophobic language has the significant effect on the physical as well as t6he mental condition of the people. The homophobia is the desired result or the cause of the homophobic language which affects the students, teachers or any particular individual at any point in time in their life cycle, such as in their education, secondary or the primary schools or in any other places.

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Effective strategies

The most effective strategy for reducing the effect of homophobia is to create awareness among the people coming from diverse cultures regarding the use of the words including within the homophobic language. On the other hand, the use of the words such as gay or bullying needs to be stopped in order to maintain healthy atmospheres in the respective schools or the colleges.  The homophobic language has the adverse effect on the self-esteem of the people, therefore, it is the core responsibilities of common people to understand the actual meanings of these words and they should use these words if needed only. The language affects the physical as well as the mental condition of the people or the students or teachers in many other ways.  It is seen that if the homophobic behavior or the homophobic language remains unchallenged then a desired culture of homophobia is created and it can create a great impact on the minds of the young people (Wei, 2013). It also affects the people’s sense of belongings, self-esteem and the particular attainment at the concerned school. Social justice is another measure to get rid of bullying or name calling or for the harassment caused to the people.


The research paper evaluates the desired facts related to the homophobia and how it is effectively challenged. The use of the words such as ‘gay’ presents two meaning for the people and it critically affects the mental condition of the people suffering from it.  It is very important to develop an effective culture, as it will spread the desired message of homophobia. Furthermore, the community should appreciate the importance of understanding the diverse aspects and the real connotation of homophobia and the community should ensure that they should understand the meanings of homophobia bullying.  Therefore, it is very important for the people to understand the desired effects of homophobia and its crucial impact on the mental condition of the people suffering from it. 


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