Challenges Of Developing Human Resource Management In Organizations
Problem Statement
Discuss the individual challenges, which an organization based on the objectives of the business focuses towards developing a proper human resource management.
The present assignment will focus on individual challenges, which an organization based on the objectives of the business focuses towards developing a proper human resource management. There are certain assets present in the association. Out of all the assets, the most significant assets in the team are human resource administration. To get the job done by the staffs in an efficient manner is one of the most as well as challenging job for the managers (Collins, 2012). However, there are certain managerial challenges based on the human resource management will be highlighted in the overview of the study, which is reflected in the following part of the survey. Change in the management system, leadership development process, Human Resource effectiveness measurement, the effectiveness of the directorial behavior, various kinds of compensation and learning as well as development are some of the most challenging parameters that the majority of the business firms faces in the operations (Dessler, 2014).
The current organization, which is selected in the study, is Optus. Optus is one of the most common as well as important telecom corporation, operates its business in entire Australia. There are some managerial problems, which has been highlighted in the firm operations. To resolve this particular issue, the implementation of change in the overall management is required.
This part of the study will analyze as well as specify the problem statement on which the company will focus. The current challenges, which this particular organization faces, are towards change in management, leadership development, and HR effectiveness measurements. Leadership development is the second biggest problem which different organization including Optus faces in the daily business operations (Holmqvist & Spicer, 2013). Human resource professional emphasize to reduce high absenteeism, workplace harassment, high staff turnover, loss of profit, sabotage, work related injuries, racism and discrimination (Homann, Koslowski, & Lütge, 2007). These are some of the standard parameters which majority of the human resource managers tries to eliminate from the organization (Dessler, 2014). The idea of ability to effetely management a diverse body of different kinds of talents in the group. All theses will bring different various innovative ideas, perspective as well as the view of the work. On the other hand, with the mixture of the various talents as well as a cultural background in the business can be benefited more from research skills, which must be one of the group goals to be ttained and support of diversity broadly which will present losing talent to competitors (Lengnick-Hall, Beck, & Lengnick-Hall, 2011). To increase the overall efficiency, the performance of the employees contributes a significant part towards the achievement of the organizational goals and activities (Homann, Koslowski, & Lütge, 2007).
Analysis and solutions of the problem
Globalizations of business, which includes outsourcing, and off shoring as well as global security and on the other hand Economic, as well as technological changes, are some of the additional problems HR management of Optus faces in the business operations (Mondy & Mondy, 2014). The rate of absenteeism is increased day by day, which usually hampers the overall production of the business. Workplace harassment is another problem, which this group faces, in the daily managerial operations. The final issues, which Optus is facing is the loss of profit.
This part of the study will examine all the crucial factor, which will conclude how the current problem in the business will be resolved. The primary job of the management is to identify what are the key factors, which are affecting the productivity of the employees. The main reason is the employees are de motivated. There are certain reasons why the employees of the organisations are de motivated. The notion of motivation can be concluded as the value of the desired outcome with the value of achieving it (Pynes & Lombardi, 2012). Some of the key factors, which can be completed as the primary reasons for motivation, are analyzed in the following part of the study. The classification is done based on two factors. One factor is known as the internal reward and the other factor is known as the external rewards system. These are the two elements, which Optus needs to focus on (Shen, 2011). The outer reward system includes salary, working conditions, benefits, and environment and on the other hand, internal reward system includes achievement, responsibility, recognition, feedback, learning, and growth (Shen & Jiuhua Zhu, 2011). The analysis of the problem can be done if relevant examples support all these factors. Performance, responsibility, recognition, feedback, as well as learning and growths, are the critical area that needs to focus in order concludes how the peoples are motivated. Achievement can be done through programs that highlight performance (Snell & Bohlander, 2013). Responsibilities have volunteer programs and another plan, which enables different employees to highlight their liability in the process of each other and the society to a large, extend. Recognition can be concluded as motivating employees which includes awards like quality service awards, best operations award and best trainer acts (Truss, Mankin, & Kelliher, 2012). Feedback system and performance appraisal are the two factors, which concludes towards developing a proper feedback system in the organization, which boost the morale of the employees largely (Collins, 2012). The final point, which the current structure is lacking at, is to organizational learning as well as corporate growth. Managerial learning, as well as corporate growth, gives a lot of importance towards tanning and development process (Homann, Koslowski, & Lütge, 2007). On the other hand, analyzing the needs to recognizing the competency gaps and impart knowledge through customized tanning and development programs. To identify the key issues to conclude the factor why the employees are de motivated are the lack of learning opportunities, bad management, and bad feedback in the association (Dessler, 2014).
Development of change program activity
To solve the particular issues in the current team the management needs to develop a proper shift in the overall managerial and operational activities in the association. Some of the key factors, which the team needs to develop to bring changes as well as to develop a proper organizational function, are listed in the following part of the assignment (Holmqvist & Spicer, 2013). Forces for change, the principle of changes, inspiring modification, creating a vision of change, increasing following support, managing transitions, and supporting momentum are the key factors, which needs to be analyzed towards a development of change program activity. Change in the management system is necessary and on the other hand, absorption of change in the management system is equally important (Homann, Koslowski, & Lütge, 2007). Change is a procedure that can be enable which cannot be managed. The development of the transform process must be connected to the commerce and with the presentation goal (Jackson, Ones, & Dilchert, 2012).
To develop an efficient change process, a systematic view of Optus is required to produce. The overall change process in the management includes both organizational as well as personal transitions. On the other behavioral change is the purpose which includes perceived needs and occur at the emotional level not at the intellectual level (Mondy & Mondy, 2014). Optus also needs to focus on the factors on which the human resources of the organizational will be benefited. It is the job of the management to concentrate on both the interest of the business as well as the benefit of the employees. There are eight steps, which Optus needs to follow towards a proper change in the overall management system (Pynes & Lombardi, 2012). The first step the management needs to support the change. It is very much critical that the administration should support the change and demonstrate that support when communicating and interacting with the stuff (Shen, 2011). The second step is to analyze the case for change. There are individual sources from which a case for change can be concluded. The third phase for Optus is to investigate the employee’s involvement, which should involve the views of the employees at some level of the managerial activities (Shen & Jiuhua Zhu, 2011). The next step is towards communicating the change, which should follow a particular as systematic structure. Implementation of changes is one of the crucial part in which the management needs to arrange a proper follow up system, which will remove all the barriers in the organizational operations (Snell & Bohlander, 2013).
The concluding part of the study will investigate what are the key factors, which will bring a proper change in the overall management of Optus. There are certain HR related problems, which the present organization needs to focus, in order to solve the current issues mainly on employee unrest, high absenteeism, and workplace bullying harassment, racism and discriminations. The productivity of the organization being hampered a lot with the following identified issues. In order to solve all current issues the organization needs to implement a proper change management system, which will analyze as well conclude the best solution to solve the highlighted problem in the management and will undoubtedly increase the overall productivity
Reference List
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